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Brit Begging At Centralworld


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Yesterday (Monday), a British chap engaged me in a conversation. According to him: a Thai girl stole his money, the British embassy is going to send him home tomorrow (Tuesday), and he wanted money for a hotel for the night. I told him to just spend the night at the airport and, when he realized that I wasn't going to give him a single baht, he called me a "b@stard". Actually, he pronounced the first syllable as "baaahhh", as if it was a plaintive mating call meant to arouse the passion in his wooly, four-legged girlfriend.

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I think some of the comments are a little harsh without knowing the guys real situation. It's easy for everyone sitting in reasonable comfort to mock someone and say he can go back to his own country. There maybe reasons why he doesn't want to go back. Family issues, debt and worry, who knows. All i see is lots of peoples eagerness to laugh at others that have been unlucky or unfortunate.

Lets face it. There was realy no need for the OP to place this thread, but lets mock at the expense of other.

Edited by TommyGun
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I think some of the comments are a little harsh without knowing the guys real situation. It's easy for everyone sitting in reasonable comfort to mock someone and say he can go back to his own country. There maybe reasons why he doesn't want to go back. Family issues, debt and worry, who knows. All i see is lots of peoples eagerness to laugh at others that have been unlucky or unfortunate.

Lets face it. There was realy no need for the OP to place this thread, but lets mock at the expense of other.

From the OP - "...the British embassy is going to send him home tomorrow" ;oh no they don't!

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I got the similar story from a Brit a couple years ago. Thai girl robbed him, he needed taxi fair to his hotel in Suhkumvit. When I started to say that I couldn't help, he took off his soccer jersey in the middle of the street, saying he'd sell it to me for 200 baht. At that I quickly walked away, while he began cursing me and making threatening gestures. It would not surprise me at all if if the same dude.

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Yesterday (Monday), a British chap engaged me in a conversation. According to him: a Thai girl stole his money, the British embassy is going to send him home tomorrow (Tuesday), and he wanted money for a hotel for the night. I told him to just spend the night at the airport and, when he realized that I wasn't going to give him a single baht, he called me a "b@stard". Actually, he pronounced the first syllable as "baaahhh", as if it was a plaintive mating call meant to arouse the passion in his wooly, four-legged girlfriend.
Seems most unfair, as im sure he is not conversant with your parental backround, peasant ! Edited by mikethevigoman
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I met a pom asking for money at Phrom Pong skytrain. I told him I had a friend at the embassy (I really do) that could help him and I would call her on my mobile. He reversed and walked off.

Having said that, my missus once called me and saying a Norwegian guy had stumbled into her workplace asking for help. I told her to tell him to fark off and don't give him anything (I've always been cynical). I went over to see him and surprisingly he was genuine, and refused any money, just wanted a glass of water and to clear his head. We directed him to his Embassy and he thanked us and left. Nice bloke, just a little freaked out after a couple of months in Asia.

I also met a pom who had spent time in a mental institution in Bangkok who told me he wanted to taste human flesh. Strange but nice guy.

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I think some of the comments are a little harsh without knowing the guys real situation. It's easy for everyone sitting in reasonable comfort to mock someone and say he can go back to his own country. There maybe reasons why he doesn't want to go back. Family issues, debt and worry, who knows. All i see is lots of peoples eagerness to laugh at others that have been unlucky or unfortunate.

Lets face it. There was realy no need for the OP to place this thread, but lets mock at the expense of other.

I don't think people are particularly laughing at the Brit beggar. Instead, it seems they are mostly expressing justified cynicism. Anybody who has lived in Thailand knows there are a lot of flaky farang around with a myriad of stories. I think the suggestion to snooze at the airport overnight while he waits for his flight was reasonable, but the beggar's response of using profanity when refused a handout wasn't.

I suspect we could go through the long list of posts here at TV and decide that there was really no need to post many of them, but that's a personal choice, isn't it? Perhaps the OP wanted to know if other people had encountered this man (on that day or other days). If other members have encountered what seems to be the same guy over a period of time, we can conclude with near certainty that he's low-life simply trying to avoid the inconvenience of working by telling lies, and that's information that should be shared.

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There was a begging brit perhaps the same one as above, his scam went like this not a bad one but obvious to me:

He sat next to a closed siam commercial bank exchange booth with his backpack eye up potential targets across sitting at the coffee shop making sure he was seen.

Then came up to his target at the next table to me with a US$50.00 (Perhaps fake) saying his plane to the uk leaves in 3 hours and needs to change his $50.00 for taxi fare but the exchange booth is not open. Gullable person then produced 500 baht for him saying there u go u better hurry up. Scamming farang then jumps straight in to a taxi thanking the man for the 500 and saying he really needs to get to the airport quickly for his flight to London (Mid Morning departure to London...???)

30 mins later spotted said farang sitting outside the front of emporium with a starbucks.......

Edited by dekka007
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There was a begging brit perhaps the same one as above, his scam went like this not a bad one but obvious to me:

He sat next to a closed siam commercial bank exchange booth with his backpack eye up potential targets across sitting at the coffee shop making sure he was seen.

Then came up to his target at the next table to me with a US$50.00 (Perhaps fake) saying his plane to the uk leaves in 3 hours and needs to change his $50.00 for taxi fare but the exchange booth is not open. Gullable person then produced 500 baht for him saying there u go u better hurry up. Scamming farang then jumps straight in to a taxi thanking the man for the 500 and saying he really needs to get to the airport quickly for his flight to London (Mid Morning departure to London...???)

30 mins later spotted said farang sitting outside the front of emporium with a starbucks.......

cheating sod, i cant even afford to drink coffee in starbucks ! :o
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I was approached by a guy in the same area last week. He was in his 40's and spoke with a Northern English accent. Could be the same guy. He told me that he went to the embassy and they gave him 100 baht - they don't give you anything do they?

Anyway, of course he wanted some money. When I offered the use of my phone to call home to get someone to send some cash he said that he didn't have a PassP and therefore couldn't collect any transfer, so he needed cash. When I suggested getting someone to send me the money which I could then give to him, he walked away.

Doesn't the embassy offer a service where people back home can send cash into the embassy account which in turn is handed over whoever needs it?

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Doesn't the embassy offer a service where people back home can send cash into the embassy account which in turn is handed over whoever needs it?

Doesn't Thailand offer a service where people begging without valid visa and/or work permit can be locked up and then deported after they manage to raise the money for a flight? :o

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Doesn't the embassy offer a service where people back home can send cash into the embassy account which in turn is handed over whoever needs it?

Doesn't Thailand offer a service where people begging without valid visa and/or work permit can be locked up and then deported after they manage to raise the money for a flight? :D

I believe begging is on the list of occupations that aliens are prohibited to perform :o

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So you've found someone far enough down the scale of human misery to give you a sense of your own elevation.

No new material? :o

Once again we see how far down the scale of human misery some have to go before they find someone to look down upon.
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I was approached by a guy in the same area last week. He was in his 40's and spoke with a Northern English accent. Could be the same guy.

Not likely, the OP said "he called me a "b@stard". Actually, he pronounced the first syllable as "baaahhh", as if it was a plaintive mating call meant to arouse the passion in his wooly, four-legged girlfriend"

A Northern English accent would pronounce a short a, the OPs Brit was likely from the South if he prounced it as baaaaa.

To test it ask a Northerner and a Southerner to say dance, one will say dance and the other darnce.

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I have no sympathy with these beggar/scammers because 99.9% of the time it's just a scam to get cash to stay in country (probably illegally as well). I have run into the same scammers over and over again over a number of years in the sukhumvit area. See bkkmadness video in video section of the forum for a good example of one of these mfers

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I never respond to anybody who approaches me unsolicited in Thailand be it farang, Thai, Indian etc

It is always a scam and I can't bothered responding to them.

I could make a list of lines but whenever i hear the words 'Do you speak English' I know it is someone trying to scam me.


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Guesthouse--be nice, we need threads like this. I used to feel 'elevated' over all except the elite of Thailand. Now, as their economy has grown and their relative wealth increased, some of us have to resort to mocking our fellow countrymen.

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One afternoon in Bangkok, a few years ago. Was approached by a slightly dishevelled, though well spoken guy saying he worked for nothing in an orphanage/school and did I speak English? "Yes". "Would I like to make a donation"?????? He showed me some postcards depicting said.

"100 Baht". So handed over 300 baht keeping three cards thinking that was the deal? He wanted the postcards back grabbing them, the money was in his pocket, spun around like a top and took off.

Now I am more of a cynic when approached by fellow ex-pats asking questions/selling/begging. If there story is one I have never heard its 100baht or a beer.

There but for the grace of God goes I (or you)

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So you've found someone far enough down the scale of human misery to give you a sense of your own elevation.

No new material? :o

Once again we see how far down the scale of human misery some have to go before they find someone to look down upon.

Yes and its as true today as the first time I made the comment.

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