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Brit Begging At Centralworld


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You know there are profession beggers in sydney, they say they can make up to $100 an hour.

I always give to the beggers in Thailand if they look like there really broke, but I dont give them money. I will buy them a drink and sometimes a sandwich.

Also after going to a resturant in bangkok I give the left overs to the first person i see begging or if one has a little kid.

That way I know for sure no mafia is getting any money and im feeding the person who actually needs it.

I think we should all do the same, no money but just buy something at a 7 11. i mean food in there costs nothing

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Yesterday (Monday), a British chap engaged me in a conversation. According to him: a Thai girl stole his money, the British embassy is going to send him home tomorrow (Tuesday), and he wanted money for a hotel for the night. I told him to just spend the night at the airport and, when he realized that I wasn't going to give him a single baht, he called me a "b@stard". Actually, he pronounced the first syllable as "baaahhh", as if it was a plaintive mating call meant to arouse the passion in his wooly, four-legged girlfriend.

Yes the extra emphasis in the pronounciation means he considered you to be extremely so, what a flaming cheek. Aggressive begging was a big problem in the UK a few years ago. Small world then that one should turn up in this neck of the woods.

Regarding his money problems, I can only think he is the same shares as me.

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Had some English guy approach me in the Amsterdam red light district once saying he'd been out the night before and had spent 2000 guilders on drinks so could I give him 50 guilders (cost of a blow job) for the taxi to the hotel..

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I never respond to anybody who approaches me unsolicited in Thailand be it farang, Thai, Indian etc

It is always a scam and I can't bothered responding to them.

I could make a list of lines but whenever i hear the words 'Do you speak English' I know it is someone trying to scam me.


My standard reply to those who beg? "I'm sorry, but I gave in another life." :oJust try to mix a little sympathy with a little humor and keep on truck'n.

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What's this, pick on the Brits? :D

Had a young aussie prick bluntly ask me for some dosh in Perth a long time ago. When I said sorry I could do with some myself mate, while wearing an amiable smile, he called me a <deleted>. I duly thanked him :D

I never respond to anybody who approaches me unsolicited in Thailand be it farang, Thai, Indian etc

It is always a scam and I can't bothered responding to them.

I could make a list of lines but whenever i hear the words 'Do you speak English' I know it is someone trying to scam me.



... and especially the former.

I read a story last week about an american begging in the Middle East. I think his name was GWB.


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Guesthouse, just because someone is suffering doesn't make it right for them scam people out of their money by making up sob stories. And, oh, it's illegal in most places. Suggest you get off your own sense of elevation atop the high horse of Guesthouse morality.

As for the OP, this guy sounds exactly like a guy who gave me a somewhat different story on Silom. He called me a bastard or something as well when I wouldn't give him money. Give him money for what? Lying to me?

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Guesthouse, just because someone is suffering doesn't make it right for them scam people out of their money by making up sob stories. And, oh, it's illegal in most places. Suggest you get off your own sense of elevation atop the high horse of Guesthouse morality.

Since the observation I make is not one of morality, it follows therefore, I can hardly be atop a moral high horse.

Feel free to feel yourself making morally reprehensible comments, but please don't lay the source of your guilt on me.

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I saw a British tramp at Victoria station, London upon my return from Thailand the other day, poor man was too cold to ask for money.

Then i saw a TV program on Monday night about Red Kens (London Major) corrupt regime giving taxpayers money to companies and charitable organisations that dont really exist.

An absolute joke in a country of such vast wealth and with a housing boom that has made many millionaires that anyone can be homeless.

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Was approached by a street kid in Vancouver Canada a few years ago. He point blank asked me to give him money. When I suggested that he go get a job instead he said that I should give him money because it was better than if he just robbed me.

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I was approached by a guy in the same area last week. He was in his 40's and spoke with a Northern English accent. Could be the same guy. He told me that he went to the embassy and they gave him 100 baht - they don't give you anything do they?

Anyway, of course he wanted some money. When I offered the use of my phone to call home to get someone to send some cash he said that he didn't have a PassP and therefore couldn't collect any transfer, so he needed cash. When I suggested getting someone to send me the money which I could then give to him, he walked away.

Doesn't the embassy offer a service where people back home can send cash into the embassy account which in turn is handed over whoever needs it?

Yes I believe they do.

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Let's all grass him up and get him deported - then we can rest in peace knowing that all us farang left here are honest, hard-working and never been broke.

Remember when you point your finger at someone, there are 3 pointing at you. If this fellow upsets you, perhaps you should look at yourself.

Edited by Neeranam
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Apparantly that guy has been begging in Bangkok for years and is making a good living.

He is the Dutch beggar, lives in Wireless Rd. in one of those lovely new condos, he has a passion for fine port and wines of which his collection is the envy of Bkk's polite society, every other weekend whilst not begging he enjoys nothing more then a day at the races where he is the most frivolous spendfree jester on the circuit.

Backpackers i sh1t em!

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Apparantly that guy has been begging in Bangkok for years and is making a good living.

He is the Dutch beggar, lives in Wireless Rd. in one of those lovely new condos, he has a passion for fine port and wines of which his collection is the envy of Bkk's polite society, every other weekend whilst not begging he enjoys nothing more then a day at the races where he is the most frivolous spendfree jester on the circuit.

Backpackers i sh1t em!

Ok, clumpsy me. Let me put it this way. Making a good living - financially, compared to most thais, from begging. I find that sick.

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Apparantly that guy has been begging in Bangkok for years and is making a good living.

He is the Dutch beggar, lives in Wireless Rd. in one of those lovely new condos, he has a passion for fine port and wines of which his collection is the envy of Bkk's polite society, every other weekend whilst not begging he enjoys nothing more then a day at the races where he is the most frivolous spendfree jester on the circuit.

Backpackers i sh1t em!

Ok, clumpsy me. Let me put it this way. Making a good living - financially, compared to most thais, from begging. I find that sick.

If he made comparitively less then Thai beggars would your sickness problem be cured. Should foreign beggars in the UK be obliged to forfeit profits made above and beyond that of lets say a Jock addicted to the "purple tin" scrounging at Waterloo station.

Come on there are many thieves, scoundrels and vagabonds in Thailand, these beggars are harmless from what i see.

It was always my goal in life to get by doing as little as possible, these people are like heroes to me.

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Apparantly that guy has been begging in Bangkok for years and is making a good living.

He is the Dutch beggar, lives in Wireless Rd. in one of those lovely new condos, he has a passion for fine port and wines of which his collection is the envy of Bkk's polite society, every other weekend whilst not begging he enjoys nothing more then a day at the races where he is the most frivolous spendfree jester on the circuit.

Backpackers i sh1t em!

Ok, clumpsy me. Let me put it this way. Making a good living - financially, compared to most thais, from begging. I find that sick.

If he made comparitively less then Thai beggars would your sickness problem be cured. Should foreign beggars in the UK be obliged to forfeit profits made above and beyond that of lets say a Jock addicted to the "purple tin" scrounging at Waterloo station.

Come on there are many thieves, scoundrels and vagabonds in Thailand, these beggars are harmless from what i see.

It was always my goal in life to get by doing as little as possible, these people are like heroes to me.

Im not sure we are not on the same page here. These guys we are discussing here are conartists. If you dont have a problem with people from a western country making a living by ripping people off in a thirdworld country then I dont know what to say.

Starting to think you are just trolling, if not, you should lay off they drugs.

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They are beggars, who ask for money and you have the option of saying "Yes Mr. Tramp" or "No Mr. Tramp" they are not conartists. I am so rich i can afford to be ripped off/scammed/tricked out of a full 500 Baht oncw in a while without worrying about it.

If he bothers you so much next time you go there do as Neeranam says, grass him up and get him deported, our saviour.

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They are beggars, who ask for money and you have the option of saying "Yes Mr. Tramp" or "No Mr. Tramp" they are not conartists. I am so rich i can afford to be ripped off/scammed/tricked out of a full 500 Baht oncw in a while without worrying about it.

If he bothers you so much next time you go there do as Neeranam says, grass him up and get him deported, our saviour.

You are rich and can afford to get scammed for 500bath once in a while. Good for you.

However, I doubt the average person he is scamming is as rich as you. He is begging in a third world country, remember.

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Apparantly that guy has been begging in Bangkok for years and is making a good living.

He is the Dutch beggar, lives in Wireless Rd. in one of those lovely new condos, he has a passion for fine port and wines of which his collection is the envy of Bkk's polite society, every other weekend whilst not begging he enjoys nothing more then a day at the races where he is the most frivolous spendfree jester on the circuit.

Backpackers i sh1t em!

I think you'll find he lives on Onut, actually.

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the british embassy does not give tickets to the uk

they just send you away it's not thier problem we are not travel agents

I bet he doesnt really want to go home.

Wasnt the last boss at the British Embassy a very famous whoremonger, for want of a better word, now he certainly wasnt a travel agent.

Edited by howtoescape
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What's this, pick on the Brits? :D



I don't think anyone's trying to pick on the brits...just that they seem to be most likely to be begging in Thailand (according to a lot of the posters). I have had a british guy asking me for money in 7-11 (Southern Thailand). Nice enough guy, complaining that he'd lost the key to his hotel room and needed money for food or some such thing...I had previously seen him wandering the streets, drinking and seeming to have no place to go. I don't see him around anymore so perhaps he was deported or perhaps he eventually found that elusive key.

I'm wondering how long a foreigner can go in this country with no job and no money.

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Pretty interesting to read the comments. Apparantly that guy has been begging in Bangkok for years and is making a good living.

Surely he could sue you for posting that on a pulic forum?

Yes, best to keep it on Youtube which is completely private. :o

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I had a British guy approach me last yr (about 10pm near Chit Lom/Pleon Chit bTS)

He tried to sell me old magazines with no covers, I said "No Thanks" He said he was hungry, poor and desperate I asked "if you are so hungry why did you just shave?" Wouldn't you rather spend money on food than a razor" He was that clean shaven he must of shaved not an hour before, he agreed

He started abusing me, I offered him money for his sports hat and he went crazy

Threaten me and raising his arms..............my laughing upset him more

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"So you've found someone far enough down the scale of human misery to give you a sense of your own elevation.

Well done."

I guess you get most of your exercise by "jumping to conclusions" and, perhaps, by "running away from responsibility".

I left out many details from the guy's story, for brevity. Here are some of the details: the Brit (he told me his nationality, I didn't guess), explained that the woman robbed him only because he was beaten senseless by her Thai guy friend. There were no marks on his face whatsoever to indicate that he was in any altercation. He was clean shaven and was wearing clean, pressed clothes. He didn't smell. He had a backpack which contained (according to him) clothes, a cell phone, a computer, his passport, and his wallet. He said that the Thai girl took only his money and credit cards - she has to be the nicest of thieves, don't you think?

Regardless, with all of the information that he gave me, and that I saw, I regarded him as a "liar". You think differently, and that's OK with me.

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