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Pimps, trains and aeroplanes


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Ok...hoping that you're not a COP (Concerned, Operating and Protective) I wanted ask whether bar girls, go go bar girls or massage parlour girls have to give up part of their wages to pimps. In other SE Asian countries this has not been the case and simply 'up to you'. We all know that there are operating expenses for the girls but I would like to view that as a business expense and not coersion by a##holes.

Maybe a sensitive issue.

Any other takers?

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Apart from girls working from brothels , I believe the freelancers/massage/bar/gogo ladies keep the proceeds of their dalliances. But if they're lucky/unlucky enough to have a Thai boyfriend/Husband thats another matter....
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Chonabot and Brian...thanks for your information. Other than paying bar owners and etc. I presumed that the local girls kept all the money for themselves. It is just that when we have a thriving sex industry one would suspect men muscleing in to take from women that had no protection.

Right on...all the more reason to patronise the trade...all the proceeds going to the worker.

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