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IamMaiC - Unfortunately it did happen! And it was not a case of not paying them. We had already stayed several nights together and my GF was going back to BKK 1 day before me.

Yes, I could have shouted etc, but where would that have got me? It was only ignorance on their part and I was not out of pocket as a result...


Good ploy Flummoxed! Might have gotten a shocker if the hotel clerk would have agreed to come to your room with you! :o

BTW you don't get anywhere shouting, all you will do is make them lose face and might as well forget resolving this in a amicable manner. Suggest talking with the manager and making he/she see the error in their ways.


what were these women wearing that they could be mistaken? i have seen some girls in the malls walking with farang that just had to be hookers from the way they were dressed. i was embarrassed for them.

my mother is thai and has always dressed very well, she is upper class, and has no problems getting respect in thailand, even when she was young and with my dad. getting respect overseas is a heck of a lot harder. americans are incredibly racist.

You need a vacation from the bars and also some time away from thailand and how many thais have you spoken to Mr DJ 

sure you have thais that don't like farangs  but very little sir.

Actually, I beg to differ. I have lived in Thailand for over 15 years and know many many Thai people. Where I live, unless they know the girl, if they see a Thai girl with a farang most local people assume she is a bargirl. And yes, they do mind. They look down on the girl and the local women generally wouldn't associate with her. Mind you, I live in the South where the local women do not go into the business and in a small rural community. Of course, there are Thai people who don't feel this way about Thai women with farang men but there are also many who do. I have a Thai female friend, university educated, owns her own resort with an farang husband and she has told me that she often gets rude comments from Thai people when she and her husband travel. And that includes in Bangkok. And she is clearly not a bargirl just by looking at her.

IamMaiC I think you need to spend a bit more time in Thailand first and living here as a farang before making such sweeping statements. Frankly, as a look-khleung you can have very little idea of the racism a farang can encounter. I have encountered it myself. One woman said she didn't want to sit next to the farang when we went to a wedding. Imagine her embarassment when she realized not only did I understand Thai but had lived here for many years. How would you feel if, having lived in the US for so long, someone refused to sit next to you because they didnt' want to sit next to an Asian??

americans are incredibly racist.
Sorry, had to comment here. I guess that is why they always overcharge foreigners for everything? Why they only serve Americans first in a restaurant or a bank queue??
In Thailand when you're the foreigner? Don't make me laugh!

Ahh DJ Pat- guess you haven't learned much- In the Far east you solve things politely not screaming your head off to get your own way. You won't solve things that way and will definitely make matters worse.

americans are incredibly racist.
Sorry, had to comment here. I guess that is why they always overcharge foreigners for everything? Why they only serve Americans first in a restaurant or a bank queue??

I was agreeing with most everything you were saying, sbk... until this popped up. It's pretty much a given that many, many americans are racist. Those racist practices you describe occur quite regularly.

if they see a Thai girl with a farang most local people assume she is a bargirl.

I'm wondering how accurate/inaccurate this assumption of theirs really is. It'd be an interesting sociological survey to determine exactly what percentage of girls with farang are, in fact, bar girls. If it's over half, then perhaps this assumption is not so inaccurate, yes?


in my opinion it is always a question of which class the woman is

my lady is an upper class lady from bangkok

and she feels very often sad how people try to look on other woman

and also sometimes on her

she has experience in international business and travel and also her background

she knows how to handle the case very well and seriously without any stress in her mind

***as a thai you should be only with foreigner for money but even that is bad because you are thai - like this the education is going on here***

my lady is very straight but always frienfly and proud of herself

if there should be once a misunderstanding she will let them know who they are

if we go to stay in a hotel, she is the one who is checking in - with me beside - and there is never any doubt about who she is

maybe some people have to learn that human are equal - woman and man - and these not yet since 1997

and this in everything like right, law, order and social

but stupid damnd men you can find everywhere for sure even in countries they call them civilisation


Where I live, unless they know the girl, if they see a Thai girl with a farang most local people assume she is a bargirl. And yes, they do mind. They look down on the girl and the local women generally wouldn't associate with her.

. I have a Thai female friend, university educated, owns her own resort with an farang husband and she has told me that she often gets rude comments from Thai people when she and her husband travel. And that includes in Bangkok. And she is clearly not a bargirl just by looking at her.

My point exactly. Thank you.


I recently returned to Thailand after 3 months back home taking care of some business. Arranged that the gf meet me at a bkk hotel that I've used regularly for 9 years. Some of the staff have been there for an eternity and know me well. It was going to be her first time there.

Faxed reservation from the uk, informing the hotel that the gf would be coming up to meet me and, in the event that my flight was delayed, she be allowed to use the coffee shop until I arrived. The hotel knew her name and she obviously had her ID.

I was on time and in due course she arrived. No problem at check-in, but when we went to the coffee shop for a few beers, the trouble started.

She simply had her elbow resting on my shoulder and the manageress insisted she did not touch me.

When we asked for the bill, it came with a copy of a typed note basically saying that the hotel found our behaviour unacceptable and so we were being asked to leave. If we didn't, the police would be called.

Fortunately, I resolved matters with reception - "the manageress is really old now and going a bit dotty".

Needless to say, I will not be using the hotel again, nor will I be recommending it. And I have recommended it a lot in the past.

Needless to say, I will not be using the hotel again, nor will I be recommending it. And I have recommended it a lot in the past.

Any chance of naming names?


Needless to say, I will not be using the hotel again, nor will I be recommending it. And I have recommended it a lot in the past.

Any chance of naming names?

If we follow the normal Thai political tradition of making accusations, the answer would be:

"It's a hotel with the letter "E" in it's name."


I recently returned to Thailand after 3 months back home taking care of some business. Arranged that the gf meet me at a bkk hotel that I've used regularly for 9 years. Some of the staff have been there for an eternity and know me well. It was going to be her first time there.

Faxed reservation from the uk, informing the hotel that the gf would be coming up to meet me and, in the event that my flight was delayed, she be allowed to use the coffee shop until I arrived. The hotel knew her name and she obviously had her ID.

I was on time and in due course she arrived. No problem at check-in, but when we went to the coffee shop for a few beers, the trouble started.

She simply had her elbow resting on my shoulder and the manageress insisted she did not touch me.

When we asked for the bill, it came with a copy of a typed note basically saying that the hotel found our behaviour unacceptable and so we were being asked to leave. If we didn't, the police would be called.

Fortunately, I resolved matters with reception - "the manageress is really old now and going a bit dotty".

Needless to say, I will not be using the hotel again, nor will I be recommending it. And I have recommended it a lot in the past.

That is shit!

Please let us know the name, and I will never set foot in there! :o

I recently returned to Thailand after 3 months back home taking care of some business. Arranged that the gf meet me at a bkk hotel that I've used regularly for 9 years. Some of the staff have been there for an eternity and know me well. It was going to be her first time there.

Faxed reservation from the uk, informing the hotel that the gf would be coming up to meet me and, in the event that my flight was delayed, she be allowed to use the coffee shop until I arrived. The hotel knew her name and she obviously had her ID.

I was on time and in due course she arrived. No problem at check-in, but when we went to the coffee shop for a few beers, the trouble started.

She simply had her elbow resting on my shoulder and the manageress insisted she did not touch me.

When we asked for the bill, it came with a copy of a typed note basically saying that the hotel found our behaviour unacceptable and so we were being asked to leave. If we didn't, the police would be called.

Fortunately, I resolved matters with reception - "the manageress is really old now and going a bit dotty".

Needless to say, I will not be using the hotel again, nor will I be recommending it. And I have recommended it a lot in the past.

That is shit!

Please let us know the name, and I will never set foot in there! :o

That is BS give me a break!!!!

Actually, I had my face licked twice - against my will. The other occasion also happened at the same bar. Different idiot. He played that stupid trick so that I had to get closer to him, and then he tried to kiss me which I turned away. I turned back saying "<deleted> are yo...", not fast enough... and he licked my face... Yuck!

Thats disgusting.

Next time it happens, make sure you have a full drink and if you can bear it say something like that was nice, get closer and pour the glass over the front of his trousers or if you are mad just throw it in his face. ( the contents not the glass )

I havent really had any problems except once where my gf at the time got propositioned in a supermarket and she told me about it later. I wasnt really that put out as at the time we were breaking up but if it was y wife, I definately wouldnt have appreciated it.

From the other perspective, I have sometimes played that game - is she or isnt she. But its just a mental one. For me to walk up to a girl in a "straight" bar or place and say the equivalent of "how much darling?" is just not conceivable in case she is a good girl. And especially a good girl with a police captain boyfriend who has just gone to the toilet :o

But then again maybe my mother taught me good manners.


Dont they have a sign at reception that basically says

no hookers


drug users etc etc

I know they did the last time I was down there about 2 years ago ( the sign looked about 20 years old )


me and my non bg thai gf went to koh samet a lovely island but has overpriced accomodation and motorbike rental and is also devoid of all prostitutes and tuk tuks.anyway a few times when my gf went to the local shops the shopkeepers talked to her in english mistaking her for a cambodian or something! she got the impression from them that i had brought her over from cambodia and locked her up on this island as my sex slave.

they were half right :o she knows it too !

I was agreeing with most everything you were saying, sbk... until this popped up. It's pretty much a given that many, many americans are racist. Those racist practices you describe occur quite regularly.

Oh and let's see: Australians are not racist? English? Europeans? Thais? Singaporeans?

America has it's racism, but I don't see what the rest of the Western world is so high up on its horse about.

Secondly, I have to wonder Monkey Girl, do you live in Thailand? Because guess what - Thailand and other S.E. Asian nations are by far much more racist than America. Just do a little back research on some of the major English speaking newspapers about second and third generation hilltribe children for proof.

And yet, Thai immigrants can go to America and have American children after one generation. Also, you can take your grievances about a racist ###### to court in America and seek compensation. We can barely get a trial here over the murder of a foreign national, never mind a conviction.

And you don't even want me to get started about how Burmese and other Asians are treated in Thailand.


Exactly my point Kat, thank you. Every country has racism, most just find it easier to point the finger at others troubles than face their own. Racism is, frankly, human nature. Most people feel afraid and threatened by that which is different from themselves.

But back to the original topic, I think the mistreatment of Thai women with farang men is not just a form of classism (ie women who don't appear to be BG generally get treated better) but sexism too. My Thai husband has never been refused service anywhere we have gone or stayed. Even in places that post signs about "No Thais allowed".

Even in places that post signs about "No Thais allowed".

Slightly OT but I'm interested to know what places display signs about 'No Thais allowed' :o


I haven't encountered the racism you've described in Thailand, but ask me about Japan. I can write a book about those who are "Gajin" and how they are treated in comparison to full blooded Japanese. :o

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