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General Hindrances In Thailand

DJ Pat

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Why are you browsing this thread ?

Do you regularly browse crap threads?

Seems like the threads you start all fall into that catagory.

Totally boring and useless.

The real characters have all been banned, now the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

You obviously don't have a sense of humour.

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I've just thought of one  bendy forks, you know those ones made of metal so thin that when you try to skewer something with them they just bend, useless

I know what you mean. About as useful as warped wooden chopsticks. :D

I think that's because Thai food generally does not need to be skewered - they don't eat thick slabs of steak, just little bits of stuff - crabs, fish, etc - already smashed to a pulp and stir fried. Or it's already cut up into bite-sized chunks on a wooden block before cooking.

On the same vein, what about hardware tools? For example drill bits? I bought a drill with some hammer drill bits that were so soft, they didn't even drill one hole before becoming dome shaped and blunt.

The drill itself was also crap - the chuck only grabbed the drill bit in one place - the jaws were not parallel, so the drill bit would wiggle around. I have to hold the bit straight while I tighten the chuck to try to make it straight. :o

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I've just thought of one bendy forks, you know those ones made of metal so thin that when you try to skewer something with them they just bend, useless

The ones you find at food courts and outdoor places....I used to think they were planted as a joke!

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This happened to me today. AGAIN! Actually forgot about it before. But what is it with Thai people and umbrellas when its not raining. I know its because they dont want dark skin. But its a pain in the arse when you have to get past and its a narrow footpath. And then they nearly take your eye out if you do get passed.

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On the same vein, what about hardware tools? For example drill bits? I bought a drill with some hammer drill bits that were so soft, they didn't even drill one hole before becoming dome shaped and blunt.

I bought some replacement hacksaw blades to cut through a small bolt, blades were made by Zim-Zeem. Totally useless. Within a minute of use the teeth were stripped smooth.

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handed over a 1000 for some shopping today at 7-11 now i understand counting the change once but this was the most times I have seen a 7-11 count change

hundreds counted three times

then 500 out of drawer counted twice with the hundreds again

then the 20's counted twice wit the 500 and the hundreds

then my change and its all counted again

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*Shuffling locals walking too slowly in front of you

the faster u walk, the more u sweat!

learn to step thai rhythm com'n!

GFB, it's not the speed that gets me, it's the shuffling noise made by people who won't pick their shoes up off the floor when they walk. Especially worrying in waitstaff as it makes me think that bringing me my food is too much trouble! :o

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handed over a 1000 for some shopping today at 7-11 now i understand counting the change once but this was the most times I have seen a 7-11 count change

hundreds counted three times

then 500 out of drawer counted twice with the hundreds again

then the 20's counted twice wit the 500 and the hundreds

then my change and its all counted again

:o:D:D:D Excellent! But if you worked in a 7-11 for 200(?) baht a day, I'm sure you'd check the change if any errors came out of your pay packet! :D

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Good point but its annoying though..


If a person on the till makes a mistake it does come out of their pay, if they are considered to be dishonest they will be sacked by the owner.

DJ PrAT, get off your privilaged high horse and try seeing things through the eyes of the people that annoy you.

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Queue jumpers are on the top of my list of things that make me silently scream, followed by clueless drivers, yard/garbage fires, cheap falangs, stinky falangs, speedos, loud falangs, nosey neighbors, the general disregard for personal property, touts, sketchy bob marley-wannabe islanders, the falang expert(s), volume levels, diesel fumes, waitresses not clearing the table, escaltor/aisle blockers, ANTS....

thats all for now

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Being Thai myself, I often try to turn the other way in such situations but there are times when the westernized part of me really gets fed up, so I imagine a full blooded westerner being bombarded with a bunch of these hindrances can drive him up the wall. But in all do respect, I would believe that if you were in any country you would face other sorts of hindrances, whether small, mild or big...but what can you do? Well if you can't beat them, join them eh???

What really gets on my last nerves is the whole elevator/door/or any entrance issue, why can't people understand the simple fact that if you don't let those come out then you can not get in? I would like to believe it's not a cultural thing, maybe these people are blatantly oblivious to any idea that they're such etiquette to follow. I guess in a perfect world things would go along like clockwork but we're not in a perfect world, we're in Bangkok, and although we often seek to understand these hindrances, we eventually learn to cope with the daily bustle. Now I wonder, would we love this city even less without it?

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If what goes around truely does come around, there's a special place in h3ll for the tuk-tuk drivers on Patong and Phuket town.

Would love to spend an entire day standing next to one repeatedly saying non-stop "No, I don't want a ride in your tuk-tuk. Really I wouldn't like a ride in your tuk-tuk. No thank you, I would not like a ride in your tuk-tuk. Please don't give me a ride in your tuk-tuk."

After 5 minutes though, he'll probably get p!ssed off and I'll get stabbed or shot. Life is fair like that.

Wonder what their average conversation is like down the pub?

"What do you do for a living?"

"I'm an irritating bast*rd!"

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- I often also wonder if those guys selling the x rated cds or the ones soliciting sex shows have any idea who or what they're offering to?

- If you think that Thais don't know how to que, how about the farangs that cut in line themselves because they think that being a FARANG gives them that exemption.

- And to my Thai sisters, just because you may have a farang boyfriend, it does not make you more important or superior to others, you're still part of what we call reality.

- To those that get looked at from head to toe, it really does not matter from what creed or walk of life you're from, people are gonna look at you no matter what. It's just the way that each one does it or to what extent, just think of it this way-you have something interesting about you, be flattered. That goes for restrooms as well, women do the same, but instead it's the whole body, now isn't that worst? I could be wearing a ski outfit covering every inch of my body and still they will scan my entire body. C'est la vie...

- Taxi drivers, again-even if I was wearing a ski outfit covering every inch of my body they will still make an effort to keep looking at my legs, what the *$&% is that about?

- Movie theaters and ignorant people that believe they're benefiting the human race with their explaination of each and every part of the movie to their friends, who on their part should do the world a favor and tell the ^&*#$*@# to shut the %& up...

The list can go on but I still love it here, you can't win all the time eh???

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A minor hindrance of mine is having to get second opinions or having to shop around so as not to get ripped off. Take today for instance.

My watch stopped working so I took it to a repair shop in the local mall.

The repair guy opened the back of the watch and placed it on a little square metal box and a little green light flashed on. He points to the light and mutters something like 'Doo sii. Sokkapok!' :D (Look. It's dirty!)

Now, I'm not that well up on the advancements of watch repairing technology but I couldn't see how any electronic device could determine whether a watch was dirty or not. I figured that it was more likely to test whether the battery was dead or not. I'm not sure.

He then started explaining to me that it would need to be stripped down, cleaned and would need a replacement seal for the back cover as water must have been getting in. Cost...450baht. I'm fully aware that the Thai language has 5 tones as well the 'underlying tone' that some Thais use now and then. And the underlying tone in his voice was saying 'You're a farang so you must be rich and so I'll overcharge you and put 50 baht in the cash box and 400 baht into my wallet". :D

So I decided to take my watch to another repair shop nearby where they opened it up, changed the battery and scraped off the tarnish gunge from the main body and charged me 100 baht.

So a two minute walk saved me 350 baht. :o

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