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Porno Hustlers At Phantip Plaza

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its getting to be a pain walking around phantip these days due to constantly be hassled by porn sellers.

there used to be a handfull of these guys lurking around the back of the mall but now they are everywhere in the mall tugging your shirt and p1ssing people off .

so much for the clampdown on porn , things are worse than before .

soon guys are going to start punching them in the mouth and things will get serious.

arrest these porn sellers please

its getting to be a pain walking around phantip these days due to constantly be hassled by porn sellers.

there used to be a handfull of these guys lurking around the back of the mall but now they are everywhere in the mall tugging your shirt and p1ssing people off .

so much for the clampdown on porn , things are worse than before .

soon guys are going to start punching them in the mouth and things will get serious.

arrest these porn sellers please

Sadly these ###### have stereotyped every farang because of the sexpats that DO buy those crappy pornos by the truckload.

Somebody will punch them soon, I was there yesterday and their numbers have multiplied tenfold, they are everywhere.

It's a problem that should be taken up with the TAT.


went there yesterday also.

there was so many of them its amazing.,

still managed to buy my monthly collection of jap schoolgirl cds.


without them being too much hassle :D:D

Somebody will punch them soon

I agree. They tug on farangs arms to see how much they can get away with. A big joke for them, as the could never do it to a Thai without being punched. After tugging on my arm, I asked the guy why he was being so rude. I nearly lost it, but didn't and he actually apologised and was quite embarassed.


i go there so much i am kind of use to them and hearing "sexy movie, sexy movie" it's just part of the pantip soundtrack.

but i have to say the best was 2 weeks ago after passing by 5 "sexy movie, sexy movie" guys <with a straight face and not breaking stride> i got one that screamed "PORN !!!" at me. i couldn't help but crack up.


my sympathy is for the poor thai vendors peddling the porn... most of you are only here for cheap dirty sex anyway...

you have the bare-faced cheek to complain about being subjected to such things whilst out on a 'shopping' expedition.. then come sundown you are invariably the first to the nana plaza in search of a go-go dancer who will happily wriggle on a guy’s knee for a couple of drinks, give you a feel of her knockers... such excitement usually leads you into paying the bf... when you then get to give her a full gynaecological examination... :o

...sword of truth & trusty shield of fair play...


Talk out of your arse again, Palmer The Otter. You're sounding very much like erco now. Hmm.. interesting... erco couldn't spell either.


The problem is a result of porn being illegal, there is good profit for the copy-producer, and a fair percentage for the young guys selling and the dogs looking the other way. If the shops could simply display the cd's discreetly alongside the other unlicensed software and ripped movies, nobody would be harrassed by touts.

Talk out of your arse again, Palmer The Otter. You're sounding very much like erco now. Hmm.. interesting... erco couldn't spell either.

wot... run out of awards then elsie :o

Give me a day or two, Palmer The Otter. Been busy with the Darling.


What about walking the Silom gauntlet of 5 Thai guys all pulling at you?!? An older friend (in his late 60s) actually got both of his arms dislocated by these bastards as they tried pulling him in two different directions. It was awful. After getting out of hospital we went to Panthip, little did we know what to expect. This time he lost use of both of his arms from the nerve damage inflicted on him by these parasites. It's the price you pay for wanting a little inspiration for a jack-off session.


These guys are very annoying.

I remember my last trip to Pantip to get a new mike for my computer, I was waiting outside the restroom for my girlfriend. So I walked over to the Sony store, and I had to pass a few touts who were hanging out next to the store.

They went through their Pavlovian "VCD, DVD, MP3, XXX..." pitch as I walked passed them. I stood in front of the store for a minute looking at the cameras (IN SIGHT of the touts, btw), and then headed back over to the bathroom. As I passed through them, they went through their pitch AGAIN, even though I had ignored them the first time.

Then after my girlfriend came out of the bathroom (which was also IN SIGHT of these guys) we had to pass by them again, and they went through the same pitch AGAIN.

At that point, how can you not react with frustration? It's bad enough to hear "VCD, DVD, MP3, XXX..." every ten feet as you walk through Pantip, but to hear it from the same guys THREE TIMES in the space of 10 minutes simply because you'd happen to pass in front of their spot? That borders on outrageously stupid behavior.

I'm pretty sure these guys are playing a game to see how rude they can be without getting slugged. Perhaps they just enjoy baiting the farang just to see them explode, because I can't see that their tactics would be a very effective sales technique.

Who buys CDs from these idiots anyway? Would you please STOP?! Or if you must buy from them, will you at least buy only from the ones that conduct their business discretely and politely.

Just because these guys are selling porn doesn't mean they have to act like complete asses to everyone who walks by. Some of us actually go to Pantip to buy computer stuff (shocking, I know).

Another time I went to Pantip, I was with my girlfriend and her sister and her sister's boyfriend (who is Thai). As we were walking around Pantip, the touts ignored the Thai guy completely. They rushed past my girlfriend's sister and her boyfriend and directly targeted me, even though I was walking arm-n-arm with my girlfriend at the time.

One guy pulled my arm and literally spun me around to shove a catalog in my face, and another guy actually INSERTED HIMSELF in between my girlfriend and me. He literally had to break our arm hold to get to me.

There is no way they are expecting to make a sale with that kind of behavior. It has GOT to be a game or something with them. I bet they are just bored and looking to piss off any farang they see.


there are some farangs (business travellers) who actually go there and buy 15-20 DVDs, for a salesguy (paid 99% on commission) is something not to loose, for this reason each Farang is a potential buyer who can make their day!!!

Just reply to them :"no need for DVD I have your sister"

its getting to be a pain walking around phantip these days due to constantly be hassled by porn sellers.

mate I have got to say this....you also started up a thread about KT's harassing you.

I can only take guesses at what it is about you thats makes the touts and KT's harass you so much because I do not seem to have to same extreme problems you seem to encounter in spite of the fact I frequent pantip and sukhumvit.

A look of disinterest,small smile and a small shake of the head has done me in good stead in all my encounters.

If they don't think there is any money to be made from you they will not waste any energy on you.

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