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All got a bit of a strange question to ask. Im trying to phone my friend in Thailand now for the last 5 days but I keep getting a message saying her phone is "not available right now" in a nice thai female voice, and something in thai only word I understand is Kranka.

It did start ringing once yesterday but after a while went back to the above messege.

Im thinking she has changed her number :o(

If this is the case surely the sim card would die after a while i think shes on pay as you go and what dial tone do you get for a wrong number in thailand is it similar to the UK?

I know there are abviosly many operators in Thailand with differant setups but any help would be nice.

Thanks in Advance


The part in Thai is basically telling you the number is unavailable and to please try again. (eek khrang ka = again please)

Possible scenarios for unavailable number:

If it's a live number & has voicemail, you'll get an automated voice telling you to "karuna fak khor khwam" (leave a message)

If it's a live number & has no voicemail, you'll might get a busy tone. "beep beep beep beep" :o

If it's a number that is not in use, you'll probably get an automated voice telling you it "yang mai dai puhd chai barigan" (hasn't been open/activated yet)

Of course, this all depends on the operator. Here's a list of numbers belonging to the various operators. Maybe see which one your friend's falls into and let us know.

081-0xxxxxx ---> AIS

081-100-149 --> DPC / 081-170-199 --> AIS

081-200xxxx ACeS

081-2085-209 --> DTAC / 081-240-244 --> DPC / 081-250-299 --> AIS

081-300-309 --> DTAC / 081-310-339 --> DPC / 081-340-349 --> DTAC

081-350 , 081-351 , 081-354 , 081-356 --> Hutch

081-360-389 --> AIS

081-390-399 --> DTAC

081-4xxxxxx ---> DTAC

081-500-529 --> DPC / 081-530-599 --> DTAC

081-6xxxxxx ---> DTAC / except 081-610, 081-617, 081-624, 081-630, 081-656 --> DPC

081-700-709 --> AIS / 081-710-719 --> DTAC / 081-720-799 --> AIS

081-8xxxxxx ---> AIS

081-9xxxxxx ---> AIS

089-0xxxxxx ---> AIS

089-1xxxxxx ---> Orange

089-2xxxxxx ---> AIS

089-3xxxxxx ---> Thaimobile 1900

089-4xxxxxx ---> DTAC

089-5xxxxxx ---> AIS

089-6xxxxxx ---> DTAC

089-7xxxxxx ---> DTAC

089-8xxxxxx ---> AIS

089-9xxxxxx ---> AIS

086-0xxxxxx ---> AIS

086-1xxxxxx ---> AIS

086-2xxxxxx ---> AIS / 086-298xxxx --> Hutch

086-3xxxxxx ---> Hutch

086-4xxxxxx ---> Orange

086-5xxxxxx ---> Orange

086-6xxxxxx ---> Orange

086-700-749 --> Orange / 086-750-799 --> DTAC

086-8xxxxxx ---> DTAC

086-9xxxxxx ---> DTAC

087-0xxxxxx ---> AIS

087-1xxxxxx ---> AIS

087-2xxxxxx ---> AIS

087-8xxxxxx ---> AIS

087-9xxxxxx ---> AIS

085-0xxxxxx ---> DTAC

085-1xxxxxx ---> DTAC

085-2xxxxxx ---> DTAC

084-0xxxxxx ---> Orange

084-70xxxxx ---> AIS

Ok thanks for all your help her number does not start like any of them sadly it starts 0836, ill keep trying it for now.


if the number begins 083 , the service provider is TRUE

One questions those, is the ' Friend ' a lady?

As i dont want to jump the gun, but if it is a special lady, sounds like she may be with another fella, ( they have different numbers not to get caught out ) and you just happen to ring her when she changed her sim to check messages, and she quickly had to cut you off so the other guy not noticed.....


saw it twice while sitting in a beer bar in patong.. funny really :D


Don't be discouraged. When I call my friend, I sometimes get that. Numbnutz usually has his phone off or battery is dead and he doesn't have voicemail. I used to think, wow he has a busy social life and must have plenty of ladyfriends, but he said, nope, he aint so lucky. It can also happen if the phone is out of range of a tower. On the vicarious thrill side, the voice recording is somewhat sexy and the big eared snoops at the office sometimes hear the the faint voice but not the words when I get it and think I have some hot girlfriend hidden away. :o

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