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Smoking Ban

Basil B

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Anyway I started smoking over 50 years ago, there were no laws against it then, and the non-smokers of that time didn't mind one way or the other.

If you actually believe that, there is no reasoning with you.

Believe me, it was too fashionable to fight about, but they minded. :o

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Anyway I started smoking over 50 years ago, there were no laws against it then, and the non-smokers of that time didn't mind one way or the other.

If you actually believe that, there is no reasoning with you.

Believe me, it was too fashionable to fight about, but they minded. :o

Still today I have non-smoking friends that don't mind me lighting-up, so to claim that 50 years ago they did mind is utter <deleted>. Maybe it was/is more important to them to be my friend no matter what my smoking habits were/are.

I don't like people that judge other people only by their smoking habits, especially those that let no chance go by to spew their hatred. Who knows, accept for the fact that I am a smoker I might be a very likeable guy. The smoking is only a small part of who and what I am.


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Anyway I started smoking over 50 years ago, there were no laws against it then, and the non-smokers of that time didn't mind one way or the other.

If you actually believe that, there is no reasoning with you.

Believe me, it was too fashionable to fight about, but they minded. :o

Still today I have non-smoking friends that don't mind me lighting-up, so to claim that 50 years ago they did mind is utter <deleted>. Maybe it was/is more important to them to be my friend no matter what my smoking habits were/are.

I don't like people that judge other people only by their smoking habits, especially those that let no chance go by to spew their hatred. Who knows, accept for the fact that I am a smoker I might be a very likeable guy. The smoking is only a small part of who and what I am.


I have never smoked. Despite the peer pressure as a boy I would never try.

The reason? My father smoked - and would light-up before I finished my Sunday lunch (the only meal we ate together).

This was sixty years ago, and even as a child I thought it to be a disgusting and selfish habit.

Later, during my working days in UK, I had to work in places where people smoked heavily. Despite my dislike of the smell and the attitude of many smokers, I did not complain - because there were so few non-smokers. Everyone wanted to be a part of the pack. Very few stood outside this culture.

Let's face it - in those days rugby shorts had pockets in them. Why? So that the players could dig out a fag at half-time!

It was not possible to complain - so we kept quiet. Now the pendulum has swung - maybe too far - and in the Western world (except Belgium) it is a dying habit.

In fact it has always been a dying habit - but people didn't know they were commiting slow and painful suicide then.

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I have never smoked. Despite the peer pressure as a boy I would never try.

The reason? My father smoked - and would light-up before I finished my Sunday lunch (the only meal we ate together).

This was sixty years ago, and even as a child I thought it to be a disgusting and selfish habit.

Later, during my working days in UK, I had to work in places where people smoked heavily. Despite my dislike of the smell and the attitude of many smokers, I did not complain - because there were so few non-smokers. Everyone wanted to be a part of the pack. Very few stood outside this culture.

Let's face it - in those days rugby shorts had pockets in them. Why? So that the players could dig out a fag at half-time!

It was not possible to complain - so we kept quiet. Now the pendulum has swung - maybe too far - and in the Western world (except Belgium) it is a dying habit.

In fact it has always been a dying habit - but people didn't know they were commiting slow and painful suicide then.

I respect your position, especially the fact that you realize that maybe the pendulum has swung to far. Anyway if we ever would be together and you asked me not to smoke, I would respect that also, it's just that I'm not respected as a person anymore by the majority of the non-smokers including the governments of today and the world is becoming smaller and smaller for us. I think there are more pressing problems in nowadays world than people smoking, and much of the anti-smoking laws are just a smokescreen (pun intended) to be seen doing something for the environment.

Thanks for your considered reply.


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Who knows, accept for the fact that I am a smoker I might be a very likeable guy. The smoking is only a small part of who and what I am.


I have friends who are smokers and believe me, I don't hate you for it. However, I can remember how rude smokers were before the tables were turned, so it makes me angry when they start talking about their "rights" now.

Who could forget when smokers would get in elevators full of people and puff away. Who could forget pigs who would insist on smoking at a table full of people while they and others were still eating. Who could forget when the laws were first changed and smokers would arrogantly ignore them and sneer at anyone who complained.

All of them claim to be soooo polite now, but they certainly weren't back when they had any choice about it. :o

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Who knows, accept for the fact that I am a smoker I might be a very likeable guy. The smoking is only a small part of who and what I am.


I have friends who are smokers and believe me, I don't hate you for it. However, I can remember how rude smokers were before the tables were turned, so it makes me angry when they start talking about their "rights" now.

Who could forget when smokers would get in elevators full of people and puff away. Who could forget pigs who would insist on smoking at a table full of people while they and others were still eating. Who could forget when the laws were first changed and smokers would arrogantly ignore them and sneer at anyone who complained.

All of them claim to be soooo polite now, but they certainly weren't back when they had any choice about it. :o

Back at the end of the Seventies - flying from Saudi to UK - my wife and I were sat next to a guy who chain-smoked cigars for the whole seven hours.

My wife smoked occasionally and had asked for smoking seats, never again!

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The smoking bans world wide are not to do with our generation and life style, but future ones,the health of our children and childrens children, 60/70 years from now there will be no smokers in the world, it will be eradicated and a good thing to,80% of smokers i know wish they could quite but can't. Only a fool would argue that dragging smoke down into your lungs cannot be anything but plain stupid.

Sure many things may kill you, but why lower the odds. Most smokers will give up after their first heart attack, cancer scare on doctors advise, i've seen it happen many times

I love freedom of choice, but its getting a rare commodity anywhere in the world, why do they make you buckle up in a car, people hated that at first till they realised it made sence.

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The smoking bans world wide are not to do with our generation and life style, but future ones,the health of our children and childrens children, 60/70 years from now there will be no smokers in the world, it will be eradicated and a good thing to,80% of smokers i know wish they could quite but can't. Only a fool would argue that dragging smoke down into your lungs cannot be anything but plain stupid.

Sure many things may kill you, but why lower the odds. Most smokers will give up after their first heart attack, cancer scare on doctors advise, i've seen it happen many times

I love freedom of choice, but its getting a rare commodity anywhere in the world, why do they make you buckle up in a car, people hated that at first till they realised it made sence.

You could be right there, but the way things are going they will be on something much more harmful :o .

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The smoking bans world wide are not to do with our generation and life style, but future ones,the health of our children and childrens children, 60/70 years from now there will be no smokers in the world, it will be eradicated and a good thing to,80% of smokers i know wish they could quite but can't. Only a fool would argue that dragging smoke down into your lungs cannot be anything but plain stupid.

Sure many things may kill you, but why lower the odds. Most smokers will give up after their first heart attack, cancer scare on doctors advise, i've seen it happen many times

I love freedom of choice, but its getting a rare commodity anywhere in the world, why do they make you buckle up in a car, people hated that at first till they realised it made sence.

I'll ask it again, and may I remind you I asked it before, what's wrong with a little common sense and tolerance from both sides?

And to reply to the above, 60/70 years from now, smoking might be the only vice left to enjoy, after the Sharia has been made law in the western world. Now that's frightening isn't it.

And to Ulyses G. you claim not to hate me for being a smoker but judging by your other remarks on this topic you do.

Anyway, this is my last contribution to this thread, as I feel I'm just wasting my time, trying to be reasonable and asking for a little bit of comprehension where there's non to be found. What's next, no more compassion for drug addicts, alcoholics, terminally ill....?


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And to Ulyses G. you claim not to hate me for being a smoker but judging by your other remarks on this topic you do.

I don't even see any need for outside smoking and non-smoking areas (even though the stench outside is still annoying). I am only for no smoking in air-con eating areas.

I only get really miffed when smokers start talking about their "rights". :o

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Attention all smokers:

The fact is the majority of people don't like smoking......living in a democratic society gives the right for the majority to say we don't want your second hand smoke and also the right to ban smoking in all public places which is what is surely going to happen in the near future.

The writing is on the wall......the majority will be heard and smokers will be pushed into the confines of their own home where they can stink it up to their hearts content.

Smokers have been abusing non smokers rights for years and the majority have had enough of the vocal minority of addicts and those who profit from their misery.

Get used to it.

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Attention all smokers:

The fact is the majority of people don't like smoking......living in a democratic society gives the right for the majority to say we don't want your second hand smoke and also the right to ban smoking in all public places which is what is surely going to happen in the near future.

The writing is on the wall......the majority will be heard and smokers will be pushed into the confines of their own home where they can stink it up to their hearts content.

Smokers have been abusing non smokers rights for years and the majority have had enough of the vocal minority of addicts and those who profit from their misery.

Get used to it.

Can you tell me , when everyone was asked in this democratic society, you talk about

Names and dates please.

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What a lot of smokers do not realise is that the residual smell, even in outdoor places, is sometimes very off-putting. It may not be a health hazard (I don't know) but the stink of stale smoke even gets in to the paving and so on.

not to forget that we smokers are destroying the ozone layer and our smoking is the cause why terroristic organisations such as al-Qaeda surfaced :o

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What a lot of smokers do not realise is that the residual smell, even in outdoor places, is sometimes very off-putting. It may not be a health hazard (I don't know) but the stink of stale smoke even gets in to the paving and so on.

not to forget that we smokers are destroying the ozone layer and our smoking is the cause why terroristic organisations such as al-Qaeda surfaced :o

Did I say that? No I didn't.

Where I work at the moment there is no smoking allowed in the building. Thus all smokers go outside and under the car shades, because it is hot in the midday sun.

When I go out to get in my car, whether there are any smokers around or not, there is a stink of stale cigarette smoke. I really do not like this.

But as PP has pointed out above - there has been no vote on smoking - pro/con. In all countries this has been dictated by the unelected civil servants / bureaucrats that set the policies for almost all governments. Do this because it's good for you.

There is no democracy aklive in the world today - we have no say in most of the decisions made by politicians and bureaucrats who control almost everything we do, buy, watch or in other ways consume.

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Mr. plasticpig:

Since you apparantly feel someone's civil rights are being infringed upon by the ban on smoking, how do you feel about the laws against drug use? How do you feel about the laws against breaking and entering, murder, rape and other assorted felonies?

If you possess something I covet, why don't I have the right to steal it from you? The law is taking away my civil right to steal, isn't it?

Give us all a break. Either accept the law or move to a country that does not have such a law on the books. Simple solution.

You can add my name and today's date to Tolley's post for a start.

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o.k i am a smoker and think this law is silly, owners should have the right to decide if it is non smoking or smoking !! and it should not be forced on all establishments!! If goverments across the world really have the welfare of others at mind why not ban the sale and production of tobacco everywhere!! I think not !! to much money to be made from taxs!! :o

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Mr. plasticpig:

Since you apparantly feel someone's civil rights are being infringed upon by the ban on smoking, how do you feel about the laws against drug use? How do you feel about the laws against breaking and entering, murder, rape and other assorted felonies?

If you possess something I covet, why don't I have the right to steal it from you? The law is taking away my civil right to steal, isn't it?

Give us all a break. Either accept the law or move to a country that does not have such a law on the books. Simple solution.

You can add my name and today's date to Tolley's post for a start.

Hear hear, I agree totally.

Every smoker who posts is just spouting selfishishness.

Smokers do not accede to my right to fresh air.

So why should I give them the rihjy to smoke and pollute many folks fresh air.

Do not give me the old car fumes crap, as being as bad.

Smokers all whinging, "POOR ME"

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Every smoker who posts is just spouting selfishishness.

Smokers all whinging, "POOR ME"

You seem to have your eyes open to the problems of nowadays society.

Let me hear you complain about drunk driving and then ,maybe I might agree with you.

Let's face it more than 1/3 of the world's population are smokers, but nearly 60 % are

consuming more alcohol than they should.

I'm not advocating prohibition because we all know this didn't work, I'm only asking what's so difficult

in allowing smokers to smoke in designated areas, meaning smoking bars, gogo's etc. Does that

offend you. If it does you're not advocating about human rights, you're advocating that these stinking smokers

stop their filthy habit because they offend you. That's not very humanitarian isn't it?

sorry if I offended someone it's just that I'm fed-up with these holier than the pope bunch of PEOPLE.

We are all on the same planet let's try to live together.


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name='Zpete' post='1825692' date='2008-02-18 18:03:13'Hear hear, I agree totally.

Every smoker who posts is just spouting selfishishness.

Smokers do not accede to my right to fresh air.

So why should I give them the rihjy to smoke and pollute many folks fresh air.

Do not give me the old car fumes crap, as being as bad.

Smokers all whinging, "POOR ME"

Im a non smoker.

Freedom of choice is important, in the open air.

Edited by plasticpig
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Every smoker who posts is just spouting selfishishness.

Smokers all whinging, "POOR ME"

You seem to have your eyes open to the problems of nowadays society.

Let me hear you complain about drunk driving and then ,maybe I might agree with you.

Let's face it more than 1/3 of the world's population are smokers, but nearly 60 % are

consuming more alcohol than they should.

I'm not advocating prohibition because we all know this didn't work, I'm only asking what's so difficult

in allowing smokers to smoke in designated areas, meaning smoking bars, gogo's etc. Does that

offend you. If it does you're not advocating about human rights, you're advocating that these stinking smokers

stop their filthy habit because they offend you. That's not very humanitarian isn't it?

sorry if I offended someone it's just that I'm fed-up with these holier than the pope bunch of PEOPLE.

We are all on the same planet let's try to live together.


I am a senior citizen that smoked for some 35 years but stopped when my family came along. My life has been smoke free for nearly 20 years now, except for second hand smoke that is.

As a result of my earlier smoking career, I find my lung capacity has diminished a teensy bit and I fall victim to slight bouts of pneumonia from time to time. If I am around smokers it tends to irritate my lungs somewhat and could even incapacitate me.

What you are saying with your post is you feel you should have the right to make me ill with your right to smoke and I should merely sit there, inhale your smoke and stop whining about it.

I suppose I could stop going to go-go bars, beer bars, inside bars and restaurants just in case you wanted to smoke in one of them, but, why should I?

The law has been enacted and hopefully will be enforced. In the meantime you may smoke in your designated smoking area. It's called.....outside! :o

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What I complain about - as above - is that there has been NO DEMOCRATIC DECISION on this matter (or so many others).

Doesn't matter which country - this has not been put to the vote, just Big Brother decisions by un-elected bureaucrats.

A thorough discussion with a time limit of (say) three months before enacting legislation would have helped. I saw a lot of newspaper blather in the UK press before the imposition of a poorly thought-out, knee-jerk reaction from our elected representatives - but no deep discussion.

I am anti-smoking. Strongly so. But I am disgusted by the way these things are imposed from above.

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I am a senior citizen that smoked for some 35 years but stopped when my family came along. My life has been smoke free for nearly 20 years now, except for second hand smoke that is.

As a result of my earlier smoking career, I find my lung capacity has diminished a teensy bit and I fall victim to slight bouts of pneumonia from time to time. If I am around smokers it tends to irritate my lungs somewhat and could even incapacitate me.

What you are saying with your post is you feel you should have the right to make me ill with your right to smoke and I should merely sit there, inhale your smoke and stop whining about it.

I suppose I could stop going to go-go bars, beer bars, inside bars and restaurants just in case you wanted to smoke in one of them, but, why should I?

The law has been enacted and hopefully will be enforced. In the meantime you may smoke in your designated smoking area. It's called.....outside! :o

What a crock. You enjoyed smoking for 35 years, but as you have decided to stop then we all must follow suit in case you get a little cough.

I have never heard such a weak, poorly thought out, pathetic attempt at an arguement.

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I am a senior citizen that smoked for some 35 years but stopped when my family came along. My life has been smoke free for nearly 20 years now, except for second hand smoke that is.

As a result of my earlier smoking career, I find my lung capacity has diminished a teensy bit and I fall victim to slight bouts of pneumonia from time to time. If I am around smokers it tends to irritate my lungs somewhat and could even incapacitate me.

What you are saying with your post is you feel you should have the right to make me ill with your right to smoke and I should merely sit there, inhale your smoke and stop whining about it.

I suppose I could stop going to go-go bars, beer bars, inside bars and restaurants just in case you wanted to smoke in one of them, but, why should I?

The law has been enacted and hopefully will be enforced. In the meantime you may smoke in your designated smoking area. It's called.....outside! :o

What a crock. You enjoyed smoking for 35 years, but as you have decided to stop then we all must follow suit in case you get a little cough.

I have never heard such a weak, poorly thought out, pathetic attempt at an arguement.

Nobody is saying to you smokers, "Stop smoking." Is this too difficult for you to understand?

All that we are saying is choose a designated smoking area to indulge in your nicotine addiction. The law now lists all the places where you can't legally smoke. It's in these places that non-smokers and those who hate second hand smoke, should be able to go to socialize without sharing and being harmed by your unhealthy habit.

Clear the tobacco smoke from around you and you may begin to see the light.

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I fully understand the attitude of the smokers on this thread as they are severely drug addicted to nicotine.

They will say and do anything to continue getting their fix wherever and whenever they can.

Smokers need help and one of the best ways to help smokers is to limit their opportunity to smoke and therefore the opportunity to harm themselves and those around them.

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I am a senior citizen that smoked for some 35 years but stopped when my family came along. My life has been smoke free for nearly 20 years now, except for second hand smoke that is.

As a result of my earlier smoking career, I find my lung capacity has diminished a teensy bit and I fall victim to slight bouts of pneumonia from time to time. If I am around smokers it tends to irritate my lungs somewhat and could even incapacitate me.

What you are saying with your post is you feel you should have the right to make me ill with your right to smoke and I should merely sit there, inhale your smoke and stop whining about it.

I suppose I could stop going to go-go bars, beer bars, inside bars and restaurants just in case you wanted to smoke in one of them, but, why should I?

The law has been enacted and hopefully will be enforced. In the meantime you may smoke in your designated smoking area. It's called.....outside! :D

What a crock. You enjoyed smoking for 35 years, but as you have decided to stop then we all must follow suit in case you get a little cough.

I have never heard such a weak, poorly thought out, pathetic attempt at an arguement.

Where did I say I enjoyed it? I was addicted to it, much as you seem to be.

I really don't care whether you smoke or not. Be my guest. I never complained when anybody smoked near me before. If it irritated me too much, I just moved to another location.

What I am saying and what I have said is, the law clearly states you or persons like you cannot smoke in certain establishments. If the law says it, don't do it.

Why are you so intent on breaking the law to begin with? I'd bet you don't even wear a helmet when you ride your scooter to your favorite beer bar. :o

EDIT IN: It should be mentioned that I am working in Saudi but live in LOS. There are very few rules against smoking in Saudi. I just roll with it and do the best I can. My wife and daughter don't smoke and those are the only ones I care about.

You want to die early, keep smoking. Makes not one whit of difference to me.

Edited by chuckd
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