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I Am So Envious!


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Hello to all!Just a quick note to say I'm here in Edmonton,Alberta  Canada and we are having a terrible blizzard rig

ht now and the forecast for tonight is a balmy low of -41celsius with wind chill!!!YEP THATS MINUS 41 CELSIUS!!!

So yeah,I am so very envious of you all there in LOS enjoying such a wonderful climate and lifestyle!!I'm truly eating my heart out here in this frigid place  while I count the days and months until I can return to Thailand.

So please ,when things seem to be going crappy for you and the weather may not be so great that day...remember it could be ALOT worse ha ha!

Chok Dee!!





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At least the Oilers are still dominating the Northwest division... oh wait... Well, at least they still have Pronger... dam_n it! Have a pint at the Black Dog on Whyte and warm up with a donair!


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Oy, in Minnesota at the moment so I'm pretty familiar with cold weather. Of course, it's supposed to hit 6 Celsius tomorrow with a 40% chance of rain (unusual for this time of year), so I'll be packing my umbrella =).

There's probably been a few occasions where I've woken up and cursed the cold, but I can't ever recall waking up in a warmer place and hoping it was -41.

Eh, at least I have it better than the Russians =)

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Can't have lived in a hot climate for long then Monroe... day after day after day of heat and humidity can take it's toll, clothes get mould, food goes off in an hour and cold drinks don't stay cold five minutes... :o

Born in Florida, moved to Thailand a few years later, followed by the Philippines, then California, Arizona and back to California. I know heat and would take it over any prolonged period in the cold. Fun to visit cold destinations, but never would live where I have to layer my clothing.

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Mmm, mostly Hawaii and Thailand with brief stints in some 10-15 other places.

Of course, I've been spoiled by living in only full-AC residences (my father gets crabby in the heat =) as far as I remember and I've always enjoyed sweating in conjunction with exercise. I drink a lot, but I drink fast, so that's no problem. The one thing I have noticed is the mildewey smell on the clothing, but I'm fine with that too because I only wear running shorts (sometimes a tank-top) unless I'm going to something formal, or if my father's around.

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Very interesting chaps I guess I may have had sort of bad experiences on some days of mouldy clothes etc Must say I enjoy Thai culture but prefer a climate where I can layer clothes ... saying that the last 14 years of my life have been totally Thai in influence. But I do like the seasons

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Regardless of those drawbacks, I'll take plus 30 over minus 30 for the rest of my life and not regret the decision. I can deal with having to put ice in my beer if it means that I'm not literally risking death by walking outside for more than 15 minutes. (Actually, in Bangkok I guess I am risking death, but it's not from the weather...)

Here's your typical morning in January in Edmonton:

- Wake up, curse the alarm clock, and throw off the three blankets I use to keep warm.

- Stumble to the shower (you can see your breath at this point).

- Take a scalding hot shower and then sprint back to your bed and dive under the covers, shivering.

- Wait twenty minutes.

- Start the car 20-25 minutes before you have to leave. Understand this isn't just because Alberta has a lot of oil and we feel

like wasting it (although, for some people, that is the case); in Edmonton weather, your car will quickly break down if you

just start it and go, like you can here in Bangkok.

- Get dressed in your winter best (two pairs of socks, usually one thin pair of gloves followed by a thicker pair, toque [or woolknit cap :o ], heavy winter jacket, flask of Crown Royal in pocket.

- Usually, I'll forget that the car has been plugged in all night and I'll drive away, ripping the extension cord from its socket on

the side of the house.

- Make your way to work (100km/h if there's no ice or snow on the road, 25km/h is more likely in January, though), praying

that your car will continue to function.

Man, now I don't mind having to dodge elephant turds and drunks on my way to work!


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Regardless of those drawbacks, I'll take plus 30 over minus 30 for the rest of my life and not regret the decision. I can deal with having to put ice in my beer if it means that I'm not literally risking death by walking outside for more than 15 minutes. (Actually, in Bangkok I guess I am risking death, but it's not from the weather...)

Here's your typical morning in January in Edmonton:

- Wake up, curse the alarm clock, and throw off the three blankets I use to keep warm.

- Stumble to the shower (you can see your breath at this point).

- Take a scalding hot shower and then sprint back to your bed and dive under the covers, shivering.

- Wait twenty minutes.

- Start the car 20-25 minutes before you have to leave. Understand this isn't just because Alberta has a lot of oil and we feel

like wasting it (although, for some people, that is the case); in Edmonton weather, your car will quickly break down if you

just start it and go, like you can here in Bangkok.

- Get dressed in your winter best (two pairs of socks, usually one thin pair of gloves followed by a thicker pair, toque [or woolknit cap :o ], heavy winter jacket, flask of Crown Royal in pocket.

- Usually, I'll forget that the car has been plugged in all night and I'll drive away, ripping the extension cord from its socket on

the side of the house.

- Make your way to work (100km/h if there's no ice or snow on the road, 25km/h is more likely in January, though), praying

that your car will continue to function.

Man, now I don't mind having to dodge elephant turds and drunks on my way to work!


I only imagined it to be that awful. When I'm where it is cold, I'm in a rented car. I start it and drive away. Didn't know I was damaging the car, but probably wouldn't have changed anything. I'm sure as hel_l not going to prolong the missery and wait for the car to warmup.

I'm living in N. California ( coldest place I've lived)and don't enjoy the morning at 5c. I walk 2 miles to work - don't think the OP could do that without risking his health. Maybe the satisfaction of the changing seasons helps - not for me.

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Very interesting chaps I guess I may have had sort of bad experiences on some days of mouldy clothes etc Must say I enjoy Thai culture but prefer a climate where I can layer clothes ... saying that the last 14 years of my life have been totally Thai in influence. But I do like the seasons

The seasons are nice and if had worked while in Thailand, the mouldy clothes would be a little annoying. Never had any issues with t-shirts and shorts and you can always toss them if they start to smell.

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Oh, you poor SOB. I lived in Calgary for over 20 years, so I know what you're going through, but at least we'd get the Chinook winds there sometimes to give us a break from the extreme deep freeze. I've told people here about walking outside in Alberta when that Arctic cold front moves into the province and how one's nose hairs instantly freeze together...how your skin can't be exposed for more than a few minutes without being frostbitten...what it's like to scrape the ice off your car in ridiculously cold weather before you can drive anywhere...how some rooms in the house never seem to be warm from October to May...how I've seen snow falling in Calgary virtually every month of the year...how...

After living in Thailand for over 7 years, I think I'm still thawing out from my 20+ years in Alberta.

Good luck, and try to remember that the days are getting longer again. Honestly, spring is coming.

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At least the Oilers are still dominating the Northwest division... oh wait... Well, at least they still have Pronger... dam_n it! Have a pint at the Black Dog on Whyte and warm up with a donair!


...oh wait...oh noooo...they're in 13th place in a 15 team conference. Darn, you'd think that at least Edmonton would have a good hockey team. Go Flames Go! (I should talk! I'm a Toronto Maple Leafs fan and they're in 14 place in the 15-team Eastern Conference.)

Edited by pattyboy
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It's all a personal choice thing.

Whenever we mobilize project teams overseas and then demobilize at the end of the project there are always members of staff who decide they'd rather not demob, choosing rather to stay on.

A few years back we had a project in Canada, it set the record for the number of staff choosing to stay on after the project.

So I take it, Canada can't be that bad.

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Oy, in Minnesota at the moment so I'm pretty familiar with cold weather. Of course, it's supposed to hit 6 Celsius tomorrow with a 40% chance of rain (unusual for this time of year), so I'll be packing my umbrella =).

There's probably been a few occasions where I've woken up and cursed the cold, but I can't ever recall waking up in a warmer place and hoping it was -41.

Eh, at least I have it better than the Russians =)

Born in Minnesota, but told my parents I was going out to build a snowman one c-c-c-old and dark January night and never came back! :o

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I have been living in thailand for almost 7 years and honestly it was the biggest mistake I ever made the great weather isn't worth it TBH. I long for the cold of Medicine Hat, Alberta and can't w8 to move my family there to correct my mistake.

Edited by Sakeopete
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oh wait...oh noooo...they're in 13th place in a 15 team conference. Darn, you'd think that at least Edmonton would have a good hockey team. Go Flames Go! (I should talk! I'm a Toronto Maple Leafs fan and they're in 14 place in the 15-team Eastern Conference.)

I used to cheer go flames go, only they went to Calgary and left Atlanta devoid of NHL hockey for 20 years. :o

Now we have the Thrashers, the oddest team in hockey. They can lose the worst team in league one night and the next beat the best.

We did have the allstar game here yesterday. Eastern conference won on a goal by Savard ( ex-Thrasher)with seconds left.

Two of my favorite cities are in Canada, Vancover and Montreal, I can understand why GH's fellow workers stayed.

As far as living in the cold, I'm of the opinion it better to live where its warm. I've done more of the latter than the former, but have enough experience to leave cold weather for skiing trips only. :D

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Thanks for all the support gang,yeah its now -46c with the wind!!!!!!!!!!

I know some folks here say they miss or enoy the winter stuff,but for me its getting to me more and more each year...but alas its not long until I'm done my welding apprenticeship and then I'll be in LOS each winter-ALL WINTER!!!!!Yahoo!!!!!

So for all my friends on here have a great day !!

Chok Dee!!


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From my window over look the pond, two gators ( around 8 ft. and 16 ft., yes it's that big) are sunning themselves in a beautiful gorgeous day in Tampa, Forida, right now.

Winter in Florida is paradise on earth. From December to April, the average temperature is around upper 60's.

After living most of my life in many countries: Tokyo, Taipei, Honolulu, L.A., Miami, NY, and finally retired in Tampa. I had grown to love cold weather. Can't go back to live in a hot-humid tropical heat anymore. It depresses me a great deal.

For me, it's not a living if you have to keep yourself cool in an air conditioned room 24/7.

What an outdoors lover does to combat the heat if one has to live in tropical country ?

I'm still searching the cure, anyone cares to spill the secret ?

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Thanks FarangrussIam, what lovely pictures but sometimes you get sick of blue skies every morning and constant heat :o I think changing seasons are wonderful :D
Very interesting chaps I guess I may have had sort of bad experiences on some days of mouldy clothes etc Must say I enjoy Thai culture but prefer a climate where I can layer clothes ... saying that the last 14 years of my life have been totally Thai in influence. But I do like the seasons

It's true, when you're away from 'proper' seasons you miss them. But the idea of having to wear layers! Give me scantily clad any day!

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Hey Suegha how's you? Yeah I don't exactly enjoy being cold... like frozen to the bones... but I quite like wrapping up and braving the elements... went to the sea two days ago and in typical British style sat hugging a hot cup of tea while the wind blew a gale and the sea crashed up on the shore... I can see the sea from my doorstep and it's very comforting...

We never get weather like Canada though...

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At least the Oilers are still dominating the Northwest division... oh wait... Well, at least they still have Pronger... dam_n it! Have a pint at the Black Dog on Whyte and warm up with a donair!


Sorry BFD, Black Dog had a fire! Well, more smoke than flame but....

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Hello to all!Just a quick note to say I'm here in Edmonton,Alberta Canada and we are having a terrible blizzard rig

ht now and the forecast for tonight is a balmy low of -41celsius with wind chill!!!YEP THATS MINUS 41 CELSIUS!!!

So yeah,I am so very envious of you all there in LOS enjoying such a wonderful climate and lifestyle!!I'm truly eating my heart out here in this frigid place while I count the days and months until I can return to Thailand.

So please ,when things seem to be going crappy for you and the weather may not be so great that day...remember it could be ALOT worse ha ha!

Chok Dee!!


Nice pics, In Millwoods by any chance?

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From my window over look the pond, two gators ( around 8 ft. and 16 ft., yes it's that big) are sunning themselves in a beautiful gorgeous day in Tampa, Forida, right now.

Most wild gators don't get much bigger than 13' 600 lbs. Biggest ever recorded was 18'2" caught in Louisiana early 1900's. But the critters can be impressively big.

Winter in Florida is paradise on earth. From December to April, the average temperature is around upper 60's.

I grew up on St. Pete Beach, but then it was a parsdise. Now its an overcrowded traffic jam with no beach to be seen.

After living most of my life in many countries: Tokyo, Taipei, Honolulu, L.A., Miami, NY, and finally retired in Tampa. I had grown to love cold weather. Can't go back to live in a hot-humid tropical heat anymore. It depresses me a great deal.

Really confused here, you state counties, then name cities with 5 of them in one country :o

For me, it's not a living if you have to keep yourself cool in an air conditioned room 24/7.

What an outdoors lover does to combat the heat if one has to live in tropical country ?

I'm still searching the cure, anyone cares to spill the secret ?

Think cool thoughts, live in Chang Mai in the winter and the big island (Hawaii) the rest of the year. The big island has possibly the greatest consistently comfortable temp.

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