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Three Men Arrested For Raping Canadian Woman


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Is there more of this happening or am I just reading more about it?

I will be careful in future about telling my friends how safe Thailand is for Farang women.

When has it ever been safe in Thailand for farang women.

I would suggest that it has been a very long time, particularly for any caucasian women who is gullible enough to trust a Thai man (men)

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Listen to all of you here. These girls went out clubbing and got pretty well loaded up with booze. Now you got a bunch of dudes who have hormones that can shoot a rocket to the moon in a spiff. You were not there, and neither was I, and who's to say that these girls being so stupid and naive, not present encouragement to whistle the males appetite.

If the girls said--------------NOOOOOO---- the punks should have pointed there rockets at the moon NO IF AND OR BUTTS

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I thought the report said they "alleged" rape. I understand what someone meant by "innocent until proven guilty". Remember when that bloke was stabbed over an argument about a bike? Everyone was howling about nasty thai man with knife until the real facts came out and - surprise, surprise! - the mood of the topic did a complete 180.

I'm waiting for the whole thing to come out in the open which it, hopefully, will during whatever trial results. Then I'll get on my high-horse about it.

As for any girls reading this: the real world says that hormones don't give a flying ###### about your rights and integrity, so don't go waltzing off to a beach with a group of teenagers unless you're either very butch or capable of kicking the shit out of a lot of blokes who're up for a shag. Sounds brutal, but then only people from planet Tharg think life's ootchie-cootchie.

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There was a gang rape of a young girl by 6 young boys in a house next to my home. Most of them were not charged because the boys parents paid off the girls parents not to press charges. I have not heard how the girl is coping with this incident but she certainly will need counciling. Money is the ruler as to how you will be judged for a crime you commit . No one thinks of the victims, especially if the victim is a female.

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basically 9 thai guys raped that gal and the police will do nothing as per usual

The sad truth, TIT...

She's only a woman, and worse-a foreigner, so the police gives a sh**. :o

The guys in brown would only do a proper job if this incident made big headlines overseas. :D

true and sad ......

But having the names of those bastards, pretty easy to get them "serviced".

A Canadian father with a few $$$ can order a pretty good service for all 9, by the way this is not fiscally deductlible since I doubt he will ever receive any invoice.

If it was my daughetr I would do it nicely (in Manila you can find very skilled guys for pretty cheap ....)

In Iran, several years ago, the daughter of an American friend of mine was raped.

The police caught the rapist, softened him up somewhat, then locked the father in the cell with him for a quarter of an hour.

May not have helped the daughter, but the father sure got some of the anger out of his system.

Castration is the appropriate punishment, in my old-fashioned, eye-for-an-eye sort of way. And also my children being girls.(although one child is now 34 and a mother of two)

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sorry, I am trying to put humor where it doesn't belong. Everbody sounds so angry. this goes on all the time to sweet backpacker girls, and in many cities in the US and Europe to locals. The victims are often taunted like they were asking for it, and it often never makes the local papers. the stats often indicate that rapists also sodomize

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I am a little suprised that some of you on this forum are suprised or shocked at the fact that a girl was raped in Thailand. Are you aware that Thailand has one of the highest rates of domestic violence and sexual abuse in the world !!

Women are raped and murdered every day here - many cases a result of love triangles and affairs and ultimately a lack of basic human rights. How about the human trafficking problem here - now theres a situation where women are raped daily by clients.

Did you also know that many of the girls who work as sex workers also experience terrible forms of violence and emotional abuse from their friends, families, husbands, boyfriends and clients.

These farang girls are sadly victims of this social issue.

As the Blackeyed Peas say... where is the love...where is the love..where is the love.. the love.. the love....da..da..da..da


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I have noticed that rape is very common in the movies, television shows and even music videos - the short story kind. I have not lived in the States for a long time -is it in the West as well, or is it such a common thing in Thailand that they decide to incorporate it into their story lines.

Sorry to babble, but...

Reality tends to follow film, as does film follow reality - kind of like a dog chasing its tail, and it is a lot easier to make some rules on film making that might change Thais ideas on what is allowable behavior than it is to enforce rules on a behavior itself, as the behaviors may start to disappear when they leave television.

I am not saying that the lack of women's rights in this culture is not an important part of the problem, but I do not know how to change a culture, so this is the only option I can think of for the time being. The death penalty wouldn't hurt, but the perpetrators do not think that they will be caught nor are they concerned with the consequences of their actions. Therefore, I believe that the best option is to get it out of the film industry.

It existed long before the "entertainment (fillm)" industry got started, but this industry certainly has not be a socially responsible participant in the country.

I too blame western media.

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Listen to all of you here. These girls went out clubbing and got pretty well loaded up with booze. Now you got a bunch of dudes who have hormones that can shoot a rocket to the moon in a spiff. You were not there, and neither was I....

If you weren't there, how do you know they were boozed up?

And that makes rape okay, does it. God help us from people like you. What would your attitude be if it happened to your sister or wife or mother?


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As for any girls reading this: the real world says that hormones don't give a flying ###### about your rights and integrity

Been drinking ? or just working the keys with one hand ??? Do you belong to the real world?

No, just putting it into the real world. Anyone who thinks humans, or any animal, are completely controlled by 'higher morals' needs to lie down somewhere quiet. Once you recognise this it makes sense to not put yourself in a situation where trouble can happen. If you don't recognise it then you're a naive out in the jungle and bad things can happen.

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As for any girls reading this: the real world says that hormones don't give a flying ###### about your rights and integrity

Been drinking ? or just working the keys with one hand ??? Do you belong to the real world?

No, just putting it into the real world. Anyone who thinks humans, or any animal, are completely controlled by 'higher morals' needs to lie down somewhere quiet. Once you recognise this it makes sense to not put yourself in a situation where trouble can happen. If you don't recognise it then you're a naive out in the jungle and bad things can happen.


And I am not in any way blaming the victims here. But people, please be careful!


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Until the people in this country get some morals about right and wrong, it is pretty irellevant for any of us to think we may or may not have an insight into culture here by explaining it away by, "In asia they pay, in other places they get married", like this makes us "expert"

Rape is disgusting, paying youwr way out of it is disgusting. No if's, no but's!!!!

I feel heart broken for these girls.

Excuse me, but in Asia offenders do pay, and in some other countries rapists are absolved if they offer a marriage proposal. No one is explaining "away" anything, just merely conversing on norms which do not change or confront abusive behaviour.

I've been researching sexual abuse and gender issues in developing countries for a couple of years now. I never said I was an "expert", those were your words, for one reason or another.

Meemiathai, Dickie:

Yes everyone should be more careful, but part of being careful is recognizing signals. The signals are different here. Actually, it is not only a matter of being naive or gullible, but not really cognizant of the fact that ordinary people who are perfectly normal, nice, and sociable, and whom you may even know previously, will suddenly turn on you as soon as they have the advantage of either a group, or otherwise. Yes, this can happen anywhere, but not with the same astounding regularity or context as here. Within these set of circumstances, it is almost impossible for a woman to socialize with anyone confidently.

DJ Pat:

You say you blame Western media, and yet the most horrendus media Thais are exposed to several times a day is Thai media.

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I might have miss something and in that case I'd apologize but what about her friend they are talking about ?

Was her friend a man or a woman ?

What did her friend do while she was raped ?

I suppose her friend was not a Thai citizen because they said that they've been sent to their respective countries.

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At the end of the day it's good to see that appart from the ordeal the girls are still alive, the police are seen as doing somethingand the blokes no doubt will be punished one way or another. But some of you are right it is double standards in oa lot of SE Asean countries, like Pakistan where the blokes throw acid in the girls face if they get turned down.

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The daily <deleted> that falang girls go through here must be hard to bare. I have many falang girl friends who I hit the bars with quite often. They are so used to being hastled and propositioned that its doesn't phase them anymore. They've been endlessly harrassed, followed by motorbike taxi and tuk-tuk drivers and various other deviants on a regular basis. It's stressful for me seeing this stuff as I always seem to stick my neck out and tell these buggers to piss off. My friends tell me not to bother, becuase they are used to it. But, I can't sit there and do nothing as these creeps keep forcing the issue. It's disheartening and worrisome and I dread the day that this sort of tragic situation falls upon one of my friends.

These girls who were raped had been working in the town for a year and may have been living in Thailand for longer. I'm sure they weren't as I naive as some are saying. They allegedly knew these guys. That's the scary part.

If proven guilty, I hope these bastards get payed back ten fold.

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In terms of getting hassled on the street, I must say that dressing "approriately" does help. I've been in Thailand for 2 years, but I can count on 1 hand the number of times I have worn a singlet out walking about. When I do dress for a club, I usually bring a shawl that I put around myself to get into a taxi.

The one time I was "attacked" or groped on the street in Chiang Mai, I was wearing a singlet and walking back to my guest house at 1 a.m. I definitely don't think I deserved this, but I do try to sort out the different signals for different environments.

That being said, I'm a human being, a female, and I live here as a single woman. It is ###### hard not to ever put yourself in a comprimising situation at least some of the time, because by nature you want to socialize and meet men. In order to date, you have to start out getting to know someone, which means you don't know them. Also, as I have said, I have met perfectly respectable men in this region that turn out to be nightmares once they figure out they have an "advantatge." What do you do? Not socialize, not date, wait until 6 months to a year before you become intitmate with someone so as not to be put at a "disadvantage." I don't know.

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Yes, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. That BS spouted above by various d*ckheads about "not being smart enough to avoid a bad situation" is just another case of men blaming the victim. Women are not *supposed* to have to live by Victorian rules where any woman alone is liable to be raped and should know it and live accordingly. I think the first time I was asked as an adult to escort a female coworker to her car after hours was one of the weirdest moments of my life, when I suddenly realized that for women nighttime MEANS danger in many areas of the world- to a much greater degree than ever experienced by most men. It's simply wrong.


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In terms of getting hassled on the street, I must say that dressing "approriately" does help. I've been in Thailand for 2

)-- snipped --(

What do you do? Not socialize, not date, wait until 6 months to a year before you become intitmate with someone so as not to be put at a "disadvantage." I don't know.

Harsh, I agree. Dunno what colour you are, but white girls will have a hard time. British girls in Europe have the reputation of being shag-bunnies and, to a large degree, it's deserved. Read the papers and talk to the euro-blokes, they will ###### virtually anyone. People read about this in far-flung places and think "white girls are up for it".

It's the same reason a lot of blokes go to Thailand for "a holiday": reputation.

Is it fair? On the target: no.

Is it fair for the locals to think so? Probably. Read up on the phenomenon of Brit girls abroad before commenting.

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In terms of getting hassled on the street, I must say that dressing "approriately" does help.  I've been in Thailand for 2

)-- snipped --(

What do you do?  Not socialize, not date, wait until 6 months to a year before you become intitmate with someone so as not to be put at a "disadvantage."  I don't know.

Harsh, I agree. Dunno what colour you are, but white girls will have a hard time. British girls in Europe have the reputation of being shag-bunnies and, to a large degree, it's deserved. Read the papers and talk to the euro-blokes, they will ###### virtually anyone. People read about this in far-flung places and think "white girls are up for it".

It's the same reason a lot of blokes go to Thailand for "a holiday": reputation.

Is it fair? On the target: no.

Is it fair for the locals to think so? Probably. Read up on the phenomenon of Brit girls abroad before commenting.

I have read a lot about Brits abroad, both men and women, and incidents in the British press about Ibiza, Saudi Arabia, and so on. I have been reading up about these types of things overall because of the independent research I'm doing.

No doubt there are problems and gigantic shifts in the Western gender fault line. I don't want to revisit that fault line at the moment, but let me say that no woman deserves to be raped or gang-raped: not a prostitute, a half-naked homeless woman, or a wife by her husband. Rape is wrong, sexual abuse of children is wrong. These acts need to invoke a severe penalty, one that reflects the nature of the harm done to the individual and societal values. And this includes whether or not these acts are perpetrated on women or men (In Thailand and other parts of S.E. Asia, there is no such thing as rape of a male).

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"Gang rape and sexual abuse is much more of a norm here in S.E. Asia (and in other traditional societies) then it is in the West."

The person that wrote the above is not aware that statiscially a women is raped and beaten in the United states every minute. Rape is also a very common fact in Europe.

This remark reveals how us westerners in our "minds" think that we are in some way more

civilised when in fact we have recently in the 20th century have had the cruelest and the most murderous wars in the history of humanity on this planet as well as having destroyed and enslaved and raped millions of women through colonialism. I am sorry that this woman got raped, but beware of how you use this fact to justify all your hidden "cultural superiority" stupidity. I suggest you read history and be aware of what the "civilised west" has down to traditional societies throughout the world since 1492. Also I blame the west for the "hollywoodization"of violence and rape through films and T.V. and inculcating "compulsive consumerism" in what were for the most part much more serene and spiritual societies in Asia, Africa and the Americas before western barbarian hords came out of their caves conquering, raping and pillaging the rest of the world. :o

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