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Factually correct or incorrect, if it scares one paedophile from coming to this country, it is collateral damage.

Yeah.. though would it scare them or encourage them, to hear that there's three floors of underage girls in Bangkok and everyone's indulging with just 2 Canadians being arrested, ever?

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Factually correct or incorrect, if it scares one paedophile from coming to this country, it is collateral damage.

Yeah.. though would it scare them or encourage them, to hear that there's three floors of underage girls in Bangkok and everyone's indulging with just 2 Canadians being arrested, ever?

I dont' think Thailand needs any help to publicise itself among the sex tourist community.

We can't deny that Nana and Pattaya are there, it is just someone put it on TV in a biased but not entirely untrue manner.


sorry but it is how los is portryed.

sorry but im sure child molesters do have it eazier in los than the west.

not sorry but some of you just dont believe what goes on in los, kinda amusing. its an adult playground of epic proportions.

can someone confirm that about 5% of tourists partake in redlight districts. seems kinda low to me.

sorry but it is how los is portryed.

sorry but im sure child molesters do have it eazier in los than the west.

not sorry but some of you just dont believe what goes on in los, kinda amusing. its an adult playground of epic proportions.

can someone confirm that about 5% of tourists partake in redlight districts. seems kinda low to me.

I think they missed a zero. 50% would be closer to the mark


Oh sh1t it says there is alledged corrpution in the Thai govt. too?? I maybe didnt hear part one too well did they say a UK man molested two , two year old tigers? lucky devil!! Well ive never seen any prositutes here so it must all be rubbish.


The people that made this should be ashamed of themselves. It's as racist and ridiculous as the old blood libel claims about Jews, or the claims about 50,000 children murdered per year in Satanic rape cults in the US back in the 80s. Canadian hate speech laws should apply and they should be sued.

The people that made this should be ashamed of themselves. It's as racist and ridiculous as the old blood libel claims about Jews, or the claims about 50,000 children murdered per year in Satanic rape cults in the US back in the 80s. Canadian hate speech laws should apply and they should be sued.

Excuse me while I choke on my somtaam! :o

I think they missed a zero. 50% would be closer to the mark

That'd be pretty amazing, given that about 40% of tourists are female, then there's the millions of package tourists who never get near a gogo bar. 5% is probably much closer, a lot of people may go in a gogo bar or two just to look, but the vast majority are not interested in making any purchases.

I think they missed a zero. 50% would be closer to the mark

That'd be pretty amazing, given that about 40% of tourists are female, then there's the millions of package tourists who never get near a gogo bar. 5% is probably much closer, a lot of people may go in a gogo bar or two just to look, but the vast majority are not interested in making any purchases.

If as an assumption 50% of the visitors are business people or transitors or visiting family(maybe a little high) that leave 6mn. Thailand is very popular for MICE.

Pattaya had 1.5mn last year and that doesn't count every other den of iniquity in Thailand.

Factually correct or incorrect, if it scares one paedophile from coming to this country, it is collateral damage.

Yeah.. though would it scare them or encourage them, to hear that there's three floors of underage girls in Bangkok and everyone's indulging with just 2 Canadians being arrested, ever?

I dont' think Thailand needs any help to publicise itself among the sex tourist community.

We can't deny that Nana and Pattaya are there, it is just someone put it on TV in a biased but not entirely untrue manner.

sorry but it is how los is portryed.

sorry but im sure child molesters do have it eazier in los than the west.

not sorry but some of you just dont believe what goes on in los, kinda amusing. its an adult playground of epic proportions.

can someone confirm that about 5% of tourists partake in redlight districts. seems kinda low to me.

NO, you both are missing the point. Its NOT about the sex trade, if it was none of us would care OR deny it. We all know there are lots of hookers here, that is not the problem. The problem is that this news report is straight up saying that most of the hookers are underage. This is outrageous! There probably are some underage things going on somewere on a small scale, ok, but they were referring to places like NANA as dens of paedophilia, they are trying to tell the world that all those tiny twentie something to thirty something girls are 12 years old! They might look young to an overweight western person but they certainly are not. AND they are trying to tell the world that they are slaves and live horrible lives! Its all bullcrap. These girls have apartments, go to work at a certain time, finish their shift and go home or go with a customer to their home, slaves they are NOT and anyone that knows even a little about the scene knows all this, but these people that made the report are so utterly clueless they really dont know anything. And they are using voice actors and saying lines from a script to try to add substance to their report which doesnt exist. ANYONE EVER HEARD OF A NANA GIRL GOING FOR 600 BAHT?!?!?!? Or speaking with a chinese/vietnamese accent? Didnt think so. They couldnt even hire the right accent for the voice acting, morons. Guess all Asians sound the same to them.


Factually correct or incorrect, if it scares one paedophile from coming to this country, it is collateral damage.

Yeah.. though would it scare them or encourage them, to hear that there's three floors of underage girls in Bangkok and everyone's indulging with just 2 Canadians being arrested, ever?

I dont' think Thailand needs any help to publicise itself among the sex tourist community.

We can't deny that Nana and Pattaya are there, it is just someone put it on TV in a biased but not entirely untrue manner.

sorry but it is how los is portryed.

sorry but im sure child molesters do have it eazier in los than the west.

not sorry but some of you just dont believe what goes on in los, kinda amusing. its an adult playground of epic proportions.

can someone confirm that about 5% of tourists partake in redlight districts. seems kinda low to me.

NO, you both are missing the point. Its NOT about the sex trade, if it was none of us would care OR deny it. We all know there are lots of hookers here, that is not the problem. The problem is that this news report is straight up saying that most of the hookers are underage. This is outrageous! There probably are some underage things going on somewere on a small scale, ok, but they were referring to places like NANA as dens of paedophilia, they are trying to tell the world that all those tiny twentie something to thirty something girls are 12 years old! They might look young to an overweight western person but they certainly are not. AND they are trying to tell the world that they are slaves and live horrible lives! Its all bullcrap. These girls have apartments, go to work at a certain time, finish their shift and go home or go with a customer to their home, slaves they are NOT and anyone that knows even a little about the scene knows all this, but these people that made the report are so utterly clueless they really dont know anything. And they are using voice actors and saying lines from a script to try to add substance to their report which doesnt exist. ANYONE EVER HEARD OF A NANA GIRL GOING FOR 600 BAHT?!?!?!? Or speaking with a chinese/vietnamese accent? Didnt think so. They couldnt even hire the right accent for the voice acting, morons. Guess all Asians sound the same to them.


What on earth are you trying to defend?

Well I am so glad to hear that the have followed economic efficiency in their business. Next they will form a union and a minimum wage. Who expect a Canadian filmcrew to get it right? It is so morally wrong, how twisted do you have to be to realise Thailand would be so much better off without this whole industry. I hope that in one generation they get ABSOLUTELY RID OF IT.


you missing the point.

of course nana is not a den of 13-16 yr olds,

but there are many places where guys can get babies if they want. i dont know where by the way. this is one report where to understand it true facts not necessary............lol. just the general concepts.



Would any of em swap their lot for that of a western women and have to sleep with us for nix!!

Seriously though, in this day and age I am surprised that anybody gives the printed media any consideration whatsoever. They are a dieing breed and having to become more and more sensational as time goes on.


I always thought news agencies were meant to tell true stories. Made up stories with messages are for movie directors etc...

What on earth are you trying to defend?

Thailand's reputation, and by extension, all our reputations as people who spend a lot of time in Thailand.

If/when you get hassle or raised eyebrows in the West when people learn you spend a lot of time in Thailand, it's because of tripe reporting like this.

Or did you think he was defending the sex scene? Of course not; the sex scene is what it is. And I too hope it will disappear (or massively reduce) one day, but then not because privileged people in government try to eradicate it by force, but because education and opportunity in general will make sex work in more cases an option, not a de facto necessity.

What on earth are you trying to defend?

Well I am so glad to hear that the have followed economic efficiency in their business. Next they will form a union and a minimum wage. Who expect a Canadian filmcrew to get it right? It is so morally wrong, how twisted do you have to be to realise Thailand would be so much better off without this whole industry. I hope that in one generation they get ABSOLUTELY RID OF IT.

If someone hears about a guy sleeping with a hooker people would think "oh, thats sleazy", but if they hear you slept with a CHILD they would think "HOPE THAT FOOKER DIES A SLOW DEATH!" See the difference?

Why is it so wrong by the way? I dont like it but that is because I cant wrap my brain around having to pay for it, my ego wont let me. But I dont judge it. Why do you feel its so morally wrong?

Blizzard, they were referring to NANA, so I was too. If they said there was some horrible slave den in Surat or something FINE, but they used nana as an example and lied straight up about it.


What on earth are you trying to defend?

Well I am so glad to hear that the have followed economic efficiency in their business. Next they will form a union and a minimum wage. Who expect a Canadian filmcrew to get it right? It is so morally wrong, how twisted do you have to be to realise Thailand would be so much better off without this whole industry. I hope that in one generation they get ABSOLUTELY RID OF IT.

He's trying to say that the reality is nothing like it is portrayed in the media. They are portrayed as 12 year old sex slave in the media when that is simply not trues, they are consenting adults who make their choice for a variety of reasons. That's a huge difference to most people.

And how do you propose to get rid of it? Every Asian country has prostitution everywhere, even the rich ones like Korea and Japan. The only difference is that Thailand is open to foreigners, in other countries only natives are allowed. The fact is when your religion doesn't send you to hel_l for doing it more women are going to consider it a viable alternative. I don't think it's the best choice, but it's not the worst, and it's none of my business. And if you really think the girls at Nana need a union and a minimum wage I don't think you understand how things work there, if anything that would cut into the huge amounts of money they already make.


i always wanted to know how much they make at nana.

avg? or by median incum?

i just see so many who dont have many many customer. how they make money?

ps. i think too many of you hung up on the factual in accuracies. i think report trying to get across the notion if u want kids one of yr choices is los.

And if you really think the girls at Nana need a union and a minimum wage I don't think you understand how things work there, if anything that would cut into the huge amounts of money they already make.

Well, actually I think they need social security benefits too. Like any other job. Currently very few have that.

i always wanted to know how much they make at nana.

avg? or by median incum?

i just see so many who dont have many many customer. how they make money?

Well, averages don't mean that much as some will be making damned near expat salaries, others will be scraping by. The ones at the bottom can have a very frugal lifestyle when needed. Keep in mind that just one customer can pay for the rent for a month. Add a second and there's food for a month. Add a third and they can start sending money home, saving money, or wasting money. Usually the latter, it seems. I tried to explain sufficiency economy once around those parts, but they couldn't have looked at me more horrified if I had just swallowed a live cockroach.

i always wanted to know how much they make at nana.

avg? or by median incum?

i just see so many who dont have many many customer. how they make money?

ps. i think too many of you hung up on the factual in accuracies. i think report trying to get across the notion if u want kids one of yr choices is los.

The factual inaccuracies are HUGELY important. If the report was just about child prostitution than they need to report the REAL FACTS! Not make them up or guess! They put full grown women on the screen and tried to tell people they were kids! Its disgusting, they arent trying to help anyone, they just want a sensational show. If they really wanted to help or report they would have gone after a real story with real facts. They were lazy and incompetent and went to a mainstream brothel (nana plaza) full of adults and said "hmm lets just call all these women 12 year old slave kids and make an exciting story!"


a mainstream brothel

:D Sorry, I agree with you, I just thought this was funny. :o

And to be even more pedantic, I don't think it's technically a brothel, because a brothel is a place where commercial sex takes place, within the building.

ps. i think too many of you hung up on the factual in accuracies. i think report trying to get across the notion if u want kids one of yr choices is los.

I don't think that's completely true. Every case I've read about in Thailand has been basically the same as the cases I've heard of in any other country, a man preying on a family member, a neighborhood kid, a student, or someone they met on the internet. It's basically the same as anywhere else in the world. Look at any paper in the US, teachers are being arrested daily for having sex with their students. It may be easier for a long term foreigner to find teens because the locals are trusting and poor and the expat is rich, but not because there are bars where tourists can go to buy them. A man with cash has those same opportunities in Japan, the EU, or the US.


one customer one day does not pay a girls rent for the month! (unless u referring to long time, and if u r they dont get paid big baht, lt is usually reserved for those who dont get short time.....lol.

teachers not being arrested daily in usa for having sex withstudents....lol.

who says reporting on kidie sex in los is trying to help anyone. its what people want to watch. you guys worse than the reporters..........lol.

lila , nana does have rooms where girls take their customers, its right within the borders of the plaza.

for some reason i think many of you think adult entertainers in los make big baht. this couldnt be further from the truth.


i thought this subjct was taboo here.
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