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Human Growth Hormone


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Time for me to make myself unpopular again by reminding folks (since people often don't read back to the start of a thread) that use of HGH to counteract the effects of aging is not medically approved and its safety is unknown. It can be done, since the drug is approved for other uses and thus legal (through a doctor), and I'm not saying don't do it, just be aware if you do that you do so at your own risk and that long term effects of trying to reverse/slow down cellular aging this way are completely unknwon.

Likewise, safety of long term use of testosterone is unkown. In particular, anyone using it should be sure to have regular prostate checks (manual exam & PSA) and no one with a history of protate cancer should take it. It may not in itself cause cancer,but it will accelerate its spread. For which reason a prostate check befre starting on it is also highy advisable.

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All of this is fine and well.. I took it in Korea for years....

no side effects...hard to say if my health was better for


But isn't this thread academic? It is almost impossible to get

HGH(especially the injectable weekly dose that is cheap in Korea)

in Thailand.

I have no idea why.

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Actually, there are a number of "anti-aging " medical clinics in Bkk (including one affiliated with Bumrungrad) and it's a fair bet they prescribe it. At a not inconsiderable cost, of course.

Not unless they have changed their policy. I asked about that

in Bumrungrad last year and was told "sorry illegal" - they do vitamin

therapy only. A waste of money if you ask me...as many good

doctors will do the same cheaper..

That's the only place I inquired....actually one pharmacy

in Bangkok(near Nana) told me he would sell it but the price quoted was really high

and I would rather trust a proper doctor...

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Thank you for interested in our medical services

1. About Growth hormone : Thailand's FDA is not approving HGH injection in adult yet but for the patient, we can provide Growth hormone secretagogues(Combination of amino acids that induce natural GH production). Other Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy(BHRT) like Thyroid hormone, Testosterone, DHEA, Cortisol , etc are available.

2 Testosterone is a male sex hormone. Other than improve sexual function, Testosterone also has similar effect to Growth hormone, building muscle and bone. Bioidentical Testosterone replacement can improve GH production naturally as well.

3. Before any BHRT, we suggest to have investigation to see which hormone is lacking and then consider treatment.

Best Regards,

BMC Anti-Aging Center

Bangkok Hospital

Tel: 66-2-308-7043

Fax : 66-2-308-7051

e-mail : [email protected]

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i checked 3 pharmacies today and got a price from 120 to 160 baht for 10 40 mg caps, initial dosages about 120 mg

i read the package insert and i think Sheryl is correct

best to have a psa / prostate check before embarking on this

and maybe check blood levels, thyroid, hormones, etc...


would oral be as, more, or less affective compared to testosterone injections?

i never tired any of this stuff but feel i need/can use something

i am taking excellent care of myself

but drive, desire, motivation, mood, joy, energy, sleep ability, etc. seems to be on the decline

use to be a work out and a good meal gave me a great endorphin high with a huge sexual appetite

neither of these things are nearly as they used to be only a year or so ago :o

advice suggestions for a novice in these matters etc?

lorig thanks for your posts

they are very informative

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i checked 3 pharmacies today and got a price from 120 to 160 baht for 10 40 mg caps, initial dosages about 120 mg

i read the package insert and i think Sheryl is correct

best to have a psa / prostate check before embarking on this

and maybe check blood levels, thyroid, hormones, etc...


would oral be as, more, or less affective compared to testosterone injections?

i never tired any of this stuff but feel i need/can use something

i am taking excellent care of myself

but drive, desire, motivation, mood, joy, energy, sleep ability, etc. seems to be on the decline

use to be a work out and a good meal gave me a great endorphin high with a huge sexual appetite

neither of these things are nearly as they used to be only a year or so ago :o

advice suggestions for a novice in these matters etc?

lorig thanks for your posts

they are very informative

Hi Deejay,

You may want to get a baseline blood work done and another in a few months to monitor your progress. One test, the most important in my opinion, is the LH (leutinizing hormone). This test determines testosterone to estrogen conversion. Roughly 10% of men convert. If this is you and appropriate estrogen blocking is not undertaken, you may be exascerbating the problem. If you have ever seen a man with breasts, he is most likely a converter. Ross was in this 10%. In addition to an intramuscular testosterone injection once a week, he takes an estrogen blocker. Testosterone supplementation in men can suppress natural production. Ross injects HCG as well. In human females this hormone is used as a fertility treatment. In males it causes the gonads to manufacture testosterone.

I am convinced that testosterone does not play a causative role in the development of prostate cancer. Recent medical literature supports this view, in fact there are physicians currently prescribing high dose testosterone to thier prostate cancer patients and the outcomes have been significantly better than patients on hormone blockade. As an aside, Ross's testosterone level has increased in the past 5 months from the mid 300mg/dl up to a very high 1430mg/dl His PSA has dropped dramatically and as of the latest bloodwork, three weeks ago, his PSA is 0.04.

Here is an article you may find of interest. http://www.hno.harvard.edu/gazette/2004/02...stosterone.html

I hope you will post and tell us your results.


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i am still in the beginner phase of any type of therapy or treatment

i might explore supplements prior to something like hgh or test. which seem more radical

so far i read the

Human growth hormone: the wonder stuff


and culled the following

-it can not be ingested orally

-alcohol can interfere with it

-its expensive, hard to get

-it may interfere with your natural ability to produce it later

and best of all

-there may be ways to boost it naturally!

for what its worth

now on to the next article

thanks lorig :o

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I read an article in the South East Sydney Division of General Practice where a doctor in sexual health is using Testosterone as a way of dealing with male sexual disfunction, recent edition (SESDGP).

I started HGH traetment, but the doctor prescribing can't be found for six weeks? Health Dept. problem?

The fact of the matter was I got some benefit in the treatment which was only for one month. My initial HGH levels were just above half of what was flaged normal on the blood test?

There appears to be a lot of fear with this type of treatment together with testosterone, but I think more work should be done.

This is the work for an Endo specialist?

How do you boost it naturally deejah? Just interested, as it is expensive.

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here are some excerpts from


mostly about testosterone:


Exercise stimulates testosterone production, but not for all men and not all exercises. Studies show that intensive aerobic exercise, i.e., running a marathon, can cause a testosterone decline in 30 percent of men, including athletes. Weight resistance exercises, however, tend to promote higher levels of testosterone.

The heavier exercises involving the larger muscles of the back, arms, legs and shoulders require testosterone to promote muscle mass and muscle strength. In turn, the greater the muscle mass, the higher the level of circulating testosterone. Weight resistance exercises can be done at a gym or a fitness club, in your home or anywhere with specific isometric exercises.

Weight training must be done at least three times a week to be beneficial for raising testosterone and building muscle mass.

Excerpted from Sex For Life by David Saul, M.D. Copyright ฉ 1999. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the author.

HGH production is stimulated by protein in the diet and inhibited by carbohydrates.

So what is the best type of nutritional advice to promote better levels of SHBG and HGH and the resulting testosterone? That diet is the lower carbohydrate diet.

A lower carbohydrate diet means less bread, rice, pasta, potato, corn and fruit, and more vegetables, protein and moderate fat, with every meal. A low carbohydrate diet will promote weight loss, decrease the tendency towards diabetes and high blood pressure and also help keep your testosterone levels up.


Since peak production of testosterone occurs during your sleep, if there is sleep deprivation on a regular basis, your testosterone levels can be affected. Therefore, it is important to get the required amount of total sleep and REM (rapid eye movement or dream sleep) every night. For most people, seven to eight hours should be the minimum daily requirement. Catching up by sleeping until noon on Sundays won't do it, for testosterone or for your health in general.

Some simple advice to improve your sleep routine:

Take a hot bath

Avoid alcohol

Try drinking warm milk

Avoid exercising too close to bedtime


Have sex before going to sleep

When all else fails, think about a pleasant, peaceful place.


More sexual activity stimulates more testosterone production. Conversely, lower testosterone levels are related to less regular sex.

Remember, the highest 24-hour level of testosterone is from 6 to 8 a.m., which is why almost all men wake up with an erection. That also helps to explain why many men have a strong sexual urge first thing in the morning. Women, however, have a higher sexual urge last thing at night. Overall, men require more regular sexual episodes, with or without a partner, to maintain adequate levels of testosterone. As the saying goes: if you don't use it, you'll lose it.


Physical stress from a major injury, a car accident or from a surgery depletes testosterone. If the testosterone decline is dramatic it may result in early emotional, physical and sexual complications. Yet, those patients with higher testosterone levels to start with usually have a faster recovery and develop fewer testosterone-related complications.

Emotional stress is another way that testosterone is depleted. Continuous rejections, failures and criticisms all take their toll on men by lowering testosterone, including at work, at home and even self-imposed, put-downs. The constant exposure to negativity can really drive down testosterone levels. But, by learning stress management and relaxation skills you can help yourself improve your resilience to any testosterone decline.

Psychological States

The concepts of competition, winning and losing, all have a strong relationship with testosterone. Right before an athletic competition, testosterone runs high. For the winners, it stays high. For the losers, it goes down. This helps explain the winning and losing streaks in sports. The same hold true in business affairs and other personal pursuits.

Being the center of attention is another psychological state that is important to testosterone. Even though being "on display" can be stressful, once the fear of public speaking is dealt with, then being the center of attention is a huge testosterone booster.



I have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Can I take testosterone?


No. In men who have an existing cancer of the prostate, testosterone can promote its growth. This is why testosterone replacement is not recommended for men with prostate cancer.


I have an enlarged prostate. Can I take testosterone?


The prostate slowly enlarges as men age. And in some men, testosterone can cause this process to speed up. Consequently, some men with enlarged prostates can qualify for testosterone therapy, but others do not. Only a physician can make the decision of whether you qualify. If you do take testosterone replacement, your physician will monitor the health of your prostate with regular (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood tests and physical examinations.

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here is a little bit from another article called

Has anti-aging 'arrived'?


Besides exercising five days a week and following a strict low-fat diet that includes lots of fruits, vegetables and wild salmon but no white flour or red meat, he takes supplements ranging from thiamin and biotin to DHEA, DMAE, colostrum, arginine, carnitine and omega-3 fatty acids - about 50 pills per day. He is 64 but looks a decade younger.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm new to this forum but thought I'd jump in.

After many years of research my husband and I decided to start a program of Hgh and testosterone. I'm a 49 years old and my husband is 58. We each take 1 iu of Hgh per day, 6 days per week with 1 day off. I use a testosterone cream every day and my husband injects testosterone once a week. We follow a low glycemic index diet and exercise daily. We began this program Dec. 1, 2008.

My results have been dramatic. In 9 weeks I have lost 2 inches off my waist, going from a 28" to a 26". My energy level is comparable to when I was in my early 30s. My sex drive, which had entirely vanished has returned full on. My skin is moister and smoother. Improved mood. Stronger fingernails and disappearance of ridging. Better quality sleep. Increased muscle mass. Blood pressure improved as have glucose measurements. Greater endurance.

The only thing I haven't noticed is memory improvement. Then again, it's only been 9 weeks.

My husband has lost several inches of body fat, primarily around his waist. He has a stressful, dangerous job and has become more capable coping with it. His skin looks better with fewer wrinkles. He doesn't require as much sleep. We have great sex almost every day. We used to have sex one or two times a month. A rotator cuff injury from 9 years ago seems to have finally healed as there is no pain. Initially his blood pressure rose to 140/89 (average) from 140/80 (pre Hgh) but it has dropped and the last three weeks his readings are typically in the 120/70 range.

After reading every medical study I could get my hands on, I came to the conclusion that there is no basis in fact that Hgh causes cancer, diabetes, heart disease or any other disease. Most adult cancers occur in the years where hormones are in the greatest decline, not when levels are high. In fact several studies clearly indicate that if a younger persons hormone levels are low they are at an increased risk for disease. Children who are given Hgh do not exhibit an increase of any type of cancer. Show me a study where Hgh causes cancer and I'll show you 50 solid studies to dispute it. It is true that Hgh taken in very large doses can cause acromegaly, joint pain and carpal tunnel. What doses are unsafe can be difficult to determine as it differs from person to person. My anti aging physician (a former cardiac surgeon) believes under 2iu per day is a safe dosage. By the way, he's 30, the picture of health and he takes testosterone and a unit Hgh a day as well.

I understand an argument could be made for the unknown long term effects, but I would think that same argument could be made for CoQ10, Germanium or many other valuable supplements that have come on the scene in the last 20 years or so.

Hgh is not effective in sprays, lotions, pills etc. Altough the pharmaceutical industry have been looking for years for a way to transport Hgh and Insulin without the use of a syringe, to date this feat has yet to be accomplished. It's likely insulin will become transdermal before Hgh. That hasn't happened yet. So if you decide to take Hgh don't waste your time and money on sprays, creams etc. The only way to use Hgh is by injection. Hgh is expensive and requires a prescription in most countries. Do you really think these outfits selling sprays are actually using real Hgh and even if they were, good luck getting past the stomach acids.

I've noticed the people that really should know better just don't. I'm talking about endocrinologists. Reminds me of the days, not so long ago when medical doctors would shun chiropractors as quacks. Your best bet is to go to a doctor who is trained in anti aging medicine.

In short, if you don't feel great anymore and you feel old and tired, it's up to you to make changes. You can continue to wait for the long term studies and maybe you will still be alive to see what the outcomes are, or you can be proactive and do your own research. Find out everything you can. Most physicians know very little about bio identical hormone replacement or diet for that matter. Take control of your own health and decide what's right for you.

I am very interested to hear about the increase in BP. Did you relate this to an increse in heart rate? I am experiencing the same side affect, I am only two weeks into my first cycle. I also notice a rise in body temperature in the first few hours after taking a dose. I have also started to see the positive changes too. I have combined this cycle with other supplements and regular exercise. Pills, sprays and lotions are all scams.

What saddens me most is that the medical fraternity who know precious little about these substances actually control who can or cannot obtain it????????? Best bet is try a good body building forum for advice.

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Hi Bob,

I am delighted to hear you have started a program with Hgh. It's been almost 8 months for Ross and I and it just gets better and better. Ross's blood pressure has normalized. I find this interesting as we increased our dosage to 2iu a couple of months ago.

We are still following a low glycemic diet. I feel this is important as high glucose levels interfere with Hgh. About two weeks ago we changed our exercise program. We are now following Dr. Al Sears PACE program. If you are interested his book is available online. Makes sense to me and the workout only takes 10 to 15 minutes a day.

Your comment about the medical fraternity preventing people from making life enhancing choices is absolutely correct. I was speaking to my physician who told me she knows of several doctors who take Hgh but will not prescribe it to thier patients. I think the decision to not prescribe is more about government pressure than anything else. I know in Canada and Bermuda (where we live) physicians are scrutinized closely when they do prescribe. Meletonin, DHEA, Tryptophan were all banned in Canada. Why? Not because they were found to be dangerous. Quite to the contrary, these products (and numerous others) were cutting into the profits of big pharma. That's what saddens me.

I think the best bet is to find a doctor who knows what you are taking and is willing to do the necessary blood panels every 4 or 5 months. You may need to educate your doc on what the target levels are for testosterone, igf etc. but at least you will clearly know where you are at.

I'm curious to know how and from where you managed to aquire a supply. Are you living in Thailand?

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  • 2 months later...
This is and has been touted as the Fountain of Youth onder drug by certain doctors and people who take it .

Anyone here have any experience with it ?

I stay in thailand and have taken HGH for many years as injection at 3,3IU pr. day. I currently take getropin as this is available here, and I must say its the strongest purest rHGH 191AA I have ever laid my hands on. I feel 10 years younger and people comment on my look all the time. There is tons of litterature out there and lots of research has been done on this hormone. Taken the right way it produces wonders. the list is long for the benfits. those who warn against rHGH has never taken it. or got the wrong stuff, did not know HOW to take it or simply just did not take the time it needs to produce the results. expect at least 4-5 months before the real visible signs are coming. Its a long term commitment.

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Hi Martin,

I'm delighted to hear of your great results with Hgh, however I would be surprised if you had experienced anything to the contrary. We are into our 10th month of hormone replacement and recently took a trip home to Vancouver, BC. which is the city which we are from. We had a family gathering and many of the relatives hadn't seen my husband for over three years. They were astonished at how lean and young he looks. Our physician has purchased the equipment to produce Hgh and assures us an excellent price on it. May I ask what your unit cost is in US funds?

I'm working on Ross to show before and after pictures and who knows, maybe I'll toss in a couple of mine as well. In the meantime, perhaps you could give me some more details on how you found a physician, which hospital you deal with etc.

All the best to you,


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Hi Martin,

I'm delighted to hear of your great results with Hgh, however I would be surprised if you had experienced anything to the contrary. We are into our 10th month of hormone replacement and recently took a trip home to Vancouver, BC. which is the city which we are from. We had a family gathering and many of the relatives hadn't seen my husband for over three years. They were astonished at how lean and young he looks. Our physician has purchased the equipment to produce Hgh and assures us an excellent price on it. May I ask what your unit cost is in US funds?

I'm working on Ross to show before and after pictures and who knows, maybe I'll toss in a couple of mine as well. In the meantime, perhaps you could give me some more details on how you found a physician, which hospital you deal with etc.

All the best to you,


Hi Lori

Yes I love this stuff as well : ) this is the single most powerfull anti aging product you can take.

I Dont deal with physicians, hospitals etc. as it only makes the HGH very costly to obtain. I have friends that knows where to get it and I currently get getropin (dot) com here in samui for 14.000baht pr. 100IU. I trust this source and the product. Before that I bought jintropin and its the same high quality. I have taken HGH for around 3,5 years now at 2IU-3,3IU. Im 36 and train thai boxing 1-2 times pr. day. weights 4 times pr. week. my body recovers as fast as a young man in his 20ties. Injuries are gone in no time and I can keep up with all the young boys now. I could not do that before I started HGH. weight loss is amazing also.

I also look at starting up Keto 7 DHEA and melatonin. natural testostone levels is supressed the moment you start taking it in from outside, so I dont want to do that.

My friend at 60 years old just started taking HGH also. he is already starting to look and feel better after only 2 months on 2IU.



Edited by martin1971
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Found some stuff online about the various ways of waisting money on HGH:

FACT: The only way to externally increase the HGH level in your body is by injection with a small and safe insulin needle - this it works incredibly well. if you are under 30, please consider the next article below for ways to naturally stimulate your bodies own HGH production.

Do not be fooled by companies trying to sell you something else.

It is the structural nature of HGH that makes it impossible to be absorbed into your body by any other method...


The Human Growth Hormone is a protein-based structure that is produced by the pituitary gland, located at the base of the human brain.

It is a complicated 3D molecule composed of 191 amino acids (the building blocks of proteins and thus all living tissue) in a very specific order and configured in a certain way. The links between these amino acids are, in some places, extremely weak, making the HGH molecule very susceptible to breakage.

HGH is also the largest of all the hormones produced by the body, amassing to a molecular weight of 20,000. when reconstituted it cannot endure room temperature or shaking.

When the structure is active (identical to your natural production) HGH needs to be refrigerated and gently handled at all times. In short, the structure of rHGH is a very delicate



It is NOT possible to put this fragile amino acid in tablet form, and even if it was, your stomach would break down the amino acid and destroy it even before it reaches your bloodstream. The pineal gland shoots natural HGH DIRECTLY into your body, and so should you. <script> There is no proof or research showing tablets work.

Save your money.


Growth hormone sprays involves a short burst of the product sprayed into the nasal cavity or mouth, where the product is supposedly absorbed through the skin and passes into the blood stream to be carried to specific receptor sites.

To start with, the HGH molecule is too big to pass through even the thin lining of the nasal cavity or mouth. In addition, such a spray would assumedly be kept in liquid form. After mixing rHGH with water it last MAXIMUM 3 weeks in a refrigerator. Buy a spray and it's in room temperature for months.

The specific 3D configuration of HGH is necessary for correct interaction with the receptor sites in the body, much like a lock and key mechanism. If the shape of HGH is changed it becomes unacceptable to the receptor sites, thus proving ineffective.

The claims made by producers of these HGH sprays involve complicated and unjustifiable reasoning in the ingredients used. These growth hormone sprays, also known as HGH Releasers, contain a multitude of amino acids, apparently those found in the HGH molecule, the claim being that they will stimulate a minor boost in the natural production of HGH.

That's fine for a 20 year old whose HGH levels are already high, although why would they need the product anyway? As for someone older, the supposed increase in production would be so small (if any) as to be almost insignificant, as normal HGH production would be significantly less than that of a younger person.

Such a supply of various amino acids is not targeted towards HGH effects as the same set of amino acids can also stimulate the hormone controlled production of adrenal cortisone, to name but a few, which actually increases the aging process and you end up harming yourself instead. <script>

While there are some natural and pharmacological agents which in fact do trigger hGH production, including the amino acid arginine which is just one of the 20 amino acids which function as the building blocks of proteins in the human body, it is generally only effective if administered by injection. Save your money.

FACT: The only way of effectively increase your HGH in the body is by injection with a small insulin needle. Do not be fooled by companies that sell you something else.

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  • 4 months later...

Well growth hormone is the king of anti aging. I feel so much better on it. And its getting cheaper now these days.

I just got some Aquatic HGH. Its the new thing. 0 anti bodies and high potency molecules. I am going to try it out from next week when my regular HGH is running out.

My question is: has anyone in here any experience with AQ HGH? If yes, if dosages the same as with normal HGH?


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  • 2 weeks later...
Andriol Testocaps is a legal over the counter synthetic testosterone sold in Thailand at Boots and Watson's etc... with no prescription.

Anybody have any experiences with it? Much cheaper than HGH.

I take it off and on. Buy it at 60 caps, which look like vitamin E gel caps, in a box of 6 strips of 10 caps each. Total prices about 860 baht per box. I take only one per day when I do take them, they give me energy to work out harder, and what is best, my attitude seems to improve with them. I feel more positive and upbeat, but not really "high" or speedy, more of a controlled optimism coupled with a mellow attitude I suppose. When I did take two or three per day at first, I got a little too much energy and so cut back to one. Oh yes, another good result is that my sleep quality has improved.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi does anyone know about HGH. I have had a back surgury and people have told me it couold help me with more strength and healing. Does anyone know where to purchase it in BKK and is it from a doctor? I just would like to feel better.

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HGH is available in Thailand only from a hospital/doctor.

It is also not approved for use for back problems, here or anywhere in the world, and I am not aware of any research on its use for that.

Its only medically approved use is for specific deficiency states.

Although not approved for it, it is also widely used to delay or counteract the effects of aging on the theory that declining levels of HGH are part of what causes the effects of aging. I can't think what the rationale would be to use it in the context you suggest.

Frankly your best bet is a program of exercise and physical therapy tailored specifically to the type of surgery you have had and how many days/weeks post-op you are.

Pilates may be especially helpful but ask your surgeon first if it is OK, unless you have already been given the go ahead for full activity.

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Hgh from experience is an excellent hormone depending on what you want to use it for.

With age lots of hormones not only HGH decrease and for anti aging all of them should be addressed eg DHEA, Testosterone, HGH etc

HGH is very helpful with healing and repairing etc but that also depends within context eg yes it will help heal but if the cut internally or stitches is in such a situation so as to avoid bloating etc then HGH would best be avoided till more healing is done.

HGH as mentioned according to the FDA has been approved primarily for defenciey states.

check stallones body now at almost 60 who is definately using HGH and compare it to Arnold and you will see a huge difference.

HGH has also been known to benefit memory mood fat loss energy levels etc

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hgh from experience is an excellent hormone depending on what you want to use it for.

With age lots of hormones not only HGH decrease and for anti aging all of them should be addressed eg DHEA, Testosterone, HGH etc

HGH is very helpful with healing and repairing etc but that also depends within context eg yes it will help heal but if the cut internally or stitches is in such a situation so as to avoid bloating etc then HGH would best be avoided till more healing is done.

HGH as mentioned according to the FDA has been approved primarily for defenciey states.

check stallones body now at almost 60 who is definately using HGH and compare it to Arnold and you will see a huge difference.

HGH has also been known to benefit memory mood fat loss energy levels etc

It is beneficial to take testosterone and/or steroids whilst using HGH. Testoviron Depot can be ordered from Boots, its a powerful form of testosterone so be sparing unless you can get Tamoxifen as Testoviron aromatises into Estrogen in large doses. Tamoxifen prevents this from happening.

Better yet get Deca Durabolin from Boots (I kid you not). Deca has side affects that promote healing especially on the joints. So arthritis sufferers get some benefits and it doesn't aromatise. It helps build muscle.

I get my HGH from China but would love to find a source over here?

You should use Pregnyll every few weeks to counter the loss of testosterone production. Also from Boots!

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I get my HGH from China but would love to find a source over here?

As noted elsewhere in this thread, in Thailand this can only legally be obtained from a hospital pharmacy on doctor's order.

If you are having it shiopped to youi from aborad into Thailand be sure you have a doctor's prescription or you could be in violation of the law. Just have it on hand in case ever asked for it. It's been known to happen.

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