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Earned Income For A Retirement Visa Extension

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Hi, Hoping someone may have gone through this before and give me some advice. I am about to apply for my second renewal of my retirement visa. I do this in Chiang Mai as my bank is there (I used to live there) not in Bangkok. I am an artist who supplements his income here by selling my work in my home country and one other country. Last year I went to my embassy (Canada) with all my paperwork showing earned income and they issued me a letter (affidavit) that it was 'pension' income. This year I did the same thing but they insisted that the affidavit simply say I receive a yearly income of so much. My question to anyone who may know is whether this will present a problem for me in having to prove the income. I do have all my receipts etc if they want to take the time to wade through them. It was so easy when it was listed as 'pension' income. I am also concerned that if they start looking closely at it they may deem that I am 'working' on a retiremnent visa when in fact I am only an artist selling my work abroad. Any thoughts anyone?

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Sounds like the Canadian Embassy's new wording fits your situation better anyway, as you weren't receiving a "pension." Besides, "income" for retirement purposes in Thailand isn't restricted to just "pension income" It also includes "interest, dividends, etc" -- where "etc" would seemingly just about cover any positive cash flow.

The chance that Immigration will ask for proof supporting your affidavit doesn't seem to be too great, at least based on what I've read here. (Haven't seen anything saying CM has ever asked for proof.) And even if they did, sounds like you've got supporting material to show you're producing the required income *outside* of Thailand.

Out of curiosity, how strict was the Canadian Embassy in their examination of your income justification paperwork?

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Thanks to all those who replied. Much appreciated. Being an artist/designer I will always "work". I can't imagine not doing what I love. And yes, I do need the extra money I make to qualify for my visa renewal. I hope when I do it in a little over a week that my being an artist who sells his work outside of Thailand won't be an issue. How closely did the Canadian Embassy scrutinize my records? Very closely last year, less so this time. Thanks again everyone. Cheers.

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I am employed outside of Thailand, spend halfmy time in Thailand half outside.

I have a 1 year retirement extension on the strength of sufficient income stated in a letter from the UK Embassy

The rule says :

7. 21 retirement

Having evidence showing the monthly income not less than 65.000 baht or 800k baht in a bankaccoutn for at least 3 months or a combination therof

The list of requird documents further states :

Evidence of having income such as pension or interest of saving money or dividends, etc and/or certified balance of bank account with a bank in Thailand

The income can but does not have to be a pension

This is what the Police order says,how it is applied is another story

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Having evidence showing the monthly income not less than 65.000 baht or 800k baht in a bankaccoutn for at least 3 months or a combination therof

Evidence of having income such as pension or interest of saving money or dividends, etc and/or certified balance of bank account with a bank in Thailand

The more I read this kind of post, the more I think the key is the Embassy. What ever the Embassy states is OK for Thai Immigration. Am I right?

Any way, I have some questions.

Has the monthly income to be regular and similar every month?

What do you show, tell to your Embassy (I guess the situations vary according to the different Embassies) to get the certificate?

Has the income to be a pension OR interests OR dividend, or it can just be money you receive on your Thai bank account for any reason at any time without any official document from an institution of your country?

Thank you

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Has the income to be a pension OR interests OR dividend, or it can just be money you receive on your Thai bank account for any reason at any time without any official document from an institution of your country?

Thank you

I think the Immigration Office you deal with has a hand in your application for retirement Visa etc.

I was told that the money in a Thai bank HAD to originate from outside Thailand with PROOF by way of bank book that the money had been transferred into Thailand from an overseas account.

That was not the case in Pattaya when I got my retirement visa in October, the Immigration Officer said it didn't matter where it came from, as long as it had been in a Thai Bank for 3 months minimum.

I picked up my retirement visa the next day.

I'm not saying that this policy is the same in every office, but at Jomtien in October, it was.

Edited by Maigo6
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What do you show, tell to your Embassy (I guess the situations vary according to the different Embassies) to get the certificate?

Tell us your citizenship for a specific answer. It can range from 'no details' to 'quite specific details.' However, even with the latter, it seems most embassies are pretty liberal with their definitions of 'income.'

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What do you show, tell to your Embassy (I guess the situations vary according to the different Embassies) to get the certificate?

Tell us your citizenship for a specific answer. It can range from 'no details' to 'quite specific details.' However, even with the latter, it seems most embassies are pretty liberal with their definitions of 'income.'

I'm French.

By the way, of course, the money is coming from abroad (mainly France).

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