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Japan Town In Sri Racha


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I may just bring my Thai wife into those Japanese establishments and see what happens.

P.S. Many farangs have money pockets that are deeper than any of those folks up there, so we will see who can outbid each other for the local Thai owner's attention. (Actually, if I was a business owner, that is exactly what I would want to see, money flowing in, not OUT). I guess I will keep my money out of that place and just visit it sometimes to haunt the locals. (Maybe they think farangs are like ghosts with the white skin)?

Not to mention, BEHAVIOR is the key when considering a patron, not the color of their skin or their culture.

So how many of these establishments actually have Japanese owners? How many of these Japanese owners of Japanese clubs and apartments have made racist statements and have signs/advertisements excluding whites?

If you can't name any Japanese owners of these establishments, perhaps you have the issues confused! The owners are non-Japanese and mostly thai people. If there is discrimination, these owners are the ones discriminating against you and not the Japanese customers. You should take the issue up with them and if it bothers you, then find out if it is against thai law to discriminate. IF it is, then prosecute the owners, and stop persecuting the Japanese because they like hanging out with people of the same color.

Isn't that why so many of us hang out in Sukhumvit? If that's what you call discrimination, then farangs are just as guilty of it, since they like hanging out with other farangs, as well as koreans, middle easterner's, indians, etc. Hey, isn't there a place called Chinatown? Maybe we should try to outlaw that too!

Or maybe its time to bringing bussing back into vogue!!!

Edited by mauiguy90
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Racism? Possibly. Do I care? No. I have never really understood this exclusivity thing and trying to get in to a place that says it doesn't want you. Don't want me? Fine. Not like there aren't a zillion other places that will take my money.

I am kind of reminded about a friend bragging about how he was 'allowed' to invest in Lloyd's of London. Didn't turn out well.

Also the No Arab signs are alive and well and enforced in Pattaya I can assure you.

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Hardly fair to call it racism.

Farangs seem to enjoy the bright lights and in your face of walking street or similar, whereas the Japanese and Koreans (there are a lot of Koreans here too) prefer a more subtle place to go.

I have been welcomed into a few of the establishments but I have never had a good time in them, due to the fact that they are set up for Japanese/Korean tastes and styles.

This isn't racism, it is demand and supply fair and simple.

It has served me well with my rental properties :o

Absolutely right!!!!! Some people have the word "racism" always ready for firing in any discussion.

Japanese venues, apartments, villages ............ or Japanese restaurant? Is a Japanese restaurant only for Japanese or do they serve mainly Japanese dishes? Is a Japanese village only for Japanese, or is the set-up, decoration and service Japanese?

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This isn't racism, it is demand and supply fair and simple.

Knowing a thing or two about Japanese (have been living and working in Japan for 4.5 years now), I can tell what might be going on here.

"Exclusivelly Japanese" is rather a guarantee that no wild farangs party would be thrown to upset and keep other tenants awake, it's a seal of endorsment that the place is nice, clean, well managed if only Japanese live there. No sweaty, heary and smelly farangs in singlets to be seen in the lifts. No sexpats. No tatooes. No unpolite or abusive gestures.

Further, no smoking, spitting in the lifts and common areas, no washing machines and bulky junk in corridors, no bar girls ever brought to the building (Japanese do that in "love hotels" or anywhere except in their own place). No drunks or shady characters to scare the kids in the corridors. Tenants only at the pool.

To put it simple, the place with "Exclusivelly Japanese" sign is as far from View Thalay type of building as it gets.

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The owners are definately Thai. The attack is not on the Japanese customers. It is on the Racist Thai Owners.

Where are the Moderators when you see comments similar to Think-too-mut???? Maybe you should close down this thread because of extremely stupid comments made by Think-too-Mut that white folks are "sweaty, hairy and smelly farangs in singlets to be seen in the lifts. No sexpats. No tatooes. No unpolite or abusive gestures" ""Exclusivelly Japanese" is rather a guarantee that no wild farangs party would be thrown to upset and keep other tenants awake, it's a seal of endorsment that the place is nice, clean, well managed if only Japanese live there. No sweaty, heary and smelly farangs in singlets to be seen in the lifts. No sexpats. No tatooes. No unpolite or abusive gestures". "Further, no smoking, spitting in the lifts and common areas, no washing machines and bulky junk in corridors, no bar girls ever brought to the building (Japanese do that in "love hotels" or anywhere except in their own place). No drunks or shady characters to scare the kids in the corridors. Tenants only at the pool".

If you want to meet sometime, I will be happy to show off my clean body, muscular physique, gorgeous six pack abs, tan skin, white teeth, expensive cologne, and Armani suits. Then, you can take your stupid comments about white people to the bank and ask for a loan so that you can buy a new shirt!!! See ya!! I thought we were not allowed to attack other people on this forum??? I think blanket comments about white farangs like those made by Think-too-mut are a specific attack on all white farangs.

Go get a life, or a job!!!

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The owners are definately Thai. The attack is not on the Japanese customers. It is on the Racist Thai Owners.

Where are the Moderators when you see comments similar to Think-too-mut???? Maybe you should close down this thread because of extremely stupid comments made by Think-too-Mut that white folks are "sweaty, hairy and smelly farangs in singlets to be seen in the lifts. No sexpats. No tatooes. No unpolite or abusive gestures" ""Exclusivelly Japanese" is rather a guarantee that no wild farangs party would be thrown to upset and keep other tenants awake, it's a seal of endorsment that the place is nice, clean, well managed if only Japanese live there. No sweaty, heary and smelly farangs in singlets to be seen in the lifts. No sexpats. No tatooes. No unpolite or abusive gestures". "Further, no smoking, spitting in the lifts and common areas, no washing machines and bulky junk in corridors, no bar girls ever brought to the building (Japanese do that in "love hotels" or anywhere except in their own place). No drunks or shady characters to scare the kids in the corridors. Tenants only at the pool".

If you want to meet sometime, I will be happy to show off my clean body, muscular physique, gorgeous six pack abs, tan skin, white teeth, expensive cologne, and Armani suits. Then, you can take your stupid comments about white people to the bank and ask for a loan so that you can buy a new shirt!!! See ya!! I thought we were not allowed to attack other people on this forum??? I think blanket comments about white farangs like those made by Think-too-mut are a specific attack on all white farangs.

Go get a life, or a job!!!

Get life man! What I said is exactly (and just one part) of what Japanese do not want to see in their buildings.

Rightly or wrongly, they expect that.

"Exclusivelly Japanese" disperses that fear. As simple as that.

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timekeeper' date='2008-02-04 18:55:41' post='1800499'

As for Sri Racha, when I've asked which retaurant is best to eat at, I always get the same answer...."No good!....All no good!" - the truth? or just trying to keep me out?

if you want to try three good restaurants in Siracha and all under the same group ownership try California steak at Karavel House, Intermezzo at Kameo House & The Orchard at Kantary Bay. in my humble opinion all are excellent with great service and reasonably priced food. if you ever get out of town the same company owns the fantastic Bistro 43 at Kantary Bay in Rayong. its a do not miss experience, and well worth the drive and before anyone asks no, i do not work for any of these companies, i have no interest in them except to share a recomendation with the other members although i do hold a discount card for dining in all their restaurants, which you can get too entirely for free. no japanese heritage is required. (you will find them all on google)

If you look at the top of the thread, you'll see that it is about "Japan town"...I've eaten at all the places you mention and I think they are "OK" ....... except the lunchtime buffet at Bistro 43, Rayong, which, if it is still going is one of the best I've ever been to. I was working in Rayong about 3 years ago and ate there every day it was open.

In general I think that western food in Thailand is an invitation for the second-rate....

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timekeeper' date='2008-02-04 18:55:41' post='1800499'

If you look at the top of the thread, you'll see that it is about "Japan town"

In general I think that western food in Thailand is an invitation for the second-rate....

as the three Siracha restaurants i highlighted are under serviced accomodation that attracts and markets to Japanese clients, i thought they would qualify to be included in the Japantown category and provide helpful information to people not so well versed in Siracha as clearly you are. Silly me for thinking i could apply such a broad stroke to such a pedantic issue.
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Some bars in Pattaya used to have signs that read No dogs allowed and No Arabs allowed. I thought they were terrible and the owners took them down or went out of business. Once, I ate in a Japanese establishment in Sriracha and I was only allowed to sit by the kitchen. All of the Japanese customers went to private rooms with 'special service' from the girls. I felt as if they wanted me to wash the dishes.

And if I go to a flash, trendy 'white' restaurant in London/New York/Paris on my own and they make me sit at a small, hidden table beside the restrooms, do I have recourse to file a suit for being discriminated against for being too unsuitably 'single' to deserve a seat in the main dining area? So you never managed to get your ferret petted by the lovely hostesses while you had dinner. How sad. In an earlier life, a dancer in a gogo bar frequented by Japs in Bangkok passed up on my generous offer because of her obvious other preference. Did I go cry to the mamasan that her staff were being racist?

In my life I have found those that wave the race card the most and shout the loudest, tend to be the most bigoted and racist of them all and invariably are the most ignorant. They have a tendency to qualify their cross-cultural relationships unnecessarily in conversations as if saying "my African-American friend" or "my Thai wife" or "my Mexican gardener" or "my excellent Korean mechanic" makes anyone think that they are racially ambivalent and somehow superior. They also chose to live in what they like to think are ghettos but are actually places like Pattaya in countries like Thailand. They just never seemed to 'fit in' at home either.

Other posts have addressed this 'Japan Town' for what it is. Some cultures prefer their own and Sri Racha's Japanese community has been there since at least the 80's. There's some parts of Naklua and Wong Amat that are distinctly 'Bavaria-by-the-Sea' and as we all know, the back of the south-end of Walking Street is now 'Little Arabia'. If these communities and their residents bother someone to the point that one would willingly go there with some delusion of upsetting these people and 'getting in their face' under the pretext that they hate racism, then maybe it's xenophobia that is their problem. That along with the need to get their ferret petted during dinner while surrounded by those of different ethnicity of course.

PS. Sorry about the "excellent Korean mechanic" bit. That is a stretch isn't it?

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What we call "racism" is rampant throughout Asia.

They do it among themselves. Bangkokians against Isaanites, Malaysia with Chinese, Hindu and Malay, Japanese with little what they call "gaijin".

That's the way they are and our politically correct names, talk and "don't insult anyone" have not taken any ground in Asia.

Try to change them and you will look funny.

Singapore or Hong Kong is for those who love to see absence of racism.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know where any of you get your information, I am a farang living in Sriracha for some time now and I have never been 'hisses at, had evil looks, or been refused entry anywhere.' The only time I think anyone would ask me to leave there establisment is if they believed I couldn't pay the bill.

As for why many of the local businesses cater to the Japanese clientele, it just makes good business sense, there is a terrific number of Japanese business people and there families living around here. One other thing I would like to mention, the majority of Japanese people are working here, they are not tourists or retires as a large percentage of the farangs in Pattaya are. Sun, beach, and nightly parties probably wouldn't suit there lifestyle very well.

One person said they were made to sit by the kitchen and all the Japanese customers went upstairs. The question I would like to ask you is, 'Did you ask to be moved upstairs as well, or did you just sit there so you could complain later?' Many times at the different restaurants with private rooms, people will pre-book the whole room for a diner meeting or just entertaining clients.

Personally I don't care for the upstairs part of some of the Japanese restaurants with the hostess sitting right at your table, makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable. I come from a different culture though.

I personally feel much more comfortable in Sriracha then in Pattaya though.

As Sriracha John put it

"It's true that Sriracha is full of racists, bad restaurants, and no sex. Best if farang give it a pass."

I would like to add to that Muggers, rapists, and murderers that only target farang in order to keep the population down.

Pattaya is only another 30 minutes south, probably in your best interest to keep driving.


Edited by wade72
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Apparently, the owners of these apartments and/or bars prefer Japanese customers. Maybe we should consider why that would be the case...

They are thought of as cleaner than farangs with much better manners. They usually can speak Thai as well. :o

Not quite, from what the GF tells me about the Japanese bosses at her work, they come here and for face they still have the same salary as back in Japan plus plus plus, well over 200k per month, so they usually have a lot more cash to throw around than your typical expat/tourist farang.

Her bosses frequent Soi 2 in Silom and Thonglor, but live in Pattaya in lavish condos and have a driver as well so you can see what goes thru most peoples minds.

sam, sam, sam

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I know several farang that work in Amata Nakorn, transfered by there companies, they too keep there salary from there home country +++.

The Japanese are the same, just in this area due to all the Japanese businesses here there is allot more of them then the farang.

Would anyone else take a transfer to another country if the company came to you and said "We need you to goto Thailand, but since the cost of living there is lower, were going to axe half your salary and not pay you living out allowance, but your going to be expected to do the same job."? i don't think it has anything to do with "face" just why take the transfer if your going to make less money?

I am still trying to figure out how it is racist to target the people in your area with money as your clientèle? I know many business people around here and if farang had the money and there were more of them they would be making burgers and fries instead of sushi and yakisoba.


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I know several farang that work in Amata Nakorn, transfered by there companies, they too keep there salary from there home country +++.

The Japanese are the same, just in this area due to all the Japanese businesses here there is allot more of them then the farang.

Would anyone else take a transfer to another country if the company came to you and said "We need you to goto Thailand, but since the cost of living there is lower, were going to axe half your salary and not pay you living out allowance, but your going to be expected to do the same job."? i don't think it has anything to do with "face" just why take the transfer if your going to make less money?

I am still trying to figure out how it is racist to target the people in your area with money as your clientèle? I know many business people around here and if farang had the money and there were more of them they would be making burgers and fries instead of sushi and yakisoba.


Ok here is how to cut through all the crap...

RACIST OWNER: Are you Japanese? Sorry only Japanese

PURE WESTERNER: Ohio Go zayamaz, Konichiwa...I iz Japanese. My name is Oh No.


PURE WESTERNER: (pulls out "genuine" ko-san road Japanese IDentity card)

RACIST OWNER: (Looks confused) So sorryyy...

ya ya well...

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  • 11 months later...

Good posts from Wade, I'm living just down the road from Sri Racha now, never thought about the place being 'racist' until i saw this thread. I take my family to Robinsons or the pirate ship (kids play area) very regularly. Sure there's a lot of Japanese there, but I've seen no racism from them. And that 'hissing' claim is just pure <deleted>. I've never been refused entry into a Japanese hostess bar because I've never tried to get in... I can't see much point as I don't speak Japanese. So if you were thinking of coming here please don't be put off by this thread, it's honestly a really nice place.

And if I had a business in a town that was bundled into a Pattaya forum I'd be putting up 'No Farang' signs too :o

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Time to face up to some facts. These are not racist opinions but facts from which rational readers can draw their own conclusions

The Japanese are an insular and aloof people whose culture revolves around the premise Japan is the centre of the planet and that they are the chosen people.


1; 3 million untouchables in Japan. Burakumin or Eta, desecendents of buthchers and the like, are effectively banned from higher education, find it almost impossible to get a job with a first class company, can only marry within their caste etc. etc.

2: Ainu people largely left in Hokkaido now were the original aboringinal people of the Japanese islands. They were slaughtered then marginalised by the invaders (what's new here I ask as an Aussie) but then denied the right to say they were the first inhabitants. The was only "officially" recognized last year!!

3: Korean forced labourers' descendents still cannot get proper papers after 3/4 generations of living continually in Japan. Japan was the vicious colonial master of Korea from 1912 to 1945 during which time it became a crime to learn and speak your own language for Koreans.

4. Have a look at the immigration statistics for Japan. Citizenship is rarely if ever granted and I mean Nil per year.

Rather redolent of Aryan purity, don't you think?

So let's forget all the niceties we are supposed to employ with our Eastern friends who have no counter duty not to see and raise, say, Australia's past White Australia policy or its miserable treatment of its indigenous people. No, they can say what they like but if we raise equivalent concerns we are racists.

Now the "some of my best friends....." Let me say the I learnt to speak Japanese so many moons ago, did good business over many years with Japanese and formed sound warm friendships but that doesn't mean I am not realistic.

So on with the debate

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I love it when all the liberals jump out and start screming 'Racist' What utter wank.. Any business should be able to decide it's target market and what is most beneficial for it.. If they think that allowing 'farang' customers is detremental and unpopular with their 'regular' clientel more power to them.. It ain't racist.. It's an admittance policy.. and should be their business alone.... They are just trying to prevent an embarrasing situation and doing people a favour.. I'm sure that if you happen to be a Japanese speaking farang or go with Japanese friends there will be no problem visiting any of these businesses.. They just wish to discourage peole who may disturb the atmosphere their regulars prefer..

As for racism.. Nobody ever mentions clubs/bars in 'black' areas all around the World where 'white' people are completely excluded and are definately unwelcome ... Why is that ? cos they don't like the way we dance ?... Nope it's cos they are just as 'racist' as every other group in the World... It's natural that people like the company of their own nationality or race... You don't see Lions and Tigers socializing do you..

I have many friends of many different ethnic backgrounds and I could care less where somebody comes from or what colour they are.. They still need to have simlar mores and moral to me for me to want to interact with them.. If their views, manners, education and upbringing weree wildly different to mine I doubt we'd be able have a 'harmonious' relationship So I doubt we'd spend any time together or be friends.. You need common ground.. More often than not it is much more than skin colour that decides who you soend your time with.. Racism is just the latest 'buzzword' for all the scaremongers and PC brigade.. While the PC brigade are castigating 'whites' for their attitude to 'blacks' Said 'perfect' blacks are killing each other in their thousands cos they belong to a different 'tribe' or ethnic group..

If you don't like the idea of the bars in Sri Ratcha.. Don't go there...I'm sure the Japs would be happier too..

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