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Backpacker: Pain in the arse?  

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I reckon this forum's gone full-on kamikaze over the past few weeks. This thread is a perfect example why...

hmm..... your post was number 390.

The thread is generating the most interest of all.

I guess that makes full on kamikaze a fairly popular place to be.

Or are you miffed because your knitting thread didn't take off? :o

I rest my case.

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Had I known that posting my 'bear attack experience' whilst recently backpacking in the US was going to be the cause of so much emnity between certain members of this board, I would never have done it. I am truly ashamed & sorry.

I have yet to summon the courage to inform Pastor Hubble that his bible was violated by that large hairy bear. How best can I break the news to him? He is 86 years old & in ill-health, I'm fearful that the shock could kill him.

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Had I known that posting my 'bear attack experience' whilst recently backpacking in the US was going to be the cause of so much emnity between certain members of this board, I would never have done it. I am truly ashamed & sorry.

I have yet to summon the courage to inform Pastor Hubble that his bible was violated by that large hairy bear. How best can I break the news to him? He is 86 years old & in ill-health, I'm fearful that the shock could kill him.

thats all right then. (If I recall correctly) I suppose in your other life as a German Taxi driver, rather than bears, all you have to worry about is picking up lard-arse tourists on the way too and from the airport.

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While I'm not particularly interested in a constant exchange of posts with you I'm forced to respond to this 'gem'.

You're easily pushed aren't you, geo-challenged that you are? I'm surprised you can navigate whilst backpacking if you think Nebraska is in the UK.

Sad people like you who feel you have to 'experience' other cultures and then tell the world about it to prop up a lagging self esteem do piss me off!
If you're going for an extended trip into the nether regions of a country you have to carry all your needs on your back. In your back-pack in fact. There's a mile of difference between that and city bred losers who choose to dress like clowns, skive on showers and seek out the cheapest method of existence in a third world country simply for the 'cultural experience maaaan'.

Sounds like you slag people off for doing what you do. "You're needs" are whatever you feel you need. How heavy was that kitchen sink?

As for your comment about a sensitive note, no you haven't struck any of my nerves at all. You DO strike me as an up-my-own-arse "I know it all about backpacking" type, though.

I'm the same guy every day. No matter where I am.

You're big enough to admit that.

Poolcleaner? I'd have thought bogcleaner would have been more accurate, it would at least explain from where you get your shit. :o

yeah, good one! I'll change my nik if you change yours to 'complete and utter <deleted>'

Quality comment, you should join the circus. You could be a clown. The one that falls on his arse a lot.

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I'm with Poolcleaner on this one.

I fail to see how living like a tramp affords one a greater insight into a culture.

In my experience all of these 'get by on 5$ a day' types are all rich brats who have never really known what it is to struggle.

They seem to think it would be jolly fun to try being poor in the third world in order to achieve 'oneness' with the locals while learning all about their culture at the same time. Silly misguided fools!

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While I'm not particularly interested in a constant exchange of posts with you I'm forced to respond to this 'gem'.

You're easily pushed aren't you, geo-challenged that you are? I'm surprised you can navigate whilst backpacking if you think Nebraska is in the UK.

Sad people like you who feel you have to 'experience' other cultures and then tell the world about it to prop up a lagging self esteem do piss me off!
If you're going for an extended trip into the nether regions of a country you have to carry all your needs on your back. In your back-pack in fact. There's a mile of difference between that and city bred losers who choose to dress like clowns, skive on showers and seek out the cheapest method of existence in a third world country simply for the 'cultural experience maaaan'.

Sounds like you slag people off for doing what you do. "You're needs" are whatever you feel you need. How heavy was that kitchen sink?

As for your comment about a sensitive note, no you haven't struck any of my nerves at all. You DO strike me as an up-my-own-arse "I know it all about backpacking" type, though.

I'm the same guy every day. No matter where I am.

You're big enough to admit that.

Poolcleaner? I'd have thought bogcleaner would have been more accurate, it would at least explain from where you get your shit. :o

yeah, good one! I'll change my nik if you change yours to 'complete and utter <deleted>'

Quality comment, you should join the circus. You could be a clown. The one that falls on his arse a lot.

I don't see what relevance any of the above is to this thread dikkie. You are way off topic. Profanities that you have used such as '<deleted>', 'shit', 'arse' & 'piss' surely have no place in this thread let alone this message board. You are obviously another retard who is unable to express himself/herself using the full richness of the English language.

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I don't see what relevance any of the above is to this thread dikkie. You are way off topic. Profanities that you have used such as '<deleted>', 'shit', 'arse' & 'piss' surely have no place in this thread let alone this message board. You are obviously another retard who is unable to express himself/herself using the full richness of the English language.

'Dickie' is easy to spell for most people. :D

The topic is backpackers and that covers anyone with a pack on his back, you appear to think we should all be clones of the one perfect packer, and I wonder who that may be? :D

YOU used '<deleted>', not I, you blathering retard. :D

You know I'm a bloke you excrutiatingly PC social-defective, so why use the anal-retentive 'himself/herself'. As for using the English language correctly you ought to know, being the superior being that you claim to be, when referring to someone in a context where the sex is indeterminate the masculine is used.

You are soooo PC I'm surprised you can even think of polluting the opposite sex by invading her space with your filthy male presence. :o But then katoeys aren't women, are they, so that's OK then. You can still maintain your state of obvious self-loathing while indulge in your fantasy about being a real man that women want inside them. :D

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I'm with Poolcleaner on this one.

I fail to see how living like a tramp affords one a greater insight into a culture.

In my experience all of these 'get by on 5$ a day' types are all rich brats who have never really known what it is to struggle.

They seem to think it would be jolly fun to try being poor in the third world in order to achieve 'oneness' with the locals while learning all about their culture at the same time. Silly misguided fools!

For £3.50 a day you can afford a large room with bathroom, electricity and water paid, food for a month AND that's covered after two-and-a-half weeks. The money for the other week-and-a-half is all yours. True this as I shacked up with a couple of girls in Chiang Mai and they showed me the monthly bill from the landlord and we bought the food from the local market. How's that living like a tramp?

You've struggled I assume?

You could only know they're ''Silly misguided fools!" if you've tried it for yourself. I'm back in the UK ATM. You've been over there in LoS I assume. How was Nana?

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For £3.50 a day you can afford a large room with bathroom, electricity and water paid, food for a month AND that's covered after two-and-a-half weeks. The money for the other week-and-a-half is all yours. True this as I shacked up with a couple of girls in Chiang Mai and they showed me the monthly bill from the landlord and we bought the food from the local market. How's that living like a tramp?
Apologies Dickie. Reading your post I should have put 'squatter' instead of tramp. If you felt the need to travel halfway around the world to live like that then I'm sorry for you.

I'd like to hear how it got you closer to Thai culture? It may have got you a cheap month in Chiang Mai and shown you the market, but what else did you learn during your poverty run? If you weren't breaking more than £3.50 a day then you must have spent most of your time sat in your hovel looking at the wall.

Please share you experiences here and not your expenses.

You could only know they're ''Silly misguided fools!" if you've tried it for yourself.

In what way? Please explain your logic?

Nana was fine thanks!

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Had I known that posting my 'bear attack experience' whilst recently backpacking in the US was going to be the cause of so much emnity between certain members of this board, I would never have done it. I am truly ashamed & sorry.

I have yet to summon the courage to inform Pastor Hubble that his bible was violated by that large hairy bear. How best can I break the news to him? He is 86 years old & in ill-health, I'm fearful that the shock could kill him.

Joe, I don't think any of these dudes have been to the Great Smoky Mtns. I have and know that bears are everywhere day and night

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I'm with Poolcleaner on this one.

I fail to see how living like a tramp affords one a greater insight into a culture.

In my experience all of these 'get by on 5$ a day' types are all rich brats who have never really known what it is to struggle.

They seem to think it would be jolly fun to try being poor in the third world in order to achieve 'oneness' with the locals while learning all about their culture at the same time. Silly misguided fools!

For £3.50 a day you can afford a large room with bathroom, electricity and water paid, food for a month AND that's covered after two-and-a-half weeks. The money for the other week-and-a-half is all yours. True this as I shacked up with a couple of girls in Chiang Mai and they showed me the monthly bill from the landlord and we bought the food from the local market. How's that living like a tramp?

You've struggled I assume?

You could only know they're ''Silly misguided fools!" if you've tried it for yourself. I'm back in the UK ATM. You've been over there in LoS I assume. How was Nana?

Wow, you're my hero dude. Did you hitch rides to get here? I hope you didn't fly for that would blow the thing out of proportion expensewise. Why bother with electric and water? You could get costs down to a pound a day or less! Rock on. What was that comment about nana? That is my neighborhood of residence. Thanks for mentioning it.

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I forgot to mention the silly little thin roll-up cigarettes many of these creatures smoke.....

And when they ask me in Big Johns "Is this ice safe to use?" I just wanna clobber them.

I asked big John "Is this beer safe to drink?". His reply was something like "Not after the eighth". Yeah, I've stayed there as well.

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I don't see what relevance any of the above is to this thread dikkie. You are way off topic. Profanities that you have used such as '<deleted>', 'shit', 'arse' & 'piss' surely have no place in this thread let alone this message board. You are obviously another retard who is unable to express himself/herself using the full richness of the English language.

'Dickie' is easy to spell for most people. :o

The topic is backpackers and that covers anyone with a pack on his back, you appear to think we should all be clones of the one perfect packer, and I wonder who that may be? :D

YOU used '<deleted>', not I, you blathering retard. :D

You know I'm a bloke you excrutiatingly PC social-defective, so why use the anal-retentive 'himself/herself'. As for using the English language correctly you ought to know, being the superior being that you claim to be, when referring to someone in a context where the sex is indeterminate the masculine is used.

You are soooo PC I'm surprised you can even think of polluting the opposite sex by invading her space with your filthy male presence. :D But then katoeys aren't women, are they, so that's OK then. You can still maintain your state of obvious self-loathing while indulge in your fantasy about being a real man that women want inside them. :D

Don't hold back dickie , don't hold back now :D

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I don't see what relevance any of the above is to this thread dikkie. You are way off topic. Profanities that you have used such as '<deleted>', 'shit', 'arse' & 'piss' surely have no place in this thread let alone this message board. You are obviously another retard who is unable to express himself/herself using the full richness of the English language.

'Dickie' is easy to spell for most people. :D

The topic is backpackers and that covers anyone with a pack on his back, you appear to think we should all be clones of the one perfect packer, and I wonder who that may be? :D

You know I'm a bloke you excrutiatingly PC social-defective, so why use the anal-retentive 'himself/herself'. As for using the English language correctly you ought to know, being the superior being that you claim to be, when referring to someone in a context where the sex is indeterminate the masculine is used.

You are soooo PC I'm surprised you can even think of polluting the opposite sex by invading her space with your filthy male presence. :D But then katoeys aren't women, are they, so that's OK then. You can still maintain your state of obvious self-loathing while indulge in your fantasy about being a real man that women want inside them. :D

Don't hold back dickie , don't hold back now :D

He's letting it all out Dark :o Good for the soul

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Wheres Boris when you need him?

Nothing really for me to say Professor in this slanging match.I thought that there were some interesting aspects to this backpacking thread earlier on but this latest dialogue is just name calling and dull.I think its fine to have a robust debate,even teasing from time to time,but with -hope this doesn't sound too pompous- truth and understanding having advanced a little at the end of the day.I sense you don't disagree and perhaps surprisingly we may hold more in common than one might think.

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I've just come back from Chiand Mai and its full of the bastards.

Glad you noticed, we pay them to shake their dreads and keep you lot away. :o

Chiand Mai

Oops. Sorry, at first I thought you meant Chiang Mai, but I see now that you obviously meant some other place.

Edited by meadish_sweetball
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Anyway, now that Slummer and PC-backpack have been put to bed I'll say that backpackers are just people, so some are pukka, most are OK and some are tossers.

The only problem with people from every walk of life is that you tend to notice the tossers more than the rest as they're the ones who are your space.

Last contribution to this thread (I'm off on a joe-hunt :o ).

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Anyway, now that Slummer and PC-backpack have been put to bed I'll say that backpackers are just people, so some are pukka, most are OK and some are tossers.

The only problem with people from every walk of life is that you tend to notice the tossers more than the rest as they're the ones who are your space.

Last contribution to this thread (I'm off on a joe-hunt :o ).

Has Strummer been axed then?

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Anyway, now that Slummer and PC-backpack have been put to bed I'll say that backpackers are just people, so some are pukka, most are OK and some are tossers.

The only problem with people from every walk of life is that you tend to notice the tossers more than the rest as they're the ones who are your space.

Last contribution to this thread (I'm off on a joe-hunt :o ).

Has Strummer been axed then?

Strummer is off Strummin' for a couple of days, but I expect minimal longevity here when he returns.

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