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DJ Pat

Backpacker: Pain in the arse?  

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When you talk about the big backpacks in shopping centres, are you talking about just a day pack, or a huge 80 litre or so one? Either way, there is a possibility that they have them with them so that they can fill them up with all the goodies that they buy on the way around.

Either way, they are supporting the Thai economy. Many a student/pad thai seller/bar girl/add in whatever you think is appropriate would be out of work if the backpackers did not exist.

I agree with the earlier post about the amount of money that backpackers bring in to the country. I, too, work in the travel industry. With backpackers. There, I've said it. People traveling with me spend an awful amount of money on food, drink, lodgings, side trips, transport etc. They do not smell. They do not sit on their chang for hours on end. They do not bargain down on fixed price items, nor do they search for the money changer with the best rate.

Since when did it become fair to judge someone by the kind of bags they choose to travel with?

A cousin of mine recently travelled through europe with her new husband. They are both on very good salaries in Australia and travel regularly for business, and thought that, for this trip, back packs would suit them better because of all the moving around that they were doing. They did not want to do package tours staying in big hotels, and preferred to stay in locally run pensions and guesthouses with the occasional cushy night thrown in.

They experienced a lot of stupid comments from people who expected them to be travelling on a minumum amount of cash per day, assuming that they wanted to stay in the grottiest places in town.

The backpacker market is huge. And getting bigger. If anyone bothered to set foot down KSR every now and then you would see that in the past 5 years it has changed in a huge way. There are upmarket clubs and bars, a gym, good food etc. Much better than a few years ago. Who doesn't want to escape their 'real world' and go bohemian for a while? (OK, maybe many people on this forum don't, but there are MANY others that do).

Many of you have spoken about the fat women with bits hanging out down KSR. There are many a fat farang man getting around in just the same way, my friends. On my trips to the South in particular, I see many a fat farang man with way too much of his 'bits' hanging out. Shorts that look like they haven't been washed for a week. Usually hanging down just above the pubic hair line because their guts are too fat to have them pulled up any further. No shirts. Doesn't matter where they are at the time.

I think someone mentioned earlier that backpackers come in all shapes and sizes and levels of cleanliness. That's the same for many other people in this world. How many times have you been on the train/bus etc at home in the middle of summer and had some one hanging on the strap next to you with really bad body odour? Many.

Next time you criticize a backpacker, ask yourself if you would like to be slotted in to any of the below categories:

All DJ's are on E's

All men living here are only here for the prostitutes

Only good drivers drive Volvos

Only gay guys like Barbra Streisand

They're all ridiculous, aren't they?

Have a think about it guys. Just because you are living here doesn't make you any better than anyone else. Next time you see someone out with a map, try helping them. You may be surprised.

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I saw a guy in Big Johns who sat from 11am to 8pm at the same table nursing the same large warm bottle of water reading the same book ALL DAY.

Did he not get freaked out by you watching him ALL DAY? :o

Seriously, the bashing of backpackers it a pretty stupid thing, as they are welcome tourists and do spend a lot of money here, added to the first holiday they often visit again and again and in the future bring families to live out here. How many people that are expats now started backpacking first? I know I did.

My brother and his girlfriend come out here once a year, with backpacks, spend maybe 2-3000 pounds in a couple of months, enjoy the culture, enjoy the scenery, no trouble, no drugs, no fighting ('cept between themselves :D ), and spread the word among people back in the UK that this is a great country for a holiday, so ideal tourists for Thailand really. Probably about a much of a pain in the arse as all the know it all expats that just waffle on and on, whilst nursing a beer and thinking they God's gift to women. :D

I think it's a class thing out here, the low level expats need to bash someone, so they choose teachers or backpackers, the teachers just bash the backpackers. I expect there's a thread on some Hong Kong/Japan forum out there that bashes Thailand expats. There's no doubt farangs sitting in their 100 K a month appartments that make their sly comments from their mercs, laughing at us sitting at road side food places or shopping foodlands thinking we are the dogs B***ox. Bit silly really ain't it. :D

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Oh yes, and I forgot to mention this one from 3 weeks ago. This was a truly amazing site I tell you. I was in the soi 7 beer garden late one afternoon enjoying a cold one when I looked over at one of the booths and spotted 2 young female backpackers with large full packs sitting nursing a bottle of chang each. One had the customary dreadlocks. I was trying to figure out if they had gotten lost on their way to KSR. I looked at my friend and asked him "what are they doing here". He had no answer. He was equally dumbfounded. I can only wonder...What next?

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Hey, Mono.

Maybe they were looking at you and your mate saying the same thing "what are THEY doing here?".

Geez. Give them a break! Why do you CARE what they are doing here? It appears that they were simply having a beer. Did it occur to you that people that carry a backpack are human and actually DO get thirsty some days? Yes, even for a beer. Girls too. With dreadlocks. Personally, I don't like dreadlocks, but I would be stupid to judge people simply by that. Many of these people are possibly highly qualified people back in their 'real world' and just want to be different for a while. Why do you have a problem with this?

If you were the bar owner, there's a chance you would maybe welcome them because they are spending their hard earned money at your place. On second thoughts, you probably wouldn't.

Maybe we should judge you by your haircut, your clothes, or the bag you carry (wheelie bag, I presume). Would that be a fair judge of you and your character? Possibly not.

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Panzy, I'm glad to hear you not a pain in da arse. I do use a wheelie as a matter of fact Donna. How'd you know that? The thing about these chicks in soi 7 is that no farang chicks go to soi 7 w/o packs let alone with huge cumbersome packs. It was a highly oddball sight. They had the aisle blocked too. That was a pain in my arse

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Hey, Mono. 

Maybe they were looking at you and your mate saying the same thing "what are THEY doing here?". 

Geez.  Give them a break!  Why do you CARE what they are doing here?  It appears that they were simply having a beer.  Did it occur to you that people that carry a backpack are human and actually DO get thirsty some days?  Yes, even for a beer.  Girls too.  With dreadlocks.  Personally, I don't like dreadlocks, but I would be stupid to judge people simply by that.  Many of these people are possibly highly qualified people back in their 'real world' and just want to be different for a while.  Why do you have a problem with this?

If you were the bar owner, there's a chance you would maybe welcome them because they are spending their hard earned money at your place.  On second thoughts, you probably wouldn't. 

Maybe we should judge you by your haircut, your clothes, or the bag you carry (wheelie bag, I presume).  Would that be a fair judge of you and your character?  Possibly not.

I gather you're a backpacker then, :D

Don't block the walkway in the internet shop with your rucksack :o

I'm gonna put a sign on the door of my bar stating the price of a bottle of Chang, So as the backpackers don't waste there time by coming in, looking at the price list and walking out again. :D

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Just today I encountered 2 female backpackers, maps spread out blocking 2 of the 3 sky train ticket machines for 5 minutes at the nana station. This was during rush hour too. they both had full bulging packs front and back

Need anybody say anymore? I hate the ones who try to haggle at fixed price places.

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Just today I encountered 2 female backpackers, maps spread out blocking 2 of the 3 sky train ticket machines for 5 minutes at the nana station. This was during rush hour too. they both had full bulging packs front and back

Need anybody say anymore? I hate the ones who try to haggle at fixed price places.

Me too :o

"I can buy this for 20 bht cheaper down the road" :D

Well piss off down the road and buy 1 then. :D

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when I was single I quite fancied the swedish female variety of backpacker.

I always hated the variety of backpacker who spent a 3 months in Thailand, tried to convince me that they 'were at one with the Thai people' and tried telling me that they now spoke Thai fluently....

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when I was single I quite fancied the swedish female variety of backpacker.

I always hated the variety of backpacker who spent a 3 months in Thailand, tried to convince me that they 'were at one with the Thai people' and tried telling me that they now spoke Thai fluently....

And did a few weeks teaching english don't forget.

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I started out as a backpacker years ago (on the cheap), but every year I return to Thailand. Twelve years ago I stayed at a guesthouse on Soi Sri Bumphen for 90 baht!.......now I stay at the Royal Orchid Shereton. Treat these young kids right and they will come back as responsible money spending adults. :o

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I started out as a backpacker years ago (on the cheap), but every year I return to Thailand. Twelve years ago I stayed at a guesthouse on Soi Sri Bumphen for 90 baht!.......now I stay at the Royal Orchid Shereton. Treat these young kids right and they will come back as responsible money spending adults.  :D

The real success story though is the backpacker who first came to LOS and stayed at places like the old Malaysia Hotel in BKK and now stays at the Oriental when he/she returns! :o

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I always hated the variety of backpacker who spent a 3 months in Thailand, tried to convince me that they 'were at one with the Thai people' and tried telling me that they now spoke Thai fluently....
I always hated the variety of expat who spent 3 years in Thailand, tried to convince me that they 'were at one with the Thai people' and tried telling me that they now spoke Thai fluently....
I saw a stroppy backpacker in Big Johns complain that the beer was 5 Baht more pricey than the supermarket.

"Go down the supermarket then" was John's reply.

I saw a cocky expat trying to pay a non working girl to sleep with him.

"<deleted> off" was the girl's reply.

Expats hardly that superior are they.

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so, by your definition, anyone who is not completely free-spending and keeps an eye what funds they have available, is a tight arse??? Right-ho, that's cleared that one up then....

Masquerading as a pauper is what I'm getting at.

Making a can of 330ml Chang beer last six hours is unnecessary.

maybe they are just not an old soak? better than pouring it down and acting like an ######, most european countries do not have the "get it down as fast as you can culture" and I doubt you have ever seen someone nurse a chang for 6 hours.

Just the facts maaam

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I always hated the variety of backpacker who spent a 3 months in Thailand, tried to convince me that they 'were at one with the Thai people' and tried telling me that they now spoke Thai fluently....

I always hated the variety of expat who spent 3 years in Thailand, tried to convince me that they 'were at one with the Thai people' and tried telling me that they now spoke Thai fluently....

I saw a stroppy backpacker in Big Johns complain that the beer was 5 Baht more pricey than the supermarket.

"Go down the supermarket then" was John's reply.

I saw a cocky expat trying to pay a non working girl to sleep with him.

"<deleted> off" was the girl's reply.

Expats hardly that superior are they.

Yes! U better believe it

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Just today I encountered 2 female backpackers, maps spread out blocking 2 of the 3 sky train ticket machines for 5 minutes at the nana station. This was during rush hour too. they both had full bulging packs front and back

why didn't you ask them to move???? I wonder who is the most stupid?

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