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Thai Giks


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Wife goes up North and in a govt office deals with some land boundary issues, govt officer asks for her details and phone number (luckily not her BKK address) then harasses her for days despite her rebuffals saying she is married etc and then calls her in Bangkok saying he misses her like crazy and can he be her gik and her husband (me) wont know etc etc, wife is appalled at his attitude that its all ok to do this and thinks why would any woman be so dumb to hitch up to a guy that says all this. Looks like when the phone rings again when Im there he will get some verbal he wont understand but lots of shouting should do it!!! Still seems the norm there for a fair amount of men. Good job i'm arriving back there ina few days cant wait to speak with him!!! Guess there are no harrassment laws here for women , in the Uk he'd be in deep s**t.

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Giks are pretty common, you shouldnt be surprised at his attitude, although stalking and harrassment are unacceptable. If people meet at a disco and one says they have a girlfriend/boyfriend already there's a good chance the one being told will suggest something about being a gik, happened to me and my friends many times.


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Wife goes up North and in a govt office deals with some land boundary issues, govt officer asks for her details and phone number (luckily not her BKK address) then harasses her for days despite her rebuffals saying she is married etc and then calls her in Bangkok saying he misses her like crazy and can he be her gik and her husband (me) wont know etc etc, wife is appalled at his attitude that its all ok to do this and thinks why would any woman be so dumb to hitch up to a guy that says all this. Looks like when the phone rings again when Im there he will get some verbal he wont understand but lots of shouting should do it!!! Still seems the norm there for a fair amount of men. Good job i'm arriving back there ina few days cant wait to speak with him!!! Guess there are no harrassment laws here for women , in the Uk he'd be in deep s**t.

This kind of thing happens all the time in Thailand and probably everywhere else for that matter. It takes two to tango mate so don't worry. I was in a restaurant when the waiter went down the same road with my wife. Shame for him that he did not know that i understood Thai. It was quite amusing at the end as the wife also told him to piss off!

Cheers, Rick

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Why do all farang say 'Gik'? It's "gig" or 'geeg'

What's the spelling in Thai, Neers?

Does it end with

If so, i always thought the sound was more of a "k" than a "g" if at the end? This ruddy language will be the death of me :o

It's spelt กิ๊ก, coming from กุ๊กกิ๊ก.

I think you're right in the letter is often pronounced 'k', but it sounds like 'g' to me.

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Why do all farang say 'Gik'? It's "gig" or 'geeg'

Take it to the Thai language forum to learn the details as to why you are in error. Or perhaps have your hearing tested.

It most certainly is not pronounced like the English final "k"(Not sure about American though). It's a swallowed consonant so can't be even said by most farang.

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I would not have a problem my wife having a Gik if my wife doesn't have a problem with me having a mia noi... seems only fair...

Seems dumb to me because it would mean that your wife would get her kicks for free while you would have to pay for your mia.

Unless I'm wrong ofcourse but my understanding is that there's no money involved with a gik unlike a mia noi where you have to pay for condo, car etc..

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I would not have a problem my wife having a Gik if my wife doesn't have a problem with me having a mia noi... seems only fair...

Seems dumb to me because it would mean that your wife would get her kicks for free while you would have to pay for your mia.

Unless I'm wrong ofcourse but my understanding is that there's no money involved with a gik unlike a mia noi where you have to pay for condo, car etc..

Correct, gigs are free, fun and non-committal. Mia Nois are expensive and more serious/regular.

I conclude that gigs are the way to go.

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Unless I'm wrong ofcourse but my understanding is that there's no money involved with a gik unlike a mia noi where you have to pay for condo, car etc..

Not necessarily, as "gig" is a fairly broad term that can encompass a whole range of relationships, including mia noi (can actually be a euphamism for a mia noi).

Once knew of someone giving in to his gf/wife's (he used the word "faan") request for a new Mercedes-Benz because he was deathly afraid she would find out he had a "gig" who he had bought a Jazz for! His rationale being, I suppose, that his argument would be "But honey, I bought you a BENZ! See how much more I love YOU?" :o

Edited by siamesekitty
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That actually makes perfect sense to me and probably most Thais.

Gigs dont always have to be sexual relationships, Ive heard Thai women refer to men they just flirt with as gigs too.

Problem with female gigs... in my observation... is they land up getting too attached and become clingy and jealous. Classic female behaviour in my opinion, women talk big about having purely a physical relationship but in practice they cant do it.


Edited by DamianMavis
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I would not have a problem my wife having a Gik if my wife doesn't have a problem with me having a mia noi... seems only fair...

Seems dumb to me because it would mean that your wife would get her kicks for free while you would have to pay for your mia.

Unless I'm wrong ofcourse but my understanding is that there's no money involved with a gik unlike a mia noi where you have to pay for condo, car etc..

No money involved?? Maybe for Thai to Thai. For a Farang to Thai, I have not seen such encounters where the Farang goes for free, including paying for lunch any and all times.

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Some people have to pay, others don't (thai or farang). Guess it depends on age and a few other likewise factors.


For instance were Bambina to be my gyk, i would probably have to adopt the 'ah-seea' role, and buy her lots of things.

But typically, couples of similar age and interest it is mostly for fun, no strings attached.

Commonplace for farang wives to get hit on, because, let's face the sad reality here, there is the perception that some foreigner's wives are willing to engage in such behaviour especially in cases where the husband is not based in Thailand; the wife gets lonely tralahalalaha boogily boo yada yada yada .

Sad but true.

If I had a quarter for every married wife of a farang that had hit upon me, I'd have like....almost $1.

Edited by steveromagnino
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  • 2 weeks later...
Some people have to pay, others don't (thai or farang). Guess it depends on age and a few other likewise factors.


For instance were Bambina to be my gyk, i would probably have to adopt the 'ah-seea' role, and buy her lots of things.

But typically, couples of similar age and interest it is mostly for fun, no strings attached.

Commonplace for farang wives to get hit on, because, let's face the sad reality here, there is the perception that some foreigner's wives are willing to engage in such behaviour especially in cases where the husband is not based in Thailand; the wife gets lonely tralahalalaha boogily boo yada yada yada .

Sad but true.

If I had a quarter for every married wife of a farang that had hit upon me, I'd have like....almost $1.

I seem to remember you writing before that you are luk kreung, with a Thai mother and farang father. So am not sure why you then appear to be gloating about infidelity of Thai wives married to farang.

But as they say, up to you!

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Some people have to pay, others don't (thai or farang). Guess it depends on age and a few other likewise factors.


For instance were Bambina to be my gyk, i would probably have to adopt the 'ah-seea' role, and buy her lots of things.

But typically, couples of similar age and interest it is mostly for fun, no strings attached.

Commonplace for farang wives to get hit on, because, let's face the sad reality here, there is the perception that some foreigner's wives are willing to engage in such behaviour especially in cases where the husband is not based in Thailand; the wife gets lonely tralahalalaha boogily boo yada yada yada .

Sad but true.

If I had a quarter for every married wife of a farang that had hit upon me, I'd have like....almost $1.

I seem to remember you writing before that you are luk kreung, with a Thai mother and farang father. So am not sure why you then appear to be gloating about infidelity of Thai wives married to farang.

But as they say, up to you!


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