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Bortsch Recipe?


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Wow, thaigerd looking for rather than giving advice - is that a first gerd? You are usually such a mine of helpful information...

May be there's a russian member or even a russian Chef here........

Just trying to get the "real" one.

Sure I know the basic recipe but looking for a recipe from the "good old times".

These kind of recipes you can't find on Google, they are going from Chefs to Chefs or inside a close family circle.



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I do my borsh like this

you need beetroot, carrot, potato, cabbage, onions, garlic, dil and parsley and beef broth, with or without meat. ( proportions like on that site or just for your own mesures there should be about the same ammount of each veggy exept onions, garlic, dil and parsley those are used just for flavour so 1 big or 2 small onions, and 1-3 pieces of garlic (not heads! just pieces ) )

all veggies I cut in small cubes maybe 0.5cm each side, but you can cut anyhow you like as long as it's not too big ( exept cabbage you just cut it in not too fine strips ) keep dill parsley and garlic to add at the end of the process...

When you get the beef broth ready you can take the meat out or keep it in the broth to become more soft, put all of the potato ( cube cut) and let it stay on a low flames ( it should not be boiling just thinking about boiling :o ) then take the beetroot ( cube cut ) place it on the pan ( low-med heat ) with a bit of oil ( your choice just to make sure it won't stick to the pan ) when it's a bit fried, add a cup of broth that's cooking at the moment with poteto in it ( just add the stock not potato :D ) and simmer the beetroot until almost ready on the pan, when beetroot is almost ready place the contents of the pan into the stock, you get yourself an empty pan again...place some oil ( just a tiny bit) and carrot, do the same as the beetroot, fry a bit ( it will have a bit of golden ( NOT BROWN ) color to it) then add broth and simmer till the carrots are almost cooked, and place them too into the broth , now it will look like borsh already all red in color, place the chopped/cut cabbage into it, cover and let it simmer, at this point you take onions ( cube cut ) and fry then on the pan till light gold and place them into the soup... try it it should be almost ready ( potatoes and cabbages should be soft but not falling apart )

now here you can place the tomatoes ( but I don't like them so it's ok to not place them as well ) if you are going to put tomatoes you should first put them into the hot boiling water and take the skins off then chopp them in and place into soup after 5 minutes try your soup again it's almost nearly done ( you should have placed salt into the broth and it should be already almost nice in flavour and the color should be very rich... ) if you feel that all your ingredients are ready to eat turn off the heat, take the garlic finely chopped or sqweezed through that garliñ squeezing thingy, and add it to the soup ( yes it is now ready and should not be on heat but it's hot enough to take the flavour of the garlic ) let it sit under cover 10-20 minutes let it have a good aroma and then...

just put it on the plate and you can all dill and parsley finely chopped if you like ( or not to add if you don't ) you can add sour cream like 1 spoon into a plate, if you had meat in your borth you should take it out of the borth and cut it in peices and now add into the plate, so that each and every plate has enough meat in it, if you were using a bone for a broth the broth would have been just very good but then no meat :D well i hope you will get it right, maybe not the first time and I am sure it's very easy !

I hope my explanations are understandable... this way of making borsh is very easy ( dificult only to explain ) it's also very quick since all hard cooking veggies are pan fried and simmered, and because they are pan fried separately then the color should stay very good on veggies and in the soup ( some soups have all veggies colored red because beetroot was cooked by boling in the broth ) and because you add garlic in the end it will have very fresh and mild flavour...

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I am looking for a very good, original Bortsch recipe, russian style.

Thanks foryour help!


This is an old family 'original' recipie, but it's Ukrainian!! I hope it still helps. We do make changes from time to time depending on what is on hand!!



10 young beets, stalks and leaves

8 cups water or chicken broth (broth is better!!)

small handful of dill weed leaves

1/2 cup fresh peas

8 young carrotts, diced

6 new potatoes, cubed

2 tsp. salt

garlic to taste

1cup or more sour cream, depending on taste

Scrub beets thoroughly, do not peel.

Dice beets and stalks, add water(broth), salt, garlic, onions and dill.

Boil for 10 - 15 mins.

Add cut up leaves, peas and carrots, boil for 10-15 mins more.

Add potatoes, boil until all veggies are tender.

Do not over cook. Add more water if too thick.

Last of all add sour cream.

* We add our own sour cream once we have our own bowl of soup.

Each person likes a different amount!!

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