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Dogs On The Beach

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as far as i know no dog has ever mauled a child on the beach where i live. there was one incident of a dog biting a man on the main road and the next day the thai owner, who had had the dog over 10 years, poisoned him out of a feeling of responsibility. everyone in the village knows all the different dogs and if there were a real danger it would be taken care of pronto. all i am saying is you might be imagining dangers that do not exist because you aren't familiar with dog behavior. my dogs love to play on the beach, and children love to play with them. most people are cool about it, but occasionally a tourist parent freaks out and it's totally irrational to me that they would. even if i didn't take my dogs to the beach, there are still about 25 dogs who live along the beach, despite mass poisonings by the bungalow owners. they fight other dogs and might bark a bit but they aren't bothering people. and that is just how it is in thailand. if you want to get rid of the dogs, then donate to the dog rescue organizations so that more of them will be spayed and neutered.

You bring up the awful subject of dog poisoning;

what a cruel and terrible way for that Thai man to get rid of a dog for one offence when he could have had the animal euthanised .

The people who poison dogs deserve to suffer the same way .

If you've seen a poisoned dog, frothing and in agony, sometimes for hours , sometimes for days depending on the ingested dose you would certainly condemn anyone who does this .

It is barbaric.

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Incorrect, the dog in this instance, as I have said, was owned by a westerner. Not a comment about Westerners, but a comment about irresponsible dog owners.

Hi ChaiRorn,

I agree with you 100% about the dogs on the beaches in Thailand and i don't care if they are Thai or Western dogs being brought up by either nationality they can still be very dangerous.

Please follow this link to see how western dogs can behave with their owners, let alone strangers.


Cheers, Rick

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The poodle probably made a snobby comment or something

you may be right she was a spoilt little bitch, only a joke but she was a sweet little thing no more than a lap dog & the owner got bitten quite badly trying to get the bigger dog off her. No one is saying not to take dogs to the beach but it realy shouldn't be too much to expect a bit of consideration for other poeple from the owners, cause lets face it, it isn't the dogs fault for being dogs :o

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You bring up the awful subject of dog poisoning;

what a cruel and terrible way for that Thai any man to get rid of a dog for one offence when he could have had the animal euthanised .

The people who poison dogs deserve to suffer the same way .

If you've seen a poisoned dog, frothing and in agony, sometimes for hours , sometimes for days depending on the ingested dose you would certainly condemn anyone who does this .

It is barbaric.


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Incorrect, the dog in this instance, as I have said, was owned by a westerner. Not a comment about Westerners, but a comment about irresponsible dog owners.

Hi ChaiRorn,

I agree with you 100% about the dogs on the beaches in Thailand and i don't care if they are Thai or Western dogs being brought up by either nationality they can still be very dangerous.

Please follow this link to see how western dogs can behave with their owners, let alone strangers.


Cheers, Rick

The link was

A bit of rare sensationalism; how many times does this sort of thing happen; hardly ever

Don't condemn all dogs because of one rogue

You don't condemn all humans because of one murder do you.

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Incorrect, the dog in this instance, as I have said, was owned by a westerner. Not a comment about Westerners, but a comment about irresponsible dog owners.

Hi ChaiRorn,

I agree with you 100% about the dogs on the beaches in Thailand and i don't care if they are Thai or Western dogs being brought up by either nationality they can still be very dangerous.

Please follow this link to see how western dogs can behave with their owners, let alone strangers.


Cheers, Rick

The link was

A bit of rare sensationalism; how many times does this sort of thing happen; hardly ever

Don't condemn all dogs because of one rogue

You don't condemn all humans because of one murder do you.

I condemn anyone who is involved in murder but that is not the point. The dog killed it's owner and numerous police had to risk their lives to contain the dog. No sensationalism there.

A week before this in the UK a toddler was killed by another family dog, so these instances are not rare. I wonder how the parents feel as they bought the dog?

Cheers, Rick.

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They are rare Rick, it happens but it's rare.

What Boo says is right, people must be considerate as to where they take their dogs so a quiet beach is fine and if a family walks along then the parents will be aware of dogs on the beach and keep an eye on any bite size family members.

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on my beach there is nothing you can do to avoid the dogs. it's thailand, deal with it. i have 3 dogs myself, and i like to take them to the beach. they get a bit rowdy sometimes running around, but they are not harmful to children. don't be paranoid.

but they are not harmful to children. don't be paranoid.

this is exaclty the same as what the lady said about her Dog before it savaged a 4 year old to DEATH in the UK,

ALL DOGS CAN TURN!!!!, they must always be kept on leads.....


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on my beach there is nothing you can do to avoid the dogs. it's thailand, deal with it. i have 3 dogs myself, and i like to take them to the beach. they get a bit rowdy sometimes running around, but they are not harmful to children. don't be paranoid.

but they are not harmful to children. don't be paranoid.

this is exaclty the same as what the lady said about her Dog before it savaged a 4 year old to DEATH in the UK,

ALL DOGS CAN TURN!!!!, they must always be kept on leads.....



If responsible owners train their dogs properly they will be the most loyal and trustworthy creature you can hope to meet

and a lot nicer than a lot of humans.

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I don't blame Thais like the OP & his kids for being afraid of dogs. I live near the beach and most of my neighbors own dogs. They almost never bark when a westerner walks by but go crazy when Thais do (even the gardener). When on the beach, westerners walking along hardly notice the dogs (some owned, some strays) whereas Thais get all wide-eyed and try to walk as far from the dogs as they can when passing.

Dogs roaming free doesn't bother me. Where I grew up everyone's dog was allowed out without a leash all day - just like here. And with dogs roaming free, it's hard for the owner to clean up after them. Although on the beach I think they just bury it in the sand. So be careful out there building your next sand castle.

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there are some rules, if obeyed, dogs usually will be great longliving companions causing no problem to humans and vice versa

learn about dog behaviour and dog care

train your dog

know your dog (dogs behaviour can change, due to sickness, pain etc)

never let your dog roam freely unsupervised and around children only with leash

never let your (even trained etc) dog be with children unsupervised

any family pet dog should be treated as above.

the problem in thailand is that most dogs are allowed to run freely. almost every small shop, restaurant, beach etc you enter you will come across dogs which live there and are free to walk anywhere. usually they are shy and don't bother anyone but there are also others.

the free dog 'keeping', though seeming to be more fun for the dogs, is the cause that they can multiply as they wish and that they are in danger of cars, danger of poisoning as they bother other people. to leave the dog roaming around saves the owner also time to walk and play it (which would be of more quality for the dog than just be left by itself). but at what risk, for humans and the dogs themselves.

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My 5yr old boy was bitten by a neighbours dog close close to our home in Dec. It was a puny little mutt and it did him from behind. The subsequent injection hurt the boy more. I need to teach the boy to be more careful..... he was on the dogs manor. He's been around the ones on the beach quite alot and they've never bothered him, but you always have to keep an eye on things.

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What a relief. I was beginning to give up hope.

ChaiRorn, this is where I think you may have taken a wrong turn:

The next dog that even comes close to my children will getting an interesting snack. See if I give a s**t.

If I'm guessing correctly about what you mean by "interesting snack", I'm not the least surprised to see dog lovers (and that includes people with children) react unfavorably towards your attitude.

Please respect all life, not just human life.

jose '-)

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i do not agree with dogs on the busy beaches, they are a pain, dogs fighting unirinating, shagging and crapping is not good for a beach with children on.

last year on choeng mon i saw a scared child run away from a dog fight she ran straight into a table of glasses and cut open her face. scared for life because of harmeless dogs. people come before dogs, i would never take my dog to a busy beach. there are plenty of quite places to take them why burden other people.

England has right idea dogs banned from busy beaches

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You bring up the awful subject of dog poisoning;

what a cruel and terrible way for that Thai man to get rid of a dog for one offence when he could have had the animal euthanised .

The people who poison dogs deserve to suffer the same way .

If you've seen a poisoned dog, frothing and in agony, sometimes for hours , sometimes for days depending on the ingested dose you would certainly condemn anyone who does this .

It is barbaric.

definitely... i think in the case i mentioned the owner was too poor to take her dog to the animal place and get it euthanized. it's quite far from here and she has no car. i have seen a few dogs poisoned, including one of my own, and it is horrific. but that's how the thais do it. i wish they would take the spay and neuter approach but hey, it's not my country. i have spayed and neutered most of the dogs around myself though.

the problem in thailand is that most dogs are allowed to run freely. almost every small shop, restaurant, beach etc you enter you will come across dogs which live there and are free to walk anywhere. usually they are shy and don't bother anyone but there are also others.

well that's my whole point. to suggest that people keep their dogs on leads is laughable here. all dogs run free. thus my statement that this is thailand, deal with it- by not taking your kids to the beach or by raising awareness towards sterilization.

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sometimes thai people tell me that it is a sin in buddhist belief to neuter dogs. also most thai people would not like to take in a neutered dog, it's like it is not worth anything anymore if sterilized.

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on my beach there is nothing you can do to avoid the dogs. it's thailand, deal with it. i have 3 dogs myself, and i like to take them to the beach. they get a bit rowdy sometimes running around, but they are not harmful to children. don't be paranoid.

but they are not harmful to children. don't be paranoid.

this is exaclty the same as what the lady said about her Dog before it savaged a 4 year old to DEATH in the UK,

ALL DOGS CAN TURN!!!!, they must always be kept on leads.....



If responsible owners train their dogs properly they will be the most loyal and trustworthy creature you can hope to meet

and a lot nicer than a lot of humans.

Not Nonsense... but FACT

yes you can train your dog, and yes they can be loyal, i do not disagree with this, but the fact is any dog regardless of its breed and training can turn...... similar to Humans if you what to compare.....

With regards to the beach dogs, i have encounter on 2 occasions where a beach dog has bitten a tourist... and its not nice, and with these wild beach dogs, there is no loyalty or domestication in them... only eat, sleep and reproduce!!!!

They should do what they are doing in bangkok by rounding them all up.........

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"learn about dog behaviour and dog care

train your dog

know your dog (dogs behaviour can change, due to sickness, pain etc)

never let your dog roam freely unsupervised and around children only with leash

never let your (even trained etc) dog be with children unsupervised"

If all dog owners followed these rules (thanks elfe) I and many others would have no problem. Some people have already commented on how ridiculous it is having to put your dog on a lead as none of the other dogs around are on leads. So your 'solution' would seem to be to contribute to the problem further by adding to the number of dogs running around. And you think this is acceptable. If you want to criticise other people for not knowing how to look after their animals I suggest you take a leaf out of your own book and set an example as opposed to trying to sit on both sides of the fence at once.

And as for this: "Please respect all life, not just human life."

Fine, but if people can't respect my childrens right to have a day out on the beach without being threatened by dogs whose owners can't even be bothered to make the effort with a lead, then I consider that disrespectful to human life for the sake of a dog, and me and other people will react accordingly.

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You bring up the awful subject of dog poisoning;

what a cruel and terrible way for that Thai man to get rid of a dog for one offence when he could have had the animal euthanised .

The people who poison dogs deserve to suffer the same way .

If you've seen a poisoned dog, frothing and in agony, sometimes for hours , sometimes for days depending on the ingested dose you would certainly condemn anyone who does this .

It is barbaric.

definitely... i think in the case i mentioned the owner was too poor to take her dog to the animal place and get it euthanized. it's quite far from here and she has no car. i have seen a few dogs poisoned, including one of my own, and it is horrific. but that's how the thais do it. i wish they would take the spay and neuter approach but hey, it's not my country. i have spayed and neutered most of the dogs around myself though.

the problem in thailand is that most dogs are allowed to run freely. almost every small shop, restaurant, beach etc you enter you will come across dogs which live there and are free to walk anywhere. usually they are shy and don't bother anyone but there are also others.

well that's my whole point. to suggest that people keep their dogs on leads is laughable here. all dogs run free. thus my statement that this is thailand, deal with it- by not taking your kids to the beach or by raising awareness towards sterilization.

you are joking right? you are suggesting that someone leave their children at home so your dogs can run free at the beach?

who is taking care of your dogs now by the way?

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no, i am saying the beaches in thailand are full of dogs, you can't avoid it, so if you are bringing your kids to the beach, it is obviously at your own risk, as with most things in thailand, so either don't bring your kids or don't complain about the dogs! the only thing you can really do is round them up and sterilize them!

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The writing style of the OP suggests to me that he is not Thai, maybe has a Thai wife / partner but certainly not 100% Thai. Not many if any Thai's would have the views of the OP as they know how Thai dogs live and thats certainly not being tied up or being taken for walks on a lead like westeners have been forced to do in their own countries.

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well, i for myself, i don't let my dogs roam freely or go to places where they could bother other people, for their own safety. the lonely beach i used to go to let my dogs run freely is now full with houses and villas and dogs get poisoned there.

believe me, it is not easy to find a spot on samui where you can take a walk and let your dogs run freely around, there are people, cars, other dogs, chicken, buffalo etc almost everywhere.

maybe a dog park would be a good business idea?

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"The writing style of the OP suggests to me that he is not Thai, maybe has a Thai wife / partner but certainly not 100% Thai. Not many if any Thai's would have the views of the OP as they know how Thai dogs live and thats certainly not being tied up or being taken for walks on a lead like westeners have been forced to do in their own countries."

Well, your writing style suggests to me that you presume to know things that you definately don't. It also suggests to me that you are small minded enough to presume that all Thais have the same attitudes. It also suggests to me that you find it hard to believe that any Thai can write your language as well as if not better than you (which no doubt you don't like)- not all Thai people are educated in Thailand.

What exactly has my nationality got to do with anything? I could be an eskimo and still be entitled to think like I do, and well within my rights. I came onto this forum in the interests of mine and other peoples children.

Maybe you should change your name from 'theoracle' as you seem to be very uninformed.

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You say 'Thai owned', but we both know that the 'ownership' you are talking about is not the same as your idea of 'ownership'. The fact is that there are too many stray dogs around, local people often treat them as homeless and give them scraps of food and don't mind if they sleep on their land so long as they behave themself. Most of them are not 'owned' as you see it. In the west, ownership of an animal has responsibilities which must be followed, and in my view this makes people more attached to their animals and changes their attitude. There are only a handful of stray dogs in the west in comparison. There's not many people on this thread who 'like' the stray dog problem. There's an answer in there somewhere, and I think the words 'be responsible' are in it. It confuses me that some people here complain about the stray problem, and the next minute say that dogs should be allowed to rule the land. Having to compromise is not an infringement of 'freedom', its a part of life.

At the end of the day, it wouldn't matter if it was a dog, person or alien, if it made an aggresive move against my children I would react the same, and I would go as far as it took to protect them. So would any other parent.

This is my last post.

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With you 100% Chairorn!

Dont think it is unreasonable to have children feel comfortable on the beach without the threat of a mauling or standing in dog SH(T.

A childs life is far more precious than a dogs!

Happy to see dogs on the beach but there has to be a degree of responsability by their owners.

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