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A Phone Good For Music And With Great Sound


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Agreed the Sony Ericsson phones are probably the best all rounders (phone, music and radio) they have removable MMC cards which are available in up to 8gig now I think, so plenty of space.

As for sound it really doesn't matter how good the device is as much as the headphones you use with it! The headphones bundled with the Sony Ericssons are actually quite good but not amazing. But you cannot change them due to the connection they use (not a standard jack plug)

I have the Iphone now and once I replaced the crappy stock phones with some decent ones ( v-moda Vibe) the sound is amazing.

Overall I'd say Iphone with good headphones but then you'll only have access to internet radio! I did have the Sony Ericsson K790i before that though and it has everything you want and is a good little phone (sound better than average)

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