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This is an Open Call to all of us Abused users of ALL Thai ISPs... It's time for us to "Band Together" and and strike back.. We are Not entirely without weapons.. One of them is Word of Mouth, such as this Forum... But how about this idea:

1) Formation of an "Association of Abused Thai Internet Users" - The AATIU - and collection of a small dues to help fund our organization.

2) Commence an Advertising Campaign to notify all members and Prospective members that "We recommend that No One Purchase anything But the "LOWEST" Cost package from ANY Thai ISP... Being as the service we get never exceeds the service offered in the Lowest cost package in any case. We should take out ads WEEKLY in BKK Post Database and the Nation Technology page, as well as Tech Websites (pantip.com,etc) and Thai Newspapers. All existing users must Downgrade their packages to the minimum level immediately.

3) We Approach the ISPs as a GROUP to negotiate a proper service package for all our membership. A Proven package based on Reality of the ability to provide consistent reliable bandwidth, etc. and we DON"t accept any deal Until additional INTERNATIONAL BANDWIDTH is made available by CAT etc. This will require some patience on our part, but do we really have any choice.. we're waiting for 'H E L L to Freeze Over' now anyway. Why should we be the only ones to get upset.. Let the ISPs pressure the Government.. they have the power, we don't.. unless we take it back.

Boycotts WORK.. Up 2 US !!!!!!

This is the Germ of an idea.. It needs fleshing out and some organization to implement.. also some legal advice in how to avoid the draconian Thai liable laws..

But I believe it can be done.. We would do it back in our home countries where This type of fraudulent and corrupt service would be not only unacceptable, but also cause for legal restitution.

Time to take a stand!! Time To keep our wallets were they belong.. In our Pockets, until we get what we're paying for!!!

Enough is Enough... A Call to Action.. the time is Ripe.. The Time is now !!!!!


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You must be very bored mate.

Not Bored... Remember the movie "Network"???

Just "Mad as H E L L and not gonna take it anymore" !!!


mate, I get fed upwith this as well, true wi fi at home is slow as, and true again in my office is slow as. it does my nut in because I pay full wack at both places, but at the end of the day, I choose to live here. this is asia not just Thailand. traffic is slow, staff are slow, internet is slow, the phones dont work properly, my staff dont work properly, nothing does, its thailand.

but, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate, I could never go back home. urghhhhh


Don'5t we take enough abuse just living here, from Immigration, from Taxi Drivers, from out bosses, etc.

Why do we have to take abuse for something that WE are paying for. That's adding insult to injury.

It's YOUR Money.. If you just want to throw it away, then throw it my way.. Or support a Republican in the US election.. Paying for the Bad service we get from Thai ISPs is as much of a waste of money as supporting a Republican for President in the Next US Election.

Just thought I'd liven this debate up. :o

Seriously.. It's YOUR money.. Like your parents told you.. "Spend it wisely."


mate, I get fed upwith this as well, true wi fi at home is slow as, and true again in my office is slow as. it does my nut in because I pay full wack at both places, but at the end of the day, I choose to live here. this is asia not just Thailand. traffic is slow, staff are slow, internet is slow, the phones dont work properly, my staff dont work properly, nothing does, its thailand.

but, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate, I could never go back home. urghhhhh

I'm so tired of hearing this lame excuse.. "This is Thailand.. What do you expect... Respect???"

Please!!!! Enough!!!

I don't want to divert this topic, but if Thais were less accepting of the daily abuse in their lives, and were more pissed-off by the lack of Respect and Caring they receive on a daily basis from their own "Leaders", then this country wouldn't be sliding downhill, while the rest of Asia was on the brink of taking over from the USA as The next Regional Economic power.. You speak of Asia.. You mean... Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Kuala Lumpur, VIETNAM.. the list of countries that provide better SERVICE then we get is growing.

Refusing to take action is like a sheep being led to the slaughter.. Of Course, nothing ever happens on it's own.. WHY should They do anything to improve service, if we continue to be like sheep and just fork over our cash, without a whimper.. or let me restate that, with Only a whimper.. Baaa.. Baaa!!!



Someone just cut two more cables in the east its not totaly therir fault latey.  If this keeps up they will be cutting faster then they can fix them.  Some think its terroest but I bet it greenpeace.  The cables upset the whales or something like that. totlal 7 cuts in the med.

You must be very bored mate.

Not Bored... Remember the movie "Network"???

Just "Mad as H E L L and not gonna take it anymore" !!!


mate, I get fed upwith this as well, true wi fi at home is slow as, and true again in my office is slow as. it does my nut in because I pay full wack at both places, but at the end of the day, I choose to live here. this is asia not just Thailand. traffic is slow, staff are slow, internet is slow, the phones dont work properly, my staff dont work properly, nothing does, its thailand.

but, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate, I could never go back home. urghhhhh

I don't what other countries you compared Thailand to in Asia (except maybe Laos, Cambodia and Burma), but Asia is faster averaged out than both Europe and N. America put together.


In fact this chart exactly illustrates the rankings of various Asian countries:



Direct the final question on beginning: What will be the outcome, the result, if you get a group together?

May an increase in cost of the Internet? Because the required bandwith need to be paid! But which not really means that you get the bandwith!

May limited Traffic? Because everybody has the right to the same amount of traffic!

May pay by Traffic? Because some users downloading 24 h/7 days nonstop!

And so on, and so on!!

CosmicS, you're dreaming!!

There was an Time, at that Time I signed up with TV, I was using IP-Star from CS-L! I was just pay them the Installation and the first 3 month and after that nothing more because of the NON existing service! CS-L was try another 4 month to convince me and was try to get the service to work.

I was promise that I'll pay for their service beginnig that day the service was reliable. CS-L wasn't able to get that system to work but was bill me for the time the Equipment was with me. I didn't pay anything and even was disassemble the system an kept it in my Warehouse.

CS-L was going to the Court in Bangkok to start a Case against me. The Court rejected. I was file an Customer Complaint to NTC. CS-L final was even try to start an criminal case against me at Samut Prakarn Provincial Court for "stealing" the Equipment!

Final the Samut Prakarn Provincial Court decided that CS-L has to pay back all my cost and tha CS-L has to deposit the Pay-Check at the court for me to pickup and receive the money. After that I had to return the equipment.

So it was done. At the same time I was posting that story here at the forum! If you like, just search for that post's from me from 2006 and after you read all, special the answers, I do believe you'll start to think about actions, like you ask for, again!

And now a question: Why I should downgrade from my 2,560/512 connection because I get the most of the time about 80% or more of it?!

Just for example: I downloaded within the last 2 hour 633 MByte and that is the most bad time of the day (7 pm til 11-12 pm)!

But ok, may you'll find someone to go with you. Nomally you should, if I read the post about the Internet in Thailand, but I don't think that you'll get enough together.


And now a question: Why I should downgrade from my 2,560/512 connection because I get the most of the time about 80% or more of it?!

Just for example: I downloaded within the last 2 hour 633 MByte and that is the most bad time of the day (7 pm til 11-12 pm)!

But ok, may you'll find someone to go with you. Nomally you should, if I read the post about the Internet in Thailand, but I don't think that you'll get enough together.


Reimar, You know that I like you and that I really appreciate all the help you have given me in the past,

and I'd really like to hook into that magic Internet connection you have,

But, as you can tell from the quantity and frequency of all the post from people with problems, there are more than just a few people that are getting seriously upset..

I had my run-in with TRUE almost from the day that started their Internet service, and I quickly realized that I wasn't getting "Broadband" just "Glorified Dial-Up".. . It took THREE PERSONAL VISITS to their Tower on Ratchada before I could get them to downgrade my contract to the minimum.. and It's only real benefit has been the always on connection.. since I got my new Linksys Router, I don't even have my daily connection break, BUT.. I'm Willing and ANXIOUS to pay for more REAL bandwidth.. if it was available...

I WANT MORE BANDWIDTH.. I WANT TO DOWNLOAD 600MB IN 2 HOURS... Why should you have all the fun??

We have to do Something.. Somebody has to do something.


I don't what other countries you compared Thailand to in Asia (except maybe Laos, Cambodia and Burma)

Never been to Burma, but the internet in Laos & Cambodia from my experience was much more responsive @ peak hours than in Thailand. :o

In fact this chart exactly illustrates the rankings of various Asian countries:

Methinks someone needs to check their geography qualifications :o

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

In fact this chart exactly illustrates the rankings of various Asian countries:

Methinks someone needs to check their geography qualifications :D

Yeah, I was overly broad in my statement. Someone could have read it "In fact this chart exactly illustrates only the rankings of various Asian countries exclusive to the rest of the world's rankings:" :o

I'm always amazed that Japan can offer 100mb/s synch for ~$23/mo. Of course when you're cramming that many people into that small of a place it shouldn't be too hard.

Who is your ISP Reimar, and how much do you pay? .....if you don't mind me asking.
TRUE, 2,560/512 kbps, 1230 a month!


You are spot on mate, I get tried of reading the daily cries of people who keep saying Oh well, its dearer back home, Oh well we have to just put up with it, Oh well we are only guests here, Oh well what can you expect TIT , Oh well , Oh well ... whats wrong with these people . I can't wait until I see one of the the Don't moan brigade

posting here in the future , thats when I will remind them ... Oh well

and as for this....

Reimar, You know that I like you and that I really appreciate all the help you have given me in the past,

and I'd really like to hook into that magic Internet connection you have,

But, as you can tell from the quantity and frequency of all the post from people with problems, there are more than just a few people that are getting seriously upset..

What can you say .... ALL you have to do is look at the constant daily post's from many people who are so fed up with the very poor Internet service they are getting here in Thailand

so Reimer I suggest you come into the kitchen and smell the coffee.


Boycotts WORK.. Up 2 US !!!!!!

boycott does not work for those of us who need internet e.g. to handle their investments. there are no alternatives and that's why i pay for two slow ISPs and keep on grinding my teeth :o


You are spot on mate, I get tried of reading the daily cries of people who keep saying Oh well, its dearer back home, Oh well we have to just put up with it, Oh well we are only guests here, Oh well what can you expect TIT , Oh well , Oh well ... whats wrong with these people . I can't wait until I see one of the the Don't moan brigade

posting here in the future , thats when I will remind them ... Oh well

and as for this....

Reimar, You know that I like you and that I really appreciate all the help you have given me in the past,

and I'd really like to hook into that magic Internet connection you have,

But, as you can tell from the quantity and frequency of all the post from people with problems, there are more than just a few people that are getting seriously upset..

What can you say .... ALL you have to do is look at the constant daily post's from many people who are so fed up with the very poor Internet service they are getting here in Thailand

so Reimer I suggest you come into the kitchen and smell the coffee.



Thanks for your words of support.. But unfortunately change won't be effected with just words.. Are you interested in helping establish "The Association of Abused Thai Internet Users" (AATIU) ??

What about the rest of you.. The Abused???

Put Up or Shut UP ???

Up 2 you.. If others aren't interested this is a Dead Thread.

I can confine my bitching to my wife... Why spend the time to bitch here, Just a Black Sheep, lost in the crowd, and accomplishing nothing.

If your interested - Comment, Post a PM, GET INVOLVED!!!!


Boycotts WORK.. Up 2 US !!!!!!

boycott does not work for those of us who need internet e.g. to handle their investments. there are no alternatives and that's why i pay for two slow ISPs and keep on grinding my teeth :o


I fully understand and agree with you.. I couldn't get by here without my connection.

But getting what you pay for is a solid business decision.

I'm not calling for a TOTAL Boycott....

Only a Boycott against their High Priced Plans.. You are already paying too much for the service you get..

Downgrade your plan to the cheapest level!!

You won't lose anything.. You'll only be paying for what you truly get.

Why pay them more in the "HOPE" that you actually get it.

If and when the ISPs really can provide true (as apposed to False) Broadband service we can all upgrade.

But what is their incentive to do that.. a bunch of complaining Farangs that still end up paying their bills and filling their coffers will NOT get them to act.

They make more money now through Fraudulent sales practices and reduced service. Why change if they don't have to.

You have a Choice... Fight Back or go bald pulling your hair out from frustration.

You'll still have the service, your business won't suffer any more than it already is, and your bottom line will get healthier from the money you'll save.

Up 2 U



I did my part. I told TOT Crapstar to come and get their bird bath. It was no good for the Internet BUT it would make a great bird bath.


Hrm... I think you are barking up the wrong tree. Thailand has not enough bandwidth going out of the country. And that is entirely a political issue. The ISPs are just trying to live with it. Sure they are incompetent and annoying but in general, ISPs in the USA weren't any better. I spent many an hour on the phone with SBC in San Francisco - most of the time I had to wait though an hour of elevator music before I even got to speak to a live person! **

But it's beside the point. Bandwidth going outta Thailand is 22GBit/s, and most of it is going through other countries, Japan, Singapore etc. Thailand is going to get connected to a new fiber going straight to the U.S. end of 2008, and that's when things will improve. In the meantime, our connections are going to be crap.

If you want to change things, you can organize a "Drag Thailand into the modern age, kicking and screaming" interest group that lobbies to get more internet connections into the country and break up the CAT near-monopoly on the IIG, as well as remove the censorship which most certainly has a performance impact.

Both Japan and Korea got to where they are because of massive and concerted government efforts to wire the entire population at high speeds. It didn't just happen that they have 100Mbit at affordable prices, there was a lot of planning and a will to do it behind that. Especially Japan was pretty late to the internet party.

** It was really fun. The support-droid would follow a strict protocol asking me for the blinky lights, then my PC. Then they'd say it doesn't work with routers, only with their supplied PPPoE software on the PC. Eventually they'd ask me to "reinstall Windows and the PPPoE software". Total joke, as 100% of the time it was their own dam_n fault and things would work again in a few hours or a day. I never did it of course, but the nerve to ask me to waste half a day on a windows re-install just because they won't admit their lines are down... well... let's just say I never got that from a Thai ISP.


In principle, I agree with the concept of everyone refusing to pay for anything but the lowest level of service, and I agree with the notion that until and unless people stand up for decent service and demand improvement, the entire public will continue to be preyed upon.

So, that said....some considerations apply:

1. In fact, some folks DO get faster service than others, and they get it by paying more than the basic rate. Yes, the quality of service varies from zero to pretty good, and yes, it is all too expensive because none of it is really up to standard.

2. There are so many links in the chain that connects Thailand internally and internationally that it is almost impossible to fix the problem within a reasonable period of time. Not only do we not know and understand exactly how Thailand connects up to the world, we don't understand the software problems and hardware limitations Thai ISPs face. Telling them to clean up their act is almost unkind. If we can pinpoint specific problems that exist only in a given ISP (and there are enough of those to pester us), we can complain, mount a campaign to get everybody to downgrade their service, and so on. Sometimes that will work, and that particular ISP will come around. But it takes virtually 100% cooperation from the abused customers to do that, and do we honestly expect to get anywhere near that??

3. We don't know how severe the hardware problems Thailand faces are, which means demands for faster service could be unreasonable. What if Thailand simply can't get the cables and gear it needs, even if it wanted to? It often seems to me there is a shortagage of well-educated technicians, and the jobs are being done by people who literally are not qualified. Perhaps owners are unwilling to replace antiquated hardware and pay for good people; tell it to the rich guy, in other words, and see how far you get...he not only does not often care what his customers think, he does not usually even care what they do. Those are not concepts most of us can even begin to grasp. In our experience the customer is king; that is NOT universally understood -- in fact, in most of the world, the customer is considered a serf, a necessary evil, or even a pest who has no rights at all. We don't understand the probllem well enough to discover its causes, and they almost certainly are numerous.

4. Having had several ISPs, and having left patches of bloody scalp on the floor around my computer, I know how terrible service can be. Overnight it can go from pretty darn good to impossible, and as far as getting any help is concerned, well.... I don't want to break the rules of posting here, but suffice it to say that nobody is more disgusted with certain "things" than am I. My experiences with ISPs have been things to write home about -- I don't think I am believed when I tell the horror stories. In this environment, we have to be practical. I hate being practical; I want to be the valued and well-treated customer. But facts are facts: you are up against a system that goes by the rule, "Win the battle, even if it means you lose the war." So ISP X wins the battle with me, and I terminate my account, and ISP X is literally glad to see me go. Given that mindset in the business community, the customer always loses.

(It's not just business. When I told my cardiologist that he had done harm and no good, and that he was therefore fired, he literally did not understand me -- the compliant, obedient, subservient underling does not talk that way to his betters! The words were so alien and utterly unexpected that he simply said, "Fine, now get up on the table and lie down so I can examine you." So he could not accept that such words had actually come out of my mouth. To this day, he probably thinks I am insane.)

All sympathy to those who refuse to tolerate the intolerable. I am an idealist, too. I hate "TIT." I hate it when nobody agrees with me that some big changes need to be made. Harsh reality has left its scars, and there is bitterness, because things do not have to be this way. Everyone, locals and guests, suffers -- the difference is, the locals don't know how good things could be, and the guests can't get over the house rules.

I, too, stay because this is still a lot better than "home." My list of the benefits of being here is short but utterly overwhelming. And I can't join the "boycott by downgrading" effort because I am terrified that my ISP might just find a way to give me even POORER service. Having been at a worse level than I am now, I know such a thing exists.


2) Commence an Advertising Campaign to notify all members and Prospective members that "We recommend that No One Purchase anything But the "LOWEST" Cost package from ANY Thai ISP... Being as the service we get never exceeds the service offered in the Lowest cost package in any case. We should take out ads WEEKLY in BKK Post Database and the Nation Technology page, as well as Tech Websites (pantip.com,etc) and Thai Newspapers. All existing users must Downgrade their packages to the minimum level immediately.

I think you'd find yourself in Thai court quicker thatn you could download the latest torrent in Japan.

I think your idea is admirable, but it will fall on deaf ears.

There is no spare bandwidth

The engineering staff need proper training (not all of them are bad - they have crap to work with so they produce crap) - hey I'd work for TOT for free one day a week if I thought it would help. sure there are plenty of others that could help out.

The sytem is way overloaded as it is, forcing everybody to "downgrade" will make the net unusable.

If you do want to go ahead with this, boycott compaines that host oversees, Bangkokpost hosts in the US why? Why does Thai visa host out of the country? sanook.com - non thai? Answer no decent hosting services - Anybody want to start up a server farm?

Create a demand for high availablity servers here in Thailand and that will create a "demand" for the bandwidth.

The government wants to be an internet hub but all the traffic is going OUT of Thailand I bed hardly any is coming in.

just my 2 cents worth


YES ADSL is slower than dialup

Go to BBC.co.uk and they say the problem is supplying Asia is the main cable in the med is broken, and they have 50 engineers working on it, but it will still take 2 months to repair……….

Go to bbc.com/worldwide, they state that there is a broken cable near Taiwan also engineers are working on that..

So it looks amazing that we can even connect at all, so maybe will get better ???



saw that earlier in the week - sounds like some dude was taking a submarine for a test drive without a license.

anybody else here work in telecom - from what I remember fibre run in rings - when you get a break you do a ring swich or a protection switch, surely the main bandwithd to asia is not running on the dark fibre. Just more evidence that things are done on the cheap here.

I will not be downgrading either of my two connections, both of which I am happy with.

Instead of moaning all the time I think people here need a reality check. Thailand is not a developed country and living here is cheap for the average farang. Rent is cheap, food is cheap, basic utilities are cheap but the latest high tech stuff is not cheap and that is the trade off.

I have two internet connections, one with TOT direct and the other on JI Net through TT&T. I choose to pay for the top packages and they cost about 3,000 baht a month each BUT they both work at the rated speed most of the time. I like High Definition TV programming and I download a lot of it. On an average day I can download 10 gigabytes if I want and that's 400 meg an hour on just one connection.

If you choose a cheap package you are getting a high contention rate and will get slow speeds. If consistently good speed is your requirement then you can have it but you have to pay appropriately. Most ISP customers in Thailand are of course Thai and are not able to afford a top service. The 700 baht a month services are adequate for their needs, usually provide quite fast service in Thailand and an adequate international service. If you choose one of these types of service then expect slow international traffic and be happy you are paying so little with no download caps.

While some developed countries have cheap fast service, many do not. In Australia and New Zealand for example connections are capped at 2 or 3 gigs a month, cost around 2,500 baht and are not much faster than here. I'd take the Thai service over those any day.

When I moved to Pattaya 10 years ago, there was only one 64k line from Pattaya to Bangkok for internet. Every ISP in Pattaya shared that bandwidth and the dial up connections were excruciatingly slow. Now I can have a choice of DSL suppliers and speeds up to 2megs. That is a heck of an improvement and I for one am impressed that this developing country can improve it's services as fast as that. Yes I drool a bit at times when I hear of 100 meg connections but if I have to live in Tokyo or New York to get that, then I'll happily keep my slower Thai connections and the superb lifestyle I have here.

Anyone want to join my FATL (Farangs Appreciating Thai Lifestyle) society?

Well Pete, Some of us live out in the boonies. It's not a matter of how much we pay. I was paying for the very best TOT Ipstar package available. The 1024/512 service. It stinks! I am now using GPRS which is faster than any Shitstar service I had. Some of us have no phone line and it's very unlikely that we will ever have one.

I will not be downgrading either of my two connections, both of which I am happy with.

Instead of moaning all the time I think people here need a reality check. Thailand is not a developed country and living here is cheap for the average farang. Rent is cheap, food is cheap, basic utilities are cheap but the latest high tech stuff is not cheap and that is the trade off.

I have two internet connections, one with TOT direct and the other on JI Net through TT&T. I choose to pay for the top packages and they cost about 3,000 baht a month each BUT they both work at the rated speed most of the time. I like High Definition TV programming and I download a lot of it. On an average day I can download 10 gigabytes if I want and that's 400 meg an hour on just one connection.

If you choose a cheap package you are getting a high contention rate and will get slow speeds. If consistently good speed is your requirement then you can have it but you have to pay appropriately. Most ISP customers in Thailand are of course Thai and are not able to afford a top service. The 700 baht a month services are adequate for their needs, usually provide quite fast service in Thailand and an adequate international service. If you choose one of these types of service then expect slow international traffic and be happy you are paying so little with no download caps.

While some developed countries have cheap fast service, many do not. In Australia and New Zealand for example connections are capped at 2 or 3 gigs a month, cost around 2,500 baht and are not much faster than here. I'd take the Thai service over those any day.

When I moved to Pattaya 10 years ago, there was only one 64k line from Pattaya to Bangkok for internet. Every ISP in Pattaya shared that bandwidth and the dial up connections were excruciatingly slow. Now I can have a choice of DSL suppliers and speeds up to 2megs. That is a heck of an improvement and I for one am impressed that this developing country can improve it's services as fast as that. Yes I drool a bit at times when I hear of 100 meg connections but if I have to live in Tokyo or New York to get that, then I'll happily keep my slower Thai connections and the superb lifestyle I have here.

Anyone want to join my FATL (Farangs Appreciating Thai Lifestyle) society?

Somehow you've managed to twist things so that it sounds like people here are having a moan about Thai lifestyle in general. That's not what's happening.

You say that most customers are Thai and cannot afford the higher costs, meaning they cannot afford to get a decent service - the service which is advertised in flashy ads.

Why shouldn't the majority be entitled to a good affordable international internet connection?

All I want is to be able to check my emails and look at certain sites when I feel like it - I never download films or music and my connection is just plain rubbish most nights.

Maybe you should re-name your society to IAJ (I'm alright Jack) - Thai branch.

Who is your ISP Reimar, and how much do you pay? .....if you don't mind me asking.
TRUE, 2,560/512 kbps, 1230 a month!

You see we use the same pipe out and you get that for 1250 baht and I pay 1500 for only 256k and after earlt dec it has mostly not worked.  When my 256k is less then that, you should not be getting one byte more then me.  600mb two hours no you mean two weeks right. your kidding right fact is its broke for most of us and nothing is being done about it. My avg daytime has been about 64k for the last month. would you oput up with that? :o


Agreed. The internet connection via True is has been slow lately. Apparently there is cable or two that snapped somewhere off the coast of Taiwan. Well, what can we do? Nothing much I think. I think that poeple who are paying over 590 Baht per month could consider going back to the lowest package which is again 590 Baht? why pay more for "slow" & "unreliable" service?

As for boycotting a Thai company or companies. Thais are a proud people just like most Asians. they'll laugh their heads off just hearing the idea. We are guests in THEIR country with ZERO rights. Personally I report to immigration every 3 months. This, after having spend over 25 years here. Go figure......


I have seen consumer power working in other countries but only when one Company comes along and offers a brilliant service, everyone switches and the other companies are forced to improve. Problem is in Thailand, many customers don't have a choice of ISP.

I had a great service with TT&T but now I have moved I have no choice but to use TOT. I would love to exercise my consumer power but TT&T simply do not serve my area.

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