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Laser Surgery For A Wart


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I had a wart removed with a CO2 laser at the skin clinic on the second floor at Big C Center on Second Road.

Total cost 1200 Baht including numbing cream, pain injection, CO2 laser, and dressing and cream.

The service was very good. Just walk in for service.

I think the cost at Bangkok Pattaya would probably be about 6000 to 8000 baht according to a neighbor who had a wart removed about 3 months ago.

Primarily a Thai place, I was the only farang.

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All of you - it isn't the removal that is important - it is checking to see what is left behind.

Many of these things can have a cancer connection. You should check with an oncologist beforehand and make sure that the hospital or clinic does a full biopsy on what is left to ensure that there is no risk of spreading cancer.

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I had a planter wart removed from my foot and shopped prices b4 hand.

Went to Siracha as I am tired of being ripped off locally here in Pattaya.

Samitejev (sp) wanted 7000 baht went over to PhayaThai and it cost 2000 baht total with meds.

It was burned out with a laser.

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If you're a bit strapped for cash, there is a couple of old wives tales that goes along the lines of 'if you want to remove a wart, you can either bury a piece of meat in the garden (the theory being that as the meat rots, so will the wart), or get someone to buy them off you.

Option A is fairly inexpensive, whilst option B would take a clever bit of marketing!

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If you're a bit strapped for cash, there is a couple of old wives tales that goes along the lines of 'if you want to remove a wart, you can either bury a piece of meat in the garden (the theory being that as the meat rots, so will the wart), or get someone to buy them off you.

Option A is fairly inexpensive, whilst option B would take a clever bit of marketing!

Another piece of folklore suggests that if the wart is on an extremity, the cure is to stick it up a cows arse!

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For some unknown reason I misread the title to be "laser surgery for a Dwarf"..............

all the same, you might want to consult a doctor at home first, rather than run into it headlong....sometimes liquid nitrogen is recommended, bear in mind that a wart IS a cancer.

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<br />had one removed from my hampton from bangkok pattaya hospital, don't remember paying that much but to be honest I was that embarassed I wouldn't have questioned the bill <img src="style_emoticons/default/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> <br /><br />also went in disguise <img src="style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br

Was that Little Hampton. :o:D:D

Edited by plasticpig
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I had a wart removed with a CO2 laser at the skin clinic on the second floor at Big C Center on Second Road.

Total cost 1200 Baht including numbing cream, pain injection, CO2 laser, and dressing and cream.

The service was very good. Just walk in for service.

I think the cost at Bangkok Pattaya would probably be about 6000 to 8000 baht according to a neighbor who had a wart removed about 3 months ago.

Primarily a Thai place, I was the only farang.

Not bad, but a public hospital will remove it for a few hundred baht.

Bangkok Pattaya--that sounds about right. Ridiculous!

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Don't be absurd. You don't do a biopsy on a lil' ol' routine wart in an innocuous place.

Ah, scare tactics . . . .

Sorry, but in my time I've had three different skin cancers removed. Two were smallish, treated quickly. The other was the result of three years' growth while I was working in Libya (the hospitals were pretty dire and I was not going to be treated there).

I had this removed in Bristol and had lectures from both the oncology consultant and the plastic surgeon.

Anything - ANYTHING - can be a potential cause of cancer on the skin and if it is not removed 100%, then the few cells left behind can spread through the body very quickly. You need a biopsy beforehand to check whether benign or malignant, a biopsy on the area of removal afterwards to check that everything has been taken out.

Don't close your eyes to this, it is important.

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Don't be absurd. You don't do a biopsy on a lil' ol' routine wart in an innocuous place.

Ah, scare tactics . . . .

I would never have a wart removed by simply walking in off the street. It is essential that an experienced skin doctor at least looks at it...if there is any shadow of a doubt then some form of further investigation is the way to go.....and it certainly doesn't matter where it is!

TAZ - just because you've never heard of it doesn't make it true - warts are a CANCER! they are usually benign but as the other poster points out this state can be changed by inept interference....

there are many different kinds of skin cancer some are easily treated, others are life threatening...they can occur in anyone, regardless of skin colouor though fair skinned people are at highest risk.

You don't just get them in the tropics/sub-tropics either. UK has a highr number of skin cancers diagnosed each year then Australia.

Being brown or "getting used" to the sun are fallacies...if you go brown it means your skin has ALREADY been damaged and your body is releasing melanin to protect itself

Google up skin cancer......

PS I too have first hand experience of this!

Edited by wilko
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What if the wart is very old can this still be cancerous ??

I have 2 on my face = have a beard to cover them for the past 35+ years, when I 1st started shaving at 13 had problems as almost always appear to nick them with the blade

Can these be removed by laser?

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I believe the normal life of a wart is about 3 years and then it drops off...but there are so many "growths" (i.e. cancerous growths) that I'm sure there are just as many answers.

Basically the cells lose or don't have the correct programming as to when to stop growing so they grow into abnormal shapes etc. A wart usually has a membrane or some king d of "wall” around it to stop it spreading, but if they are damaged or disturbed e.g. by cutting or inadequate surgery, cells can enter the bloodstream and disperse around the body, where they will multiply without control, thus becoming a malignant cancer....

Look...I'm not a doctor so if you want good advice go and see one......

....the problem with health care in Thailand is it's not very good...it's all face and no substance....if you go in to a skin clinic, someone with indeterminate qualifications will quickly remove it, charge you a very reasonable price and off you go feeling very happy with yourself......the problem here is no-one has actually looked at it...(they would argue that was YOUR responsibility)...so you don't know what they've cut off what it was or how it should be treated..... Or ..... What you should be doing in the future about it....should you keep an eye on it? Will it re-occur?...what are the chances of it becoming malignant?....all this would be addressed in a western healthcare system, but in the interests of cost and turn-over....not to mention avoiding confrontation everything is cut to a minimum and problems swept under the carpet.

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