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Could someone please summarize all the latest "hoops" I would have to jump through just to get started teaching in Thailand? And are these new hoops a way of trying to discourage farang teachers these days? If so, maybe I'll teach in Korea instead. Thanks.


PS: I may try to teach English or science in secondary schools, still haven't made up my mind.

Could someone please summarize all the latest "hoops" I would have to jump through just to get started teaching in Thailand? And are these new hoops a way of trying to discourage farang teachers these days? If so, maybe I'll teach in Korea instead. Thanks.


PS: I may try to teach English or science in secondary schools, still haven't made up my mind.

Have you checked out the "hoops" in Korea recently? :o


We can't tell you what hoops you will have to go through until you tell us what qualifications you have; as your qualifications will determine your level of struggles. Having said that, is being a troll another of your qaulifications?

Qualifications needed to teach in LOS:

1- White sking (the lighter the better)

2- Young appearence

3- Not be aged over 40

4- Nice smile

5- Charming looks

6- Neatly groomed

7- Expensive wardrobe

8- Paitence

9- Ass kissing ability

10- Ass licking ability

11- Ass kissing and licking ability for extended periods of up to months and years at a time

12- A degree

Can anyone add to the list?

Could someone please summarize all the latest "hoops" I would have to jump through just to get started teaching in Thailand? And are these new hoops a way of trying to discourage farang teachers these days? If so, maybe I'll teach in Korea instead. Thanks.


PS: I may try to teach English or science in secondary schools, still haven't made up my mind.


The first hoop you have to go through is to stop being lazy. The second hoop is to take some time and read through previous posts about qualifications, visa and teachers licenses on this forum.

Petch01 :o


Well, some of the qualifications are unknown at the moment as the Ministry of Education is talking about changing them. I can't speculate on what they will be, or when they will be known but the MOE is having a meeting on Monday the 11th to discuss it.

Will they come to an exciting conclusion? Dunno.

Will they change their minds later? Probably.

Will they actually enforce what they decide? Most likely in a very uneven and unpredictable way that is terribly mysterious.

That being said, Korea? :o


Will the MOE/TCT meet? Will they decide anything more or less definite before the end of March? Will they publish new regulations in Thai? Will we farang know what they really mean? Probably not.

Could someone please summarize all the latest "hoops" I would have to jump through just to get started teaching in Thailand? And are these new hoops a way of trying to discourage farang teachers these days? If so, maybe I'll teach in Korea instead. Thanks.


PS: I may try to teach English or science in secondary schools, still haven't made up my mind.

Hhahahahahhaha. Too many hoops in Thailand so wants to go to Korea. Now THATS funny. :o


Aussie, there you go being all negative again. You have them all mixed up. Where I work, I would have to say 8-10 are important, but the rest less so. We have old folks, black folks, and folks who look like they shop at the salvation army. But, smart-a*sses don't quite make it very far!


I don't think the plan is to 'discourage' teachers. I just don't think they have thought things through as to what they want. I do, however, believe that thereis some resentment and belief on the part of the bureaucrats that they don't need so many foreigners.

Aussie, there you go being all negative again. You have them all mixed up. Where I work, I would have to say 8-10 are important, but the rest less so. We have old folks, black folks, and folks who look like they shop at the salvation army. But, smart-a*sses don't quite make it very far!

What a sad post. It saddens me to see just how seriously you take things. I wouldn't call anything about my post negative, except for calling the OP who hasn't returned to his thread yet a troll. I was just trying to add a bit of sarcasm, but obviously you have been in Thailand or have been unhappy for so long that you seem to take things too seriously. I was correct about all of my points anyway based on the school I worked for, and I will name part of it, Sar..... How did I get the job? To be honest, I accidentally became a TEFL teacher there. I did a diploma in TEFL before I ever came to Thailand just in case I decided to try teaching, but I wasn't sure I'd follow through. One day walking down Petkasem Rd near the hospital across from the Uni there,, I was approached by a secatary who works at a school and the conversation went like this basically word for word:

Her: You are farang?

Me: Yes?

Her: White man speak English?

Me: Yes?

Her: You can teach English?

Me: Maybe?

Her: You come with me now speak to boss. We look for new teacher?

Me: Are you sure? Is that all I have to do?

Her: Yes.

Me: I'll come and see what happens.

Her: Yeah, Yeah.

Anyway, i got that job. I doubt if I wasn't for my current good looks, white skin and young age and for the fact that I dress well, I doubt I would have been approached in such a manner.


Thanks for all the advice so far.

No, I'm not a troll, unless using a fake username makes me one these days.

The only reason I mentioned Korea in my OP was that I had heard (admittedly second-hand) that it was easier and paid better there. Probably just as easily could have said Japan, though.


I made it to page 7 in my search. Then, someone mentioned that the rules were either changing or were going to change soon and I thought it might be a good idea to summarize in a recent post what is known so far. Didn't mean to offend...

You just do the hokey pokey, you turn yourself around, and that's what it's all about.

Spot on. Rules and laws in Thailand should now be referred to as advice, suggestions, guidelines, or recomendations..............

  • 2 weeks later...
Could someone please summarize all the latest "hoops" I would have to jump through just to get started teaching in Thailand? And are these new hoops a way of trying to discourage farang teachers these days? If so, maybe I'll teach in Korea instead. Thanks.


PS: I may try to teach English or science in secondary schools, still haven't made up my mind.

Don't bother, it's all too hard. Same in Korea, I taught I.T there for a year. Give up now and go to Cambodia.


We can't tell you what hoops you will have to go through until you tell us what qualifications you have; as your qualifications will determine your level of struggles. Having said that, is being a troll another of your qaulifications?

Qualifications needed to teach in LOS:

1- White sking (the lighter the better)

2- Young appearence

3- Not be aged over 40

4- Nice smile

5- Charming looks

6- Neatly groomed

7- Expensive wardrobe

8- Paitence

9- Ass kissing ability

10- Ass licking ability

11- Ass kissing and licking ability for extended periods of up to months and years at a time

12- A degree

Can anyone add to the list?

you lovely cuddly old cynic you .......... :o


Stand by for a rant...................

Qualifictions = 30 years in the business in various countries, continents and so on. Blah Blah

I've been a School Principal, a Director of Studies, a Deputy Head, and loads of other stuff. Blah Blah Blah

And my point is ?

Teaching is as much an art as a science.

There are two kinds of teachers.

Those that just do it, and those that are trained.

Of the two I've always tended to those that can just perform because that's what I do, however, some of the best teachers I've ever met were those that were trained.

My wife pointed out " are the trained any better or any worse than the natural performers?"

Given the fact that she was a brilliant teacher, but suffered from MS it's amazing how well she did. She was trained and her training got her through with great success.

So, to the point.

I'm sick and tired of these people who believe that they're in any way qualified to teach simply because they've achieved a certain level of higher education.

Parents, think about it. The fact that Bob has a degree in ..... whatever... does NOT qualify him/her to teach kids, work with kids, interact with kids.

If you haven't gone through a bona fide, verifiable, teacher training course i.e. PGCE or BEd. etc . etc. AND got a police clearance covering at least the last 6 years, regardless of where you were you should not be in the business.

The courses may not be perfect. You may wish for more. BUT, you will at least get a basic grasp of child phsychology, a bit of a feel for personality crisies, an idea of the cognitive theory and, hopefully a sense of what it means to be effective.

You are not there to be liked, but to do a job. To aid the development of the kids, regardless of what the parents say.:o

End of rant

Time for a beer



Aussie, there you go being all negative again. You have them all mixed up. Where I work, I would have to say 8-10 are important, but the rest less so. We have old folks, black folks, and folks who look like they shop at the salvation army. But, smart-a*sses don't quite make it very far!

So, you're in Thailand are you?

Details of your educational establishment would be gratefully received.

Stand by for a rant...................

....I'm sick and tired of these people who believe that they're in any way qualified to teach simply because they've achieved a certain level of higher education.

Parents, think about it. The fact that Bob has a degree in ..... whatever... does NOT qualify him/her to teach kids, work with kids, interact with kids.

If you haven't gone through a bona fide, verifiable, teacher training course i.e. PGCE or BEd. etc . etc. AND got a police clearance covering at least the last 6 years, regardless of where you were you should not be in the business.

The courses may not be perfect. You may wish for more. BUT, you will at least get a basic grasp of child phsychology, a bit of a feel for personality crisies, an idea of the cognitive theory and, hopefully a sense of what it means to be effective.

You are not there to be liked, but to do a job. To aid the development of the kids, regardless of what the parents say.:o

End of rant

Time for a beer



No offense taken. Your rant applies to the 1% of Thais and farang who can afford incredibly expensive international schools of the first rank. To the rest of the 99% who live in Thailand, send their kids to school, or teach those kids, your rant is meaningless. 49 students in a hot classroom, worn blackboards, no high tech equipment, inadequate textbooks, totally nonprofessional administrations, pitiful governmental oversight, untrained native and foreign teachers: address your concerns to the 99% as well, if you can climb down off your pedestal.

Ok, my rant is over; off to bed. Cheers to you too, and my apologies.

Stand by for a rant...................

Qualifictions = 30 years in the business in various countries, continents and so on. Blah Blah

I've been a School Principal, a Director of Studies, a Deputy Head, and loads of other stuff. Blah Blah Blah

And my point is ?

Teaching is as much an art as a science.

There are two kinds of teachers.

Those that just do it, and those that are trained.

Of the two I've always tended to those that can just perform because that's what I do, however, some of the best teachers I've ever met were those that were trained.

My wife pointed out " are the trained any better or any worse than the natural performers?"

Given the fact that she was a brilliant teacher, but suffered from MS it's amazing how well she did. She was trained and her training got her through with great success.

So, to the point.

I'm sick and tired of these people who believe that they're in any way qualified to teach simply because they've achieved a certain level of higher education.

Parents, think about it. The fact that Bob has a degree in ..... whatever... does NOT qualify him/her to teach kids, work with kids, interact with kids.

If you haven't gone through a bona fide, verifiable, teacher training course i.e. PGCE or BEd. etc . etc. AND got a police clearance covering at least the last 6 years, regardless of where you were you should not be in the business.

The courses may not be perfect. You may wish for more. BUT, you will at least get a basic grasp of child phsychology, a bit of a feel for personality crisies, an idea of the cognitive theory and, hopefully a sense of what it means to be effective.

You are not there to be liked, but to do a job. To aid the development of the kids, regardless of what the parents say.:o

End of rant

Time for a beer



Keep drinking.

Personally, I think if any person has a higher than thou attitude, a desire to rant often, needs to resort to drinking and cannot spell.......................they too should not be in the profession. :D


Teach a subject, you need to know how to teach a subject.

Teach TEFL, you need to know how to teach TEFL

Teach Thai cooking, you need to know how to teach cooking

Thailand wants a first-world education system, but has a third-world form of government. It's high hopes and plans will always be dashed on the rocks of reality. Schools want bodies, schools want bodies, schools want bodies...


The number of hoops one has to go through to be legal coupled with the lousy job offers floating around is pathetic. Beggars can't be choosers....if schools really want these qualifications in all their foreign staff, they need to clean up their act. Being that this probably won't happen anytime soon, all these ideas about what a teacher should be are best kept in mind rather than being put on paper.

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