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The Otter: Noble Creature Or Criminal Genius?

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are otters proud, noble creatures who show off their carpentry skills by building dams? or diabolical schemers with lamentable fashion sense and no regard for property?

should we as a people, embrace the otter into our daily routine, or hound them out of out society with big sticks and cheese sandwiches, thus making them deadly outlaws who prey on our woman folk?

do we need a special police otter task-force?, run in much the same way as a S.W.A.T unit. an elite team of trained operatives, lead by hannibal from the A-Team who could police otter activity and eradicate the evil otters, leaving only the nice ones who bake cakes and wear dungarees with little patches on the knee's.

incidentally, does anyone know if the hoover dam was built by otter's?

i type so fast you understand... have to whilst the force is with me :o ... all spelling mistakes havve now been corrected...

So Harry, before I cut and paste this onto Thaizine.

Would you class this as one of your better posts or is this just a 'stocking filler' so to speak?

keep up the good work agent Harry.

ideal starter post for the TZ... in my minds eye i can see the captain & dirty dog jumping into this one & turning it into a blockbuster... keep me informed of it's progress please :o


Is this post in response to my recent request, of another poster, to show me where you had made a spelling mistake on TV?


maybe, just maybe :D

very nice to have you contribute to one on my articles... it's been a long time... but then i guess my articles haven't been up to much lately :D


Obsessives tend to go through phases and Harry seems to be experiencing another passing fad.

His obsession Michael Caine has now passed and has been replaced with Otters.

BTW Harry, Ning is next to me as I type this and wants a full explination of what I am now typing and what I am responding to.

This will take a long time, I really can't be bothered, she'll say I'm patronising her and so tonight will probably end in a row.

Thanks a fukcing bunch mate.


Only Otters I've seen hang out in the kelp beds off the coast of northern California breaking Abalone open on their chests & having a good time. They're also high on the menu for sharks in those waters too!

Cute little buggers... :o

are otters proud, noble creatures who show of there carpentry skills by building dams?

Nope, definately Beavers. Does that end this topic?

Might be time for a drugs raid on Harrys house. :o

[i type so fast you understand... have to whilst the force is with me :D ... all spelling mistakes havve now been corrected...

Yes, they have. :o:D :D


Otters are more interesting creatures than you might imagine. Did you know, for instance, that otters have sex lasting four hours of which one (1) hour is spent in orgasm.? Foor for thought, I would say.

Khun Pad Thai

Otters are more interesting creatures than you might imagine. Did you know, for instance, that otters have sex lasting four hours of which one (1) hour is spent in orgasm.? Foor for thought, I would say.

Khun Pad Thai

Is that before or after he has bit her on the nose and held her underwater?

Otters are more interesting creatures than you might imagine.  Did you know, for instance, that otters have sex lasting four hours of which one (1) hour is spent in orgasm.?  Foor for thought, I would say.

Khun Pad Thai

Is that before or after he has bit her on the nose and held her underwater?

Interesting coincidence. I'm able to prolong my orgasms by using similar techniques!!!! :o

Otters are more interesting creatures than you might imagine.  Did you know, for instance, that otters have sex lasting four hours of which one (1) hour is spent in orgasm.?  Foor for thought, I would say.

Khun Pad Thai

Is that before or after he has bit her on the nose and held her underwater?

Interesting coincidence. I'm able to prolong my orgasms by using similar techniques!!!! :D

...when those pattaya katoeys see me down walking street, they all shout 'here comes harry the otter...', now you know why :D ... my secret is out... :D

the poolcleaner loses a lot of sheep that way... :D poor things drown you see, cos they're not very good swimmers... :o

am i the only one who remembers davethailand once saying that there were otters (with laser eyes) 'way out there in the south china sea... if you haven't seen them then you haven't swam far enough, keep going...'?



How is this related to thailand? How is this related to visas?

Why even start this topic?

Last time i looked, didnt see an otter in thailand.

Maybe try posting this thread Here and see what you get?


Yep, you got confused with the beaver and otter.

I come from the land of beavers. :D Yes they are edible! :o

You must really know how to cook them though and the process involves breathing a terrible stench for a few hours that comes from it`s fat as you boil them before roasting.

The Japanese pay big bucks for it's castor glands that trappers keep.

Beavers have long been exploited for their fur, and for many years during the 18th and 19th centuries hundreds of thousands of beaver skins were exported to Europe from North America annually.

Here`s one hard at work!


Many species can also be found in Pattaya as well and are well known for asking "Where you goooo?" but have never been seen building dams.

How is this related to thailand? How is this related to visas?

Why even start this topic?

Last time i looked, didnt see an otter in thailand.

Maybe try posting this thread Here and see what you get?

i must have been mistaken... i though this forum was for...

General topics

Topics regarding everything else not related to other forums. Post your thoughts here if you are not sure where to post it!

perhaps you are one of those ex-pats whose interest in thailand doesn't extend beyond the nana plaza...

if you bothered to check, you will see that this part of se asia (thailand) has it's own particular specie of otter...

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