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Residence Certificate To Register Motorbike


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[quote name='elephantkungfu' post='1901199' date='2008-03-31

Yes, you're correct, and perhaps I misread the previous posts. In any case, I don't have a work permit and have no idea what a yellow residence book is. Anyone know what one needs to do, and how one needs to be qualified, to get and have one?

A yellow Certificate, is the farang equivilant of the Tabian Baan that every Thai person must be registered under. It holds the names of the persons that live in a residence..

. . . . .

For Condo owners, you can also have your name put in a yellow book.

You need to go to the district office and the process takes about 1 week.

The yellow book can be used anywhere proof of address is required and it never expires.

Excellent! I am a condo owner, so it looks like all I have to do is get this done and I will never pay another baht to a consulate for a residence certificate. Many thanks, THAIJAMES.

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There are alway loophole in thai system ,

i now deal with alot of second hand bike . as i been selling them in bangkok and around thailand ,

i have customer who have problem with paper work ..

i hand them to my paper work runner and he almost solve all of them for me ,, and i myself learn a few trick or two .. about paper work .

if you have some problem , DO PM me in pte ..

but at time .. if the bike is cheap is not worth the trouble ..

if you buy your bike in more then 3 month ago and you still have no paper work ..

your Bike is having problem .. and you might be buying a so claled Invoiced bike that had not PAID IT TAXES and it would cost you like . 30k - 50k . just to get the right paper work out .

seen tons of case where some farang is COn into buying some nice bike without the Green book or a Fake green book .

Check for Green Book . or any photo copy .

Check green book with engine number .

IF the bike had not been renew for more then 3 years . it would be deleted from the system mean your bike is without paper ,

same go for cars .

There is way to go around inspection but .. usually you paid about 1-2k more .depnding on location and size of bike and cars .

There is way to go about even registering Bike in bangkok or chianmai and then using it in another part of thailand . with all different address, but of cos it cost money .

becareful when you give info to dealer , there can use your copy to do many thing . so alway Cross your paper and date the paper for what ever useage .

if you have question or need some moped . you can contact or PM me

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I'm a condo owner and tried to get a yellow book, the municipality said it was far too difficult with all sorts of hoops to jump through and said it wasn't worth doing. (This in Chiang Mai)

Was I put off too easily? Should I give it a go again? Any advice?

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I'm a condo owner and tried to get a yellow book, the municipality said it was far too difficult with all sorts of hoops to jump through and said it wasn't worth doing. (This in Chiang Mai)

Was I put off too easily? Should I give it a go again? Any advice?

Yes, absolutely, you were put off too easily and should give it another go!

(And then let me know how you fare, so I can decide if I want to follow in your footsteps. :o )

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Just a follow up to say that the guy at the Yamaha dealer did manage to twist the right person's arm and I got my green book and license plate yesterday. He did tell me that his farang customers are angry about the new regulations and he comes in for some flack since the cost of registration can now add more than 5% to the cost of a new (lower end) bike and no-one benefits.

I'm going to try to get a Yellow book using my condo as an address to avoid the problems when my driving licenses come up for renewal later in the year.

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