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How Important Is Beauty To You?


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I'll be honest, I have always coveted beautiful women. I am not a bad looking guy myself, a 6.5/7 out of 10 maybe, but I have never seriously considered staying with any women that was lower down or even on the same step of the ladder of attractivenss as myself.

My women now is a stunner, actually better than what I am used to, but if anything it has made my discerning taste even more refined. Another poster wrote this on another thread.

In fact, once you get it out of your system and seeing beautiful women becomes commonplace, it stops being of such importance. Hopefully, if I get married some day, it will be to someone that I can trust who actually cares about me, instead of some pretty airhead

This is so far away from my thinking that I wonder how many others think this way too? I don't mean that I dont value personality it's just that without great looks I dont stay interested. Actually to be honest I am surprised by how often I see men with very mediocre looking women. Especially in Thailand where any, well nearly any, decent man can get a real looker. Now this makes me sound shallow, but I am just being honest. Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

Aren't we in Asia partly to avoid having to put up with some sour faced donut in our bed?

Edited by vrsushi
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i think everyone is attracted to and hopes to find external beauty in their partner, but long term it definitely doesn't matter as much as internal beauty. if you have no plans for the long term you are probably ok having shallow expectations.

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The ladies all get more beautiful at closing time, I have not heard the same said of men, by women. Never woke up next to a sour faced donut, coyote ugly, I admit yes, a couple times, but then I had a shave and things seemed to fall into place.

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For me asian girls are the best, but that is just my taste when it comes to looks.

But I like a bit of brains too, not just bimbo's. Ive been with many girls here in Sydney, aussie, british, asian, sth american. But the best one I found out of the whole lot was this one Thai girl, she was pretty fluent in english and had beauty, class and was very sharp.

She was studying here and I met her at the pub drinking with some of her friends. She took my breathe away and this was the first Thai girl I ever dated and now she is my wife and we have been together for 6 years (1 years married tomorrow).

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Well you're a 6.5/7 ot of 10 maybe how did you come by this mediocre rating??? Is this based on looks/intelligence/performance in bed combined???

Did all those girls give you a notch on your broad sword to determine this? Why would I want to stay with some geek like you when as an 11 I can have any stunner I like too.I'm married to a like score so the point is try looking beyond the surface and maybe you are with a stunner but you are still a doughnut brain.

Mods isn't this demeaning to women in the sense that we have to be 'rated' come on really.How many blockheads do Thai girls sleep with guys like this who want a stunner sheesh go and start a sex perverts forum you know where alll you superficial people can claim they have slept with countless 'stunners' before getting hitched to the 'love of their life doughnut' and start other threads about sick buffalos or maintance.

Why are these threads so guy orientated.OK girls how many toads have you slep with before you found a real snake?

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My women now is a stunner, actually better than what I am used to, but if anything it has made my discerning taste even more refined. Another poster wrote this on another thread.

This is so far away from my thinking that I wonder how many others think this way too? I don't mean that I dont value personality it's just that without great looks I dont stay interested. Actually to be honest I am surprised by how often I see men with very mediocre looking women. Especially in Thailand where any, well nearly any, decent man can get a real looker. Now this makes me sound shallow, but I am just being honest. Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

Aren't we in Asia partly to avoid having to put up with some sour faced donut in our bed?

Beauty is important... Also, a beautiful person with a shitty personality is not so attractive... Your woman maybe a stunner, but may look like a sour faced donut without make-up on... I'm just saying COULD, not saying she DOES.. So, post a photo of her, for I can see.. :o

I also can be a shallow individual and will only date nothing less than a 7??? Joking!!! It does not matter that much to me about looks, but she sure in the hel_l must have an awesome looking body.. :D ok, ok, ok.. my shallow-ness is coming out again.. I love women period, any shape, good looking, not so good looking, if I'm happy with her, then it should not matter to anyone...

Now for you to judge another man's woman, and compare that woman to the way the man looks, I'm not sure if shallow is the word.. Kind of strange that you would notice that or even care.. You have stunning looking woman, so don't worry, be happy!!!

Edited by neion2000
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Beauty, with a great personality and intelligence - now that is the holy grail.

Sounds like The Don has found it, and I reckon I have as well. I went through countless relationships based on looks before, they obviously never lasted, which I generally knew from the outset.

I could not stay with an ugly or mediocre looking woman based on her personality alone, I would always be looking elsewhere.

Tried a few blind dates set up by friends in the past. When enquiring what they were like beforehand, and getting the reply 'she has a great personality', I knew it was time to run for the hills.

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but I have never seriously considered staying with any women that was lower down or even on the same step of the ladder of attractivenss as myself.

I i followed that rule i'd still be looking for my first girl :o


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For me asian girls are the best, but that is just my taste when it comes to looks.

But I like a bit of brains too, not just bimbo's. Ive been with many girls here in Sydney, aussie, british, asian, sth american. But the best one I found out of the whole lot was this one Thai girl, she was pretty fluent in english and had beauty, class and was very sharp.

She was studying here and I met her at the pub drinking with some of her friends. She took my breathe away and this was the first Thai girl I ever dated and now she is my wife and we have been together for 6 years (1 years married tomorrow).

Happy Anniversary

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For me asian girls are the best, but that is just my taste when it comes to looks.

But I like a bit of brains too, not just bimbo's. Ive been with many girls here in Sydney, aussie, british, asian, sth american. But the best one I found out of the whole lot was this one Thai girl, she was pretty fluent in english and had beauty, class and was very sharp.

She was studying here and I met her at the pub drinking with some of her friends. She took my breathe away and this was the first Thai girl I ever dated and now she is my wife and we have been together for 6 years (1 years married tomorrow).

Happy Anniversary

Thanks mate

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My wife looks great (would say she is a 9) but this became secondary very early in our relationship. Character will be always the most important thing and I'm so glad that my wife speaks fluent English is well educated and has her own point of view and a very clear idea what she wants in her life. I prefer this over a stunning 10 sex bomb from Isaan who has the typical drama attitude and very simple thinking.

I always thought I just need a girl to entertain me and can talk about everything important with my friends but that was just wrong. I pity everyone who can't have an intelligent conversation with their partner.

Its always funny when I see older men talking to girls half their age who don't understand half of what they say and just smile and say yes. Sometimes it sounds like the guy is just talking to himself. Would a girl like this pick him back in his home country?

Watching guys and how they act around women here in Thailand can be so hilarious. Yeah right they love you for your good look and attitude. :o

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i married a real stunner... twenty-nine years ago and she'd be a real stunner for me for the next 29 years but unfortunately my statistical life expectancy is less than 29 years. now go on little boys and amuse me a bit more.


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vrsushi, let me ask you a question: how high up on the evolutionary scale are you? Personally, I would rate anyone who gives a 'rating' to others is very low down. Would I say that my wife is beautiful? In my opinion, she is but not in mould of what some people perceive as a classical Thai beauty. She has a great smile and personality, wonderful sense of humour, is very respectable, educated and well mannered. These, in my book, are all 'beauty' traits.

Please go ahead and continue to rate women as you see fit. Marry your 'stunner' but look a few years down the road when her looks start to fade and your (and her) interest in sex wanes and what is left? Just two people sharing the same house.

You say "Actually to be honest I am surprised by how often I see men with very mediocre looking women." So be brave, you internet Adonis and post your photo and let other posters rate you!

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To the people who say they dont rate women; you honestly don't rate people based on looks? Hmmm, there are mountains of research in psychological journals that suggest otherwise. I don't go around like a 16 year old giving people a mark out of 10. I just used that in this post to illustrate that I was no addonis or quasimodo.

Do you disagree that most people don't rate looks as important? Then how come nearly ALL rich men marry beauty? How come nearly all movie stars are great looking? (I never choose a movie based on this criteria btw) How come women spend so much on cosmetics if men dont care about looks?

Look around you, how many stunning women are not married by 30? Compare that to the uglies....Thailand and every other Asian country I know is full of hords of lovely but asthetically challenged women who have never even had a boyfriend. Left untouched they wither away. School offices are one place to find them.

And talking of evolution. Arthur Miller, Einstein and many others worshipped stunning women. What do you have to say about them?

I tell you what. Post your wife's picture and I'll post mine and I bet that every reader on here could and would in their head rate them both in their heads, even if they weren't honest enough to put it in apost.

Edited by vrsushi
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I'll be honest, I have always coveted beautiful women. I am not a bad looking guy myself, a 6.5/7 out of 10 maybe, but I have never seriously considered staying with any women that was lower down or even on the same step of the ladder of attractivenss as myself.

My women now is a stunner, actually better than what I am used to, but if anything it has made my discerning taste even more refined. Another poster wrote this on another thread.

In fact, once you get it out of your system and seeing beautiful women becomes commonplace, it stops being of such importance. Hopefully, if I get married some day, it will be to someone that I can trust who actually cares about me, instead of some pretty airhead

This is so far away from my thinking that I wonder how many others think this way too? I don't mean that I dont value personality it's just that without great looks I dont stay interested. Actually to be honest I am surprised by how often I see men with very mediocre looking women. Especially in Thailand where any, well nearly any, decent man can get a real looker. Now this makes me sound shallow, but I am just being honest. Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

Aren't we in Asia partly to avoid having to put up with some sour faced donut in our bed?

You will learn that it is all about being honest, the looks yes it does influence your choiche but you need to learn to let go of that.

It is not about what you are ( The looks) but who you are.

Look at the post about the FHM girls, I would not choose either of them, they are too young and have body like a child.

If you choose for them it says something about you....

If you are really looking for a lifetime partner you should find out what the other is thinking about life and other things.

Take care,


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There is nothing wrong with wanting a "10" in beauty, personality and intelligence if that is what you are looking for in life. My only caveat is to make sure that you take a good look in the mirror and make sure that you are also a "10" in the things that she is looking for in her life. If it is an equal deal then you a probably OK however if it is not an equal deal, IMO there is a good chance that it may fall apart somewhere down the line. :o

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They all look the same in the dark.Cooking & cleaning skills should be of more importance,& i'd give myself a 7/10...especially after a couple of Changs.ahh shes a lucky girl.

Cooking & cleaning skills? How about fvking skills for a change. Some ugly women are pretty good in bed unlike some stunners who don't know what to do with their beauty except sleep :o

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I have found that people who put too much emphisis on looks of the people they are with are lacking in certain areas & have to validate themselves by parading their "stunna" around. I'd feel quite a bit sorry for a good looking girl who sadly wasn't appricated for anything else she may have to offer & will most likely be dropped in a second once her looks start to wane. It must be a very empty life emotionally :o

Op does your gf know she is on a time limit based on her continued looks?

I ask cause I have no problem with people who don't want to settle down & prefer the superficial but only so long as they are upfront about their lack of interest in going beyond the skin with the people they are dating.

But for the long haiul. no, looks are a factor for the initial attraction but being able to hold someones interest & being interested in someone with other social, emotional & sexual abilities is a much better ambition imo, good looks area bonus but they shouldn't be the only thing to look for. :D

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But for the long haiul. no, looks are a factor for the initial attraction but being able to hold someones interest & being interested in someone with other social, emotional & sexual abilities is a much better ambition imo, good looks area bonus but they shouldn't be the only thing to look for. :D

Well this is a superficial thread Boo, you must have had some spare time to respond, as do I now :D

My partner, who is Thai, is not a classic beauty. Nor is she from a BG background. She just has wisdom and intelligence that seems to be beyond the average poster on here to recognise.

Sad really. We are 12 years on and 2 kids, and all they want is a talk about is tits and bums :o

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No-one deliberately goes out to hitch up with someone they don't find attractive. That said, you can know someone over time who you initially did not find attractive and grow to see an attraction in them as you get to know them.

Over the last 20+ years I've had relationships with some very different looking girls unlike some of my friends who always migrate to the same sort of female form. Sure I am no longer the ultra athelite I once was but I try not to get too out of shape. I used to have a very high earning some may say powerful job and I'll admit that dressed in a high quality shirt, suit and overcoat I used to cut a dash during the working week. That's not big headed but true. The sort of girls who were attracted to that image were usually City wannabees looking for status through their partner. I don't think I ever banged one of them.

To the beaches of Pattaya and my two long term relationships. One was more like an Amazonian and as a trained swimmer for more than 10 years, I admit to going through puberty in the company of toned and athletic girls and I do find them attractive as long as they take care of themselves as they can really blow up later. My other woman is more slender and perhaps too thin when we met but I got to know her over 3 months and you do see the inside as well as the outside over that timeframe.

On pure looks, I need a woman to look like a woman. I don't have to put up with fatties so they are out. Too short and you're gone as well. Any large feature defects and you'll have to find someone else. Flat chested ? I don't do silicone so you're back in the "looks like a boy" bin.

Why can I be so picky ? simply because I can. I also expect the prospective partners to be picky also but I would rather be rejected by someone I wanted rather than accepted by someone who was lower down in my expectations. Sexist ? No, I don't think so as women do exactly the same.

Blokes who end up with ugly women invariably covet the better looking women they see with other men. Its sort of cave man stuff. You want someone who will be a good child bearer and she wants a good hunter. We have refined it over the years but the animalistic instincts are there but they are hidden by the chase for riches and false beauty.

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