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Hi all,

Read lot of story that it will help you for health.

Where to buy in Thailand?

Kind regards,


Every pharmacy in the country stocks Hydrogen peroxide.

and if you say "Hydrogen Peroxide" with lots of emphasis on the last syllable of each word, they will understand what you want as well.


You are correct. Hydrogen peroxide has many benefits and is not just for the ladies to bleach their hair.

I use it to clean my teeth. They are now pearly white, (no need for chemical or laser whitening). It will end bad breath, mouth ulcers and improve gums.

You can replace chlorine bleach with it for washing whites. Works far quicker. You can also dilute and use it as a general kitchen/toilet cleanser.

My Thai girlfriend had acne (prevalent in Thailand) and cleared it up after a month by opening her pores using steam (towel and a bowl of hot water) then laying warmed HP soaked cloth on her face for 10 minutes every day.

You can use 3% solution store-bought HP, costing 30THB. Just add a few drops to every glass of water. Or put it in a spray bottle, (like a nasal spray) and spray several times into the back of the mouth while inhaling. The fine mist will go into your lungs and get to work. Use it several times a day.

Don't use more than 3% solution. Greater concentrations are dangerous. 35% Food grade (diluted) is best but if you can't get hold of it (I had to go to the factory in Bangkok and buy a drum) then it's fine.


Hi all,

Thanks for the replies.

Have been consuming Apple Cider Vinegar two times a day and I must say this works wonders.

Just a question, when I have the 3% solution can I drink it straight or have to dilute?

If yes how much?

Thanks all for your reply.


Hi all,

Thanks for the replies.

Have been consuming Apple Cider Vinegar two times a day and I must say this works wonders.

Just a question, when I have the 3% solution can I drink it straight or have to dilute?

If yes how much?

Thanks all for your reply.


I spray HP at 3% concentration straight into my mouth with no ill effects. The actual amount is just a few drops. If you want to be cautious you can dilute by 50% and build up.


Concentrated hydrogen peroxide is quite corrosive and not something you would want to drink. Even when diluted, I don't think its really safe.

Google it for more info. :o

Ingestion of dilute solutions of hydrogen peroxide may result in vomiting, mild gastrointestinal irritation, gastric distension, and on rare occasions, gastrointestinal erosions or embolism (blockage of blood vessels by air bubbles). Ingestion of solutions of 10-20% strength produces similar symptoms, but exposed tissues may also be burned. Ingestion of even more concentrated solutions, in addition to the above, may also induce rapid loss of consciousness followed by respiratory paralysis.


Maybe if you made it extremely dilute, say, a lot less than 1%, you might get away with it. This seems to be what the folk remedies and holistic cures do - use extemely dilute solutions.

It (Factually incorrect staements removed by moderator).


I'm not even going to comment on cancer and oxygen rich environments, because there is not one clinical study or verified case of hydrogen peroxide being an effective treatment. What I will say is that in order to obtain the oxygen levels you propose, it will not be done with a dilute solution of H2O2 as there is an insufficient amount of oxygen avilable. The amounts required would cause death.

The frothing one sees one H2O2 is placed on the wound is brought about by the decomposition of the H2O2 when it comes in contact with catalase, an enzyme. In the lab we used a catalase test to differentiate between bacteria. It's all about the Iron being reduced. In grade school we did this with potatos. Lots of fun.

I will strongly caution anyone intending to inhale dilute amounts of H2O2 to not do it. This is a dangerous practice and will most likely cause blood disorders and even death. Please discuss this with your health practioner before doing it.

You can replace chlorine bleach with it for washing whites. Works far quicker. You can also dilute and use it as a general kitchen/toilet cleanser.

There is more info on earthclinic.com

I never knew that about HP. I'll try it.

OP, if you're still looking for it, it comes in clear glass bottles in Thailand. You can get different sizes. Make sure to check the expiry date. :o


god, another...

this has to be the quack pom remedy for all that ails of the century.

peroxide - <deleted>!~ go ahead and have a long cool drink friend, bottoms up.

note on label: POISON

Hi all,

Thanks for the replies.

Have been consuming Apple Cider Vinegar two times a day and I must say this works wonders.

Just a question, when I have the 3% solution can I drink it straight or have to dilute?

If yes how much?

Thanks all for your reply.


Alex. Please post back. Are you still with us? :o

You are correct. Hydrogen peroxide has many benefits and is not just for the ladies to bleach their hair.

I use it to clean my teeth. They are now pearly white, (no need for chemical or laser whitening).

You can replace chlorine bleach with it for washing whites. Works far quicker. You can also dilute and use it as a general kitchen/toilet cleanser.

Why do you think your teeth are going white?

You are chemically bleaching your teeth.

Though I am not saying its a bad method, I will do some research and then maybe try it.



Hi All.

Had the 3% and sprayed it inside my mouth while inhaling.

I have to tell you that I was suffering from a flu for 3 days already.

High 40 fever and sweating a lot.

I took the Hedroxy and sprayed it inside and swallowd it.

A few hours later I felt much better.

Fever got less and my body felt less sensitive.

Now I have a bit blocked nose but no fever.

Feeling strong and able to fight the nose block.


  • 1 year later...

Does anyone know where to buy 35% food-grade H2O2 in Phuket? Or at least online *somewhere* in Bangkok, for delivery to Phuket?

Thanks in advance!


Interesting to see the range of responses. While I do agree an expert should be consulted, I do wonder how you can consult a doctor on this when he's highly unlikely to have any knowledge of it? Won't you just get a sniffy 'I don't approve'?

I have used HP for some years to clean smelly trainers/footwear, to clean teeth (not pearly white but much improved). I don't use it on wounds since it seems to slow down healing. Have also soaked my painful feet and hands in a 3% solution in it and found much to my amazement, it resolved long-standing joint pain in just a week. Frankly I dont care what the mechanism was as long as it worked. It also cleared a fungal growth on my left big toe. Another friend tried it for Rheumatoid Arthritis with less success.

I did try and inhale a 3% solution as a fine mist, just to see what affect it had and found it irritated my throat. Diluting it solved the problem but I decided not to continue. Have also had great results putting a few drops of 2% concentration in my ears to cure infection and to clean the ear canal. Eats wax in no time.

I would not inhale or ingest the shop-bought stuff since it has chemical stabilizers in it.

I checked the earthclinic site and there are claims by an elderly gentleman that he cured two kinds of cancer by inhaling a fine mist of the shop-bought HP. Wouldn't that be amazing if true? I would be very wary of such claims, especially if he's selling something.

Sorry but shrieks of 'quackery' from people who have obviously not studied the subject are really a bit silly.


Fullwhenempty, medical professionals would indeed know quite a bit about this subject.

Some posts have been editedt in accordance with Health forum rules regarding the posting of inaccurate and potentially harmful misinformation.

Hydrogen peroxide (in the normal 3% dilution) has a number of well established therapeutic, cosmetic and household uses, many of them mentioned in posts above, which is why it is a staple product in drug stores.

A higher (but still nowhere near the 35% touted on some websites etc) concentration is used by dentists to whiten teeth. Typically these gels contain up to 10% hydrogen peroxide and mold is made of the teeth to create trays that fit snugly and thus minimize the amount that enters the mouth. OTC preparations are also sold, these have a lower concentration and also use trays but as the trays aren't custom fit more does escape into the mouth, which is why the concentrations are limited. They are also accompanied by a warning against swallowing the stuff.

High concentration hydrogen peroxide is the subject of many claims but has never been proven to have any therapeutic effect when swallowed or injected -- but has been proven to have causes a num ber of deaths and serious injuries. The supposed mechanism by which it would act makes no physiologic sense. In a normal individual the hemoglobin in the red blood cells is 98-100% saturated with oxcygen when it leaves the lungs and there is nio way that hydrogen peroxide or oxone (which reacts in the blood to form peroxide) can increase blood or tissue oxygenation. Peroxide when injected intravenously can cause severe inflammation in the blood vessels, gas embolism (often fatal) and allergic reactions among other things. There have been several lawsuits for wrongful death in recent years against doctors/clinics doing this.

Ingested orally, high concentration peroxide has a corrosive effect on the esophagus and stomach. There have been deaths from this as well in children.

The above 2 paragraphs refers only to swallowing or injecting the stuff; as mentioned, there are many well established topical uses for it.

Spraying into the throat, I have not seen any literature on, but its use (in 3% concentration or less) in dentistry and as a mouthwash is established and I think this would probably fall under the same general category. It does have topical antiseptic properties, and the amounts that would end up swallowed from a throat spray of the 3% preparation would probably be very small, although to be on the safe side I would sort of gargle and spit afterwards -- and of course do not use higher concentrations for this purpose.

Does anyone know where to buy 35% food-grade H2O2 in Phuket? Or at least online *somewhere* in Bangkok, for delivery to Phuket?

Thanks in advance!

I once mixed 35% with some shampoo for hair lightening and my hair fell out (Ph wrong?). Don't try it!

Have been consuming Apple Cider Vinegar two times a day and I must say this works wonders.

what does it do? and do you drink it straight or?

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