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Last night was the first night I have been out since the smoking 'ban', and I was interested to see how it would be applied.

Best not to name particular venues that the smoking ban has not effected, you never know who is reading this, but I would be interested to know where you were not allowed to smoke.

Went to 6 bars in and around soi 7/8 and every bar was smoking as usual, ashtrays out etc. 2 of these were enclosed bars, and still no change (note: the smoking ban was initially only for enclosed aircon establishments, but was then expanded to cover all public areas, indoors or out).

Went to a well known restaurant on beach road, which is semi enclosed. I went in the bar next door for my first smoke, as the tables either side of me were eating (yes, some of us are considerate.) After they had finished eating I asked for a tikiaburee before I lit up to test the water. I was told 'cannot'. I explained that the police won't be enforcing the law until June, and she duly brought me an ashtray. :o

So, like I said, don't name the places you were allowed to smoke, but the places you were not. The tambourine bashers reading this will phone their special hotline and grass up any venues allowing smoking, and subsequently there will be less places we can smoke.

PS. to all the anti's wallowing in their assumptive victory last week - I told you it would never happen. As they would sing on the football terraces: you're not singing any more :D:D:D

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Sub titles "No Anti's allowed"

I would say to start a topic that prohibits those who have a different opinion than that of the person who started it is not in the spirit of free speech.

Furthermore I see this thread has one purpose only and that is to encourage the breaking of the law by pointing out the fact that the law is not being enforced.


Sub titles "No Anti's allowed"

I would say to start a topic that prohibits those who have a different opinion than that of the person who started it is not in the spirit of free speech.

Furthermore I see this thread has one purpose only and that is to encourage the breaking of the law by pointing out the fact that the law is not being enforced.


What the <deleted>...!!!???

Oh... wait. OK, I see. You had me going for a minute there Basil.

Cigars allowed on my patio btw.

I've heard this too about the police and June. But all that aside it will be more City Hall that will be coming to check and apply fines etc not so much police.

Smoking at a certain establishment near soi 6 Begs?

Edit: remove name of bar

Sub titles "No Anti's allowed"

I would say to start a topic that prohibits those who have a different opinion than that of the person who started it is not in the spirit of free speech.

Furthermore I see this thread has one purpose only and that is to encourage the breaking of the law by pointing out the fact that the law is not being enforced.


OK anti's allowed as long as they are not pontificating. I am sure the anti's would take great joy in telling us where we can't smoke, which btw is the purpose of this thread.


I've heard this too about the police and June. But all that aside it will be more City Hall that will be coming to check and apply fines etc not so much police.

Smoking at a certain establishment near soi 6 Begs?

Edit: remove name of bar

Only outside. So far customers are not complaining! :o


You cannot do it in a bar, but you can do it in your car. You cannot do it while you eat, unless you move out 15 feet.

You can sip your coffee black, but must take your smoke out back. You can still enjoy your beer, but not your smoke while in here.


To avoid that citation, better make that migration. Bring your ashtray too, they’ve been removed from you.

So grab your coffee or your drink, it doesn’t matter what you think. Take them out and have them together. I’ll meet you there in any weather.

A freedom gone, a freedom lost. A little at a time, but at what cost? Freedoms come and freedoms go. What may be next, we do not know.

I lit up to test the water. I was told 'cannot'. I explained that the police won't be enforcing the law until June, and she duly brought me an ashtray. :o

You intimidate staff and you find that amusing. You blatantly abuse the no smoking laws and in this thread you are encouraging others to do the same. It's quite obvious that you indulge in your addiction without any consideration to other law abiding patrons who may find your second hand smoke irritating.

In fact, some people who suffer from severe asthma may now be venturing out into these establishments, believing that the no smoking laws will ensure that they can finally enjoy a healthy night out, but only to be assaulted by the likes of you.

There are a lot of decent and considerate smokers in the world, but arrogant, self centred smokers like yourself, give all decent smokers a bad name.

The no smoking law is already being enforced. Enforcement may only mean a 'warning' at this early stage, but continued, blatant disregard will inadvertently result in prosecution.

I spoke last night with one female Thai bar owner in Walking Street. She owns four very popular bars midway along the strip. All of her bars are now smoke free. There has been no downturn in business.

but continued, blatant disregard will inadvertently result in prosecution.

I really don't think any prosecution would be "inadvertent" :o


At present the no smoking policy is being enforced at some bars and not at others.

I have visited a number of establishments and have to say i enjoy the no smoking bars.

It is only a matter of time before it is enforced across all the bars.


Because the bars that have banned smoking will inform on the smoking bars in the true tradition of the Thai business culture.

You smokers out there get prepared to be banned and rightly so.

We don't want your second hand smoke and when you start smoking everywhere in the street we will campaign to stop that too.

In the end we are doing you a favour anyway. Any reduction in smoking has to be a positive things.


This is more like it. :o

Out again last night and smoking everywhere. Had a friend over from the UK so we had to do a few go-go's on walking, no (cigarette) smoking allowed in there.

Funny, I went to a bar on soi 17 (aircon), took out my cigarettes and said 'sorry, I go outside', mamsan said no problem and gave me an ashtray. When I explained to her she was being a bit naughty she said 'no ploblem, cannot smoke number 17'. I tried to explain that this was the original date, but it had changed to the 11th.

She is Thai, and obviously can never be wrong, so after about 15 times (and 3 or 4 smokes) of trying to explain it to her I gave up.

MightyMouse can obviously not read, as he would have known anti's were only allowed if not pontificating. He also would have read my WHOLE POST, which explained that I was being very considerate, and certainly not intimidating anybody. Funny how 5 or 6 ashtrays were delivered within a minute or so of me lighting up!

Anyway, back on topic, walking street seems to be complying (in aircon joints), but the rest of Pattaya seems to 1.) not understand whats going on, and 2.) don't give a sh!t.

Smoke on....

This is more like it. :o

Out again last night and smoking everywhere. Had a friend over from the UK so we had to do a few go-go's on walking, no (cigarette) smoking allowed in there.

Funny, I went to a bar on soi 17 (aircon), took out my cigarettes and said 'sorry, I go outside', mamsan said no problem and gave me an ashtray. When I explained to her she was being a bit naughty she said 'no ploblem, cannot smoke number 17'. I tried to explain that this was the original date, but it had changed to the 11th.

She is Thai, and obviously can never be wrong, so after about 15 times (and 3 or 4 smokes) of trying to explain it to her I gave up.

MightyMouse can obviously not read, as he would have known anti's were only allowed if not pontificating. He also would have read my WHOLE POST, which explained that I was being very considerate, and certainly not intimidating anybody. Funny how 5 or 6 ashtrays were delivered within a minute or so of me lighting up!

Anyway, back on topic, walking street seems to be complying (in aircon joints), but the rest of Pattaya seems to 1.) not understand whats going on, and 2.) don't give a sh!t.

Smoke on....

I was also in a bar in soi 17 and was told that there is some fleibility about smoking not smoking until 31 May after which there will be no smoking inside!

Only time will tell...TIT

I herd that the smoking ban has been extended to all the dive schools in pattaya.

Can anyone confirm this?

Yet to find out about this but I do hope so, or at least make certain rules/guide lines about smoking on boats.

i.e. where practicable marking an area at the back of the boat where smoking is permitted when the boat is moving and is nowhere near the air intake if bottles are being pumped etc.

All too often on dive boats I have had to endure being inflicted buy other people smoke, quite often the worst offenders are DM's and Instructors who often stand up in front of the relaxation area, I wrote in the dive forum and was very disappointed by the response as it looked like CHDIVER was speaking for all dive operators.

As you may have guessed I am anti smoking, apart from not liking smoke wafting across my face or the smell of stale tobacco I have yet to hear any intelligent reason why smoking could be beneficial to anybody even though the tobacco industries spend billions on propaganda try to convince use otherwise.


MightyMouse can obviously not read, as he would have known anti's were only allowed if not pontificating. He also would have read my WHOLE POST, which explained that I was being very considerate, and certainly not intimidating anybody. Funny how 5 or 6 ashtrays were delivered within a minute or so of me lighting up!

When you become the head honcho for the Thai Visa forum and set the rules that segregate certain posters, that will be the day when I quit as a member.

It's quite obviously that you can't deal with opposing views to your own and would rather attempt to ban such views from threads started by you. It seems that you would also like to ban non-smokers from entering venues where you like to light up. That's discrimination.

How can you classify yourself as being "considerate" when you knowingly entered an establishment that was under the 'no-smoking' ban, and lit a cigarette?

Do you think that because the staff gave you an ashtray that you then had the right to break the law?

Did you have any consideration to other patrons in that establishment who may have objected to your second hand smoke infiltrating their space?

I wonder who you will blame when the boys in brown impose a huge fine on you, or some non-smokers in the bar ram the stinking ashtray down your gullet.

If my Maker is up there looking after my best interests, He will allow me to be in the same bar as you when this happens.

I herd that the smoking ban has been extended to all the dive schools in pattaya.

Can anyone confirm this?

confirmed! underwater smoking is now banned too :o

MightyMouse can obviously not read, as he would have known anti's were only allowed if not pontificating. He also would have read my WHOLE POST, which explained that I was being very considerate, and certainly not intimidating anybody. Funny how 5 or 6 ashtrays were delivered within a minute or so of me lighting up!

When you become the head honcho for the Thai Visa forum and set the rules that segregate certain posters, that will be the day when I quit as a member.

i second that. we need the anti-smoker league to tell us that we are criminals and that smoking is unhealthy. on the other hand i wish that the "antis" would apply a bit more tolerance (as we smokers do). i have never asked a person sitting at a table in a restaurant near mine to stop eating while i smoke a cigarette nor have i demanded that a non-smoker should light up when in my vicinity.

MightyMouse can obviously not read, as he would have known anti's were only allowed if not pontificating. He also would have read my WHOLE POST, which explained that I was being very considerate, and certainly not intimidating anybody. Funny how 5 or 6 ashtrays were delivered within a minute or so of me lighting up!

When you become the head honcho for the Thai Visa forum and set the rules that segregate certain posters, that will be the day when I quit as a member.

i second that. we need the anti-smoker league to tell us that we are criminals and that smoking is unhealthy. on the other hand i wish that the "antis" would apply a bit more tolerance (as we smokers do). i have never asked a person sitting at a table in a restaurant near mine to stop eating while i smoke a cigarette nor have i demanded that a non-smoker should light up when in my vicinity.

As an ex smoker I understand the habit that can develop from using cigs. As individuals we have chosen to smoke or not. Those of us who do continue to smoke find it increasing unacceptable by a growing population. To the point where laws have been instituted.

Smokes have a choice but your choice isn't mine and I do support the new legislation. I guess anyone who continues to smoke will ...just have to suck it up.....cause its not going away.


Im looking at buying a CBD property and opening a bar and will then pay the necessary tea money to the boys in Brown.

Then I will allow all of you to smoke and buy your needed ciggies in air con comfort ..at the appropiate rate of course....no anti smokers will be allowed on site...

I unfortunately wont be there as i will be enjoying my new life in my upcountry mansion in a smoke free environment with my clean smelling friends...funded by all you addicts of course...

I will be calling the bar up2 U bar or something similar.......I have positions for work soon no work permit necessary as ill be paying the BIB for this also.

Broncial cougher's that can compete with the local tuk tuks in terms of noise will be given priority, as will anyone with yellow teeth or beards male or female.


I'm a smoker!! :o

Cigarettes keep me calm and stop me from getting fat :D . There are a lot worse things to do than smoke a simple cigarette so I wish governments would shut up and let me enjoy my cigarettes in peace.

By the way, I've smoked for 50 years and can't remember the last time I saw a doc!

MightyMouse can obviously not read, as he would have known anti's were only allowed if not pontificating. He also would have read my WHOLE POST, which explained that I was being very considerate, and certainly not intimidating anybody. Funny how 5 or 6 ashtrays were delivered within a minute or so of me lighting up!

When you become the head honcho for the Thai Visa forum and set the rules that segregate certain posters, that will be the day when I quit as a member.

It's quite obviously that you can't deal with opposing views to your own and would rather attempt to ban such views from threads started by you. It seems that you would also like to ban non-smokers from entering venues where you like to light up. That's discrimination.

How can you classify yourself as being "considerate" when you knowingly entered an establishment that was under the 'no-smoking' ban, and lit a cigarette?

Do you think that because the staff gave you an ashtray that you then had the right to break the law?

Did you have any consideration to other patrons in that establishment who may have objected to your second hand smoke infiltrating their space?

I wonder who you will blame when the boys in brown impose a huge fine on you, or some non-smokers in the bar ram the stinking ashtray down your gullet.

If my Maker is up there looking after my best interests, He will allow me to be in the same bar as you when this happens.

You really have some anger issues. To hope that "my Maker" allows you to witness an act of violence is seriously warped. Get your moral compass fixed!

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