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Another Day, Another . . . .


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. . . . press clipping about some child sex offence or kiddie porn posted on the forum. But not just once. No, rather than get told the story just once, we get multiple clippings from different online newspapers telling their own version of the same story.

Now, I'm sure there is a point about posting all these (very similar) stories day after day after bloody day, but I'm afraid i must be a bit simple today because I can't for the life of me work out what it is.

Enough already.

I thought there was a forum rule about posting this rubbish?

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Apologies Bendix for the late reply to your concern.

Yes, we do have a forum policy concerning these types of threads. They can be posted as news bulletins and then immediately closed to effectively prevent further discussion. Experience has shown that any discussion on these types of topics only run downhill fast, hence the post and close policy.

If news updates happen, they can be added into the closed thread by a mod or admin, so if any member wishes to contribute anything, please send a PM to any online mod.

We do not ignore these topics as they are valid news items and our readers have the right to read them (or not), and as such we permit news only additions to the closed threads... not speculation or opinions.

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