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Which Se Asia Embassy Is Best ?

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Hello all,

Please help as I am new to this. I am currently teaching in Korea but am planning on ditching this place and going to Thailand. I have received an invitation from a school in Bangkok which reads like this:

We would appreciate your granting him a one year Non Immigrant Category B Visa. The School will apply for a work permit for ______________upon his arrival in Thailand

So I have no work permit and no TEFL just my diploma and experience here in Korea.

My question is which embassy in SE Asia is my best bet for obtaining this Visa? I really wish I had the money to go to Brisbane but I think I will have to settle on Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia etc etc.....

Any info and experiences would be greatly appreciated and will save me from running all around the continent.

Thank you,


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I will have to settle on Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia etc etc.....

no guarantee, but of those choices i would say malaysia.

most likely will be 90 day single entry, so extend your stay with immigration when you come back to thailand.

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Hi everyone and thanks for your help,

I have no opprotunity to go to the embassy in Seoul because I work Monday-Friday and besides I am leaving before my contract is up so I want to get away quick and quiet like.....

I guess I will fly into Singapore and if no good news there work my way up to Kuala Lumpur and Penang

Thanks again and take care,


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