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Anyone Got Concrete Info On ' Rot Jap Dek '--or 'car That Snatches Kids' ?


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I would like to know if anyone out there has any real news about the stories that I keep hearing about the bast...ds that, supposedly, go around the country grabbing kids from the roadside--apparently these people [ not sure that they should even be referred to as this] will resort to force and have been known to brutally beat a mother who might try to defend her child and resist them--I have been told this tale, on several occasions, and in different parts of the country--how much truth is there in it--is it just another rendition of our own tales of the 'bogeyman' who'll get you if you stray too far from home--or, is it true? They are supposedly stealing kids to disable [ mutilate, in fact] them so that they will make better earners on the begging circit--also, apparently, attractive teenagers are also grabbed for sale into sex slavery--how real is all this?

Sorry for posting such an unpleasant topic but I have a small daughter, who loves running as far and as fast as she can and this story scares the s..t out of me.

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I think if you do a search, you'll find a couple of threads some time last year about the blacked-out vans that were meant to be doing the rounds.

An NGO that tries to compile lists and statistics of missing persons went around several areas where such snatchings had been rumoured and were not able to find a firsthand account nor any filed police reports. They didn't conclude the van gangs didn't exist, but they were unable to find any firsthand evidence.

With the summer holidays coming up the stories are bound to start circulating again. It would seem that the most likely 'at risk' group of children are teenagers. Meeting 'friends' they've made on the Internet is obviously one danger. Reports last year also warned of kidnappings at some of the main public transport points - bus stations and train stations, with young teens targeted, especially those travelling without an adult.

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I would like to know if anyone out there has any real news about the stories that I keep hearing about the bast...ds that, supposedly, go around the country grabbing kids from the roadside--apparently these people [ not sure that they should even be referred to as this] will resort to force and have been known to brutally beat a mother who might try to defend her child and resist them--I have been told this tale, on several occasions, and in different parts of the country--how much truth is there in it--is it just another rendition of our own tales of the 'bogeyman' who'll get you if you stray too far from home--or, is it true? They are supposedly stealing kids to disable [ mutilate, in fact] them so that they will make better earners on the begging circit--also, apparently, attractive teenagers are also grabbed for sale into sex slavery--how real is all this?

Sorry for posting such an unpleasant topic but I have a small daughter, who loves running as far and as fast as she can and this story scares the s..t out of me.

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I would like to know if anyone out there has any real news about the stories that I keep hearing about the bast...ds that, supposedly, go around the country grabbing kids from the roadside--apparently these people [ not sure that they should even be referred to as this] will resort to force and have been known to brutally beat a mother who might try to defend her child and resist them--I have been told this tale, on several occasions, and in different parts of the country--how much truth is there in it--is it just another rendition of our own tales of the 'bogeyman' who'll get you if you stray too far from home--or, is it true? They are supposedly stealing kids to disable [ mutilate, in fact] them so that they will make better earners on the begging circit--also, apparently, attractive teenagers are also grabbed for sale into sex slavery--how real is all this?

Sorry for posting such an unpleasant topic but I have a small daughter, who loves running as far and as fast as she can and this story scares the s..t out of me.

Err, what's your point, Tubber?

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There were two parallel threads on this topic last March. Here is:



My impression is similar to KhaoNiaw: It probably happens, but it's not as widespread as the rumors about it. In any case, watch your children and teach them to be wary of strangers.

Edit to add: Read post 33 by Ray23 in the first thread mentioned (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=110194). I think it's a good summary.

Edited by pete_r
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I would like to know if anyone out there has any real news about the stories that I keep hearing about the bast...ds that, supposedly, go around the country grabbing kids from the roadside--apparently these people [ not sure that they should even be referred to as this] will resort to force and have been known to brutally beat a mother who might try to defend her child and resist them--I have been told this tale, on several occasions, and in different parts of the country--how much truth is there in it--is it just another rendition of our own tales of the 'bogeyman' who'll get you if you stray too far from home--or, is it true? They are supposedly stealing kids to disable [ mutilate, in fact] them so that they will make better earners on the begging circit--also, apparently, attractive teenagers are also grabbed for sale into sex slavery--how real is all this?

Sorry for posting such an unpleasant topic but I have a small daughter, who loves running as far and as fast as she can and this story scares the s..t out of me.

Yeah my wife prattles on about that too, gangs from Nakhon Phanom kidnapping children and whisking them across the border. Never heard it happen to anybody and never seen any concrete evidence. My point was I have a really, really bad internet connection so sometimes it doesn't post what I write!

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I think if you do a search, you'll find a couple of threads some time last year about the blacked-out vans that were meant to be doing the rounds.

An NGO that tries to compile lists and statistics of missing persons went around several areas where such snatchings had been rumoured and were not able to find a firsthand account nor any filed police reports. They didn't conclude the van gangs didn't exist, but they were unable to find any firsthand evidence.

With the summer holidays coming up the stories are bound to start circulating again. It would seem that the most likely 'at risk' group of children are teenagers. Meeting 'friends' they've made on the Internet is obviously one danger. Reports last year also warned of kidnappings at some of the main public transport points - bus stations and train stations, with young teens targeted, especially those travelling without an adult.

Thanks for the pointer-I will search but for what? 'Blacked out vans' or ' kidnappings' ? Both, I guess. It seems, from what you are saying that teens were the target in the cases you mention, but the emphasis in most of the cases brought to my attention was on small, primary age kids--still not sure how much truth there is in all this--same sort of stories were around UK when my stepdaughters there were of tender years--many years back. I hope to God that it is just a 'deterrent' for errant brats--who knows?

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There were two parallel threads on this topic last March. Here is:



My impression is similar to KhaoNiaw: It probably happens, but it's not as widespread as the rumors about it. In any case, watch your children and teach them to be wary of strangers.

Point taken-I do keep a pretty good eye out but there's always moments.

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There were two parallel threads on this topic last March. Here is:



My impression is similar to KhaoNiaw: It probably happens, but it's not as widespread as the rumors about it. In any case, watch your children and teach them to be wary of strangers.

pete_r is probably right, it happens but not as widespread as the rumours.

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I would like to know if anyone out there has any real news about the stories that I keep hearing about the bast...ds that, supposedly, go around the country grabbing kids from the roadside--apparently these people [ not sure that they should even be referred to as this] will resort to force and have been known to brutally beat a mother who might try to defend her child and resist them--I have been told this tale, on several occasions, and in different parts of the country--how much truth is there in it--is it just another rendition of our own tales of the 'bogeyman' who'll get you if you stray too far from home--or, is it true? They are supposedly stealing kids to disable [ mutilate, in fact] them so that they will make better earners on the begging circit--also, apparently, attractive teenagers are also grabbed for sale into sex slavery--how real is all this?

Sorry for posting such an unpleasant topic but I have a small daughter, who loves running as far and as fast as she can and this story scares the s..t out of me.

Yeah my wife prattles on about that too, gangs from Nakhon Phanom kidnapping children and whisking them across the border. Never heard it happen to anybody and never seen any concrete evidence. My point was I have a really, really bad internet connection so sometimes it doesn't post what I write!

Well--it sounds like your missus has heard the same stories that are going around--like I say I hope that's all they are--makes you wonder what sickos are about.

Thanks for your reply--sorry about your internet.

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I reckon it was about August or September last year and there were WANTED (can't recall if there was a photo or not) posters all over our local petrol-station. I asked my wife what it was all about and she told me a similar tale. Several young children (primary-school age) had gone missing locally and Police were appealing for any information, urging people to be vigilant, etc. I don't know if anything came of it; I'll ask my wife when she comes home and post again.

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I'll see if I can relocate the missing persons figures. Very few small children as I recall.

Update: From one of the 2 links above. 2004-the period of discussion last year, 400 children reported missing. 30 aged under 11 and the rest in the 11-18 age group.

The NGO website is at www.backtohome.org

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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I'll see if I can relocate the missing persons figures. Very few small children as I recall.

Update: From one of the 2 links above. 2004-the period of discussion last year, 400 children reported missing. 30 aged under 11 and the rest in the 11-18 age group.

The NGO website is at www.backtohome.org

Thanks for the input-and the links, have read through them--interesting.

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