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Farang Gets Ripped Off

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I am not complaining and just state a fact.

In this country the Falang gets ripped of all the time, it only depends by what amount….

At the moment I stay at a decent Krung Thep hotel. Its people sold me a crap Wi-Fi connection for THB 700 for 3 days, however my Internet connection is so bad that I had to re-edit this particular message already twice.

Edited by gzu88bv
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Once a hooker, always a fuc_king hooker.

Can't you people dig that ????

How is it we can see it and they cant/dont want to ! :o

Maybe because your intellect is roughly the size of the universe?

Read the post above mine. Morons like you are hugely unwelcome here. Reason? Wild generalizations.

This poor chap fell in with felons. That will not be the experience of everyone.

I maybe stupid, but I have enough brains not to get ripped off by a fuc_king hooker.

If you people enjoy getting scammed, it is all fine with me.

Keep living in denial, but whether you like it or not I stand by what I said about hookers ( thais or other nationalities)

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I maybe stupid, but I have enough brains not to get ripped off by a fuc_king hooker.

If you people enjoy getting scammed, it is all fine with me.

Keep living in denial, but whether you like it or not I stand by what I said about hookers ( thais or other nationalities)

Sounds to me like you have learned from experience. Hooker or not, a person SHOULD be smart enough to know that anyone who falls in love and decides to get married during a vacation is likely to suffer. Maybe you'll have better luck the next time. :o

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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

You are, or was married, according the law you whould get half of everything she owns. She has to approve where she got the money from to buy or build the house. Take a good lawyer, i shouldn't be a big deal. I had the simular scenario, but i wasn't married, that was my problem.

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You are, or was married, according the law you whould get half of everything she owns. She has to approve where she got the money from to buy or build the house. Take a good lawyer, i shouldn't be a big deal. I had the simular scenario, but i wasn't married, that was my problem.

Not true.

He would have signed away all rights to that when "she" purchased the property. (The spouse has to sign the transfer document stating he has no claim to the property and that the land was purchased entirely with "her" money).

I don't know the Thai laws on divorce very well - but in most countries if you can prove you had, say 100,000 dollars before you were married, then that amount would not be shared - it's yours. If you give a gift to someone - say 100,000 dollars to your wife to buy a house, she did so, then you signed a document acknowledging it's her money and her house...the guess what? No 50/50..right?

So it is a very big deal - and it's why so many of us refuse to go down that road, not to menion our shaky claim to even live in Thailand. Even married to a Thai we can only obtain yearly NON-immigrant visas to visit or support our Thai families. Don't know what happens if you get divorced - they kick you out I reckon, or reduce your stay to tourists visas - max 6 months per year - which means even owning a condo is risky.

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  • 1 month later...

My mate got this sussed LOL he owns 3 houses outright (well not really) but his wife can never take them away from him he's been married for 10 years and the marriage is now a sham but they stay together for the kids sake but sleep seperately in different rooms.

He has told me many a time that when they have a tiff she angrily says he a smart farang and she is enfuriated with what he did to deny her the chance to take 3 houses which for sure she would of done if he had not taken these steps as if she leaves him she gets nothing unless she goes to court and then of course she's no spring chicken now and cannot go back to work so she sits it out enjoying a nice life as he supports her and the kids

So how did he do it

Put all the houses in the kids names nothing can be done with them until they reach legal age

thats what i will do when i buy seems to work for everyone involved LOL Ok

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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

Revenge does not help you. You just loose time and more money......Walk away and learn from your mistake.

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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

Well, your syntax is very suspect for an American. The run-on sentences, and grammatical errors, make it sound as though English is your second language. You might just be an uneducated American, of course, but I'd bet you're not a native English speaker.

You are repeating the proverbial story about how your Thai bargirl ripped you off. And everyone buys it without any verification of any kind.

I am dubious about you, your story, and your intentions, apart from the obvious one of Thai bashing, in particular Thai bargirl bashing.

I trust Thai girls, including bargirls, far more than any farang I encounter in LOS, and far more than you, pal.

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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

Well, your syntax is very suspect for an American. The run-on sentences, and grammatical errors, make it sound as though English is your second language. You might just be an uneducated American, of course, but I'd bet you're not a native English speaker.

You are repeating the proverbial story about how your Thai bargirl ripped you off. And everyone buys it without any verification of any kind.

I am dubious about you, your story, and your intentions, apart from the obvious one of Thai bashing, in particular Thai bargirl bashing.

I trust Thai girls, including bargirls, far more than any farang I encounter in LOS, and far more than you, pal.

you trust bar girls?

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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

Well, your syntax is very suspect for an American. The run-on sentences, and grammatical errors, make it sound as though English is your second language. You might just be an uneducated American, of course, but I'd bet you're not a native English speaker.

You are repeating the proverbial story about how your Thai bargirl ripped you off. And everyone buys it without any verification of any kind.

I am dubious about you, your story, and your intentions, apart from the obvious one of Thai bashing, in particular Thai bargirl bashing.

I trust Thai girls, including bargirls, far more than any farang I encounter in LOS, and far more than you, pal.

you trust bar girls?

Actually so do I. I have known quite a few older bar girls who have married farangs and in around 80% of them the marriages are still going strong.

Not bad compared to some western countries.

Granted taht all bar girls are not the same but neither are farangs all good hearted nice kind people.

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Buying property in Thailand for a farang is like playing the stock market....only invest the money you are prepared to loose...

This is the case in any part of the world,when you divorce the ex always get away with quite a lot. :o

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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

forget the house.About the baby,contact your embassy about proving it's not yours.Under Thai law if she has a baby you are responsible for child care,=$ :D they usualy get a thai cop to put the arm on you.get a divource now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Maybe building a house with a internal self destruct will be the new trend.

If you get into a fight with your spouse (her fault of course) you just activate this self destrust sequence.

An ominous voice counting down, preferably in Thai would be needed.

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I put almost all my money into this girl and her family and she and her mother took me to the cleaners. Yes I know that there are a lot of guys with similiar stories but my ex did in fact commit a crime and I am the good guy trying to recover my assetts.........

I was drawn to the phrase you use she committed a crime. That I think betrays some very unclear thinking on your part. Civil litigation needs focus.

Get a good lawyer now. One thing puzles me though. Did you put all your assets into the house ? Don't you have other capital or income?

Good luck


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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

Well, your syntax is very suspect for an American. The run-on sentences, and grammatical errors, make it sound as though English is your second language. You might just be an uneducated American, of course, but I'd bet you're not a native English speaker.

You are repeating the proverbial story about how your Thai bargirl ripped you off. And everyone buys it without any verification of any kind.

I am dubious about you, your story, and your intentions, apart from the obvious one of Thai bashing, in particular Thai bargirl bashing.

I trust Thai girls, including bargirls, far more than any farang I encounter in LOS, and far more than you, pal.

Holy moly - this stuff about American English by Brits is so old. I must say not all Brits . For some examples take a look at rock and roll or blues lyics. Oh gosh darn - I think my syntax is bad - did I have a run on sentance ? We don't speak the "Queens English" . It's because of this freedom that rock and roll happened - born from the blues. Oh yes - from uneducated "Americans" .

He sounds Americian to me.

OK - I think it was stupid what he did. However I did some stupid stuff my first year in Thailand too. I agree - just walk away.

About trusting a Bar Girl - can you speak Thai ? Some how I doubt it. How do you know who to trust if you can't even speak the language?

Enough of this language bashing stuff. My first year in Thailand I was teaching English with British teachers as friends. Only one or two out of about 10 seemed open to change and my American English.

I don't know why there is so much American English Bashing. This original poster is obvously American. I don't find any part of his post like - writing as a second language. Some Brits don't consider American English - as English. i kinda understand you - and not all Brits are like you. I understand you went to school in UK - so hoop dee do - hehe. We went to school in America.

I may be out of line and off topic here - but here goes. I found some Brits seemed to write and speak English as if a stick was up their ass (from my POV). Others wanted to share with me - and I also learned from Brits - allot.

Until I moved to Thailand I had no idea some Brits looked down on American English so much. So when I see it - I like to write something back. American English is not the same as British English.

I like British English just fine. However American English has added allot of stuff - no stick up the bum.

Now I want to say I'm sorry to all the uneducated Brits and Americans - and everyone else. I am also uneducated - hehe. I just got a little angry when I read that this poster didn't write good English - who cares - he got his point accross. Give me a break.

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I did not read all the replies but saw some non-sense and wanted to clarify few things.

1) Americans can't own land. No foreigners can. There are exceptions, like a BOI approval, 40 million investments, etc. It's RARE. Americans can have some "business benefits" through the treaty of Amity. But they need a visa, a work permit and can't own land, same as all foreigners (in general).

2) The land belongs to your wife. I don't think think there is something to do. When you transfer ownership at the land department and the person is married to a foreigner, the land department normally asked to sign a "confirmation letter" stating that the land will be in the SIN SUAN TUA (private property).

You can see a copy of that document on our website in the "info" section, under property. It's the last link in that section.

The website in under construction for Thai and French...

3) it is true that what you normally acquire during a marriage in Thailand is divided 50%-50% in case of divorce. But this 50-50% is the Sin Somros (common property). There are things that will NOT be separated 50-50, like gifts (art 1471 (3)) things acquired by a will (1471 (3)) property that you had before marriage (1471 (1)), etc. These are in Sin Suan Tua.

I will try to put the book 5 of the Thai civil code in our "family" information section tomorrow. It talks about marriage, divorce, separation of asset, etc.

The house can be on a foreigner's name...but it could also be on the wife's name too.

Even you paid it all, if it was after marriage, the house is 50-50.

It's important to know WHEN it bought or built (after, before marriage) if there is a contract,

if there is a prenuptial agreement, etc.

I don't know all the facts of your case, but it doesn't look good. Good luck.

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Naam is right.

Laws of all countries are different about divorce. For instance, divorce doesn't exist in Philippines. (This is not a joke). Where I come from, Quebec, Canada, a judge can separate the asset in unequal parts depending on the situation (ex: short marriage).

Prenuptial agreements can also have an impact on the division of asset depending where you are from. In Netherlands, when you get married, all the property of the spouses before or after marriage will be joined together. In case of divorce, it will be separated 50-50. This is why prenuptial agreements are very popular in the Netherlands as you normally want to keep what was yours before the marriage.

And there are always exceptions to the rules.

Most western countries adopted laws to protect the weakest spouse. Historically, (and still today) Men are earning more money than women. So, these laws are protecting more the ones with lower incomes. It's a way to counter balance the fact that some women were raising kids all their life while the husband was working and after 20 years of marriage, the wife was left with almost nothing, no job, no experience, and sometimes no education. It's not true that the ex always get more. Every situation is different, laws are different, you must consider the children, if there are some agreements between spouses, etc.

In Thailand, normally, foreigners have more money than their wives. They got married for many reasons and it's often easier to live here being married. (For visa, buying a property and other reasons - Yes, you can get married for love too!!). So, who do you think will pay more in case of divorce? The problem is that most foreigners are blinded by love and forgot to protect some of their asset. They buy everything on the wife's name and don't really know Thai laws.We do divorces here...and it's not always the wife that gets all... but you won't get the land that you paid for! (unless very exceptional circumstances)

I uploaded on our website the complete section of book V title 1 – of the Thai Commercial and Civil Code. It's about marriage, divorce, grounds to divorce, what is common property (Sin Somros) or private or personal property (Sin Suan Tua).

Have a look into the info section, under Family. The website is still under construction. I can't post the link but you will surely figured out!

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my 2 cents...

don't get married unless you want kids. and even then, why do you need to get married???

consider this, in the states, 1 out of every 2 marriages ends in divorce. and I bet the statistics are the same in many other countries. getting married is a gamble. ..like playing blackjack.

you worried about not having someone to take care of you when you get old? EVEN if you get married, there is NO guarantee that someone will take of you when you get old.

check out this website for some words of wisdom..


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my 2 cents...

don't get married unless you want kids. and even then, why do you need to get married???

consider this, in the states, 1 out of every 2 marriages ends in divorce. and I bet the statistics are the same in many other countries. getting married is a gamble. ..like playing blackjack.

you worried about not having someone to take care of you when you get old? EVEN if you get married, there is NO guarantee that someone will take of you when you get old.

check out this website for some words of wisdom..


I finally got married (in Thailand) so I could get my Wife a visa. no way she could come to Hawaii otherwise. Now we have my presious Son (18 Mouths) and our baby girl due in 2 months. We got married in Thailand in 2001.

After some point - who cares - go for it. 90% of restarants fail too.

If your marrying a Thai Women - can you learn the language ? It's about how hard you can work on your relationship. No doubt it's hard to learn the language and such.

At this point my Wife has given me my Son - and another on the way. Many problems along the way for sure.

No reason to shy away. Just wait until your ready for a family. To me it doesn't matter when we have a bad day.

If you want a Thai Wife it will be harder in most cases. If your lazy and only speak English - very much harder. Maybe you can start learning Thai now (or whatever).

I can tell you I belive Thai Women make a very good Wife. They are also very fiesty and hard nosed at times. My Wife is very strong.

Things did change once my Wife had delivered my Boy. Wow - no words.

Don't be afraid too much. good things do happen - sometimes it's scary along the way.

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If you paid for the house - take it late at night / very early in the morning - with planning it could be done in a few hours.

As the land is in her name, leave it in a state that makes in unusable and unsaleable for a over a life time. Burying some spent atomic fuel in the land, using napalm or some other ancient chemical weapon, and have the land cursed. Also dont forget to leave marmite and pamesan sandwiches at the border together with warning signs.

Video what you do and have an undercover person take covert video for the following few weeks. You could potentially make a lot more money back from the story and real video footage than you have lost. Western TV networks would love to get hold of westerner revenge on asian gold diggers.

If you do do this, then it may mean that you cannot return to Thailand ! Still there are many more countries close by and plenty of gold diggers there too !

Makes me think why can't someone expose and screw the gold diggers, just like people expose and screw the Nigerian con artists. Would make some great TV !

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Makes me think why can't someone expose and screw the gold diggers, just like people expose and screw the Nigerian con artists. Would make some great TV !

Most of them would be seen as rolemodels and heroes, so please no exposure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

Best you walk away before someone puts a bullet in you.

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