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Another Canadian Dies In Thailand

sriracha john

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Another Canadian dies in Thailand

VICTORIA -- A 20-year-old Victoria-area woman has died during a holiday in Thailand, the fifth incident of Canadians being injured or killed this year.

Tara Kimber was in Thailand with friends when she died suddenly Saturday. The father of a friend traveling with Ms. Kimber said he was told the young woman slipped and struck her head on a hard surface near a swimming pool.

A family spokesman said details are sketchy and no family members are willing to speak about the tragedy until some of the questions have been answered.

Saanich police Staff Sgt. Jamie Rhodes said police helped the family get in touch with Federal Foreign Affairs officials on the weekend.

"We were in touch with the family because they were distressed and we helped facilitate them in getting information. It's absolutely not a police matter," he said.

So far this year, five Canadians have been injured or killed in Thailand.

Canadian oil worker Dale Henry of Victoria was killed at his home in the country earlier this month. Three people are in custody for his killing, including Henry's wife, her lover and a suspected contract killer.

Calgary's Leo John Del Pinto was shot and killed by an off-duty police officer in January. His friend, Carly Reisig, was also shot in the incident, but survived.

Ontario resident Erik Griffioen, 49, remains in intensive care in a hospital in Chiang Mai, north of Bangkok, since he was shot early in the morning of Feb. 13.

He and his wife, Elizabeth Ling, from Dundas, Ont., were in an open taxi truck on their way to take part in an elephant tour when Mr. Griffioen slumped over in his seat. He underwent seven hours of surgery to remove the bullet from his liver.

- Canwest News Service (Canada)

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Probably more Canadians are travelling because of their strong loonies (their money). The more Canadians, the more incidents. Such is life.

Nice try - but no way. High ratio - see my other post. Canadians are now over-quota for an entire YEAR. And ten months to go..

Well, even so, if you are right, there is no way you could prove it was any other thing than coincidence. Sorry about tragic deaths of any nationality. of course.

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Probably more Canadians are travelling because of their strong loonies (their money). The more Canadians, the more incidents. Such is life.

Nice try - but no way. High ratio - see my other post. Canadians are now over-quota for an entire YEAR. And ten months to go..

Well, even so, if you are right, there is no way you could prove it was any other thing than coincidence. Sorry about tragic deaths of any nationality. of course.

of course.

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Saanich woman dies on Thailand holiday

A 20-year-old Saanich woman has died during a holiday in Thailand.

Tara Kimber, who attended Reynolds Secondary School and worked at a Victoria seniors' home, was in Thailand with friends when she died suddenly Saturday. The father of a friend travelling with Kimber said he was told the young woman slipped and struck her head on a hard surface near a swimming pool.

A family spokesman said details are sketchy and no family members are willing to speak about the tragedy until some of the questions have been answered. "It's very surreal for all of us. We can't believe this has happened," he said.

Saanich police Staff Sgt. Jamie Rhodes said police helped the family get in touch with Federal Foreign Affairs officials on the weekend.

"We were in touch with the family because they were distressed and we helped facilitate them in getting information. It's absolutely not a police matter," he said.

On Facebook, on a site started by a friend titled "Rest In Peace Beautiful Tara Kimber," her friends reacted with shock and described someone who was best known for her laugh and caring attitude.

By yesterday evening the site had 448 members and 103 wall posts as well as postings of more than 80 photographs. "Why would God take such a beautiful girl?" asked one friend.

"You were a great daughter, sister, friend, niece, co-worker, granddaughter. You will be missed by many. Now we will let the angels take care of you."

- Times Colonist (Victoria, Canada)


Borrowed from the Facebook tribute to her, it expresses some of the remarkable thoughts there:


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Thaigene wrote:

"Nice try - but no way. High ratio - see my other post. Canadians are now over-quota for an entire YEAR. And ten months to go.."

The quota you are refering to is for MURDERS. Three a year would be on par, there's been two.

Tony Clifton wrote:

"Are they using the heavy duty lid on this one?"

So I suppose if a Canadian caught malaria, you would think it was a conspiracy by the boys in brown?

I'm Canadian and I won't start to worry until the per capita murder rate in Thailand for Canadians exceeds that of the per capita murder rate for Thais.

Judging by some of the posts on TV I seriously wonder why some of you still choose to reside in this country.

Edited by pickel
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Thaigene wrote:

"Nice try - but no way. High ratio - see my other post. Canadians are now over-quota for an entire YEAR. And ten months to go.."

The quota you are refering to is for MURDERS. Three a year would be on par, there's been two.

Tony Clifton wrote:

"Are they using the heavy duty lid on this one?"

So I suppose if a Canadian caught malaria, you would think it was a conspiracy by the boys in brown?

I'm Canadian and I won't start to worry until the per capita murder rate in Thailand for Canadians exceeds that of the per capita murder rate for Thais.

Judging by some of the posts on TV I seriously wonder why some of you still choose to reside in this country.

Please don't tell them "If you don't like it - go home!".

Edited by qwertz
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Thailand is way more dangerous than most people believe... and getting worse every year.

Almost 300 Brits died here last year.

And how many Brits died in other holiday countries like Spain, France, Turkey...for instance ? :o


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A report of a fatality arising from a probable slip and trip at a pool and the jungle drums start beating out the melody of murders and conspiracy. The tragedy of the event is the loss of a young woman obviously loved and appreciated. Surely, she is owed the courtesy of allowing the actual facts of the incident to be stated before her death is used to further personal perceptions and bias that have no connection to the event.

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Thailand is way more dangerous than most people believe... and getting worse every year.

Almost 300 Brits died here last year.

And how many Brits died in other holiday countries like Spain, France, Turkey...for instance ? :o


From the Foreign & Commonwelth office for the period 1 April 2005- 31 March 2006, (most recent i could find),

British deaths abroad

Spain 1325

France 376

Germany 284

Turkey 95

Thailand 224

British Rapes abroad (reported)

Spain 41

France 6

Germany 0

Turkey 938

Thailand 5

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think those high number of Spanish/French fatalities of Brits could be skewed by the number of elderly retirees dying of natural causes...would be interesting to see the figures if available for death by unnatural causes or violence on a per capita visitor/resident basis

I would guess this would bring Thailand closer to the gold medal...then again methinks no gov't would accumulate such precise data unless it was in their financial interest such as taxes, etc....

Thailand is way more dangerous than most people believe... and getting worse every year.

Almost 300 Brits died here last year.

And how many Brits died in other holiday countries like Spain, France, Turkey...for instance ? :o


From the Foreign & Commonwelth office for the period 1 April 2005- 31 March 2006, (most recent i could find),

British deaths abroad

Spain 1325

France 376

Germany 284

Turkey 95

Thailand 224

British Rapes abroad (reported)

Spain 41

France 6

Germany 0

Turkey 938

Thailand 5

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And how many Brits died in other holiday countries like Spain, France, Turkey...for instance ? :o


Thailand is by far the most dangerous country for British tourists.

Thailand Tops Most Dangerous List

Thailand Most Dangerous Holiday Destination for Britons

The stats have been posted here many, many times and per capita Thailand is way ahead.

From the second link:

"Most of those deaths are of long-term elderly British residents," says a Foreign Office spokesman.

Too much viagra and alcohol perhaps?

Edited by pickel
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Very sad,indeed.

My condolences to the Kimber family- a young and beautiful woman taken away.

Vancouver and Vancouver Island television stations and newspapers have been covering the recent Canadian deaths.

Del Pinto's Calgary family has been calling for a Thailand boycott.

Travel shows have been talking about the dangers of travel in Thailand.

Dale Henry's brother and Dale have been on the tube-a lot.

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turkey seems over sexed by these figures ,maybe they dont like there women with moutches

Turkey is the only Islamic country in the list. EU tourists come to Turkey by the millions, not realizing that very poor 'country-boys' rush to the beaches and shores for work and are tempted by the view of so many -under- dressed (bikini's, dresses, skirts, tops) girls sending their hormones to peaks and 'think' those girls are 'cheap' and want them.... :o

A few years back there was a brutal kidnapping of three girls, thrown in a minivan, and these guys drove off to the mountains and raped, mutilated and (tried to) kill those poor girls and threw them in a ravine.

2 of them managed to save themselves (with slit throats...) one girl didn't, murdered. Luckily they ware caught and sentenced (but only after enormous publicity since one of the guys was the son of a hi-so chap...)


Mea Culpa if this story is off-topic :D


Edited by LaoPo
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Very sad,indeed.

My condolences to the Kimber family- a young and beautiful woman taken away.

Vancouver and Vancouver Island television stations and newspapers have been covering the recent Canadian deaths.

Del Pinto's Calgary family has been calling for a Thailand boycott.

Travel shows have been talking about the dangers of travel in Thailand.

Dale Henry's brother and Dale have been on the tube-a lot.

Widen the net - go to the US TV networks - and don't forget the big US agenda-setters, like TIME and the NY Times..They love to do this kind of feature. But I still think the best bet is to shame the Canadian Govt for not making a bigger stink 'publicly' about Thailand. They really, really, hate that kind of pressure/publicity..and sooner or later would need to respond in the interest of the Canadian families ' publicly.

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turkey seems over sexed by these figures ,maybe they dont like there women with moutches

Actually --- the Turkish women (young ones anyway) can be stunning. And many are farily "Westernised". But it's true a lot of European young women and older teens flock to these places (Turkey and Greek Isles) to do the same type of reverse-mongering that Western and Asian guys do in Thailand, Cambodia, Brazil, etc. They used to joke about it with the cliche - stalking the Turkish/Greek Waiter for a shag..or 'holiday romance' as they liked to call it.

I'm not excusing this absolutely incredible rape rates of Brits in Turkey, but I am pointing out that if you go looking for trouble in a sexually conservative country, you may just find it..

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