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Where To Keep Money In Thailand Safely


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another point worth asking wgile im here. staying in cheap guesthouses - eating at the equivalent of thai dhabas, how much can you expect to live in in thailand on a backpackers budget

A: in the city

B: in the country

It cost me £300 to live well in india per month and that includes travel costs

And if you know A and B for cambodia laos and vietnam that would also be appreciated

All I'l say in relation to posters questioning my morals in this plan I have.

I do NOT depend on my government and popular culture for my moral code and ethics, and i dont feel remotely guilty about it. although ive got very little money i gave a fair whack to the tsunami fund more than most people in good paying jobs, and what was when i was about 17 and didnt even think id comtemplate travelling and such. and again if you choose not to believe it, and take the time out to tell me in a post... i could not care less

A and B are important

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It's amazing; with all the 'intelligent' (I use that word lightly) posters here that no one has given the simple and correct answer.

Get loan from Bank A in home country. Deposit money in Bank B in home country. Use Bank B ATM to withdraw money as needed.


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If you don't want the U.K. bank to trace your account, you can open an account in someone else's name (e.g. a Thai national). Try contacting a financial adviser in Rainbow LLC on Sukhumwit Soi 4, one of their staff should be able to assist you. They have considerable experience handling Farang and Japanese bank accounts, and provide attentive and personalized service. They could assist you in setting up some profitable investments in the Issan region.

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You're a dreamer. The truth is that people who think like you hang out with other similar thinking people, you have no chance of keeping the money anywhere safe, if you can even get it, Thailand has more than it's share of people just like you that think they can get money for free without consequences, there are thousands of people just like you in Thailand desperately waiting for you to arrive and guaranteed they will part you from the cash. The very fact that you posted your question on this site would indicate that you think the members of the expat community here are dodgy and would be able to help you with some experience and advice on how to fulfill your masterful scheme....so deep down you already think Thailand is full of dodgy people. Posting this on the internet shows you can't keep stum, you will have a beer or two and tell anyone prepared to listen about how clever you were in acquiring the cash for your trip. There is no honour amongst thieves, here you will be a minnow amongst sharks, you asked for advice on here, the vast majority of those who have replied are telling you don't do it, you are going to lose it.....they are the voice of experience I suggest you listen to them.

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You're a dreamer. The truth is that people who think like you hang out with other similar thinking people, you have no chance of keeping the money anywhere safe, if you can even get it, Thailand has more than it's share of people just like you that think they can get money for free without consequences, there are thousands of people just like you in Thailand desperately waiting for you to arrive and guaranteed they will part you from the cash. The very fact that you posted your question on this site would indicate that you think the members of the expat community here are dodgy and would be able to help you with some experience and advice on how to fulfill your masterful scheme....so deep down you already think Thailand is full of dodgy people. Posting this on the internet shows you can't keep stum, you will have a beer or two and tell anyone prepared to listen about how clever you were in acquiring the cash for your trip. There is no honour amongst thieves, here you will be a minnow amongst sharks, you asked for advice on here, the vast majority of those who have replied are telling you don't do it, you are going to lose it.....they are the voice of experience I suggest you listen to them.

feel better now youve let it all out?

you know nothing about me or what i plan to do with the money! (again!)

im posting here so i cant keep schtum? what a load of.... im asking here because its anonymous

some expats have done similar things to this and may know the best way to go about it

the only reason i asked here is because this is the most frequented forum of south east asia i have found, not because i intend to spend most of my time in thailand but if you want to form your own conclusions from whatever thats you're perogative. and you have the audacity to call me a dreamer

unfortonately having such a lot of posters means im more likely to encounter the self riteous twits like yourselfe

i dont need you to tell me how streetwise, I am... thank you very much. and you're in depth analysis of that is quite astounding. and incorrect.

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You're a dreamer. The truth is that people who think like you hang out with other similar thinking people, you have no chance of keeping the money anywhere safe, if you can even get it, Thailand has more than it's share of people just like you that think they can get money for free without consequences, there are thousands of people just like you in Thailand desperately waiting for you to arrive and guaranteed they will part you from the cash. The very fact that you posted your question on this site would indicate that you think the members of the expat community here are dodgy and would be able to help you with some experience and advice on how to fulfill your masterful scheme....so deep down you already think Thailand is full of dodgy people. Posting this on the internet shows you can't keep stum, you will have a beer or two and tell anyone prepared to listen about how clever you were in acquiring the cash for your trip. There is no honour amongst thieves, here you will be a minnow amongst sharks, you asked for advice on here, the vast majority of those who have replied are telling you don't do it, you are going to lose it.....they are the voice of experience I suggest you listen to them.

feel better now youve let it all out?

you know nothing about me or what i plan to do with the money! (again!)

im posting here so i cant keep schtum? what a load of.... im asking here because its anonymous

some expats have done similar things to this and may know the best way to go about it

the only reason i asked here is because this is the most frequented forum of south east asia i have found, not because i intend to spend most of my time in thailand but if you want to form your own conclusions from whatever thats you're perogative. and you have the audacity to call me a dreamer

unfortonately having such a lot of posters means im more likely to encounter the self riteous twits like yourselfe

i dont need you to tell me how streetwise, I am... thank you very much. and you're in depth analysis of that is quite astounding. and incorrect.

You think you are street wise eh? The Thais will chew you up and spit you out penniless, now piss off and don't waste our time.

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cobatt why dont you get the chips off your shoulder, me taking a loan out is going to have sweet fuc_k all bearing on you're cost of living

banks give people loans.... its what they do... its why most people are in debt. weather they own a home or not, for your information

ah stupid guy :o lol

bank give loans to people who can pay them back with interest

meaning having at least a job for 2 years and they will never loan you more than 1/3 of what you make per month for loan repayments

so, no job = no loan

unemployment or social welfare = no loan

get real, get a life

bored with life ? just end it and save society another deadbeat


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It's amazing; with all the 'intelligent' (I use that word lightly) posters here that no one has given the simple and correct answer.

Get loan from Bank A in home country. Deposit money in Bank B in home country. Use Bank B ATM to withdraw money as needed.

Since we're all too stupid to work it out--how does this gent, living in the way he has described-- with his history, get your 'loan from bank A'-in the first place??

A few of us are intelligent enough to read the topic title and answer the question the OP presents. He didn't ask about obtaining a loan; just how to store/manage the money.

Here's the crux of his post:

My question was where could I store most of my money in thailand/cambodia/nam. I dont need to mention why I shouldnt be carrying 5k+ in cash in my moneybelt, the whole lot. But where could I store this cash in thailand? could I set up a bank account? would that be risky with my UK bank being able to find out? what about in the airport locker? in a safe in a hotel? but what would the proof be if they stole it? what would be a safe (preferably safest) way for me to store money out there and enable me to either come and collect sums when I run out every few months, or in some kind of untraceable account.

To the OP. In my country if you don't make the payments back to the bank they can't just find and 'freeze' your other accounts. They must first go thru the courts and get court orders to 'freeze' the account. Of course by the time all this court action is done you can drain the account.

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It's amazing; with all the 'intelligent' (I use that word lightly) posters here that no one has given the simple and correct answer.

Get loan from Bank A in home country. Deposit money in Bank B in home country. Use Bank B ATM to withdraw money as needed.


You make some good points and I'm not from the UK.

In the states he could simply:

1) get the loan (HOW to get the loan NOT a part of his original question)

2) make smallish deposits over time to the 2nd bank while using loan proceeds to make a payment or two.

3) haul azz......to anywhere......with ATM card in hand......he could actually keep up the monthly payments until

the funds were exhausted.

4) Then be broke in a foreign country with warrants from the UK.......what a life! :o:D:D

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So it goes like this:

1. Bank will ask the purpose of the loan.

2. I assume you will not tell them the truth.

3/ Bank grants the loan....and credits your bank account.

4. What now? take it out in cash? Bank would be very suspicious of this. Will you get through Customs outbound with a stash of cash?

5. Transfer the money to an off-shore account? Very traceable.

My friend, you are dreaming, and Interpol will track you down for fraud.

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its an interesting situation and I wondering why nobody mentioned virtual money - for example, e-gold.com, as the solution. i think it may be wise to split money and keep half at the locker and half at the virtual account (e-gold is 100% anonymous). certain risks exist for both locker and virtual money solutions, but in case if someone using both, I believe its more reliable.

and for long stay with limited money cambodia for sure is a better option - basically because its cheaper and you have much less attractions to spend money ;-)

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cobatt why dont you get the chips off your shoulder, me taking a loan out is going to have sweet fuc_k all bearing on you're cost of living

banks give people loans.... its what they do... its why most people are in debt. weather they own a home or not, for your information

Gotta better idea than a loan. I know of a guy that got fed up with Credit Card junk mail from finance co's and Banks. He took out 10 cards, cashed the hole lot out iover a 10 days period, left the UK for Thailand with 45,000 pounds. After regular collection agents chasing him for the outstanding amout, he finally settle with a collection agent for 20%. No record, no threat of arrest etc. So he took 45,000 pounds, settled for 9,000 pounds, and set up a good business in the Kingdom off which he lives now!!!!! I'm not making any moral judgements, but he's a shit load better off than I am these days, and Im the one who followed the straightened arrow and still works 8-6 6 days a week :o

Edited by jayjayjayjay
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So it goes like this:

1. Bank will ask the purpose of the loan.

2. I assume you will not tell them the truth.

3/ Bank grants the loan....and credits your bank account.

4. What now? take it out in cash? Bank would be very suspicious of this. Will you get through Customs outbound with a stash of cash?

5. Transfer the money to an off-shore account? Very traceable.

My friend, you are dreaming, and Interpol will track you down for fraud.

Although I don't think this plan will or is even intended to work, I think it is YOU not him who is dreaming....

Get through customs...no problem...take it all out? No problem...tracked by Interpol...they don't do that...they co-ordinate other police forces....

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Hi guys I have a question which is the most crucial of all plans I'm making

Short story

Left school with no qualifications. Made an 'arse of things from ages 14- now really. been homeless in 06. ended up saving up to go to india to go travelling for 4 months. liked it. came back early 07. was homeless for a bit again. got a council house. for the last year since being back ive got progressively more dissalusioned with working in a job i hate, had about 15 jobs and im 21. and half of that time ive not been working! most ive stayed in a job is 2 months.... This is not a suddenly got back and need to quickly go back to "forget about my problems". Ive been frustrated with what happned earlier in my life for years and am getting more frustrated and dont seem to be able to keep a normal job for very long, or enojoy college (tried twice).

This is the reason I intend to take a loan from the bank and take it out and get a flight to asia, probably starting off in thailand or india. I do want to pay it back just not the structured way I agree with the bank. So I'm not talking fraud of 50k but enough to let me live well in asia for a good few years with a few k to import things back to the UK at the end so I'm not fuc_ked when I'm back (if i came back with nothing to my name and no bank acount) and help re pay the loan back

My question was where could I store most of my money in thailand/cambodia/nam. I dont need to mention why I shouldnt be carrying 5k+ in cash in my moneybelt, the whole lot. But where could I store this cash in thailand? could I set up a bank account? would that be risky with my UK bank being able to find out? what about in the airport locker? in a safe in a hotel? but what would the proof be if they stole it? what would be a safe (preferably safest) way for me to store money out there and enable me to either come and collect sums when I run out every few months, or in some kind of untraceable account.

I want to come back to scotland. but I've got nothing to lose other than the having no bank account when I'm back. and to pay it back as soon as possible. so its not a gigantic fraud but something the bank would not agree to if I told them the truth

I hope someone can give me some advice on what do do with the money, I would be exreme greatful.

thank you

you would have to have a very very good credit rating to borrow 50 grand from any bank in the uk, and there not stupid!!! even if you did get away with it, you will be looking at a long prison sentence when you get back, is it kilarny prison, glasgow???? not a nice place!!!! The uk government comes down HARD on frausters!!!! good luck :o

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What's the big deal? If its only 5k GBP, no problems at customs - you can just stash that in your '' Bad Motherf***r '' wallet.

(large size of course)

Once in Thailand, you can open ATM account with bank (i did with Kasikorn Bank). They sort you out an ATM VISA Electron card. All within an hour. This is very good because it leaves you the rest of the day to:

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Gotta better idea than a loan. I know of a guy that got fed up with Credit Card junk mail from finance co's and Banks. He took out 10 cards, cashed the hole lot out iover a 10 days period, left the UK for Thailand with 45,000 pounds. After regular collection agents chasing him for the outstanding amout, he finally settle with a collection agent for 20%. No record, no threat of arrest etc. So he took 45,000 pounds, settled for 9,000 pounds, and set up a good business in the Kingdom off which he lives now!!!!! I'm not making any moral judgements, but he's a shit load better off than I am these days, and Im the one who followed the straightened arrow and still works 8-6 6 days a week :o

He probably solved his problem of getting flooded with credit card junk mail too ... :D

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cobatt why dont you get the chips off your shoulder, me taking a loan out is going to have sweet fuc_k all bearing on you're cost of living

banks give people loans.... its what they do... its why most people are in debt. weather they own a home or not, for your information

Gotta better idea than a loan. I know of a guy that got fed up with Credit Card junk mail from finance co's and Banks. He took out 10 cards, cashed the hole lot out iover a 10 days period, left the UK for Thailand with 45,000 pounds. After regular collection agents chasing him for the outstanding amout, he finally settle with a collection agent for 20%. No record, no threat of arrest etc. So he took 45,000 pounds, settled for 9,000 pounds, and set up a good business in the Kingdom off which he lives now!!!!! I'm not making any moral judgements, but he's a shit load better off than I am these days, and Im the one who followed the straightened arrow and still works 8-6 6 days a week :o

maybe in the old days could do this but only ok if you have good credit score...dont think the op would get a credit card or if he did would be limited to 800 quid or thereabouts to start with.everything was easier in the old days...they are too clued up now on all scams/cons etc :D

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