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Hatred Of Farangs


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Paranoia is something I am sometimes guilty of. I still consider LOS to be a comparatively safe place in comparison to my homeland (UK) re muggings etc etc.

However, recent high profile murders/shootings have got me thinking about a few incidents in the next nearest village to my girlfriends village...

Now, everyone in her village gets on very well indeed with me. They have come to trust me and my motives and the feeling is mutual. However, in the village just a few km's down the road I feel I am utterly despised. In the first few months of my initial arrival, several Mor Lam concerts were staged to which me, my girl and her Brother and Sister attended. I was, of course, the only Farang there, indeed for many a mile, for that matter. I am normally looked upon with friendly curiosity by the locals but in this particular village, I feel in great danger at these concerts and other gatherings. All of the menfolk, in particular, the ones in their 20's will stare at me with a certain vitriol in their eyes and will sometimes even utter something nasty to my girl (which she just ignores) in Khmer, a language I don't understand.

At first, I would comfort myself with the fact that, if there were problems, there are volunteer cops around to protect me. You know the ones, beige uniforms, big wooden sticks that they're itching to bash someone with. After a while I realised they also had utter hatred of me.

Towards the end of one evening and when many were drunk on the local fire water, my girl and her family suddenly grabbed me and said we were to leave immediately and with great haste. I looked to see a gang of drunk youths amassing nearby and looking for trouble. I didn't want to go because we'd been having fun and I've never been one to run away like a coward, besides which theyd've felt they had acheived something. What changed my mind was the fact that these so called volunteer cops were looking on and smiling, almost as if they wanted to see me beaten to a pulp. Before I knew it I'd been bungled into the family pick-up and I was being whisked to safety.

I hasten to add it's only this one village where I don't feel safe. I trust my instincts and there's a big problem for me there.

As you know, guns are readily and easily available in Thailand. I've seen quite a few men around here sporting a firearm on his belt, trying to be a real man (they're not always just off duty cops, I'm sure they're civilians). I just don't know what the problem is in that village, I've not p*ssed anyone off there. I'm genuinely scared that one day, I'm going to get a bullet in the back of my head at one of these local community events from someone who's drunk and despises me enough to write my name on a peice of lead while shouting '<deleted> you, you Farang <deleted>'.

Not only that, I was once wondering around by myself in the woods with my slingshot. I came across a guy hunting lizards. I smiled at him and greeted him. The look and the silence I got in return could have frozen the heart of love itself. If he wanted to kill me there and then out in the woods, no one would ever know what happened to me.

Scary sh*t.

I consider it a great acheivement to have gained the genuine friendship of the people in my girls village... but I'm completely lost as to the cause, defense and remedy to my problems in that other village. :o:D

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They do say that in the country villages staring or looking at the local men can constitute hostility and as farangs are known to have "raped and pillaged the village" so to speak, in Thailand, a country where nobody has ever colonised...then local folk who have never seen farangs only know how to despise them and not live and let live.

Remember they are curious as to why you, a stinkin rich farang would want to sit at a paupers concert with a local girl who everyone is also jealous of.

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Bygone days people from west considered as respectful and visiting these countries to enjoy different lifestyles, to see different cultures etc..

Right now, it is all about how much you guys can spend here..and when you will go back and come again to spend.

This trend has started over the past few years and now the perception any average Thai has over a foreigner has changed.

First they will doubt what are you upto? even before you talk to them.

When you say "Sawadee krab" some of them think that you do it simply to get their attention and respect. That is the level of the damage some of you have done here. I know this for sure as I have many Thai friends and I am an asian.

BTW, make sure no one mix you up as an American. It's always better to give the impression that you are from France than you are from America.

This is an era of sitting on the head of Buddha.

Don't argue with me.. better be careful.. Anyone can go extremely mad and even can take a stand that you never imagine.

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will sometimes even utter something nasty to my girl (which she just ignores) in Khmer, a language I don't understand.

They are Cambodian refugees, they are just as much foreigners as you are, although they might have Thai identity card. Maybe it is the fact that most of their women go to Pattaya and Bangkok to work in bars etc...to cater to farang men mainly, which fuels their hate of you....you represent the Big Bad Farang. Maybe moving would be a good option, because you can forget reasoning with them...good luck! :o

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They do say that in the country villages staring or looking at the local men can constitute hostility and as farangs are known to have "raped and pillaged the village" so to speak, in Thailand, a country where nobody has ever colonised...then local folk who have never seen farangs only know how to despise them and not live and let live.

Remember they are curious as to why you, a stinkin rich farang would want to sit at a paupers concert with a local girl who everyone is also jealous of.

Or wondering why they are going around acting like the bargirl or freelancer they are with is Miss Thailand World.


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I had a similar experience at a local village concert. The local lads getting drunk and trying their luck at having a pop at the farang. One of the braver guys started shouting at me and telling me that I should give him a drink, etc. (my family were running a drinks stall). My wife chased him off and he dispersed amongst his gang. :o

We gave a few drinks to the boys in beige and they kept their eyes on us.

I also don't have any problems in our village where everyone knows of me - guess it's just the novelty and the drink mixing.

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When your girls's family grabbed you to get you out of there you didn't want to go!!!! Cmon who do u think you are?? A big mob also of people your lucky to be still alive You should thank you GF and her family for what they did, I agree with Dj Pat some thai people think Farangs have come and taken thing that don't belong to them.

Some try to change the way thai people live and how they should think Thailand has never been colonised one fact that they are proud of. The people in that village don't want to know you seems like it to me You better watch your back.

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So how would you guys feel if a bunch of rich foreigners came on holiday to your country largely to enjoy cheap sex with the local women and occassionaly to set up home there?

Rich foreigners taking their pick of the local women, buying/building big houses in your village......

The word is envy, and it is not just restricted to Thailand.

As for what happened to the OP

Any foreigner ho goes anywhere near Thai men drinking alcohol needs to be extremely careful.

The lesson was driven home again only last week and will be again... and again... and again..... and....

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Bygone days people from west considered as respectful and visiting these countries to enjoy different lifestyles, to see different cultures etc..

Right now, it is all about how much you guys can spend here..and when you will go back and come again to spend.

This trend has started over the past few years and now the perception any average Thai has over a foreigner has changed.

First they will doubt what are you upto? even before you talk to them.

When you say "Sawadee krab" some of them think that you do it simply to get their attention and respect. That is the level of the damage some of you have done here. I know this for sure as I have many Thai friends and I am an asian.

BTW, make sure no one mix you up as an American. It's always better to give the impression that you are from France than you are from America.

This is an era of sitting on the head of Buddha.

Don't argue with me.. better be careful.. Anyone can go extremely mad and even can take a stand that you never imagine.

I see you bring your hatred and ignorance where ever you go. You are truely pathetic.

Funny no one bothers rich asian people here in San Diego.

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BTW, make sure no one mix you up as an American. It's always better to give the impression that you are from France than you are from America.

France? I'd rather take a beating then say I was french. :o Must be the sort you are associating with...treat people with respect you will have no problems.

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During my last two stays in the village I was taken to about 8 concerts,film showings and fairs mostly in the many local temples grounds.

At nearly every one the headman and his friends stood near the stages armed with pump action shotguns to stop drunks starting trouble.I was advised to leave well before the end(often in the early morning)as fights nearly always start and knives come out.

The next days conversation was always about who got hurt,knifed,or in rare cases even killed.I can't say I was ever totally comfortable as the only farang on most occasions,certainly you are an object of curiousity.

Unfortunately the girlfriend has about 20 nephews who all try to cadge drinks so it can get expensive if a few are there! The more times I go the more people I met and I feel more accepted now after a year or so.

As for certain villages being less friendly I have seen fights between thai women who think the next village should not come to the free concerts paid for

by the locals even though they came to theirs with no problem.

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So how would you guys feel if a bunch of rich foreigners came on holiday to your country largely to enjoy cheap sex with the local women and occassionaly to set up home there?

Looking at the mingers in my local tonight I would suspect that aliens had indeed landed :D

On a more serious note I have never had problems in my wife's village ( betwixt Kohn Kaen and Kalasin) but I speak Thai/Isaan style pretty well , and always greet people with a ready smile , I have however heard of the scenario that you describe. I think , despite Kwiz's most fervent wishes , this has always been apparent in certain places where the most ignorant locals hang together , be it in the West Country of England , Southern Russia , wherever......

There will always be <deleted> , Thailand has it's fair quota.

The current debacle in the Middle East may provide a bandwagon for the anti-Westerners but these local dumbshits have no concept of Islam , just petty minded tool boxes.

Now down South....thats a different kettle of Pla sa ba...... :o

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BTW, make sure no one mix you up as an American. It's always better to give the impression that you are from France than you are from America.

This is an era of sitting on the head of Buddha.

Don't argue with me.. better be careful.. Anyone can go extremely mad and even can take a stand that you never imagine.

Ignorance is bliss, eh Kwiz.

The movie is written and produced by a french guy. Why you have to blame the yanks? Oh yeah, they are responsible for all the worlds ills in your eyes.

PS- If you go to Thailand, you don't find that many Yanks. Very few. You also do not find that many Yanks in jail, or being killed.

You know, if you want to say something intelligent, then I might even agree with you, but the line you follow is naive at best.

On another line Kwiz, was watching focus asia last weekend. They were doing a doccumentary on the corruption in Sri Lanka. Horrific how your government, courts, and police act. Want to have a discussion?

We can also talk about how Sri Lankans are widely viewed throughout the world as cheats and as shady characters in business. Can even tell you some personal stories about my time in Bangladesh, and how the Sri Lankans abused the locals.

Let's have an honest discussion about who Thais think less of Sri Lankan or American.

That's it Kwiz, go back in your hole.

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BTW, make sure no one mix you up as an American. It's always better to give the impression that you are from France than you are from America.

This is an era of sitting on the head of Buddha.

Don't argue with me.. better be careful.. Anyone can go extremely mad and even can take a stand that you never imagine.

Ignorance is bliss, eh Kwiz.

The movie is written and produced by a french guy. Why you have to blame the yanks? Oh yeah, they are responsible for all the worlds ills in your eyes.

PS- If you go to Thailand, you don't find that many Yanks. Very few. You also do not find that many Yanks in jail, or being killed.

You know, if you want to say something intelligent, then I might even agree with you, but the line you follow is naive at best.

On another line Kwiz, was watching focus asia last weekend. They were doing a doccumentary on the corruption in Sri Lanka. Horrific how your government, courts, and police act. Want to have a discussion?

We can also talk about how Sri Lankans are widely viewed throughout the world as cheats and as shady characters in business. Can even tell you some personal stories about my time in Bangladesh, and how the Sri Lankans abused the locals.

Let's have an honest discussion about who Thais think less of Sri Lankan or American.

That's it Kwiz, go back in your hole.

Tooche' SoCal,

I didn't even want to get into the Sri Lanka thing. It is a big mess.

I had one trip to Sri Lanka years ago, that was enough and eight trips to India.

I know the scene, the mentality and what Thais think of them very well... :o

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SoCal and Pepe.....any chance to vent your racial hatred towards certain groups of people and you take it, especially you SoCal, one of the chief right-wingers of the forum.

Ok, Kwiz may have written a generalisation which is not really a nice and logical one (I am not a big fan of generalisations anyway) but you guys are really offensive with your racism.

Saying 'That's it, Kwiz...Go back in your hole' is very disgusting, I think.

Jem, always loving to confront bigots of the forum !

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Jem Jem you ignorant slut. :D

I thought taking issue with Sri Lanka would be taking issue with a nation, not a race? What the he** do I know? What race are you? French? German? Oh yeah, those are nations. Hello?

One of the biggest "right wingers"- not sure you have the right guy, but doubt I will do anything convincing today. Call me what you will. I can take it.

Back in your hole- disgusting. What the he** are you talking about. I am talking about a loathsome individual crawling back under the rock he came out of. Where is your mind my dear. :D

I like Kwiz, and he and I have had a lot of discussions in the past. We don't always agree, and we don't need to. I think his irrational attack on Americans is a bit over the top lately, but to each their own.

In short, wish I had an official role on the forum (chaser of bigots), but guess I am just me, and in truth you really don't know me. :D So, why don't you crawl back into your hole, and leave me alone. :D:wub::o

PS- Ignorant slut is in reference to a classic SNL episode, but do with it as you will.

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I suppose you could say that it's a bit like comparing a stroll in the Cotswolds, to a stroll in a rough council estate in Moss Side, in the UK.

But the imbalance lies in that, well heeled Thais and UK Folk are generally more educated, open minded and non biased.

Problem may be that the larger portion of Thai folks are more comparable with the council folks of the UK.

What I mean to say is, in poor Thai villages you will be more likely to come across uneducated, narrow minded folks who after a few sangthips will become mob minded.

I travelled Isaan on my own, and found them very friendly. Only glitch was at the Bun Bang Fai festival in yasathon, where they were all really drunk and I ended up sat with them having fun. Then it was "You, You falang buy whiskey" So I did. Then it was cigarrettes, then wanting money. They were getting a bit rowdy so I left quickly.

The old saying 'Familiarity breeds contempt' is so true in Thailand. And its only going to get worse.

Keep trying to fit in and be accepted though. Albeit in vain.

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Good to see you back Socal! Excellent points Medicinebox , most will probably don rose coloured spex and think otherwise but strew 'nuff in my opinion.

Yasothon eh? Nice fireworks though :o

Wheres Mistress Vietnam when you need a good argumentative sun on the beach.?..

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BTW, make sure no one mix you up as an American. It's always better to give the impression that you are from France than you are from America.

This is an era of sitting on the head of Buddha.

Don't argue with me.. better be careful.. Anyone can go extremely mad and even can take a stand that you never imagine.

Another cretin kwiz message. Here are some FACTS:

"The only countries in which more said that the Bush foreign policy made them feel better toward the US were: the Philippines (58% better-27% worse), India (38% better-33% worse), and THAILAND (35% better and 30% worse)."


Also, didn't kwiz post some time ago a long inane post about Thai "racism". Apparently he experienced "racist" attitudes in some Thai hotel. Well, generally people who are clean-cut, polite, and treat others with respect are treated with respect. I am an American and have NEVER experienced racism in Thailand or anywhere else (including Muslim countries). Bungholes like Kwiz are treated like bungholes and complain about "racism".

Thailand is a racist country, America is evil, kwiz is da man. What a joke.

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Bygone days people from west considered as respectful and visiting these countries to enjoy different lifestyles, to see different cultures etc..

Right now, it is all about how much you guys can spend here..and when you will go back and come again to spend.

This trend has started over the past few years and now the perception any average Thai has over a foreigner has changed.

First they will doubt what are you upto? even before you talk to them.

When you say "Sawadee krab" some of them think that you do it simply to get their attention and respect. That is the level of the damage some of you have done here. I know this for sure as I have many Thai friends and I am an asian.

BTW, make sure no one mix you up as an American. It's always better to give the impression that you are from France than you are from America.

This is an era of sitting on the head of Buddha.

Don't argue with me.. better be careful.. Anyone can go extremely mad and even can take a stand that you never imagine.

I love it when you do that Kwiz.. us and them... you keep forgetting that you also are a falang, but in actual fact, disliked to a far greater degree than westerners. Why.. it's interesting that you are aware of the "rape and pillage" at a village level, isn't it?

Usually you actually post thoughful interesting posts, but recently that has changed somewhat. Perhaps you need to think about that a bit. Remember many here look to you for an Asian perspective, as opposed to a vitriolic barb aimed at Westerners. :o

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So how would you guys feel if a bunch of rich foreigners came on holiday to your country largely to enjoy cheap sex with the local women and occassionaly to set up home there?

Rich foreigners taking their pick of the local women, buying/building big houses in your village......

The word is envy, and it is not just restricted to Thailand.

As for what happened to the OP

Any foreigner ho goes anywhere near Thai men drinking alcohol needs to be extremely careful.

The lesson was driven home again only last week and will be again... and again... and again..... and....

Interesting post GH. Perhaps it would have happened less if there had been somewhat less advertising of what was availabe in Thailand and how much you would save getting it here.

One assumes from your nick, that staying in Villages is not a favoured pastime for you. Or perhaps a bit of jealousy of "rich farangs".

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Maybe it is the fact that most of their women go to Pattaya and Bangkok to work in bars etc...to cater to farang men mainly, which fuels their hate of you....

Sorry, but I can't agree with you 100%. Everywhere I go with my (non-bargirl) girlfriend (many of the) younger Thai guys stare at us, envious of my pretty girlfriend.

We live in Hat Yai, so it certainly isn't about Pattaya or Bangkok...

I was asked years ago in Phuket City by some Thai guys (in their late twenties), whether I couldn't afford massage parlour visits, as I had a regular (non-bargirl) girlfriend... (After that I stopped learning the language. And I wasn't so curious about Thai culture anymore either.) :o

Also, I am just sick, that the poorest Cambodian sucker is still more respected as any one of us Westerners, because he is "Asian"...

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We live in Hat Yai, so it certainly isn't about Pattaya or Bangkok...

Also, I am just sick, that the poorest Cambodian sucker is still more respected as any one of us Westerners, because he is "Asian"...

Living in Hat Yai -- kind of a hotbed of Muslim activity, right? Seems that mistrust of westerners might be kind of rampant there?

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Sorry, but I can't agree with you 100%. Everywhere I go with my (non-bargirl) girlfriend (many of the) younger Thai guys stare at us, envious of my pretty girlfriend.

We live in Hat Yai, so it certainly isn't about Pattaya or Bangkok...

Also, I am just sick, that the poorest Cambodian sucker is still more respected as any one of us Westerners, because he is "Asian"...

Sorry, but I can't follow your comments 100%.

How do you know that the Thai's that stared at you and your GF were doing so out of "envy"? Did they say as much or are you relying on unreliable facial expressions? There are any number of reasons to stare with Simple Curiosity, chief among them.

Hat Yai?...there are certainly the same massage parlors, karoke bars, etc. as there are in the places you've mentioned. It's certainly not some quiet backwater town. More than once I've heard it referred to as, "Pattaya of the South".

If you think Thais respect Cambodians, then you have a lot to learn about Thailand.

Respect is something earned, not freely given out.

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In the UK we have a breed of people that have lots of different names. Gazzas, Kevs, Trevs, townies the list goes on.

They are immediately recognisable with their crap clothes, haircuts, accents, drunken behaviour. I never have any problems because I avoid them & let them get on with their stuff & me with mine.

In Thailand i'm carefull with who I mix with and where I go for nights out.

So far i've never had any problems with the locals but I have seen a lot of locals who I wouldn't choose to get drunk with or be around when they are drunk.

It definately pays to be carefull about where you hang around.

If I lived in a place where the locals looked at me with hatred then I would insist on moving. You are lucky to be in a position to be able to do that.

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