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If I lived in a place where the locals looked at me with hatred then I would insist on moving. You are lucky to be in a position to be able to do that.

Well, I can't really can I? I can't just abandon my wife or make her move away from her family. Sure, the village in question is a few km's away... but a few km's too close as well, besides which you'll find them in evrey town, village, country. I guess in Isaan/thailand, the Farang is often the hated ethnic minority and the subject of racism. Kinda reminds me of that Alabama drawl and hooded men with flaming torches. I'm exaggerating of course but there really is a feeling that they wanna kill me sometimes.

I resisted calling them a bunch of FKN hooligan scumbags for fear of someone here calling me a biggot... but that's exactly what they are-drunkard loser waster hooligan f*ckwits who just want a pop at the Farang.

(To prevent a barrage of anti-Flummoxed posts, I hereby state that I am only referring to the few Thai people who try to make me feel unwelcome... most of them think I'm great and respect me and my wife :o )

Its baffling as to why rich farang want to relocate to poor rural villages...

Perhaps, more often-than-not, they're not "rich" farang by their own standards, but considerably better off by rural Thai standards. With that in mind, would you rather live in a run down UK council estate, or a poor Thai rural village? I know what my preference would be.


A teacher at my school has admitted that she "hates farangs." Her bf happens to be American and just secured a visa for her to visit next month. She doesn't want to go--why?--she "hates Americans." F*cking strange. My gf is baffled by her attitude.

I live in BKK and keep to myself generally so I've had no serious threats to my life or well-being (knock on wood) though occasionally I've thought that getting jumped on the street may be an inevitable occurence. No different from San Francisco or LA or when I lived in Brooklyn and saw a guy get stomped by a group of men in front of my house.

SICK PEOPLE motivated by envy, greed, frustration (and booze) are everywhere.

I'm learning karate.


I also encountered the same type of problems .. also at a molam concert. We

visited a local procession a few months ago. About five km's from home so we

all piled into the pick up and took a lot of friends.

At the end of the display there was a molam and I enjoy going to these

things. The drink and the gangs do not combine well and a fight ensued with

drunken youths ( and men in their forties ! ) throwing bottles at each other

and then it escalated to running battles with sticks.

My wife was hysterical trying to bundle us all into the car and warn all these

fools not to dent our car. I didnt really take it too seriously until two youths

sauntered into the middle of all of this with hand guns in their belts.

Scarry !!! Made me think that I would just stay in our village where I know

most people and dont have any problems. They called the police and the army in

( I was told) to sort these fools out. There was a blanket ban on drinking at

molam's from then on.


(To prevent a barrage of anti-Flummoxed posts, I hereby state that I am only referring to the few Thai people who try to make me feel unwelcome... most of them think I'm great and respect me and my wife :D  )

What irritates me is, that I often make extremely pleasant (often people I know; kids) or extremely unpleasant experiences with Thai people (local food sellers who know that I hardly will buy from them; envious people...) :o

But usually no normal behaviour (just being treated or "just ignored" as a fellow human), as I know it from other Asian countries (Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia). :D


I've got to say I live right in the country, but not issan and have never had any problems, I often get drunk with thai men still no prob. I think if I felt as uncomfatable as flummoxed I'd have to talk to my wife about moving.

Its baffling as to why rich farang want to relocate to poor rural villages...

Why not relocate to a nice condo in the nearest modern city?

Well I dont really like living in cities, to many people, cars, polution, expensive ect

Here I like the pace of life, people, my buissiness is here (witch does very well) and my wife and her family (although they dont need us here to support them)

Why does every one think that rual villages are poor I read this forum and sometimes think I live in a different country to the rest of you. Mabye it the area I live in I dont know , but there are poor people here same a BKK and rich people same as BKK.

A good friend of mine works in mtec rangsit, we were talking before and its not just falangs that think all country folk are poor. He was telling me most of the people in his office think this as well. How many poor farmers do you know back home?

One thing there is not a lot of is employment, people have to do their own thing but most families own/rent land have some livestock ect, dairy farming is big here there are 2 dairies within 10 km of my house with about 150 farms on the books between them, now a decent milker costs about 40,000 bht, the set up costs machine ect are at least 200,000 (for something really small) Yep no money in rural thailand.

Me I love it here and would never move to live in the city, but we are only 2 hours from BKK and its nice to visit.

Cheers RC

I'd take the Thai CITY rather than village

Because many can't afford it, Pat.

10 million buys you a townhouse on less than a tennis court of land in Baan Klang Krung in Bangkok.... and even then you'd probably still be mistaken for a TEFL'er or DJ.

However, one could build a 9 million Baht house on 5-10 rai of land in many places in the Issan countryside and fulfill one's Captain Cook fantasies.



In any community there is a certain process to acceptance within the community. If yo ulook at this experience from an Anthropological perspective you would say that you were experiencing definite resistance from part of a community. (PRETTY OBVIOUS)......

It was a frightening thing for you for a good reason......their message was strong......you were not welcome. Unfortunately living in I-saan you will find that there are many small communities everywhere and you may not be well known by anyone in a community just a few kilometres away. our presence is beneftiing some but not others. By attending the concert, you may have casued a certain group to lose face as they were embarrassed to see a rich farang attending there home grown entertainment. Who knows.......maybe it was just the Loa Khao afterall !! :o

Its baffling as to why rich farang want to relocate to poor rural villages...

I am not a particularly rich farang by farang standards but like Random Chances I also live in a small village.

Why? Because my wife owned some land here and we bought a little more and it is a nice plce to live.

I don't like cities very much any more, too much traffic and pollution and far too many people. We don't go out drinking at night as there is nowhere to drinl apart from the karaoke bar and that closes around 11 pm. The alternative is the local 7/11.

I am about 120 km North of Nakhon Sawan and where we live is surrounded by hills and full of clean air and peace and quiet.

I used to live in BKK for a few years and found that I was so bored with it, when my wife asked when we were going to build the house, now seemd like a good idea.

She does not come from this village but we have friends her and we get on fairly well with the local villagers and mainly keep ourselves to ourselves. :o

Its baffling as to why rich farang want to relocate to poor rural villages...

Yeah, why would anyone want to live in a Thai village when you could live somewhere like Bkk and have shops like Marks & Spencer, Tesco, even Habitat, etc. and go to English pubs where they speak English, you can even go out drinking with your mates on a Friday night like back home! :o


I've only lived in loS for a little over 2 years but in that time most of the murders I have heard about first hand are Thai/Thai. I have read in the papers and seen on the tele a few cases of Thai/Farang. There have been 2 double murders in the Issawn province and small town of my GF in the last couple of months both of which were "Crimes of Passion".

It may be that there is a growing trend of Hate for Falangs. I suspected, and my GF has confirmed, that many Thais have an early indoctrination to not like Farangs becasue of messages coming in the form of education. I don't want to expand on this because some of it is unspeakable (here in LoS). Suffice to say, she believes the powers to be (currently) don't want the mix.

:o Coffee!!! :D



Calm down people, read the papers in your own countries, they murder people everywhere. I cannot remeber a farang being murdered where I live and believe me there are farang a plenty.

Sleep well.


Any foreigner ho goes anywhere near Thai men drinking alcohol needs to be extremely careful.

This is the most key sentence for any foreigner living in Thaialnd to remember.

Thai man+Lao Khao=Danger, fire and gasoline.

SoCal and Pepe.....any chance to vent your racial hatred towards certain groups of people and you take it, especially you SoCal, one of the chief right-wingers of the forum.

Ok, Kwiz may have written a generalisation which is not really a nice and logical one (I am not a big fan of generalisations anyway) but you guys are really offensive with your racism.

Saying 'That's it, Kwiz...Go back in your hole' is very disgusting, I think.

Jem, always loving to confront bigots of the forum !


If racisism is what you get out of my post you need a remedial reading class.

Snap out of it AH... :o


Funny no one bothers rich asian people here in San Diego.

But they certainly had no problem hassling the poorer SE Asians in the Linda Vista section of San Diego..... or has that all gone away now?


Im not sure what you mean by poorer asians getting hassled in the Linda Vista area?

There are several asian street festivals there a year including a huge Songran blowout.

It had been run by Vietnamese gangs for years. The cops finally cleaned it up, pretty much. We shop there from time to time at some of the Asian grocery stores.

Its still not the best place to be at night but its getting better and the price of real estate is of course through the roof. :o

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