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Sometimes You Don’t Smell The Rat


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there are many pretty, intelligent girls from good families in bangkok i do agree. but they are not available to the farang on holliday!

whats available is not to pleasing............................lol.


I was married to one of these girls from a "good family" for about eight years.

Sounds like the poor country girl was a lot smarter.

It took my ex almost eight years to accomplish a similar feat.

So much for higher education, good looks and upper class.

Karma, it's a bitch... :o

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IMO, the story whether fact or fiction is not as important as the fact that it does illustrate several good points. The most important is to always be extremely careful with your money carefully especially when in LOS. The second is to never underestimate the intelligence and cunning of a Thai girl even if she is not book smart. The third is to never understimate the stupidity a normally intelligent farang is capable of when it comes to matters of the penis or heart.

The interesting thing that I have learned through the years is that once a guys head below the belt line takes over, it is almost impossible to convince him of the above facts. Since I knew his situation well, I have been trying for the last year to convince one of my best friends that lives in Pattaya that his girlfriend of one year was just out for his money. She had a good job selling insurance in Pattaya so was not a bg type so unfortunately he let his guard down. He was looking for love but it was obvious to everyone but him that she was just interested in his cash. I received an email from him two weeks ago admitting that he should have listened to me as he had finally realized that she only interested in money and it had been a very expensive lesson for him since he had bought her a new car, she was living in his beautiful new house in Pattaya, he had been buying her many things and giving her a lot of money every month. He told me that he finally came to enlightenment when his gf wanted to buy something and he said it was too expensive and she informed him that for her to love him would require that he agree to give her 20000 Baht per month and allow her to buy anything she wanted in the future ! My friend is a normally intelligent guy and is now just another example of what happens when you forget some of the basic caveats of playing with the girls in LOS.

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"A teller updated the account and showed it to David who could not believe his eyes. The entire amount, apart from 20 baht, had been withdrawn via an ATM card over many sessions ..."

I could not comprehen this part.

How much per day can you draw from the atm? If by multiples of 25,000 baht at each single withdrawal , how many times to deplete the millions of baht inside the account?

I know that the maximum for Bangkok bank is 500,000 baht each day. Maybe she even transfered hundred of thousand of baht into another account? Or she did some 'physical withdrawals' at the bank counter? This does not tally with the statement above of 'withdrawn via an atm card over many sessions....'

If so, with a police case pending, why can't the police instruct the bank to temporary freeze that account with the transfered amount ( if it was done? )

Also, why was the bank book not updated with those atm withdrawals when the last deposit was made?

Nothing is safe with just the bank book or atm card.

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True or not, it makes for a good cautionary tale for all unwary men - and women - blinded by passion.

It doesn't happen in just Thailand, and it has been happening for millennia.

You'd think we would learn from such tales but we never do.

The Thais were not always tricky and I suspect they learned a lot of these strokes from us, the farangs.

Heaven knows there are enough dishonest farangs nesting over there.

Edited by qwertz
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With the rampant level if identity theft, shoulder surfing, cloning credit and ATM card and many other financial crimes, anyone who doesn't watch their money shouldn't be surprised when this happens to them. Personally I think the story is pure B.S.

I have credit monitoring, check my accounts electronically daily, and my banks and credit companies are pretty good at freezing accounts that they think have fraudulent activity.

The only REAL incidents of these type of things happening that I know of happened when I was deployed overseas and the married Marines signed over Power of Attorney to their wives only to come home having lost everything. Other than that, that level of theft simply doesn't happen. On a small scale, yes. The banks have backstops in place, and I find it hard to believe someone could be that stupid.

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Well I still believe its a true story but only if you can trust a newspaper. :o

It was printed in Pattaya Mail some time ago so if they "made it up" then theres not a lot going on in that newspaper.

I have to agree that even if love and happiness is important , you should keep your money in a safe place until you know her and the rest of the family after a long time.

Its really stupid to let someone you only knew for a few months take care of the bank account for you.

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Every time I read stories like this I feel so "Blessed" to have a really great Thai wife.....well not exactly Thai as she is one of the Thai tribal people (Suay). We have been married for almost 12 years now. We (she) owns over 12 million baht of real estate in Thailand.

I would share these stories with her over the years, but she always replied:

"Do good; get good,

Do bad get bad

Buddha always make everybody pay".

She grew up in a very small village outside of Surin, dirt poor, had an alcoholic father that like to get drunk and beat on her mother, but her mother usually won the fights. Started working as a maid at the age of 15, started her own sewing company at 22.

I met her when she was 28. Now she is #1 in her village and has brought respect for her family and herself. I do not think she would do anything to change that.

Don't have a clew on what advise to give anybody on how to pick a winner for a wife, but it took me 4 other wives, twice lost million dollar fortunes, and more girlfriends than I can remember to find the right one. (Now the problem for me is how too not screw it up :o )

I once had a Thai GF 15 years ago, that sounds like Lek, built a house on a mountain side over a lake, thought I had found paradise, right up till I found a cell phone bill with 7 calls to England and 4 to Germany..... found out both were engaged to marry her and were sending money to pay for my home.....I burned it down and left without saying good by. That cured me from "bar girls" even though I know there are some really nice women to be found there, it is beyond my ability to sort them out.

Every once in a while we get squabbling like married people do, and my wife gets really upset with me, she say, "I will call your girlfriend in Sokothai and give you back" "You never remember how good you have with me" (She know the story of the burned house). Makes me smile every time she does that.

I believe true love is possible......just seems a little rare in Thailand.

the amount of millionaires on this forum is unbelievalble!

Edited by enyaw
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True or not, it's happening every day here and at least the op could be bothered to post it for anyone interested to read it! So thank you.

To cut a similar story short (and it probably tops it) I know a farang now who was with one of the North's finest for 2 years or so, tried to have him killed after he left her money in his will and he stayed with her. Sad git even pines for her now even after walking straight into the arms of another with nearly the same mo!

Where I will differ from a lot of posters is why does it have to be a one or the other kind of thing? The farang was stupid the Thai girl innocent or visa versa? Both are equally guilty of different things.

It just never ceases to amaze how many 50+ year old farang truly believe that there with girls half their age or less and that they genuinely love them. I see it every day and on the whole that is a Thai thing. Unless your Danny Devito don't tell me it happens in France, the U.S etc like it does here!

Sadly the girl's a bitch and there are enough farang suckers for every nipple in this country (no pun intended).

What a world......................................

Edited by makavelithedon
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just another example of what happens when you forget some of the basic caveats of playing with the girls in LOS.

It would probably apply to women of any other country under the same circumstances.

Guy 20 - 30 years older than Girl, Girl pretty and in her teens early 20's, guy old fat bald and well past it, and maybe like many Farang in Thailand, as miserable as sin, always the victim etc etc........

If I was a Thai girl, you think I'd put up with that crap for nothing, would you if you were her ?

Reverse the situation, remember back to when you was a Teenage guy ( I know, it's a long time ago ), or even in your early 20's, and you are pizz poor, some old woman travels 1000's of Miles from a far off land to flash her cash to attract younger guys, you telling me that you would stay with her for no return, you gotta be kidding!

This don't apply to all, but lets be realistic when talking about many relationships between people of such age differences.

Edited by Maigo6
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just another example of what happens when you forget some of the basic caveats of playing with the girls in LOS.

It would probably apply to women of any other country under the same circumstances.

Guy 20 - 30 years older than Girl, Girl pretty and in her teens early 20's, guy old fat bald and well past it, and maybe like many Farang in Thailand, as miserable as sin, always the victim etc etc........

If I was a Thai girl, you think I'd put up with that crap for nothing, would you if you was her ?

Reverse the situation, remember back to when you was a Teenage guy ( I know, it's a long time ago ), or even in your early 20's, and you are pizz poor, some old woman travels 1000's of Miles from a far off land to flash her cash to attract younger guys, you telling me that you would stay with her for no return, you gotta be kidding!

This don't apply to all, but lets be realistic when talking about many relationships between people of such age differences.

yesterday you posted that you wanted to be reincarnated as a thai girl so that you could marry/divorce a rich farang and then go stay with your thai boyfriend and now today you are back on the "if i was a thai girl" theme.

i understand the surgery you will need to achieve this is not too difficult here however getting the farang men to believe you are thai might be a bit more tricky.

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I smell bullshit..

Millions of baht.. Taken in 100k per day ATM transactions.. That doesn't happen overnight..

Says he regularly checked the bank..

While I don't doubt there's plenty of life imitating art I suspect this is more art than reality.

The difficulty with writing a fictional tale along this theme is coming up with believable levels of stupidity on the part of your Farang Character and avarice on part of the Thai partner.

Sure you can come up with a great story, with unbelievable stupidity and callous avarice.

But you are always going to be out done by real stories happening in Thailand on a daily basis.

Guys who are stupid, guys with the residue of their recent divorce/redundancy/retirement payout and not forgetting guys who are smart @sses and think they know the game are washing up in Thailand every day – dumping their brains at immigration and setting up relationships with the dregs of Thai society based on cash payments.

They then go on to pour money into these relationships and wonder why they get robbed blind.

Common sense should tell any guy – You've got two heads – Think with the big one.

Absolutely spot on!

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i understand the surgery you will need to achieve this is not too difficult here however getting the farang men to believe you are thai might be a bit more tricky.

I guess I'll have to wait for my reincarnation then. :D

try to remember us here in this forum if it all works out, i'm sure it will make for one hel_l of an interesting read. :o

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try to remember us here in this forum if it all works out, i'm sure it will make for one hel_l of an interesting read. :o

No problem, I'm quite sure that if Thailand still has poor people and westerners can see an opportunity to exploit that, there will be many stories to tell.

You never know, maybe these Thai girls that rip Farangs off are reincarnated Farangs that got stiffed in a previous life. :D

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Reverse the situation, remember back to when you was a Teenage guy ( I know, it's a long time ago ), or even in your early 20's, and you are pizz poor, some old woman travels 1000's of Miles from a far off land to flash her cash to attract younger guys, you telling me that you would stay with her for no return, you gotta be kidding!

'Da Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.'

Or as they say here: 'Danai not just a muh pro tennis. '


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No problem, I'm quite sure that if Thailand still has poor people and westerners can see an opportunity to exploit that, there will be many stories to tell.

You never know, maybe these Thai girls that rip Farangs off are reincarnated Farangs that got stiffed in a previous life. :D

yes because of course there are no thais that encourage the present conditions to exist and even if there were (which of course there aren't, right) they would never try and exploit them. :o

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yes because of course there are no thais that encourage the present conditions to exist and even if there were (which of course there aren't, right) they would never try and exploit them. :D

They don't travel thousands of miles by choice to get here.

If Japan was in the same situation as Thailand a Forum would exist were Western men would be tellling tales about how bad Japanese women are.

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cum on guys be truthful. the girls that pull this kind of stuff off are as far from being pretty as possible.........................lol.

Blizzard, I inexplicably find myself agreeing with you, for once we see it as it is through similar eyes. :o

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yes because of course there are no thais that encourage the present conditions to exist and even if there were (which of course there aren't, right) they would never try and exploit them. :D

They don't travel thousands of miles by choice to get here.

If Japan was in the same situation as Thailand a Forum would exist were Western men would be tellling tales about how bad Japanese women are.

they don't need to travel, they've created exactly what they wanted and the fact remains, thais are the main exploiters of poor thais.

and if japan was in the same situation and that forum existed, there would be a western born and raised japanese apologist blaming westerners for all bad things in existence.

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they don't need to travel,

Exactly, but Farangs do have to travel, and they do so willingly.

To reap the opportunities they find in poorer countries. Self serving in most cases, or do Farangs go to Poor countries to help the poor without any personal benefits?

If Thailand was as economically sound as Japan is and as expensive, we would not be having this debate, cos 99% of the Farangs wouldn't be in the country.

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they don't need to travel,

Exactly, but Farangs do have to travel, and they do so willingly.

To reap the opportunities they find in poorer countries. Self serving in most cases, or do Farangs go to Poor countries to help the poor without any personal benefits?

If Thailand was as economically sound as Japan is and as expensive, we would not be having this debate, cos 99% of the Farangs wouldn't be in the country.

you know those dam_n farang, always going to take advantage of the poor prostitutes around the world, never stopping to help the sick, build schools and homes and try to uplift.

maigo i think you are thai, at least you are short sighted so you are almost there.

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you know those dam_n farang, always going to take advantage of the poor prostitutes around the world, never stopping to help the sick, build schools and homes and try to uplift.

maigo i think you are thai, at least you are short sighted so you are almost there.

No, I'm not Thai, do you think Thai people are short sighted ? OMG More generalisations from a discontented Farang! :D

Yes, Farangs do build homes, then spend the rest of their days moaning about the fact that they cannot own the barstewards! :o

Do Farangs come to poor countries for self gratifying reasons? You tell me.

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you know those dam_n farang, always going to take advantage of the poor prostitutes around the world, never stopping to help the sick, build schools and homes and try to uplift.

maigo i think you are thai, at least you are short sighted so you are almost there.

No, I'm not Thai, do you think Thai people are short sighted ? OMG More generalisations from a discontented Farang! :D

Yes, Farangs do build homes, then spend the rest of their days moaning about the fact that they cannot own the barstewards! :o

Do Farangs come to poor countries for self gratifying reasons? You tell me.

thais are possibly the most short sighted asians. it's a generalisation because it is generally true. i am sure you can point out one or two thais that have an idea what tomorrow is or what future means but they are the exception, not the rule.

i'm not a discontented farang by any stretch. i didn't come here to take advantage of the oh so poor bar girls and i haven't built a house here. i have lived in banana republics and impoverished nations around the world so i was fully aware what to expect.

do thais go to america and the uk for self gratifying reasons? you tell me.

when you can point out a group of thais that have travelled to under priveledged nations around the world and spent billions upon billions of us dollars building schools and providing medicine without a thought of profit i will eat my keyboard.

you can't because they haven't and won't, but i'm sure you'll post start a post now saying that the only reasons thais haven't done this is because the bad farang man come here and take advantage of poor thai. poor poor thai.

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