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Looking For Travellers From Bkk To Vancouver, Calgary Or Washington Dc

November Rain

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I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, if not, please move it to somewhere more relevant, mods. Also, I'd really appreciate it (as it's an ongoing request) if it could be pinned, please. :o

This will be an ongoing request, so if you see this in a few months or a year, it will be as relevant as it is today.

SCAD Bangkok (Soi Cat & Dog - formerly Soi Dog Rescue) run a programme called Hearts & Hounds, details here: http://www.scadbangkok.org/adoption/heartshounds.htm

Basically, this is an agreement with facilities in these areas to take Thai dogs - often disadvantaged ones or ones who would be difficult to home in Thailand (if they have a missing limb, for instance, or look very 'Thai' it can be difficult to find a home for them in Thailand, despite their wonderful personalities)- and find fantastic homes for them in the US or Canada.

What we need is people travelling to any of these 3 destinations who are willing to 'take' the dog as accompanied baggage. The following is a direct quote from Sheridan Conisbee, the head of SCAD:


Travelers are escorts only with no cost to them... they don't even have to see or handle the dog if they don't want to... but most DO and most are thrilled by the experience and role they play in the rehoming of a rescued dog. We can provide references of people who've done it.

Edit this as you want...

1) Routes to Vancouver, Calgary or Washington DC have to be dog friendly (i.e. no stopovers or lengthy on-the-ground time unless in dog-friendly airports like Amsterdam)

2) One touch-down en route is fine - and sometimes two if in a dog-friendly airport.

3) Traveler only has to provide a signed copy of their passport and flight details, and at the other end hand the crate over to our American or Canadian representative.

4) SCAD does the rest...

... SCAD books the dog on the same flight as them.

... SCAD arranges the export licence and required veterinary health checks.

... SCAD meets traveler at the check-in desk (with the dog in crate) on the day of departure and pays the excess baggage fees.

So, if anyone would be willing to do this (at any time) on a scheduled journey please either contact SCAD direct (via link - please also say that you heard about this via this thread in ThaiVisa), or pm me.

Thank you :D

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