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People's Alliance For Democracy To Renew Movement

sriracha john

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Read full text in post 878, just updated, after your comment (H90)

Not clear if 'legal actions' and/or 'force' is meant.

does not make much difference! You can't do any legal actions without force. Mak want the bridge free, and lawers/courts can't do that. So he need FORCE.

But I have doubts about the Army and definitely HM the King won't be happy to see blood. So even if he can clear the bridge, he won't stay in power for long with bloody hands and I hope he knows that.

Hope he is not so stupid!

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Translated, this probably means some conciliatory deals have been made by the govt. behind the scenes. Therefore the govt now has a wider mandate for crackdown on the PAD. Presumably the PAD have to a certain extent had the "carpet swept out from under their feet".

Or they feel safe that the military won't do anything. Military has many different groups which may block each other. But thats just my speculation. Another possible reason might be that Mak only tries to scare them, but it is pathetic to believe he can scare Chamlong.

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Latest update:


Only "The Nations' translation of Samaks speach (read full click above):


"I'll take action to remove them from the area. They have been accumulating criminals there. You, all, will have to take responsibility for what you have done. I will not tolerate it and police and soldiers will not tolerate it either," Samak said on TV. "Those who join the rally must pull out and I don't know who the five PAD leaders are," Samak said. "I must speak today instead of speaking during my programme tomorrow because I'll go for a break with them today."

"But where were these people when the constitution was abolished?" Samak asked emotionally.

"Now, they seized roads and marched to surround Government House and embarrassed the country in the eyes of the International Community. They play it hard and try to find fault with me to pressure me to leave office. When they could not find issues to attack me, they cited the old issues during the time of the Thaksin government."

"But the prime minister who is called Samak is also the defence minister. I work with the military commanders and I have good understanding with them," Samak said.


:D does he want to go and talk with them??? He doesn't know who those 5 PAD Leaders are?? Something is wrong here with the translation and/or with him! Makes no sense to me this talk. :o

Edited by nomoretalksin
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Samak vows to use force to end protest

By The Nation

Tension heightened at the rally ground of the People's Alliance for Democracy at the Makkhawan Bridge after Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej announced on TV Saturday that the government may use force to end the demonstration.

Samak made the announcement on NBT Channel in a special live broadcast at 8:50 am.

"I'll take action to remove them from the area. They have been accumulating criminals there. You, all, [PAD leaders] will have to take responsibility for what you have done. I will not tolerate it and police and soldiers will not tolerate it either," Samak said on TV. "Those who join the rally must pull out and I don't know who the five PAD leaders are," Samak said.

"I must speak today instead of speaking during my programme tomorrow because I'll go for a break with them today.

"I will not allow you to this because the country belongs to me and all people."

Samak made the urgent announcement after the PAD announced late Friday night that it had upgraded its goal from opposing charter amendments to campaigning to oust the Samak government.

The PAD said it had to campaign for Samak government's ouster because it regarded the government as being a puppet of the Thaksin regime.

Police apparently briefed up its forces at the bridge while the PAD leaders announced to the demonstrators to get prepared for resisting a possible crackdown.

A PAD leader advised protesters to arm themselves with bags of human excrement and urine to fight off police.

Following Samak's announcement, police briefly scuttled with protesters when they tried to prevent a group of people from joining the rally. They gave in after some 200 protesters came to confront them at the police line.

Samak said the demonstrations at bridge had caused severe damages to the country.

He blamed the PAD for trying to undermine the attempts of his elected government to solve the country's problems.

He said his elected government came to office by contesting the election under the democratic rules and it assumed the office during the time of the economic crisis.

He said he had done a lot as the prime minister and visited several countries but the government critics still accused his government of not doing anything.

Samak said the measures to solve the country's problems were going well until the PAD came out to protest against the plan to amend the Constitution.

"But where were these people when the constitution was abolished?" Samak asked emotionally.

"Now, they seized roads and marched to surround Government House and embarrassed the country in the eyes of the International Community. They play it hard and try to find fault with me to pressure me to leave office. When they could not find issues to attack me, they cited the old issues during the time of the Thaksin government."

He said the protesters were illegally blocking the roads and he thought the protesters were trying to incite the military to stage another coup.

"But the prime minister who is called Samak is also the defence minister. I work with the military commanders and I have good understanding with them … All people know me so who will stage a coup against me?" Samak said.

Samak said the protesters were building up forces like an army.

He said the protesters used rude and abuses to attack the government so he would no longer tolerate the PAD-led protesters.

"As the prime minister, I cannot sit idly by. I am not that good to stand being attacked that severely. They linked me to [former] prime minister Thaksin [shinawatra] and said I am Thaksin's puppet and is about to turn the country into a republic. … What evidences they have to say that I am changing the country to a republic?" Samak said.

He said he had learnt that the protesters armed themselves with baseball clubs. "I don't know whom they will fight with."

"The country needs peace but you, the five PAD leaders, caused disturbances and damages. You have created deep wounds to the country during the past seven days.

He said the five PAD leaders have caused a lot of problems to the country.

"You can demonstrate but don't cause hardship to the people and do not challenge the government," Samak said.

Samak urged the public not to support the rally.

Does that only for me sound like complete nonsense???

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1. http://www.manager.co.th/Home/ViewNews.asp...D=9510000063464


May 31, 2008

BANGKOK - Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej ordered police and soldiers to break up an anti-government protest that has lasted nearly one week.

"You must leave, otherwise police will help you move. I will take all responsibility for the police and military's actions," Samak said in a nationally televised speech.

During a rally late Friday, the protesters vowed to bring down Samak's government which was formed after elections in December.

The protest is organised by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD.

"I will not yield to your demand. Today will be the day. I am tackling the problem today," Samak said.

"I have prepared police and military forces. You must find another place to rally that will not affect or violate other people's rights," he said.

"You must withdraw from that place. It's illegal, and our country needs a peaceful atmosphere," he said, accusing the protest leaders of "inciting unrest."

The protest began in opposition to Samak's drive to amend the 2007 constitution.

His government also came under fire over a speech made by PM's Office Minister Jakrapob Penkair who announced his resignation on Friday.

Samak insisted the protesters were breaking the law by obstructing traffic for a week in the middle of Bangkok's historic district, according to AFP.


2. http://www.bangkokpost.com/breaking_news/b...s.php?id=127918


May 31, 2008

Supreme commander: No plan to use force against protesters yet

Supreme Commander Boonsang Niampradit insisted he has not ordered troops to prepare to use force to disperse supporters of People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) who have gathered at Makawan Rangsit bridge to oppose People Power party's move to amend the constitution. Gen Boonsang's statement came shortly after Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej said police and soldiers will crack down on protesters if they fail to move out of the bridge Saturday. Gen Boonsang said he has not discussed anything with Mr Samak, and that he has been monitoring news about the rally closely. He also said he soldiers have the duty to follow orders, and that they will have to follow the premier's order if he gives one.




May 31, 2008


Thai PM:Government Ready To Use Force To Break Up Bangkok Protests

BANGKOK -(Dow Jones)- Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej said Saturday that the government is ready to take action against street protesters in Bangkok."We have the police and military forces prepared. They (protesters) can gather elsewhere but not on the street that creates problems for the public," Samak said in a special program broadcast on state-owned television channels. The government's plan to rewrite the country's constitution has sparked sometimes violent demonstrations in the capital during the past week. -By the Bangkok Bureau of Dow Jones Newswires (END) Dow Jones Newswires


Copyright © 2008 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


Edited by nomoretalksin
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that's silly it would reinforce Thakin's party for any future elections. As I said above, Thaksin still can, must go to the courts. If this is purged by Samak and co, then the reason might be justified, not before (or if they use exessive violance today). I'm sure some military people are trying to relax him a bit (Samak). Let's hope he has a nice lunch, and changes he's morning ideas. I hope so. They PAD rally would anyhow fade out if not clear 2nd motion would been achieved. Only about 1'500people there now. Why not be patient Samak??

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that's silly it would reinforce Thakin's party for any future elections. As I said above, Thaksin still can, must go to the courts. If this is purged by Samak and co, then the reason might be justified, not before (or if they use exessive violance today). I'm sure some military people are trying to relax him a bit (Samak). Let's hope he has a nice lunch, and changes he's morning ideas. I hope so. They PAD rally would anyhow fade out if not clear 2nd motion would been achieved. Only about 1'500people there now. Why not be patient Samak??

My wife reporting "a lot people"! Where do you have 1.500 from? Sorry that there is no clear information on how many people.

At the moment Samak is doing his best to reinforce the PAD. With patience and sweet talk, some silly promises he would get them fade away. But so he enforce them.

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Interesting to put it all in a bit of context. It seemed yesterday we had the Samak friendly deal of bye bye Mr. "No freedom of speech" and the collapse of the consty ammendment followed by the PAD going home. It all equalled loads more time for the mighty one to continue being PM and solving the couintries problems. Then we had the Chidchobistas announce the sequel to consty ammendment followed by the PAD finding a nice reason to stay out. Any nice little plan scuppered. Im not surprised Samak has gone mad. He is in a very tight spot and maybe factions supporting him dont have the upper hand in the PPP right now. Still rememebeing his previous dalliances with state intervention on demonstrators we should probably be somewhat concerned.

Of course the PAD have the right to demonstrate and any attempt to break them up by force would be undemocratic and woudl probably further wreck Thailands international image and of course the factions of the PPP have the right to put whatever they want before parliament. However, it would be nice if calmer heads prevailed just for once and everyone agreed to take a step back, and put bigger things than their own personal campaigns first. After all there are a bunch of major problems affecting all world wide right now and it isnt really a good isdea to ignore them while politcking.

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Interesting to put it all in a bit of context. It seemed yesterday we had the Samak friendly deal of bye bye Mr. "No freedom of speech" and the collapse of the consty ammendment followed by the PAD going home. It all equalled loads more time for the mighty one to continue being PM and solving the couintries problems. Then we had the Chidchobistas announce the sequel to consty ammendment followed by the PAD finding a nice reason to stay out. Any nice little plan scuppered. Im not surprised Samak has gone mad. He is in a very tight spot and maybe factions supporting him dont have the upper hand in the PPP right now. Still rememebeing his previous dalliances with state intervention on demonstrators we should probably be somewhat concerned.

Of course the PAD have the right to demonstrate and any attempt to break them up by force would be undemocratic and woudl probably further wreck Thailands international image and of course the factions of the PPP have the right to put whatever they want before parliament. However, it would be nice if calmer heads prevailed just for once and everyone agreed to take a step back, and put bigger things than their own personal campaigns first. After all there are a bunch of major problems affecting all world wide right now and it isnt really a good isdea to ignore them while politcking.

I am sure Samak has some tools, don't know what he can do as premier alone? dissolve the parliament? Step down?

Offering them another nice place to rally peacefully.

there are a lot better options for Samak, but well Samak is not known for beeing smart.

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From an AP report:

"I am urging the people to stay away from the rally site as soon as possible as the police and soldiers are preparing to use force to disperse the mobs," Samak said in an unscheduled nationwide television address.

His comments came as rumors flew that Thailand could have its second military coup in two years. Samak's government took power in February after elections meant to restore democracy to Thailand after the military seized power in 2006.

Supreme Military Commander Boonsang Niempradit confirmed the military had been put on standby.

"The armed forces have been ordered to use force to remove the mobs, but at the first stage, police force will do the job and soldiers will help only if police are unable to control the situation," Boonsang told reporters.

Full article at: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jaMyPFZ...GobsFAD910E6KO1

It seems what is being reported locally and internationally about what the military have been told to do is different.

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I am missing a word from the Democrats.

The have no opinion?

I don't understand your comment. Just look for it. Abhisit is in the news blasting the PPP.

ups I missed that! I only heard that he speak about the bad performance of the government. But I did not see something about Samaks speech or the PAD.

Or that they don't want any violence from the government. But I missed it.....

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From an AP report:
"I am urging the people to stay away from the rally site as soon as possible as the police and soldiers are preparing to use force to disperse the mobs," Samak said in an unscheduled nationwide television address.

His comments came as rumors flew that Thailand could have its second military coup in two years. Samak's government took power in February after elections meant to restore democracy to Thailand after the military seized power in 2006.

Supreme Military Commander Boonsang Niempradit confirmed the military had been put on standby.

"The armed forces have been ordered to use force to remove the mobs, but at the first stage, police force will do the job and soldiers will help only if police are unable to control the situation," Boonsang told reporters.

Full article at: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jaMyPFZ...GobsFAD910E6KO1

It seems what is being reported locally and internationally about what the military have been told to do is different.


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Samak means business TODAY and there's - no doubt - that the PAD protesters will be moved from their protest site - one way or another.

Unless Sondthi and/or Chamlong instructs them to disperse peacefully - there will inevitably be trouble - mass arrests at the very minimum - possibly - probably much worse.

Anyone still remaining at the protest site tonight must realise that they will be arrested - perhaps physically attacked by the police - and army if things get really serious -

In short - they are putting their lives at risk - if they continue to ignore Samak's demand to disperse -

So much for the right to assemble and protest peacefully in Thailand!

I'm expecting the police to move in on the protesters sometime around midnight.

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Samak means business TODAY and there's - no doubt - that the PAD protesters will be moved from their protest site - one way or another.

Unless Sondthi and/or Chamlong instructs them to disperse peacefully - there will inevitably be trouble - mass arrests at the very minimum - possibly - probably much worse.

Anyone still remaining at the protest site tonight must realise that they will be arrested - perhaps physically attacked by the police - and army if things get really serious -

In short - they are putting their lives at risk - if they continue to ignore Samak's demand to disperse -

So much for the right to assemble and protest peacefully in Thailand!

I'm expecting the police to move in on the protesters sometime around midnight.

I am not sure if Samak really does it and I am not sure what will happen. Our company will close early as our staff want to go there. (hope I see them again)

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They're getting fed up with hearing the humiliating truth coming out of loudspeakers on the street and tv broadcasts.

This morning's threat will remain just that, a threat.

Tony I sincerely hope you are right, but I have my doubts on this one.

Interesting that it is the supreme commander who keeps getting quoted, where is Gen. Anupong?

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(BangkokPost.com) - People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) vowed Saturday to continue its rallies, even after Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej threatened to use force to break up protest.

Core leader Chamlong Srimuang told protesters who gathered at Makawan Rangsit bridge to be careful if police try to disperse them and that they have the right to protect themselves if the government uses violence against them.

And if the officers use shields to push in, the protesters should set up human walls to counter back, he said.

Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama, meanwhile, said he is confident that the government would not use violent measures against protesters.

He also said he assigned Thai ambassadors to explain to foreigners that the rallies do not affect the stability of the Thai politics.

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They're getting fed up with hearing the humiliating truth coming out of loudspeakers on the street and tv broadcasts.

This morning's threat will remain just that, a threat.

Tony I sincerely hope you are right, but I have my doubts on this one.

Interesting that it is the supreme commander who keeps getting quoted, where is Gen. Anupong?

Do you know on the generals who is who and who stays with which group?

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Sorry guys. Samak isn't calling the PADs bluff. He's serious when he says he will use force TODAY - if necessary - to clear the protesters.

It's goin' to get nasty sometime tonight.

The iron hand will emerge from the velvet glove tonight.

The PADs intransigence - as well as that of Samak's - is a recipe for disaster.

Don't mean to sound alarmist - but I can't see things turning out any other way right now.

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Samak needs to be put away and someone should negotiate with PAD to stop the ptotests.

Unfortunately no one is in control now.

Chamlong needs to be really convinced that Constipation amendment is off the table for a long while - he can't tell his people to pack it up if there's a chance they'll be needed again on Monday.

They should also realise that they can't oust the government altogether, they can only try to influence it, and they have achieved that, or so it seems at the moment.

I think they should try to avoid confrontation by all possible means, at least for couple of days, and then leave on their own terms.

Samak, though, looks dead set on causing mayhem and he is in direct control of the army and police are also not interested in keeping peace.

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The iron hand will emerge from the velvet glove tonight.

Velvet glove? I wouldn't descrive Samak as wearing velvet gloves. Ever.

Boxing gloves?


LATEST - PAD vows to continue rallies despite PM's threat

(BangkokPost.com) - People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) vowed Saturday to continue its rallies, even after Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej threatened to use force to break up protest.

Core leader Chamlong Srimuang told protesters who gathered at Makawan Rangsit bridge to be careful if police try to disperse them and that they have the right to protect themselves if the government uses violence against them.

And if the officers use shields to push in, the protesters should set up human walls to counter back, he said.

Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama, meanwhile, said he is confident that the government would not use violent measures against protesters.

He also said he assigned Thai ambassadors to explain to foreigners that the rallies do not affect the stability of the Thai politics.

May 31, 2008

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