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Ocd Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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Only true slobs don't have SOMEthing that they insist on. Come on...


Having bank notes in my wallet all facing the same way,

If there's a digital display of the volume on ANY device, it has to be an even number or one including a 5, (5, 15, 25 etc)

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:D I wonder how long this thread is going to last with that avatar.

Will it be an even number, or ..... odd .... number?


If there's a digital display of the volume on ANY device, it has to be an even number or one including a 5, (5, 15, 25 etc)

I can relate to that. :o my kitchen TV has to be at either volume 15 or 20 - I start sweating if it's left on 17 for example (slight exaggeration).

I'm OCD king. all my friends and family point it out and I realise it myself.

- the beer labels in the fridge facing the same way.

- the kitchen cloth folded properly over the sink.

- same routine on workdays almost to the minute.

- cleaning the flat in a particular order.

- all my t-shirts/jeans/boxers/towels etc folded exactly the same way.

- angles on numerous household items have to be 'just right'.

etc etc etc.....


My background is in engineering, so I find myself see the world in right angles.

If sitting at a table, I'll line up the napkins with the fork. spoon and even find myself straightening out the tablecloth.

At home my coffee cups have their handles facing the same way.

Beer in the fridge with labels out and lined like little corrupt Thai soldiers.

Even if I see cute feet, they must have their toes all lined up nice and even.

I'm sick, I tell ya.

I need help.



Me especially when I work on computers need everything working perfectly before I can eat, drink, sleep, pee. I'll get going on a build or repair and next thing I know its 8 hours later and I am still at it. I just can't stop until everything is perfectly functioning.

OP is that a pair of bullocks you are using for your avatar or am I seeing things? That or a hairy arse. :o


Notes folded the same way in wallet, clothes folded the same way, books arranged in a sort of Boho fashion, stuff on work desk arranged meticulously, veggies arranged in an attractive way... but it's not an obsession really :o I don't feel bad things will happen if the stuff is not quite the way I want it...

Me especially when I work on computers need everything working perfectly before I can eat, drink, sleep, pee. I'll get going on a build or repair and next thing I know its 8 hours later and I am still at it. I just can't stop until everything is perfectly functioning.

OP is that a pair of bullocks you are using for your avatar or am I seeing things? That or a hairy arse. :o

i beleive the term is <deleted>


Before anyone gets too carried with mislabeling themselves or others with what is, in reality, a very serious illness that is extremely difficult to treat:



A. Either obsessions or compulsions:

Obsessions as defined by (1), (2), (3), and (4):

1. Recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced, at some time during the disturbance, as intrusive and inappropriate and that cause marked anxiety or distress

2. The thoughts, impulses, or images are not simply excessive worries about real-life problems

3. The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts, impulses, or images, or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

4. The person recognizes that the obsessional thoughts, impulses, or images are a product of his or her own mind (not imposed from without as in thought insertion)

Compulsions as defined by (1) and (2):

1. Repetitive behaviors (e.g., hand washing, ordering, checking) or mental acts (e.g., praying, counting, repeating words silently) that the person feels driven to perform in response to an obsession, or according to rules that must be applied rigidly

2. The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event or situation; however, these behaviors or mental acts either are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent or are clearly excessive

OP is that a pair of bullocks you are using for your avatar or am I seeing things? That or a hairy arse. :o

The OP's real name is : C.O. Jones hence the avatar




It's my 'bag' and the avatar should and will be removed forthwith. I was rather tipsy last night when this post was started.

Another of my OCDs is combing my testicle hair clockwise and the anticlockwise on alternate days of the week.

That was a lie.


OP is that a pair of bullocks you are using for your avatar or am I seeing things? That or a hairy arse. :o

i beleive the term is <deleted>

looks like "fly's eyes" to me. :D


So many things here that I can relate to. Apart from using my own gonads as an avatar, that is...

Yep, the beer labels. All labels, actually. Clothes folded the same way in drawers and hung the same way in the wardrobe. Also, fresh keks have to go to the bottom of the pile. Same with shirts in the wardrobe; they go the extreme left. I can relate to the "angles" post as well. Whenever I put anything on a table, worktop etc, it has to line-up with something.

Oh God, I could go on for another half an hour but I don't know if I'd have the nerve to click "Add Reply". Lets put it this way, I know where all of my posessions are and most of my wife's, too. She's always losing things and then it's "Have you seen my _____?" Strange sort of role-reversal in our place... :o


I was my hands like 100 times a day. Each time after I've touched something from outside I feel like my hands are contaminated and I have to wash them.


I'm obsessively compulsed to read TV does that count? (Nah I actually do it when multitasking at work).

At home all the shoes have to be tidy and pointing in the right direction,the toilet seat has to be down,the plants arranged a certain way,same goes for the fridge,sock draw,undies,but that's just good organizational skills not compusive.(I hope)

I am obsessed with stubbing out smouldering cigarettes however.Not mine since I quit.


Same same re the notes in the wallet. Facing same way, 20's first, 50's next etc. Also, loose change on the bedside table in neat piles of five coins in each. Left leg into clothes first, left foot into sock (not often over here, thank God) then again left first into shoe. Always shave right side of face first and toothbrush must always be green or predominantly so. Have to say though, that some of this is just habit built up over the years. I know the earth isn't going to crash around my ears if I don't do these things.

But why push your luck? :o:D


Hmmmm hubby is obsessed with changing clothes as soon as he gets home.Very good opportunity to rape him then.

OK we've had Bird flu and SARS over here he also can't stand anybody touching the children as Chinese are obsessed with any foreign looking babies.Washing hands is just commonsense especially if you live in Asia.


:o Off topic but I know that Momo8 likes to tell everyone what a sex maniac she is (see Ladies) but to say you 'rape' your husband... you are OTT

Back on topic... I find that in times of stress OCD activities get stronger - it's a way of distracting your mind I suppose...

:o Off topic but I know that Momo8 likes to tell everyone what a sex maniac she is (see Ladies) but to say you 'rape' your husband... you are OTT

Back on topic... I find that in times of stress OCD activities get stronger - it's a way of distracting your mind I suppose...

Hahaha who me?Bite your tongue young woman and there's nothing wrong with being compulsed to rape hubby when he's changing clothes.It's my wedding anniversary tomorrow too.Wish me well.I don't think he's got much chance of getting dressed much less undressed.

Yep you guessed it though Seonai,I'm a compulsive seductress,no cure.


What can I say, you guys and gals have just described me to the tee.

Some claim that we suffer from (hopefully a mild form of) Aspberger's syndrom, which, as far as know, is in itself a (mild?) form of autism.

But this, if you have read my previous posts, should not come as a surprise.


I had a roommate in college that had a sheet of paper on which he had drawn pictures of all of his clothes. He assigned each one a number/letter and when he would wear them, he would put a little "1" next to the picture. Then when he would wash them, he would put a "0" next to it. He had a calendar next to it, where he would write down the letters/numbers of each piece of clothing he wore that day. He could go back for years and tell you exactly what he was wearing on a given day.

After taking off the shoes when entering the apartment, my wife seals up each pair of shoes into a white grocery bag prior to putting them on the rack.

:o Off topic but I know that Momo8 likes to tell everyone what a sex maniac she is (see Ladies) but to say you 'rape' your husband... you are OTT

Back on topic... I find that in times of stress OCD activities get stronger - it's a way of distracting your mind I suppose...

Hahaha who me?Bite your tongue young woman and there's nothing wrong with being compulsed to rape hubby when he's changing clothes.It's my wedding anniversary tomorrow too.Wish me well.I don't think he's got much chance of getting dressed much less undressed.

Yep you guessed it though Seonai,I'm a compulsive seductress,no cure.


And there was me, thinking what a charming, sweet, innocent young lady you were. Well...

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