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Farang Victims ?


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So many threads on this Forum are about how hard done by Farangs are in Thailand.

Thai women are no good, Thai men are no good, Thai Police are no good, Thai governments are no good, Thai visa laws are no good, Thai Taxi drivers are no good, Thais are lazy, Thais are drunks, Thais hate Farangs etc etc etc.......................

Ain't anybody got anything good to say ?

I doubt that many of you are held in Thailand against your will, so why the suffering, why the torment, why be miserable in Thailand ?

Miserable men are not very attractive to the opposite sex, yet I hear complaints how these young girls only want your money, what do you expect ? :o

I very much doubt that your motive for moving to Thailand was to spend the rest of your lives miserable, so why suffer ?

If you have the funds you don't have to be miserable in Thailand, those with no choices are different.

Thais have to put up with Thailand everyday cos they are Thai, you lot don't. :D

Edited by Maigo6
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Good one,

I could go on and on but will try to limit myself.

This is a foreign country for any non-Thai nationality. Thais have been doing things their way for centuries, who are we to try to change that, have we done such a great job in our own countries? Are there no prostitutes, pickpockets, gangsters, pimps, drunks, smokers, bad taxi drivers, scammers, rapists, etc. etc. in our home countries. What makes people say that Thailand is uncivilized ? Is it so much better in the west? I for one read my local western newspaper online everyday. Wow, makes Pattaya look like heaven on earth.

Enough said I love my life here in Thailand (19 years already).



Edited by onzestan
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So many threads on this Forum are about how hard done by Farangs are in Thailand.

Thai women are no good, Thai men are no good, Thai Police are no good, Thai governments are no good, Thai visa laws are no good, Thai Taxi drivers are no good, Thais are lazy, Thais are drunks, Thais hate Farangs etc etc etc.......................

Ain't anybody got anything good to say ?

I doubt that many of you are held in Thailand against your will, so why the suffering, why the torment, why be miserable in Thailand ?

Thais have to put up with Thailand everyday cos they are Thai, you lot don't. :o

If you would't care about something, you wouldn't complain about it.

Check expat forums from other countries, even within Europe, and you'll find the same complaint patterns.

Back home we complain about everything, football, taxes, politics, the weather, the women. It means involvement rather than dissatisfaction. It's in our genes. And believe me: Thais complain as well, but just not in our faces.

Personal question: why does all this bitching and moaning bother you? Don't you find it amusing, and in some cases valid?

Edited by KireB
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Good one,

I could go on and on but will try to limit myself.

This is a foreign country for any non-Thai nationality. Thais have been doing things their way for centuries, who are we to try to change that, have we done such a great job in our own countries? Are there no prostitutes, pickpockets, gangsters, pimps, drunks, smokers, bad taxi drivers, scammers, rapists, etc. etc. in our home countries. What makes people say that Thailand is uncivilized ? Is it so much better in the west? I for one read my local western newspaper online everyday. Wow, makes Pattaya look like heaven on earth.

Enough said I love my life here in Thailand (19 years already).



Perhaps these miserable people should try a change in lifestyle and location. Thailand is a wonderful country with lots of loving and friendly people. 2 cities within the kingdom in particular that remind me of a human sesspit are Bangkok and Pattaya, For me there is nothing nice about these 2 places, they are rife with crime and the dregs of the worlds societies. No wonder your all so grumpy. Break outta there chaps!

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Personal question: why does all this bitching and moaning bother you? Don't you find it amusing, and in some cases valid?

Why ni

It don't bother me in the slightest, it's just a Topic on a Forum. :D

Yes, it's amusing at times cos it's all so self inflicted!

Gotta laugh at that. :o

P.S. I'll agree with you about Farangs moaning about their own countries, I'm a Brit and am certainly not immune to a moan. ( Did you notice ) ?

I moan about the moaners. :D

Edited by Maigo6
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Moving to to Thailand didn't give you the right to tell others what is acceptable to say or think.

If you don't like what people say in a post - Don't read it.

It's just a Topic on a Forum.

Nothing personal.

And if you don't like what I say in my posts, don't read them. :o

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To want to only read positive, heart-warming and life-affirming posts on TV is, pardon me for saying so, a trifle naive. Yeah, I know what you mean and I agree; it can get a little wearing sometimes. But, like you said, we all like a moan now and then and why should this forum be any different? The way I see it, we're all a bunch of people from all over the world from all sorts of backgrounds, all different ages, etc, etc. The only thing we all have in common is that we all live, have lived or are planning to live in Thailand. Given that huge diversity it's hardly surprising that most of us have a grumble now and then. Anyway, I often like to read the "moaning" posts if only to see the reaction from the "Thailand-is-heaven-on-earth" brigade. They will not tolerate anything that puts even a teensy speck of dust on their highly-burnished dream.

As for me, I fully expected life to have its ups and downs when I arrived. I knew that there would be aspects of living here, or anywhere new, that would annoy me to the max and so it has proved. But as long as there are more reasons to stay than to go, I shall remain.

Oh, and moan now and then, I expect. :o

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I like riding my bike in the sun, with my sinsod free pretty Thai girlfriend. :D

I also like following the news, there's always something to moan about! Night and day.

Love it!!!

Good for you KB............ :D

Though the cynics may say she is biding her time cos she is planning the long term scam, and sunshine will give you skin cancer or the wrinkly prune effect in later years.

Yep, always something to moan about, you're right. :o

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So many threads on this Forum are about how hard done by Farangs are in Thailand.

Thai women are no good, Thai men are no good, Thai Police are no good, Thai governments are no good, Thai visa laws are no good, Thai Taxi drivers are no good, Thais are lazy, Thais are drunks, Thais hate Farangs etc etc etc.......................

Ain't anybody got anything good to say ?

ok ok i,m convinced, i,m outa here.. if you were an old soldeir, you,d know .. when the troops are moaning they,re happy. makes sence to me.

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So many threads on this Forum are about how hard done by Farangs are in Thailand.

Thai women are no good, Thai men are no good, Thai Police are no good, Thai governments are no good, Thai visa laws are no good, Thai Taxi drivers are no good, Thais are lazy, Thais are drunks, Thais hate Farangs etc etc etc.......................

Ain't anybody got anything good to say ?

I doubt that many of you are held in Thailand against your will, so why the suffering, why the torment, why be miserable in Thailand ?

Miserable men are not very attractive to the opposite sex, yet I hear complaints how these young girls only want your money, what do you expect ? :o

I very much doubt that your motive for moving to Thailand was to spend the rest of your lives miserable, so why suffer ?

If you have the funds you don't have to be miserable in Thailand, those with no choices are different.

Thais have to put up with Thailand everyday cos they are Thai, you lot don't. :D

When we were, my (thaï) wife and me, living in France, I heard everyday critics about France.

So maybe criticize a country where you do not belong is a human feature, no ?

What's interesting is that, when in Thaïland for holidays, the same critic was extatic about how good France was ...

I witnessed the exact opposite about Poland by natives, a total abjection when "outside", such a good place when "inside".

Human beings are a complicated species ...

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ok ok i,m convinced, i,m outa here.. if you were an old soldeir, you,d know .. when the troops are moaning they,re happy. makes sence to me.

Now that is true. :o When they're all sweetness and light (not often) or eager to please (even less often) you can bet your life that something's up...

Anyway, if the forum was all good news, the members would start to drift away. Like the apocryphal newspaper that only printed happy stories and went bust within the week.

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Most farang in Thailand have a great life that is much better than they could have back home.

By pointing out what is 'wrong' with Thailand and the possible solution forum users are suggesting a means to make it even better.

Nothing wrong with pointing out shortcomings in paradise imo.

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The grass is always greener on the other side.

I am off to London next week for some business and I can't wait. I have been in Thailand for 5 months and it has been a mixed bag.

I am looking forward to the stuff I longed to be away from like rain, wrapping up and walking, wearing more than a shirt etc. I have no doubt that at the end of the fortnight I will be longing for the sun and all the things that I will miss in Bangkok.

Moaning on a forum seems to me an excellent and safe way to get out of your system all the frustrations that this lovely/mad/crazy/terrible country produces.

Now I am off to sit in the garden with a coffee and a book. I could not do that in London! You see I can't win! :o

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Most farang in Thailand have a great life that is much better than they could have back home.

By pointing out what is 'wrong' with Thailand and the possible solution forum users are suggesting a means to make it even better.

Nothing wrong with pointing out shortcomings in paradise imo.

I like your post.

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Most farang in Thailand have a great life that is much better than they could have back home.

By pointing out what is 'wrong' with Thailand and the possible solution forum users are suggesting a means to make it even better.

Nothing wrong with pointing out shortcomings in paradise imo.

I like your post.

I like your avatar. Always makes me smile.

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Perhaps these miserable people should try a change in lifestyle and location. Thailand is a wonderful country with lots of loving and friendly people. 2 cities within the kingdom in particular that remind me of a human sesspit are Bangkok and Pattaya, For me there is nothing nice about these 2 places, they are rife with crime and the dregs of the worlds societies. No wonder your all so grumpy. Break outta there chaps!

Bangkok and Pattaya "cesspits''?? Sorry, I'm not trolling but what a load of b*ll*cks. There is plenty nice about them but nobody is saying they are perfect.

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I doubt that many of you are held in Thailand against your will, so why the suffering, why the torment, why be miserable in Thailand ?

The only thing causing me to suffer is living with my Thai mother-in-law for 3 years and it does indeed torment me greatly :D Hoping to rectify that situation very soon so I will then transfer to the "Thailand-is-heaven-on-earth" brigade :D That is until I live in the big city for a week and feel the need to beetch and moan about all the pollution, all the scams and all the infernal farangs hanging about the place :o

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I like that most Thai people share their food, are happy to have guests and live for the moment (even though this can be a bit stupid sometimes but usually its great). I also like the food, the weather and that the whole country is more chaotic. If I would be single I would add the crowd of girls who is fun to play with as well.

Living in downtown Bkk s#cks in my opinion (did that for two years) but now live in Nonthaburi and its just great!

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So many threads on this Forum are about how hard done by Farangs are in Thailand.

Thai women are no good, Thai men are no good, Thai Police are no good, Thai governments are no good, Thai visa laws are no good, Thai Taxi drivers are no good, Thais are lazy, Thais are drunks, Thais hate Farangs etc etc etc.......................

Ain't anybody got anything good to say ?

I doubt that many of you are held in Thailand against your will, so why the suffering, why the torment, why be miserable in Thailand ?

Miserable men are not very attractive to the opposite sex, yet I hear complaints how these young girls only want your money, what do you expect ? :o

I very much doubt that your motive for moving to Thailand was to spend the rest of your lives miserable, so why suffer ?

If you have the funds you don't have to be miserable in Thailand, those with no choices are different.

Thais have to put up with Thailand everyday cos they are Thai, you lot don't. :D

MMM, well for me i think its memory failure ,.well what i mean is we sometimes forget all those horrible things we didnt like about our home country,and maybe become complacent and used to being here, i suffer from it, i lived in canada for years, i got really homesick for country pubs, the winding lanes of devon, the fox and hounds on a sunday morning ,ah the bliss, when in reality i was back 3 months realised the country pubs were all 30 quid a meal restuarants , the fox and hounds are banned and tractors and trailors are flinging shit all over the roads and it rains every day! ,.,so we are our own worst enemy, i actually started thinking about my ex wife the other day, i couldnt for the life of me remember why we got divorced !, no dont worry im not going back there !,..i was actually only today thinking of starting a thread called " do you remember your first trip to thailand " i thought it might jog some memories and bring back a few smiles to the grumpies ( me included ) :D although we are going back but i am under no illusion about it ,,will i return to thailand? who knows, maybe my memory will improve,. Edited by mikethevigoman
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Ain't anybody got anything good to say ?

For sure. When I am riding around Phuket on my scooter, the jungle on one side the beaches and the blue seas on the other, I feel glad to be alive and privilaged to be in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

If you have the funds you don't have to be miserable in Thailand, those with no choices are different.

I wouldn't say I was miserable at all but sometimes being in Thailand feels like being in a war zone or a gangster movie. As you say I have choices so I am seriously considering taking my Thai GF to the safe haven of Singapore and just popping back to Pookers occasionally. We neither of us want to be victims of whatever skin colour.

However I really admire all you folk for staying in Thailand, which is after all a difficult thing to do, and contributing to it. Trying to make it a little better.

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Good one,

I could go on and on but will try to limit myself.

This is a foreign country for any non-Thai nationality. Thais have been doing things their way for centuries, who are we to try to change that, have we done such a great job in our own countries? Are there no prostitutes, pickpockets, gangsters, pimps, drunks, smokers, bad taxi drivers, scammers, rapists, etc. etc. in our home countries. What makes people say that Thailand is uncivilized ? Is it so much better in the west? I for one read my local western newspaper online everyday. Wow, makes Pattaya look like heaven on earth.

Enough said I love my life here in Thailand (19 years already).



Perhaps these miserable people should try a change in lifestyle and location. Thailand is a wonderful country with lots of loving and friendly people. 2 cities within the kingdom in particular that remind me of a human sesspit are Bangkok and Pattaya, For me there is nothing nice about these 2 places, they are rife with crime and the dregs of the worlds societies. No wonder your all so grumpy. Break outta there chaps!

GOOD POST But gee where would they go to find easy pickings ? Since all they how to do is drink and have sex. Lord forbide that they take a Thai women on a date without trying to get into her pants.

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