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I know without that emotional bond it wouldn't happen but are women prone to this kind of behaviour?

Yes - if they are lucky, and at different times in their lives.

*added: A noticeable intensity usually hits women somewhere around the late 20s/early 30s mark, whether she's with the right partner or not. But when that is combined with the right partner - whew - you can understand why female sexuality has threatened entire civilizations over the ages, lol. Afterwards, the intensity doesn't really lessen, just the dire urgency, :o so we can afford to be a lot more picky.

Hmmm, having just come out/still in my first I would say massively sexually based relationship I would say I have definitely had a revelation! Before I never really considered myself a sexual person - probably if I am honest because of my early experiences with sex (didn't want to wait for the right person, jumped into one night stands when I was no way near mature enough to deal with them etc). I then had a boyfriend of 4 years - my first at 19 - who I loved dearly but never really had that spark with. Thing was is that I was dying for him all along to just take control but could never articulate it and so we just floated along, neither of us saying what we really wanted. After that I began to take a bit more control over my sexuality - trying not to just fall in to drunken one night flings and instead respect myself a bit more (sorry going all Oprah). It worked as well! Since I have had some very good relationships and my enjoyment of sex was just getting better. That was until I met the lust of my life who I have had a crazily brilliant sex life with, and also a great friendship (the required emotional bond), but who I am never going to be together with in month of sundays. Now though I have the problem of how to extricate myself from the situation to allow me to actually find a real life boyfriend - I just cannot imagine ever having the same spark with someone else, having never had it before!

But whatever happens I am so pleased to have found out that I do like sex, I do have a libido and that some people do find me wildly sexy! Since having this relationship, I seem to have much more confidence in myself. I find when I do go out now I don't feel the need to go home with someone, I can get the same feeling of satisfaction from flirting. I also live here in a pretty small community which makes rapant sexual behaviour impossible if you want to maintain any level of respect. Anyways it's comforting to know that at 26 I am just at the start of my sexual peak!

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I know nothing about sex because I was always married.

--Zsa Zsa Gabor :o

Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have. It's much sexier than any body part.

‎--Aimee Mullins

Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.

‎--Billy Crystal

Any piece of clothing can be sexy with a quietly passionate woman inside it.


Edited by zaza
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Hey, I see what you mean, Seonai!

As Kat said, women have a spell in their lives in the late twenties, early thirties where, apparently, they hit their physical sexual peak. Men hit theirs at around eighteen to twenty, thank you very much Mother Nature. It's a bit like education being wasted on the young. My recollections of sex at that age are akin to that of an unguided missile; plenty of energy but precious little experience or technique. A winning smile can only get you so far...

The gratifying news is, however, that getting older really does have its compensations. And I always thought my parents just said that to reassure themselves! Confidence and experience make up for the passing years and sex now is streets ahead of my youthful efforts. My Thai wife is 26 now and without going into too many details, yep, she comes home for lunch nearly every day and we invariably are otherwise engaged while the food cools in the kitchen. We've been together now for about two years and no sign of slowing down yet, I'm happy to say.

So you're not the only ones, Momo8!

Keep up the good work. :o

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Well the thread title will certainly get plenty of views!

In my 'youth' when I was up to everything and everything, I would not have believed that sex in my 40s could be so much better than anything I ever had in my late teens and twenties - but it is. I do however think that being in a stable loving relationship with my wife of 18 years makes a huge difference. Okay, the frequency is less but the enjoyment is more. Sex just gets better and better, I just hope it doesn't get much better than now as I don't think I'll be able to cope! :o

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To all of you girls that wanna do something different, please reply.

LOL it's not a pick up thread.OR a sex addicts thread,and monogamy is just a piece of wood to some I realise,I'm talking about sex with just one partner

Edited by Momo8
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I lerk before. Now I write.

My Thai g/f very horney

When we share house first I say we boom boom everyday 3 times evryday certain. ching ching.

I worry she like Euro klady who boom boom plenty first then later no can. no want. too much too much.

Now I want rest, she want boom boom evryday everyday 3 times. II want rest.

Euro lady no want boom after marry. Thai lady want boom boom more.

Poor you...

I heard from a Thai man that if a lady likes sex too much Thai people don't do like it. He said it's their culture, I say it's balls.. Enjoy life on every level as much as you can. If three times is too much for you just tell her, take her out more, keep her occupied or something..! :o

The (Thai) wife and I have been married almost 5 years now, 2 kids, a lot of stress and almost everything else you can think of that would kill sex-drive.

She would still have sex 2 or 3 times a day if I was up to it! (n.b. I'm not that old!)

I have to agree with agoo... (and I'm beginning to sympathise with Euro ladies who have headaches!)

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Well, it'll probably sound corny but I reckon the best way to ensure years of rewarding nooky is to approach it as you would any other aspect of a long-term relationship i.e. study the other person's needs and put them first. Lets face it, you only get out what you're prepared to put in. If you see what I mean... :o

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Well, it'll probably sound corny but I reckon the best way to ensure years of rewarding nooky is to approach it as you would any other aspect of a long-term relationship i.e. study the other person's needs and put them first. Lets face it, you only get out what you're prepared to put in. If you see what I mean... :o

Hahaha Mick is that pun intended?Must be just my dirty mind then.

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Well, it'll probably sound corny but I reckon the best way to ensure years of rewarding nooky is to approach it as you would any other aspect of a long-term relationship i.e. study the other person's needs and put them first. Lets face it, you only get out what you're prepared to put in. If you see what I mean... :o

Hahaha Mick is that pun intended?Must be just my dirty mind then.

Yeah, it was a bit, Momo8 and I just knew you'd leap on it. Hang on, that's another... :D

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5555555! Mai pen rai kap! :o

"If I get banned" What do you know that I don't? :D

Have I finally got it? ha ha ha ha ha - right? I am a leeeeeetle slllllloooooooowwwww at times....

It's ok, mssabai; you're not the only one. I only twigged the other day. You could almost hear the penny drop... :D

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We've had an enlightening thread about men being ruled by their pensis so from my perspective how often do you girls need to do it?Do you enjoy sex and if so how often is considered normal?

I'm pondering this on my second wedding anniversary as I'm a confessed addict.My husband has two hour lunches when he sneaks back for a quickie and I've been in situations with him where we'd message each other and meet up for a hottie whatever the other was doing at the time.I know without that emotional bond it wouldn't happen but are women prone to this kind of behaviour?

WOW! you caught my EYE!! :o

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If any of you girls feel that your urge is not satisified then feel free to PM me and maybe i will help you out, please note i dolike a european chest...

Ha ha ha - well I am afraid I won't be pm'ing you because the disappointment on your face would just be too much to bear!

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this isn't a dating website & I think topics like this are unable to be conducted without them deteriorating. Bedlam really is the best place for this kind sexual discussion, so I will close this now.

Cheers for the mammories :o

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