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Thunderstruck By Beauty


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all the posts encouraging infidelity are astounding to me. if you are TRULY happy with your current partner, why would you seek another? this whole mia noi/gig thing is a THAI thing so i dont understand why western men feel that they have to take part.

i dont want to turn this into yet another western Vs thai thing (boring), but why cant men (of any race) just be happy with the one partner?

lets hope that the original girlfriend who you 'love' doesnt have a sharp knife or scissors nearby when she finds out.

donna, I beg to differ: mistresses, girlfriends, bits on the side, affairs, **** buddies exist all around the world it is not just a Thai thing.

Good luck to the OP, may you reap as you sow.


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all the posts encouraging infidelity are astounding to me. if you are TRULY happy with your current partner, why would you seek another? this whole mia noi/gig thing is a THAI thing so i dont understand why western men feel that they have to take part.

i dont want to turn this into yet another western Vs thai thing (boring), but why cant men (of any race) just be happy with the one partner?

lets hope that the original girlfriend who you 'love' doesnt have a sharp knife or scissors nearby when she finds out.

It's true, all men are pathelogical sex sluts and never satified. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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all the posts encouraging infidelity are astounding to me. if you are TRULY happy with your current partner, why would you seek another? this whole mia noi/gig thing is a THAI thing so i dont understand why western men feel that they have to take part.

i dont want to turn this into yet another western Vs thai thing (boring), but why cant men (of any race) just be happy with the one partner?

lets hope that the original girlfriend who you 'love' doesnt have a sharp knife or scissors nearby when she finds out.

Dear Donna,

Testosterone is a powerful hormone that drives males (not all) into a f(br)eeding frenzy when there are females that appeal to them around. It's already been said that this is not unique to Thailand, it exists throughtout the world.

I personally have managed to control this drive and managed to remain married to my wife for the past 27 years. Not the same one mind you, in fact there have been 4 of them. My wives have all loved me dearly being the loveable guy that I am. And I still love all of them even though I don't see 2 of them anymore. My girlfriends don't mind that I have a wife, and my wife doesn't know that I have girlfriends so it all works out very nicely.

Males of all species have this insatiable urge to propogate their species. Not that I am turned on by cattle or sheep but at times I envy bulls and rams that can service 30 or so females in a single day. Lucky, lucky bustards.

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perhaps the difference is that in the west, its hidden and if discovered, the 'cheater' is made to feel like crap. in thailand (or should i say asia?) the man is seen as some sort of hero if his infidelity is discovered.

you can go and tell me that men are meant to 'spread their seed' all you like, but i dont buy it. its nothing to do with spreading your seed, because if each girl you played up with became pregnant, you wouldnt be at all happy about it. most of you would crap yourself if you found out that your past conquests had all fell pregnant. so, you DONT want to spread your seed at all.

its all about satisfaction.

perhaps, just perhaps, if you communicated with your partners a bit better, you may actually get that satisfaction and variety at home?

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My wives have all loved me dearly being the loveable guy that I am. And I still love all of them even though I don't see 2 of them anymore. My girlfriends don't mind that I have a wife, and my wife doesn't know that I have girlfriends so it all works out very nicely.

You're a veritable Mr. Congeniality . . . but we knew that.

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Aw guys, gals, it is all beautiful, IMHO.

Aside from the valid concerns of donna re: your current girlfriend/partner.....which I have some concerns about myself (as may many others) I still find it refreshing that for once, just once in our humble little provincial town we can have a home-grown farang romantic poet, not perfectly conversant in English, but still most appreciate of that wonderful being known as the Female.

I lift my glass in toast.

But, harrruuuuumph, hum, sputter.....yadda yadda.

Let's try to keep the commentary and speculation and verbage concerning this on-going saga on a civil and gracious plane.


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Crikey and they closed my thread down.What's the world coming to?

ShortTimer why not buy the book 'Dating for Dummies' or what about 'How To Cheat on your Current GF?' see if they've got it in the electronics shop on DVD.Seriously though,you have a girlfriend and you want a bit on the side and with your limited English you are trying to take in all this advice is any of this making sense?.....Because to many people here at your age this is just too adolescent and silly but sure good entertainment value.

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Something happen here - very nice. Thank you.

I start this only thinking I say what I want to get. I not think I get "social discussion with world"

But it is fun - yah!

First I give hint, but too difficult hint I hope.

She work at big electronics shop. Not small mother and father shop.( So I am sorry cannot buy shop and impress her like this).

One more hint. She wear company jacket. Not too easy to know her for you I think. Maybe 500 girls in 15 big-shops near chiang mai. So that is enough, because sure I don't want you to know her. Or me too, sure!!!

I know too many more Homo Erectus out there. I know I not the only one! And she is beauty!


But true - thank you for serious ideas about this. Is not easy.

Someone ask I want gig or mia noi. Is hard to be her friend. and I not married, so second wife before first one is too much!

Also I not Thai, so words "gig" and "mia noi" not give me full meaning to me.

Someone here use word "fxxkbuddy" We have same word like this in my country. Maybe is too rude, but I think about this, and I think this word say what give me meaning for me.

So I thinking a lot for last 2 days, sure. What do I want? Do I feel bad I have girlfriend too? Is it safe?

Donna, you say "all the posts encouraging infidelity are astounding to me. if you are TRULY happy with your current partner, why would you seek another?"

To Donna (and some other people too - sure), I say sorry you astounded. I think you never understand or like what I saying.

And I sorry also to say because you not like knowing this too - many many many men thinking one way or other like me too. Is not fair, and not everything ok with testosterone and all. And most men not wanting to hurt other people but... so many men always thinking this. It is curse in way, but it is fantastic too.

Donna, you say it true too - "its all about satisfaction". But no, I not think all the communication in world with my-lovely-loving-girlfriend-who-I-love would stop my feeling what I feeling since two days ago - after seeing this sexy-beauty.

So - true speaking? OK. YES. SURE. If there is way to have "bit on side" with woman who make my groin feel ache just because i look at her, then "yes" I want it. I see many beautys here, but I not reacting to so many woman this way before in my life. I fantasy about her so strong I have to stop my motorbike on side of road - true 100% true.

And this is country where can happen. Is possible she know I have girlfriend, and just choose to go for Farang for fun too -even if she have Thai boyfriend. I know this. I meet girls here few times who just want some fun - no money no commiting. So if my sexy-perfect woman come together with sexy Thai freedom, and no commit, and she know I have girlfriend and not care and and and

I don't know how to finish sentence. I stop breath while I writing it - true!

Right or wrong I want it?


I tell you something now. Is hard to write for me like this. I know English well, but say what I saying is difficult. (And sometimes I see my mistake, and not care - too much work to make it only little bit better English - too bad!)

Back to other reality.

Yes I am electronic fetish too. And is true I have toys that using batteries! But I innocent when I go in shop first time. Just to look at Walkman mp3, and she is girl who help me. Lucky?

(Someone think my best "picking up line" is "How much is little Sony please".

Sure I stupid, but I not idiot! Ha!)

I say almost nothing and try not to look her too much, and we only together under 2 minute, but I think she know I feel her.

About first real connection to her in future?

Puwa say so well - problems with work-friends, public place people seeing everything, old stupid farang, language. I like you saying about careful showing as "man of means" - buy something - this very smart!

This why I say before I asking about strategy! I know at beginning if I just ask her out, she say no - sure.

But I have time here. Next week I go back to the shop. After thinking this for one week!

(I think I have bath first this time. And I needing more hair too - but cannot fix this one).

And no I not really speak Thai, and she not really speak English (or other language too).

Bill97 said "Buy her anything and it will be wrong.If she is half the woman you think she is then many men have tried to buy her with gifts before and she knows what that means."

This is also good serious answer - but also maybe she know what it means, and like it!

And to Mr mcgriffith, who call me a poet (and other bad names too), thank you - is first time someone say this about me.

So I say again, this is hard work! And I not going to the shop again until next week. But later I am happy to tell what happens next. Thank you,



ps blues musician I would love to be. But would love rock musician more. Yesterday I quote from great Foghat song. I give you more of same (is slow hard driving rock beat - little bit like sex sometime!)

I don't want you, cook my bread,

I don't want you, make my bed,

I don't want your money too,

I just wanna make love to you.

I don't want you, be no slave,

I don't want you, work all day,

I don't want you to be sad and blue,

I just wanna make love to you.

I can tell by the way that you baby talk,

I can see by the way that you switch and walk,

I can tell by the way that you treat your man,

But I could love you baby, it's a cryin' shame.

I don't want you, wash my clothes,

I don't want you, keep a home,

I don't want you to be true,

I just wanna make love to you.


ps Best hamburger? - mine - when I am mixing beef and sheep and cooking myself.

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:o Keep it up ShortTimer this is just getting too funny!

Man if you are for real good luck and all the best to the gf,if you are shiteiing us you're one of the best trolls around.

Thunderstruck by beauty my foot.And they say men are ruled by their d**ks haha you should read that thread you may learn something.

Edited by Momo8
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Hello borat :D ...............sorry i called you that but the way you write is in a very borat style :D

actually your command of english aint that bad considering your from kazhakstan :o

keep us informed on what happens as your becoming famous or infamous on this forum......but we have to wait a week till you go back!!

i think you have been given some very good advice and it seems your not a troll ....your just funny.where are you originally from?

my real advice is ...not to embarass her at work as her co workers could make it impossible for her to say yes or show interest...also they might tell her boyfriend,shes bound to have one if shes that nice.

you say you really are crazy about her but you dont know her personality but ok you only really want to <deleted> her...correct??? so maybe might be worth being direct and saying to her that you want to sleep with her for 10000 baht or thereabouts :D ,obviously dont say in front of her coworkers or anyone else....she might be tempted if the price is high enough and then you might be able to get her regularly and drop the price as she knows you more. job done.

personally i think you got too much testosterone running around your veins(you did say your hair was thin/thinning.......a well known side effect of too much testosterone!!)....perhaps a doctor could give you some meds that will calm you down....youre like a dog on heat.

i dont fancy your chances on this one sunshine as you dont sound like your in your prime and not rich enough to impress her so maybe the direct approach might help you achieve your goal on this one.good luck.

to donna ......i dont wanna change the main topic of this thread but to explain a few things.....yes it would be nice if guys could stay faithful etc but it really aint in our genes.if you had the same amount of testosterone as us then you would have different attitude.....infact i know some girls that are worse than guys in the faithfull dept ...maybe they have more testosterone than the average bird.....who knows....... but it could be worse..be grateful you were born in this era as you sure wouldnt like to be back in the caveman days ,evolution has brought about a lower level of test although there are still some caveman levels to be found....ask shortimer,actually thats unfair as at least hes trying in a sort of respectful way to get in her knickers.its hard to explain to girls why men are different but just remember we cant help the way we think,same as you cant......womens hormones make a lot of the way you think about things and do things :D

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Thanks a lot for your entertaining and refreshing posts. It's a welcome change after all those boring threads about hamburgers, booze and T bone steacks.

You're a poet. She will fall for you.

I am sorry - this is actually first time I am called poet!

And thank you for good confidence . She will fall for me!

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Thanks a lot for your entertaining and refreshing posts. It's a welcome change after all those boring threads about hamburgers, booze and T bone steacks.

You're a poet. She will fall for you.

I am sorry - this is actually first time I am called poet!

And thank you for good confidence . She will fall for me!

i didnt think you wanted her to fall for you .....you stated you wanted a "gig" or a "bit on the side".good luck funny man

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So what happened to the Leyland?

SO much fuss about 1 bloke who cant keep his pecker in his pants?

We are all into tabloids aren't we?

Mmmmmmmmmm, tabloids are almost identical to car magazines...it all comes down to what turns you on........

And uptill now " the bloke" did keep his pecker in his pants and desperately trying to change that...... But as he stated " she will fall for me"......And i am sure he will tell us the detailssszzz. :o

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So what happened to the Leyland?

SO much fuss about 1 bloke who cant keep his pecker in his pants?

We are all into tabloids aren't we?

Mmmmmmmmmm, tabloids are almost identical to car magazines...it all comes down to what turns you on........

And uptill now " the bloke" did keep his pecker in his pants and desperately trying to change that...... But as he stated " she will fall for me"......And i am sure he will tell us the detailssszzz. :D

Not into cars, so cant say.

I am haunted by 1 sentence he wrote - "I feel her like animal."

I keep wondering how my wife would react, on a non bar day (exclude the possibility of being pissed), if I were to say to her "I feel you like animal".

Actually, I might just try that line. Life is short, shock people you love. :o

PS - If you never hear from me again, assume I got knocked on the block for my efforts.

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Well LOve is a wonerful thing and strange enough sometime it got to do with the balls we hold between our legs .

anyway here my story .

;ast years about 3-4 month ago during my oct birthday . i had a small party at one of the Karaoke party resturant in bangkok which i book a VIp room that allow about 50 guest .

one of my friends firends bring a Wonder girl to my Party .

i got her phone number on that day and the following morning i ask her out for lunch , and that night for movie .

and on the 6th days i ask her to be my wife .

now we are already Happily married for 28 days .

took us about 2 plus month to go over a thai style wedding inviting about 800 guest and also sending all the invation cards out in PERSON .. to 60 % of her relative all over thailand .

there is NO best GIFT . If you just want to be with someone you need to try to Impress with Object , just be Yourself

love is being able to be yourself and face the Truth of the out come ,

to be brave about what you want is the vaue of love .

not some fancy wrapping paper which you think you can BUY with Money.


sometime love is to know that the person you love is happy and it does not matter if she is with you anot .

. anyway if you need help -

i am now offering my personal . 3 month express experience to marry a thai girl for you at a

Discount rate of

99 USD per 10 min block . you can call me at 1900-sweetsecret

ahem .. PM me if yo are serious . whahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahaha

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mmmmm, this is really getting serious, the guy admitted he has an electronic fetish, and enjoys toys with batteries, also that he wants to know how much her little sony costs...

Also he states that she is wearing a " company jacket" .... This must be another turn on for him..Also he has to stop his motorbike at the side of the road because of the fantasies he has got about her. I am afraid he is just going banana`s. :D

It must be hard to not be able to express yourself in a foreign language (believe me, i know) but for this guy with all these issues....it must be even harder. My friend the shrink tells me that a lot of people who used to streak, didnot just want attention, but also were not able to express themselves in any other way. :D

Is not there a way we can try to warn this probably innocent little beautiful creature wearing a company jacket and selling her little sony`s ????

One of these days this guy is not just going to stop his motorcycle at the side of the road because of his fanatsies , but i think ( and so does my friend the shrink) that he will strip and drive straight into the place she is earning her living ......... :o

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some things should be kept as a fantasy. just because your 'loins ache' when you see her doesnt mean you have to have sex with the girl.

has anyone considered that the girl may not even be interested in him?

just because a man is interested in a woman doesnt mean that she is obliged to be interested in him. and after all this talk, i would cack myself laughing if she said no.

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some things should be kept as a fantasy. just because your 'loins ache' when you see her doesnt mean you have to have sex with the girl.

No, of course not. But you do have to try. :o

has anyone considered that the girl may not even be interested in him?

just because a man is interested in a woman doesnt mean that she is obliged to be interested in him.

I think the OP himself understands that perfectly well, and indeed, for exactly that reason has asked the question of what he might be able to do to get her interested in him.

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Well LOve is a wonerful thing and strange enough sometime it got to do with the balls we hold between our legs .

. anyway if you need help -

i am now offering my personal . 3 month express experience to marry sleep with a thai girl for you at a

Discount rate of

99 USD per 10 min block . you can call me at 1900-sweetsecret

ahem .. PM me if yo are serious . whahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahaha

Well there you go ShortTimer,you can hook up with this guy for serious advice.

Donna there is the very real and frightening possibilty that with all the great advice he's had from TV members she'll say yes.

Now that's scary.

Edited by Momo8
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