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Oh this is funny.

  First of all, to other religions, mormons are not considered christians.

  So why all the mormon jokes on this thread?

    I was one of those mormons on the bikes, and trust me, those guys are very fit. You would be lucky to have your teeth to eat a lunch after knoking one down. Oh sure, they technically should not re-arange your face, but technically you should not be knocking them down either....  Especially over an imature emotion like religious prejudism.

  These young guys are under a lot of stress. Imagine getting uprooted from all you know, and stuck in some country you know nothing about, away from friends and family. The physcological trauma trully is quite large. You knock the wrong guy off at the wrong time, you may see a docile morman misionary turn into a angry bull.

  Now for me, my life has changed since those days of me being on a bike. I now see how a person could feel that christians and other missionaries are out to kill a culture or to force their beliefs on others. I don't agree upon it. My wife is budhist, I wouldn't have it any other way... Love her just the way she is. 

  But I can tell you, that killing a culture is far from a 19 yrs old mormon missionaries intent.  Just getting by day by day is hard enough. They do not live a life of luxury. 

  When you think they are a target for you impulsive rude behavior, ask yourself what you were doing at age 19.  Were you giving yourself up to a cause, a belief? Did you give up 2 years of your life and 10,000$ when you were 19? Would you have, will you ever? 

I respect monks, and preachers etc.  To give up so much based on faith, for a god they have never seen....  Wow, I can't even imagine the amount of faith they must to have.  Logical or illogical as it is... I still respect them.

  Please excuse me for the preaching

The missionaries are admirable in the way a suicide bomber is admirable. They are extremely passionate about their beliefs, no matter how misguided they may be.

Stroll, I agree with you. I feel that their tactics are too agressive.

My theory is, if a person is not hungry, no matter what I offer from a juicy stake to the best watermellon, the person is still not hungry. I should not try to force the person to eat....

I also should not form an opinion, that the person that refused my food, goods or message, is a bad person.... They just aint hungry... No big deal

take care

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I read the book "A brief history of Thailand" (not so brief!). It mentions an early Suko Thai King (5/600 years ago - can't remember the name and book's at home - I may quote directly later). This king had a gevernor who was from Turkey I think (whatever) and he was a Muslim. The King had suggested a chance that he would turn to Islam, and the governor did much to control and establish foreign trade. The King led the governor on until eventually the King needed him no more; at this point the Islam classes etc that was being given his family were stopped. The King used the missionary using a corrot-on-a-stick and and threw out the carrot when he no longer needed the donkey.

Throughout history Thialand has used missionaries and visiting diplomats and pitted them against each other. King Monkut did this to a fine art - it was this that saved Siam from colonialism (a great/wise king indeed).

I thnik there is little danger of Buddhism being replaced by any other religion. Sure some may convert - some do to Isalm in the South. Some migrate and bring religion with them. However, it makes little difference in a country with such a large following of a single religion.

The hill tribes are in more 'danger' of loosing their traditional beliefs. These people are often easily 'bought' and less likely to be protected by the government (they are usually Animist).

I have always thought that because the Rama Dynasty is Buddhist, then preaching Christianity in Thailand should be viewed as a serious no-no.

And Muslim????????????????????????

If I knock one off a bike will you buy me dinner????????????????

Personaly an agnostic, but do not see the big deal. Here come the christians, booooo, better watch out, boooo.

After all, it's the muslims that kill you if you don't convert.

Here's an idea. If you see a mormon missionary, why don't you take him to lunch?

At nana plaza. :D

Well, well, well......SoCal, you were writing in another thread that you don't have hatred towards any group, race, etc. The stuff you wrote here shows what a pathetic lier and a racist of a person you are.

So you are anti-Muslim, eh ? Admit it....your despise does not seem to be just for 'Islamist extremists' or even 'Islamists', but 'Muslims' in general, according to what I can read.

Fool, how many Muslims have you met in life ? I am agnostic but I have many Muslim friends.....none of them would fit the stereotype you have about Muslims. Almost all of those friends of mine are fully against fundamentalism. Some of them sometimes enjoy a beer or two with me.

Of course you would probably argue that they are not really Muslims.....I wish you could tell it to them then...they claim to be Muslims.

You are one of those people who like to lump people together in certain sterotypes and then vent your hatred towards them ! Pathetic !

Shame on you !



You certainly don't know me, but you seem to like to follow me around and call me names (bigot, racist, etc.)

Did I fukc your significant other? If so, please accept my appologies.

I don't know what country you come from, but you seem to have a hard time grasping sarcasm. While being the lowest form of humor, it is my prefered, and perhaps a personal default.

Gee, you have muslim friends? What do you want a humanitarian award?

As for me, I have read the Koran, and I am widely traveled (business) in the M.E. Believe it or not, really don't care, as your acquaintance is one I would rather not make.

I don't know if you ever read the news, but you can point to several areas of the world where there is a significant muslim population, and those who are of a different belief are exterminated. The Koran itself says that non muslims should be exterminated.

It doesn't matter that you, or I, have friends who are muslims, this is an edict of their religion.

In closing, here's an idea. How about you stop following me around, and calling me names?

Thank you for your time and attention on this matter. Kindly kiss my arse on your way out. :o


SoCal......gees, you are more pathetic than I thought you were !

I think your last post has made it clear to all how idiotic, disrespectful and hateful you are ! I am sure all the humanists of this forum have realised what type of a person you are !


SoCal......gees, you are more pathetic than I thought you were !

I think your last post has made it clear to all how idiotic, disrespectful and hateful you are ! I am sure all the humanists of this forum have realised what type of a person you are !


Why do you follow me around?

Personal mission?

Think what you want about me Jem. Really can care less about your opinion.

Now, why don't you go diddle yourself, and leave me alone. :o

Now after Kwiz revealed all about Christianity, are you wanting to share your 'insights' into the true nature of Islam, SoCal? :o


Are you trying to dig me a pit with the balding homosexual? :D

Yep, did some research. Was it Machiavelli who said know thy enemy? I think he also said keep your enemies close, but after researching Jem, I'll take a pass. :D

Answer any question you may have on my views over in the pit you strudel eater. :D:D

PS- used to think it was a great religion. That is until I got a 747 rammed up my arse (pss- Jem would like), and saw the reactions of the world's muslims, and the comments of my muslim business partners. Now the Budhist route seems to be a better route.

Christians have started to Charter Whole Plane Loads of Christians to come to Thailand to harrass the Thai people to become Christians.

Funny, over the past 25 years I have never seen an airplane full of Christians coming to visit Thialand for any reason, certainly not vene half an airplace coming over for the purpose of harassing Thai nationals to convert.

I have met many a Christian missionary. Why those Mormons, and Isee Mormons as just another Christian sect, have been pedalling their bicycles around Chiang Mai for decades. They seem to be pretty decent folks. And I have even met one Thai Mormon. Why they continue to pedal around despite having made few if any converts over the past two decades is beyoind me, but they certainly never harass people.

I have met some pretty darn obnoxious and overly zealous missionaries of the Protestant sect persusion. They mostly aim there efforts upin the hills. Can't say I have a lot of respect for most although I have met a few decent ones. I never see them spending much effort trying to convert ethnic Thais but they do try hard on the hill folks, especially the down and out Akha. They seem to do some good in a few of the Akha villages. But I also know that not all of the "hilltribe orphans" are without parents and I have doubts that removing the kids from their familes to temporary lodgings and calling then orphanges where Christians from the US and Europe can volunteer time for a few weeks or donate dollars, does anyone much good and, on the contrary, can actually harm the kids future once they are too old to stick around.

Surprisingly, some of the nicest and most realistic missionaries I have met up in the hills are the older Catholic guys who have been around for decades. They just seem to be happy to tend to their local parishoner's basic needs without needing to call up fire and brimstone scenarios. My favorite was this old Basque guy who had been around since the 1960s. We would have a great time trying to communicate in my then burgeoning Thai coupled with my schoolboy French and usally resorting to a English soeaking Karen as an intermediary.

The worst are not the Farang missionaries but the crazy Thai Protestants who have been converted. They take their Thai animism and combine it with fundamentalist Christianity and the result is terrifying for those who come in contact with them.


Just ignore this thread.. this is yet another stroll thread.. I just had some fun with the troller behind it coz what ever or wherever I say something.. it go and hit the same chair irrespective of the name he uses here.

I have met the real gemgem before. He left Thailand to his home country last December. This guy has now seems to have hijacked his name too..

Gem is a nice gentleman and if I remember correct he is Italian.

Troller himself admitted as the creator of this forum.. So what else.. :o

:D:o and I will take over your identity next, Kwiz! You are too intelligent, you've realised I trolled my own posts as Jemjem and SoCal, 2 more of my user names. :D
Now after Kwiz revealed all about Christianity, are you wanting to share your 'insights' into the true nature of Islam, SoCal? :o


Are you trying to dig me a pit with the balding homosexual? :D

Yep, did some research. Was it Machiavelli who said know thy enemy? I think he also said keep your enemies close, but after researching Jem, I'll take a pass. :wub:

Answer any question you may have on my views over in the pit you strudel eater. :D:D

PS- used to think it was a great religion. That is until I got a 747 rammed up my arse (pss- Jem would like), and saw the reactions of the world's muslims, and the comments of my muslim business partners. Now the Budhist route seems to be a better route.

Take whichever route you want....I don't care.

Don't feel flattered that I am just picking on you here. I just don't like bigots offending others (and doing that mostly by writing inaccurate stuff and stupid generalisations).

As others can see from your posts intended for me that you have attacked me personally in a rude manner. I won't sink down to your level but will stay as relevant as possible to the discussion.

You wrote that Islam used to be a great religion....well, I definitely don't agree...in my opinion, no religion is great...they are like fairy tales. As Marx said, religion is like morhpine to people. And then you write something like all the Muslim people you know reacted to 9-11 as something to be happy about...........hmmm, funny that almost all the Muslim people I know reacted to it with horror and said that this was a disgraceful and horrible act, which had nothing to do with religion.

Muslim people (well most of them...there is of course the violent tiny minority) are just like others, with their good and bad traits.....okay, I don't understand why they choose to believe in a fairy-tale stuff called religion but then again some people believe in ghosts, don't they ? :D )

Now, I shall leave you in peace with your bigoted views and thoughts.


I have met the real gemgem before. He left Thailand to his home country last December. This guy has now seems to have hijacked his name too..

Hey, Kwiz, don't worry......no one has hijacked my user name. If you had followed my posts from the beginning, you could see that I always have the mission to fight bigots of this forum. And, in this thread, I am doing pretty much the same. I am even showing care not to use any offensive words, unlike SoCal and some others.

Cheers man,



Sorry, just had to jump in and correct an often used misquote from the Koran:

The Koran itself says that non muslims should be exterminated.

It does not directly say this at all. What it does say that during times of war with infedels, the infedels (as enermies) should be killed. Of course the fanatics may say they are always at war, but that is their view, not that of the Koran. Anyone that puts their mind to it can twist even the wisest words into gibberish that follows their insanity. Why are most of the suicide bombers uneducated and barely literate? - after all Islam has a good share of professors, doctors and very educated, intelligent people. This is because the 'thinkers' read the Koran and understand what it is saying, the uneduacted poor are easy to rile and easy to preach gibberish to.

Just ignore this thread.. this is yet another stroll thread.. I just had some fun with the troller behind it coz what ever or wherever I say something.. it go and hit the same chair irrespective of the name he uses here.

I have met the real gemgem before. He left Thailand to his home country last December. This guy has now seems to have hijacked his name too..

Gem is a nice gentleman and if I remember correct he is Italian.

Troller himself admitted as the creator of this forum.. So what else.. :D

Kwiz , report yourself to the nearest mental hospital.

You going over the edge my man ??? :o:D

When drinking beer, never talk politics or religion my dad always said.

Or Football as they call it here in the UK,Many a fight about Soccer :o

When drinking beer, never talk politics or religion my dad always said.

Or Football as they call it here in the UK,Many a fight about Soccer :o

It is football, Even the association is called FIFA, second 'F' for football, not sucker.

For non-believers

Football you!


I have met the real gemgem before. He left Thailand to his home country last December. This guy has now seems to have hijacked his name too..

Hey, Kwiz, don't worry......no one has hijacked my user name. If you had followed my posts from the beginning, you could see that I always have the mission to fight bigots of this forum. And, in this thread, I am doing pretty much the same. I am even showing care not to use any offensive words, unlike SoCal and some others.

Cheers man,


Yeah, nothing offensive about racist and biggot.

Blessed are the meat eaters, for they shall be the judges of the forum. :o

Take whichever route you want....I don't care.

Don't feel flattered that I am just picking on you here. I just don't like bigots offending others (and doing that mostly by writing inaccurate stuff and stupid generalisations).

As others can see from your posts intended for me that you have attacked me personally in a rude manner. I won't sink down to your level but will stay as relevant as possible to the discussion.

You wrote that Islam used to be a great religion....well, I definitely don't agree...in my opinion, no religion is great...they are like fairy tales. As Marx said, religion is like morhpine to people. And then you write something like all the Muslim people you know reacted to 9-11 as something to be happy about...........hmmm, funny that almost all the Muslim people I know reacted to it with horror and said that this was a disgraceful and horrible act, which had nothing to do with religion.

Muslim people (well most of them...there is of course the violent tiny minority) are just like others, with their good and bad traits.....okay, I don't understand why they choose to believe in a fairy-tale stuff called religion but then again some people believe in ghosts, don't they ? :D )

Now, I shall leave you in peace with your bigoted views and thoughts.


Hey Jem,

You came after me first. :o Let's not go changing history.

As for the rest of your drivel, you don't know me, and I really don't care what you think.

Flattered by you. Hardly. Mildly annoyed a little. Like a pesky fly.

You obviously have no understanding of sarcasm, but if you keep comming back I will spoon feed it to you until you figure it out.

So go away now you pesky trollup. :D

That might cure him for all time :o

Now, now Dr. Ping Pong, let's not have any "anti-Christian" sentiment, even if Mormons aren't Christians. You've been warned. :D

"Christian priests are well known for underage sex" kwiz117

False, Catholic priests are and, like Mormonism, Catholicism is not Christianity.


Not knowing you, one has to go by what you write, SoCal. And I agree with Jemjem that some of your posts do seem to cry out for someone to put the record straight. It is not my ambition to be anybody's cybernanny, though.

Hey Jem,

You came after me first. :o Let's not go changing history.

As for the rest of your drivel, you don't know me, and I really don't care what you think.

Flattered by you. Hardly. Mildly annoyed a little. Like a pesky fly.

You obviously have no understanding of sarcasm, but if you keep comming back I will spoon feed it to you until you figure it out.

So go away now you pesky trollup. :D

Hmmm......I see that you have written nothing regarding my latest arguments about religion....if you don't put forward any counter-arguments, I guess it probably means you agree with what I have written.





If your (general you, not anyone specific) religious beliefs give you peace, then good for you. It takes a lot of strength to be happy living without such comforts, and I don't demand it of anyone. But please, please, please stop harassing other people with it politically or personally.

how wrong this is :o

I do find that it takes a lot more heart's strength to say "I have faith" (in any religion) than to live believing in molecule stuffs ...

it's so comfortable to reduce the world to human knowledge and other science related stuffs, specially facing a wave of agnostics ...

I do not attack anyone, just a simple fact for me and a load of others :D

do you feel harassed by (religions) believers?

what's your problem with beliefs?

does it disturb you to hear " I believe in ... "

tell us ... seems interesting to talk about :D



When drinking beer, never talk politics or religion my dad always said.

Or Football as they call it here in the UK,Many a fight about Soccer :o

It is football, Even the association is called FIFA, second 'F' for football, not sucker.

For non-believers

Football you!

Yeah, not sucker :D

I have proposition for Americans to see difference between football and "football". Why don't call american one just eggball? :D

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