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America Votes


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The polls will be opening soon for a very important set of Primary races. When Tuesday's votes are counted, it may be all but over for Hillary Clinton; and the Democratic Party will almost certainly be nominating Barack Obama for President. It warms my heart to see the two of them tearing at each other, so I hope these primaries leave the race still open! :D

I'll acknowledge up front that my favorite candidate, way back when the track was full of them, was Rudi Giulliani. Next in line for me was the guy who will be the Republican nominee, John McCain. Now let me add that neither of them is the person that I wish was in the race. That would be General Colin Powell, who, of course, doesn't want any part of the office ... or, at least, his wife doesn't.

So, here we are, with John McCain opposing two people who both scare the he*l out of me as possible occupants of the Oval Office. Neither of them has a clue about what to do about the Iraq situation. Either of them would try to implement programs that would dump our tax dollars into the sinkhole of entitlements to people who will not contribute to the nation's economy, while disincentivizing businesses from acheiving the growth that can get the economy back on its' feet. :D

Obama says he'll pull our troops out of Iraq next year. And leave WHAT, exactly, you idiot?! He suggests simply abandoning the people of Iraq, who are struggling to get back on their feet, with the help and protection of Americans being the only barrier between that goal, and a return to the hel_l from which they are being raised now. Yes, I am well aware that our reasons for invading Iraq were not entirely altruistic. Of course there were American economic interests included in the reasons for that action. So? This world is now very much a global economy. America, and every other country that can do so, must protect the assets that are a major element of her economy. But, that said, there IS a very real human issue to consider here. The Iraqi infrastructure was wiped out when Hussein was removed. The Iraqi people need help to get some stability back into their country. It would be just plain wrong to walk away from the mess that America created, and leave the people in a state of virtual anarchy. :D

As for Hillary, who knows what she proposes to do. She won't tell anybody! :D

Ok. That's my 2 cents to open discussion. Anybody want to add to, or argue with my opinions? I've read enough in other threads to know that there may be "some" disagreement among you! :D:o

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Iraq -- it was a mistake, there is no such thing as winning there, the big winner is Iran, the only thing the US can do is minimize the damage

Taxes -- the idea is to raise taxes on the rich, ease taxes on the poor, deal with it

Health care -- the US has the worst access to health care in the developed world, anyone who opposes reform should be ashamed, this is a national disgrace, you seem to care more about Iraqis than Americans!!!!!!!!!!

Clinton v. Obama -- Clinton has been much more specific about everything, Obama is all about feelings, and his bubble is about to burst

McCain -- sacrificial lamb of a losing year, you can't run on a Bush platform, Bush is HATED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Jingthing
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