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Cheap Charlies?


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You don't know much about local markets and eating places, do you ?

No, but give me a couple of more years and I'll find them. I've been going to 20baht places and having 'pi set' for 30 baht. Does that make me Flash Harry , I wonder? :o Or is it just that I'm a growing lad? :D

A couple of more years to find the local markets... That makes you a sloth :D

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You do not have to be Amish to live simply. I got so thrifty raising six children and a stay-home wife that I got used to ground beef and cheap rooms. I still manage to spend all my pensions by the end of each year, but I do not splurge. I still ride the bike I bought in 2003. That makes it easier to have a 250 baht dinner when I feel like it. Cheap Charlie, no. Thrifty on most items, yes.

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what is the opposite derogatory term to "cheap charlie"? I can think of one that has the initials "A.A.", but won't say it here!!!!!!!

The only one I can think of is Flash Harry, and to save you the time I googled it .

"Flash Harry is the Cockney spiv character in the St. Trinian's movies. ... "Flash Harry" was played by George Cole in the first four St Trinian's movies ** "

P.S. If you don't know the term 'Cockney Spiv' , then you'll have to seach by yourself, or I'll be here all day!

** Classics!!! :o


Love "Minder" - so I just searched to download St Trinian - depending on TOT should have them this week

And with 'er indoors away for a while, I'll have time to watch them

(Tewwee? Tewwee?)

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What right has anybody to decide who is a cheap charlie or not.because someone is living in thailand on 10,000 a week doesnt mean he hasnt got plenty of money.

better not get banned again,have to be nice now lol

10,000 baht a WEEK sounds quite reasonable by Thai standards! Now, if it was 10k a MONTH then that would be impressive (in terms of the economy achieved, whether you wanted to live like that is another question)

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Is CM full of American philistines who can't stomach the delicious local food?

Big cities in the U.S. have delicious ethnic restauraunts from all over the world and many Americans gave gotten used to not being stuck with only one cuisine. Frankly, after a few years, we get bored with eating the same Thai dishes over and over! :o

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I am glad to see this topic. For some time now I have had a pet peeve about some of the postings on TV.com

I have wanted to post about the opposite to 'cheap charlies' - people with money who think that poorer (or cheaper) people have no right to be here.

I remember one post, someone was saying that given the air prices in Thailand, there was not only "no reason for anyone" not to fly Cm-BKK (as opposed to the bus), but there was actually "no reason" for anyone not to fly first class.

And those who condemn people who fight being ripped off for 20 baht (in restaurants etc...) - what planet are you from. Do you just accept theft as a normal part of being farang?

And I remember one other post where someone actually said (or iimplied strongly), that unless someone is able to spend 30,000 baht a month, they shouldn't even be here.

There are too many people (retirees and others) here with just a bit too much money and attitude.

All us farang have a right to be here if the Thai government says so...

And we all have (by virtual of being alive) a right to live our life within our means, and to be careful about our futures (or not to be made to feel bad for not having as much money as some other person).

Just because someone can't plunk down 5 million on a house here does not mean that they are inferior or undeserving.

We all know that financial success is based on luck as much as anything else (just the luck of not being born in Thailand makes most of us here so much richer...). Smart creative hard-working people can suffer in poverty through no fault of their own. Dumb plodders can often strike it rich.

My guess is that those who criticize those poorer than them are not part of any wealthy elite, but rather just rich enough that they must feel they are better than others. Wealthy elite wannabees!

I am not going to be happy if someone overcharges me 20 baht. I will say something, and if I have a choice, I won't pay it.

That is true for five baht too. If someone charges me 15 baht for a coffee that is normally 10 baht, I say something, or I walk away!

I will bargain strongly for something if I feel it is too much. On the other hand, my favourite little joke to play on Thai market people is when they quote me some incredibly cheap price on something (eg.: 35 baht for a shirt etc...). Then I ask for a discount - offering them 34 baht. Invariably the fall apart laughing!

Cheap charlie that I am!!! Thanks for the opportunity for a pre-breakfast rant.


p.s. - what is the opposite derogatory term to "cheap charlie"? I can think of one that has the initials "A.A.", but won't say it here!!!!!!!

"And those who condemn people who fight being ripped off for 20 baht (in restaurants etc...) - what planet are you from. Do you just accept theft as a normal part of being farang?"

There is a big difference between people who complain about being ripped off for 20 Baht and cheap charlies.

Many people will fly first class and stay in 5 star hotels and still not be happy when it comes to being ripped off.

Folks who have money have the right to spend it in any way that they choose. Folk who don't have money don't get the choice. Simple as that.

I would be happy to pay 500 Baht for a decent lunch but would not be happy if the food, service etc ., is crap. Same with a 30 - 40 Baht meal, if it is good it's good (and would likely be value for the money) but if it's not it is the same as a crap 500 Baht meal.

To me a cheap charlie is some one who goes to a restaurant (with his/her own bottle of water) and sits there for several hours reading the free newspaper. And it happens quite frequently too.

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where should i start , whahaha here i go again on my trash post and reply .

Cheap or Best or Good is really just a very rough Measurment for what we really Want to FInd is VALUE Stuff .

how would i put it .

I am just 31 and had recently got married . about 1 month 33days ago ..

Let me rewind a little . i had travel around the asia mainly and had my parts of Spending or rather BUsted my cash on . the so call High & Lux life .. from bottle of wine which cost me 2000 usd which i don't even know what it name to a Kobe beef lunch that almost Ended my 3 month plan to stay in japan after arriving in japan for 5 days .

Crazy party that easily burn up 400-500 usd a night .

But i tell you . The best Food i had so far . is really a Simple Bowl of rice freshly cooked . and a fry egg. on the border of Laos when i am crossing to china . cost me about 500 kips ( about 4-5 baht i think ) but that not the point .

Alot of the expensive high places had not been able to provide really nice food . in chiangmai . don't get me wrong here .

Maybe a tasty chicken or some nice rich . but seldom is really really fresh frozzer stuff i call it .

10 baht food . not all 10 baht food is nice . but at chang puek there is one store that sell really nice . cow mok kai . ( Yellow herbal chicken rice ) is the Bets value 10 baht Food i ate so far. is Freshly cooked . usually smoking warm . eat at the shop is best .

i personally love japanese food . and i think alot of the major place like fuji , oishi , sell really lousy japanses food . there are just for show .. There is a Japanese food shop call " Sakura " near thapae there make very nice Curry rice . not expensive . about 50 baht i think . and it taste 100 % better then the Burry rice i had in a japanese resturant in silom that cost me 280 baht .


Well the Term Cheap is very suggestive . you have to Put a scale on it ..

Spending Wisely . and pure Stupidity At time is a fine line .

Spending 10 times the price for a simple meal . don't make that person having better judgement on foods or item .

I now enjoy alot eating with my family and i usually is the one cooking the meal . my wife handle the dishes .

Maybe i getting more busy then i am after getting married but here what i got to say

IS not how Much you spend on your Food

Is not how Stylish your food is

Is not How nice the Bowl or plate is

IS not where you eat

Is not what brand is it

IS not how nice it look on adsvertisment

Is not even Who cook it

It all boil down to 2 thing .

Is who you eat it with and how it Taste

Good luck . if anyone droping by Bangkok . Give me a halo .

i still enjoy food hunting at some weird place .. droven out of bangkok last week end for about 150km for my dinner .. Fresh water prawn grill with garlic . and chilli paste . very nice

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I typed it into google, and it only returned hits from Thailand. So it must be local sexpat slang, is it not?

Hub of Cheap Charlies ! :o

Personally I don't 'get off' on wasting money, possibly due to my Scottish ancestry, but still manage to spend a small fortune on home/wife/kids every year, does that dis-qualify me ?

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wasn't cheap charly what you were called when you refused to spend more on drinks and ... in a bar ! :o

I guess the expression has been expanded to other purposes.

If you accept a drink, a favor, anything and you do not return it in any manner ... you'll be a 'cheap charly' and it is justified. Taking advantage is the probably the motto of the cheap charly. :D

I don't think it has anything to do with income level, it's a question of attitude. :D

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Just to clarify the origin of the term "Cheap Charlie"

Forget wikipedia, et al- they don't have a clue.

There is a much deeper meaning, based on Saigon bargirl slang of the 1960's and 70's.

Here are a few key phrases for those of you who are struggling with this term:

" You Numbah 10 cheap chah-lee"

"You buttah-fly boy"

"You Numbah 10 dinkie-dow"

I won't go into the nuance and exact meaning of this phrase, but it is certainly more than a term for a cheapskate. You are welcome to divine your own meaning from the cryptic phrases listed above.... :o

PS I have visited Cheap Charlie's bar on Suk Soi 11 many times. Pay for your drinks up front, no bar tab or credit, and great prices! Lots of long time local expats are regulars.

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PS I have visited Cheap Charlie's bar on Suk Soi 11 many times. Pay for your drinks up front, no bar tab or credit, and great prices! Lots of long time local expats are regulars.

The one and only time I went in there was in the middle of hot season back in 1990 when they had a big sign out front that read,


I went in and ordered an ice cold Coke, gulped it down and asked for the bill.

They tried to charge me 20 baht and when I refered to the sign out front, they made me show it to them and then called me, "kini ow", but I only paid 10 baht! :o

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I typed it into google, and it only returned hits from Thailand. So it must be local sexpat slang, is it not?

Hub of Cheap Charlies ! :o

Personally I don't 'get off' on wasting money, possibly due to my Scottish ancestry, but still manage to spend a small fortune on home/wife/kids every year, does that dis-qualify me ?

It’s really nothing to do with being a Cheap Charlie – it’s more a question of being able to recognize value for money spent. You don’t have to be rich or poor to have this skill. Those that don’t have this ability often presume that if it’s expensive “it must be good”, of course that is not necessarily true.

My words of wisdom for the month!!

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There certainly is more of an inclination to watch your spending when you are on a fixed income, doubly so if your income source has been significantly devalued.

Those who are truly retired, have no employment and thus devote their time to hobbies and other pursuits, one of which may well be close managing of ones spending. Busy people with salaries or vacationers don't often have the time to closely monitor their spending, unless they are indeed a "cheap Charlie". A recent tourist I encountered actually tried to get a discount from a Song Tel.(sp).

I manage my spending now, as I managed businesses in the past. If I can order directly from the manufacturer, a case or two of noodles that are eaten almost every day in my household and save 25% in doing so, I do it with glee. Particularly if it is a somewhat exotic or often "out of stock" at local stores.

I buy my bread directly from an Italian Bread Maker because it is most often "out of stock" at local stores and I save 30% by doing so. Granted, if you have an aversion to eating bread after it has been frozen, this is not for you.

What I hold in low esteem are those who blatantly go to restaurants where the prices are high and then through slow check grabbing or complaining to management, attempt to lessen the financial cost of the visit.

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This topic could go in many directions. When I first saw it here were my thoughts.

Many times on TV someone will ask a question referring to housing, schools, food etc. They are very specific, as in I am looking for a good house with a full proper western kitchen, air con throughout, in a nice convienant neighborhood etc. You have many people who start replying with comments about you should not pay more then $......, you can get houses for 5,000 baht etc. No respect for what the person is seeking just price opinions.

Same with food, no matter where the discussioon starts (as the OP points out) it quickly goes to posts about not paying more then 80 baht for a proper breakfast.

People have different budgets and different desires. If I am seeking a good recommendation on fine french cousine, I really don't have any desire to hear I should be eating Pad Kraw pow for 20 baht. Nor vice versa. If i am asking for places to find an apartment for 3000 per month I don't want to hear I must spend 10,000 to get anything decent.

So I too wonder why it so often goes to cheap price discussions when that is not the topic.

As for "Cheap charlie" to me that is stingy, very stingy, which has nothing what so ever to do with your income. Its a bad attitude!

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This topic could go in many directions. When I first saw it here were my thoughts.

Many times on TV someone will ask a question referring to housing, schools, food etc. They are very specific, as in I am looking for a good house with a full proper western kitchen, air con throughout, in a nice convienant neighborhood etc. You have many people who start replying with comments about you should not pay more then $......, you can get houses for 5,000 baht etc. No respect for what the person is seeking just price opinions.

Same with food, no matter where the discussioon starts (as the OP points out) it quickly goes to posts about not paying more then 80 baht for a proper breakfast.

People have different budgets and different desires. If I am seeking a good recommendation on fine french cousine, I really don't have any desire to hear I should be eating Pad Kraw pow for 20 baht. Nor vice versa. If i am asking for places to find an apartment for 3000 per month I don't want to hear I must spend 10,000 to get anything decent.

So I too wonder why it so often goes to cheap price discussions when that is not the topic.

As for "Cheap charlie" to me that is stingy, very stingy, which has nothing what so ever to do with your income. Its a bad attitude!

You hit the nail on the head, there. All the replies about thriftness and budgets were interesting but as far as I know a Cheap Charlie is eaxactly as you said - very stingy, irrespective of financial status.

The post by UG about Cheap Charlies bar in Bangkok was interesting and amusing. They were actaually testing out whether people would be prepared to argue over 10 baht for a very cheap ice cold coke, and risk losing face over it. The answer of course is 'yes'.

Maybe they were, not so subtly, high-lighting how farangs don't mind losing face even over a small amount. Probably because we don't have the concept. We're more interested in being right.

I don't know why, but it seems to me that people change when they come to stay in Thailand. I never noticed the same obsessiveness about price back home. Different bars charged different prices , as did the restaurants and stores . Here, if somewhere is more expensive than the bamboo hut in the village then it's perceived by some as being a tourist rip-off. They understood that the bar downtown had much higher costs and was going to be more expensive than their local ,and accepted it. Somehow, that gets forgotten when they move here. The most amusing statement I hear over here is

'60 baht for a small Singha!!! I can get a big one for that in my village!!'

I can recall a customer asking a Thai waiter whether he ever paid 60 baht for a small Singha, to which he replied ' It depends where I go . I pay 100 baht at Bubbles!!' Classic. :D

Did any of these guys ever loudly question the prices in a bar back home, I wonder? :o

I'm not a psychologist, but I think that the reason for this behaviour is somehow related to the fact that there is a system of bargaining for prices here. Somehow, for some people, it creates the feeling of being taken for a fool if they pay a higher price than someone/somewhere else, and leaves them with the feeling of being ripped off all the time. That's my theory.

As for the price of Thai food... my biggest complaint in some places is of being under-charged. Not literally. It's just that more often than not I feel that the price charged is insufficient for the excellent food served. I am in no way well off, but to me the price at most small restaurants is insignificant. I wouldn't notice if I was over-charged because the amount is small anyway. If we go for Khao Soi, have one for the wife, pii set for me, of course, some Satay, and maybe takeaway for the kids and a couple of soft drinks I suppose it would be around 200 baht. 250 maybe? That's the best Khao Soi in Chiang Mai, too. :D

I'm not a frequent whiskey drinker, since I prefer beer, but one thing I could never do is have a half bottle of Sangsom behind the bar at any of the places I go. In fact I wouldn't even order Sangsom, even though I don't mind the taste. The reason is, that to a Thai, I would be showing them I am cheap. I would also be thinking that I should spend more in a half-empty bar, to help improve their takings in a small way. To sign my name on a bottle that is 3/4 empty to make sure no one takes a nip out of it before I return ....... why would anyone do that? .................

Cheap Charlie???? :D

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Example of a cheap charlie is I suppose, going into a restaurant asking for a cup of tea, then asking for free hot water refills about 3-4 times without ordering anything else.

Saw it happen once, thought it was pretty miserable behaviour.

Although I am sure someone will top this, with a customer who has brought their own teabag :o

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Example of a cheap charlie is I suppose, going into a restaurant asking for a cup of tea, then asking for free hot water refills about 3-4 times without ordering anything else.

Saw it happen once, thought it was pretty miserable behaviour.

Although I am sure someone will top this, with a customer who has brought their own teabag :o

OK, now I realize that I know a classic cheap charlie. He is an American multi-millionaire in dollars. I was visiting him at the guesthouse he was staying which had a restaurant attached. In the mornings he would demand hot water in a cup (which he made it clear he would not pay for). Then he would use his own tea bags to make tea and purchased no other food for breakfast, and did not tip even one baht. The same place could have sold him tea of course. While I refuse to label people CC's unless I know something about their financial situation, in his case, I will grant him the grand title.

Edited by Jingthing
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Not cheap just Budget minded tourist. Not all are rich like you. :o:D:D

Actually, it is classic Cheap Charlie behaviour. He would rather save money than save face.

Cheap Charlie is nothing to do with being budget-minded - it is about 'face'.

That's what the sign outside Cheap Charlie's bar in Bangkok is humorously trying to say. :D

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I am glad to see this topic. For some time now I have had a pet peeve about some of the postings on TV.com

I have wanted to post about the opposite to 'cheap charlies' - people with money who think that poorer (or cheaper) people have no right to be here.

I remember one post, someone was saying that given the air prices in Thailand, there was not only "no reason for anyone" not to fly Cm-BKK (as opposed to the bus), but there was actually "no reason" for anyone not to fly first class.

And those who condemn people who fight being ripped off for 20 baht (in restaurants etc...) - what planet are you from. Do you just accept theft as a normal part of being farang?

And I remember one other post where someone actually said (or iimplied strongly), that unless someone is able to spend 30,000 baht a month, they shouldn't even be here.

There are too many people (retirees and others) here with just a bit too much money and attitude.

All us farang have a right to be here if the Thai government says so...

And we all have (by virtual of being alive) a right to live our life within our means, and to be careful about our futures (or not to be made to feel bad for not having as much money as some other person).

Just because someone can't plunk down 5 million on a house here does not mean that they are inferior or undeserving.

We all know that financial success is based on luck as much as anything else (just the luck of not being born in Thailand makes most of us here so much richer...). Smart creative hard-working people can suffer in poverty through no fault of their own. Dumb plodders can often strike it rich.

My guess is that those who criticize those poorer than them are not part of any wealthy elite, but rather just rich enough that they must feel they are better than others. Wealthy elite wannabees!

I am not going to be happy if someone overcharges me 20 baht. I will say something, and if I have a choice, I won't pay it.

That is true for five baht too. If someone charges me 15 baht for a coffee that is normally 10 baht, I say something, or I walk away!

I will bargain strongly for something if I feel it is too much. On the other hand, my favourite little joke to play on Thai market people is when they quote me some incredibly cheap price on something (eg.: 35 baht for a shirt etc...). Then I ask for a discount - offering them 34 baht. Invariably the fall apart laughing!

Cheap charlie that I am!!! Thanks for the opportunity for a pre-breakfast rant.


p.s. - what is the opposite derogatory term to "cheap charlie"? I can think of one that has the initials "A.A.", but won't say it here!!!!!!!

Well said! Im gonna buy that man a beer :o

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I am glad to see this topic. For some time now I have had a pet peeve about some of the postings on TV.com

I have wanted to post about the opposite to 'cheap charlies' - people with money who think that poorer (or cheaper) people have no right to be here.

I remember one post, someone was saying that given the air prices in Thailand, there was not only "no reason for anyone" not to fly Cm-BKK (as opposed to the bus), but there was actually "no reason" for anyone not to fly first class.

And those who condemn people who fight being ripped off for 20 baht (in restaurants etc...) - what planet are you from. Do you just accept theft as a normal part of being farang?

And I remember one other post where someone actually said (or iimplied strongly), that unless someone is able to spend 30,000 baht a month, they shouldn't even be here.

There are too many people (retirees and others) here with just a bit too much money and attitude.

All us farang have a right to be here if the Thai government says so...

And we all have (by virtual of being alive) a right to live our life within our means, and to be careful about our futures (or not to be made to feel bad for not having as much money as some other person).

Just because someone can't plunk down 5 million on a house here does not mean that they are inferior or undeserving.

We all know that financial success is based on luck as much as anything else (just the luck of not being born in Thailand makes most of us here so much richer...). Smart creative hard-working people can suffer in poverty through no fault of their own. Dumb plodders can often strike it rich.

My guess is that those who criticize those poorer than them are not part of any wealthy elite, but rather just rich enough that they must feel they are better than others. Wealthy elite wannabees!

I am not going to be happy if someone overcharges me 20 baht. I will say something, and if I have a choice, I won't pay it.

That is true for five baht too. If someone charges me 15 baht for a coffee that is normally 10 baht, I say something, or I walk away!

I will bargain strongly for something if I feel it is too much. On the other hand, my favourite little joke to play on Thai market people is when they quote me some incredibly cheap price on something (eg.: 35 baht for a shirt etc...). Then I ask for a discount - offering them 34 baht. Invariably the fall apart laughing!

Cheap charlie that I am!!! Thanks for the opportunity for a pre-breakfast rant.


p.s. - what is the opposite derogatory term to "cheap charlie"? I can think of one that has the initials "A.A.", but won't say it here!!!!!!!

Well said! Im gonna buy that man a beer :o


I only buy myself Leo, but you can certainly buy me a Heineken!

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The post by UG about Cheap Charlies bar in Bangkok was interesting and amusing. They were actaually testing out whether people would be prepared to argue over 10 baht for a very cheap ice cold coke, and risk losing face over it. The answer of course is 'yes'.

We are talking about 1989.

Actually, they were trying to charge me double price and see if I was stupid enough to let them get away with it. The answer of course is no! :o

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I remember one post, someone was saying that given the air prices in Thailand, there was not only "no reason for anyone" not to fly Cm-BKK (as opposed to the bus), but there was actually "no reason" for anyone not to fly first class.

Air fare dynamics in Asia are very different from, elsewhere. In europe, you can often get a cheap economy seat say for 100 Euros yet a business class ticket on the same flight is maybe 600 Euros for virtually the same seat and a bigger sandwich! Whereas Thai to CNX from BKK the difference in fare between business and economy is very minimal, but you get a much better seat (same old sandwich though LOL). i.e Business class here is MUCH better value than in Euorope so, if you can afford it, why wouldn't you take it? Its not worth even thinking about it to save a thousand baht or so.

All us farang have a right to be here if the Thai government says so...

Firstly, I don't think any Farang has any rights to be here (or any other rights for that matter). We are all guests in someone elses country and should respect this, guests can be asked to leave at any time! The Thai's are here because they were born here, and for the majority, born poor. Most Farangs on the other hand, are here because they could afford to come here. I can't respect anyone who is here becuase its cheap living, and still try's to short change Thai people (i.e. the Classic Cheap Charlie).

From recent developments in Visa regulations, the quest for "high quality" tourists etc, the Thai Government is clearly becoming less welcoming of the Cheap Charlie brigade of long stay "tourists". Thats what the ever more restrictive visa regulations are designed to remove from this country. If you have the money to live here, its no problem to get a visa and Thailand welcomes you. If you are just here as an economic refugee from high cost Western countries then you are not welcome at all. My guess would be we'll see even stricter Visa regulations soon, with detailled proof of income and financial status required to get any visa (in exactly the same as European countries and the US demmand it of Thai's wanting a visa). That would strike a big blow against the Cheap Charlies.

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Thai to CNX from BKK the difference in fare between business and economy is very minimal, but you get a much better seat (same old sandwich though LOL). i.e Business class here is MUCH better value than in Euorope so, if you can afford it, why wouldn't you take it? Its not worth even thinking about it to save a thousand baht or so.

For me, a difference of a thousand baht or so for a one-hour flight is worth thinking about. Cheap charlie? I must confess I am not a very important rich person :o . I could afford it by why should I?

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First of all, there's a difference between being "stingy" [which I believe is implied by 'cheap charlie' though I'm not very familiar with bar slang so someone please correct me] and "just not having wads of money to throw around for fun".

Very rich people can be stingy.

Very poor people can be quite generous, given the circumstance, and you need not look further than many, many locals in Chiang Mai to see evidence of that.

Also, sometimes choosing a cheaper option for something can be good to not lose your connection with 'the common life' in Chiang Mai, which in my case was what attracted me to Thailand in the first place. Too many people end up spending more and more and become less and less in touch with their surroundings, then sometimes even become bitter even though they have loads of money to spend, but no happiness to buy.

Why do you think the rich people are rich?

Maybe because they have a lot of money.. :o

People with a lot of money can be very generous too. You just have to "open your mind" too be able to see that.

A lot of honest hard working people have been "rags to riches".. They progress forward by not being envious, being generous, and being kind to others. It's all karmic. :D

The liars, cheats and scammers may progress as well, but do the sleep well at night ?? I think not. Just have a look in their medicine cabinet for proof of that. It may appear (on the outside) that they have "good karma" for being thieves, but on the inside they are burning in their own hel_l.

It's all relative.

It's a real tragedy the whole world isn't filled with this------>post-31110-1205119126.gif

Edited by Austhaied
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First of all, there's a difference between being "stingy" [which I believe is implied by 'cheap charlie' though I'm not very familiar with bar slang so someone please correct me] and "just not having wads of money to throw around for fun".

Very rich people can be stingy.

Very poor people can be quite generous, given the circumstance, and you need not look further than many, many locals in Chiang Mai to see evidence of that.

Also, sometimes choosing a cheaper option for something can be good to not lose your connection with 'the common life' in Chiang Mai, which in my case was what attracted me to Thailand in the first place. Too many people end up spending more and more and become less and less in touch with their surroundings, then sometimes even become bitter even though they have loads of money to spend, but no happiness to buy.

Why do you think the rich people are rich?

Maybe because they have a lot of money.. :o

People with a lot of money can be very generous too. You just have to "open your mind" too be able to see that.

A lot of honest hard working people have been "rags to riches".. They progress forward by not being envious, being generous, and being kind to others. It's all karmic. :D

The liars, cheats and scammers may progress as well, but do the sleep well at night ?? I think not. Just have a look in their medicine cabinet for proof of that. It may appear (on the outside) that they have "good karma" for being thieves, but on the inside they are burning in their own hel_l.

It's all relative.

It's a real tragedy the whole world isn't filled with this------>post-31110-1205119126.gif

I think you don't get the point. If they not inhereted the money then they were very carfull with it in the first place. They start to become generous as soon as they understand they cannot take it with them to their "heaven".

Now you are "generalizing"..That's not very wise. Do you have proof of this ?? Or is it something you "cooked up" in your own mind ??

I never "started" to become generous..I was born that way. :D

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