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Any Updates On Penang Multiple Non-immb Situation?

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Hi, I'm an American teacher who has been invited by an NGO in Thailand to work part-time for pay, but mostly voluntarily, for a one-year period starting as soon as I can. I'm now in Bangkok on 30-day arrival.

I will only have an invitation letter from the NGO. It is not a full-time permanent job, so there is no work permit involved.

Has anyone out there gone to Penang very recently to get multiple non-imm B with just a letter? I have done so previously in other countries.

I've seen plenty of other Penang messages on this forum, many of them conflicting about whether the consulate is tough or accomodating, so I wanted to get an updated report.

Thank you, DJE

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You'll get a multiple if you have a WP, but with just a letter your chances are super slim to anorexic (sp?). Saying that I've got a chap that's going down on Monday who's been told by someone that end they'll be able to help him get a multiple.....I'll let you know how he gets on.

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You'll probably get a non immigrant visa for 90 days (with a letter), but you will need a work permit or something equivalent if you want to stay in Thailand for a year. Check with you GNO and find out what they can do for you and don't take a "maybe" as an answer; The immigration isn't joking anymore. Getting the work permit isn't as hard as extending visas without a work permit. As of July 10th, The immigration requires (private organisation) employers to remunerate foreign employees an minimum of 50,000 baht per month (for Europeen) and 60,000 baht for US. Don't ask me to explain; you should get as much information from the Immigration bureau before starting work. I've lost my last job because of that rule. Went back to teaching English for a government school for which the Immigration is willing to "bend the rule"...

Good luck !

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Well I thought you needed a WP for most work regardless of if you're being paid or not. The only school I'm aware of that manages to get past this is the British Council they have a special Visa so you don't need a WP and you don't have to pay tax! Do you think maybe this is what they're talking about?

The minimum wages don't apply to teachers at all, so no bending of rules, just no rules for teachers in regards to minimum wages. Even when they do apply it won't stop you getting a WP, but rather it won't allow Imm to extend your Visa for a year.

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Well I thought you needed a WP for most work regardless of if you're being paid or not. The only school I'm aware of that manages to get past this is the British Council they have a special Visa so you don't need a WP and you don't have to pay tax!

That is my understanding as well.

The British Council is under the embasys umbrella and different rules apply.

Heaven knows how real volunteers will manage with these new strict rules?

Perhaps Thailand no longer needs them??? :o

Edited by astral
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