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Where To Buy A Legal Copy Of Windows Xp?


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I'm in a position where i need to rebuild my machine very soon... as Microsoft don't seem to like my vista license situation as they seem to think its some kind of *cough* exploit *cough* :o

After using Vista since a week after it went live, i have to say I'm not that impressed and can see no real reason to stick with Vista over XP.

(I don't want this to become a vista bashing thread - thanks guys!)

So I've decided i will rebuild my machine with WinXP instead. This time, however, i want to do it properly and give M$ some ca$h and be fully legal. So i need to buy the license. I've got various *cough*back-up*cough* copies of WinXp which could be used as the install and then just update the license with the legal purchased one, so the ability to buy just the license online is an option. Would be nice to buy the box from somewhere in Bangkok but I'm worried i will be sold a dodgy copy as a 'real' one. Also, I'm not that fussed about having a Thai version, in fact i don't want the help menus etc to be in Thai anyway, which happens a lot with the *Pantip* versions of Windows.

So two questions really;

1) Where can i buy a real version of WinXp (retail, including box/cd's etc) in Bangkok?

2) Where can i buy a license for WinXP online so i can upgrade a dodgy copy to be fully legit/legal?

Thanks in Advance

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Wolfie, simply use one of your Cough Cough back up XP CD's. Once it is installed go to windows update site and dowload the windows genuine advantage tool. Use hte option to check if your copy is legal and if by chance it is a copy then use the resolve now option. You pay MS direct so cutting out the middle man and they give you a product key via email and send you a CD by post. Safe and easy. :o

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Wolfie, simply use one of your Cough Cough back up XP CD's. Once it is installed go to windows update site and dowload the windows genuine advantage tool. Use hte option to check if your copy is legal and if by chance it is a copy then use the resolve now option. You pay MS direct so cutting out the middle man and they give you a product key via email and send you a CD by post. Safe and easy. :o

Does this work with Vista ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wolfie, simply use one of your Cough Cough back up XP CD's. Once it is installed go to windows update site and dowload the windows genuine advantage tool. Use hte option to check if your copy is legal and if by chance it is a copy then use the resolve now option. You pay MS direct so cutting out the middle man and they give you a product key via email and send you a CD by post. Safe and easy. :o

Does this work with Vista ?

You can buy genuine copies of Vista and XP at Fortune at a couple of stores - saw it at Software Park and in the big IT store on the top floor (the one with all the name brand stuff, laptops, printers, scanners, desktops, mice - superstore I guess). Vista Starter Edition (the minimal version only available in countries where piracy is endemic) for just under 1800 baht. Didn't see an XP starter edition though, so the cheapest is one of the home editions at about 3700 baht. These are the OEM editions so will non-transferable to a new computer once activated.

How do these prices compare to the 'Windows Genuine Advantage' approach? I'll be needing to install and activate soon.

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What does a legal copy actually cost?

In the shop, the prices I quoted are for genuine OEM copies. Selling these without a new computer may or may not be illegal in Thailand (ask a Thai lawyer, not Microsoft. It is against the licencing agreement, but those things are often unenforable in many regions). So 1800 baht for Vista Starter though 3500 for entry level XP through to I think 10000 baht for vista premium (not sure about the high end). There are non OEM copies too, which is what Microsoft wants you to buy if you are not purchasing with a new computer. From your and my perspective, the difference is that OEM versions are locked to a particular computer when activated, but non-OEM versions can be transferred to different computers.

I have no idea about the price going through the 'genuine windows program' method someone mentioned earlier.

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  • 1 year later...


Wondows XP home, last time i checked, was 3,300 Baht. OEM Version, sold in a DVD-box along with a second disc that contains something with Thai language pack (maybe to transform XP into one with Thai menus? I never used that one).

These CAN be activated on another computer, too, i believe three activations max. Because i rebuild the admin machine at my office, new mainboard, CPU, RAM, HDD, DVD drive etc, basically the only bit left from the old one was the graphics card. Installed the very same XP Home OEM on it and it activated just fine.

However i could imagine that, when installed on two different computers, while probably both would activate the first one will get a "you are a pirate" kind of warning when attempting to run Windows Update (but i didn't try that as the first computer doesn't exist anymore, a power spike killed it).

And i guess selling the OEM ones must be legal here, judging by the way they are packed - along with the Thai language pack CD and the sticker with the serial number in a DVD box, this one i n an additional cardboard box. However there is no Microsoft support for these - if you buy a computer from me with such software on it and you have a problem with Windows, it's me who has to fix it, not Microsoft.

Best regards.....


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why not try Ubuntu 9.04

it is free

easy to install

updates are no hassle

a friendly easy to use desktop

all the software you need is available online for free

lots of help out there on the ubuntu forums

yes it is linux but you will be pleasantly surprised as i was 6 months ago when i switched

and if you do not want to install try the livecd without loading it onto your system

linux can be as difficult as you want it - if you want to stick to the GUI you can do

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Legit copies (box-sealed with license and everything) are available at most of the major IT stores in Thailand. The are also OEM license packs available for about half the cost of a consumer license. The major IT stores at Pantip and Forture have them as to Power Buy electronics outlets and some others.

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