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Ghost Story From Africa

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Subject: Ghost Story -

This true story happened in Soweto about a month ago.

A man was hitch hiking on a very dark night, in the middle of a storm. The night was rolling by and there was hardly a car on the road. The storm was so strong that he could hardly see his feet in front of him.

Suddenly a car came towards him and stopped. Without thinking, he got in and closed the door, just to realize that there was nobody behind the steering wheel. The car moved off slowly. He looked ahead and saw a curve in the road. Scared, he started praying, begging for his life. He was terrified. Just before hitting the curve a hand appeared through the window and turned the steering wheel.

The man, now paralysed with fear, watched how the hand kept appearing every time they got to a curve. Gathering all his courage, he jumped out and ran to the nearest lights he could see. Wet and in shock, he went into a shabeen and asked for a double brandy. After drinking it, he told everyone of the horrible experience he just had. Everyone was silent when they realized he was crying.

About a half an hour later, two men came walking into the shabeen and, on seeing the terrified man, the one said to the other, "Look, Mowetu, that's the idiot that got into the car when we were pushing it."

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