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Scb Hack Attack Claims Via Pattaya Based Account


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Warning, this may be a rumour, however, I've been advised that the police have taken 2 Thai individuals in to custody, on the basis that their account at SCB was used as a conduit for funds to be taken from other accounts, apparently from within the SCB internet banking system. They claim a foreigner {they were paid 10k to open account} was responsible for this by cracking accounts security, with funds going abroad {Russia?}, as well as access via ATM.

Any of the Pattaya news bunnies hear anything about this?


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In Sunday's Bangkok post, there was only a large photo of the Thai couple and

a brief caption portraying them as innocent puppets of the evil farang handler.

With translation programs almost anybody can read this stuff, I'll try and paste

it in and see what it says. Very quiet on the wires about all of this. :o

A-traveller: Let me preface this by saying I'm not a linguist but you seem to have

gotten the gist of it. Thai man and wife, working as barkeep staff in Pattaya, not only

did they open the account at SCB but also appear to have physically made withdrawals

and transfers of funds (they mention amounts of several million baht and fees paid to

the couple of a few hundred thousand) also mention of a foreign gang and info

leading to arrests but nothing specific. It's a very formally worded press release.

Edited by cali4995
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^ Thanks for that. As noted the silence is deafening. I'm also having problems accepting that a bank system could be quite so easily hacked these days, after all surely they're using hashing {so called one-way passwords} at the very least? An insider perhaps? If I had a SCB account I'd be scrutinising my transactions post haste.

By the by, what program/site do you recommend for on-line translation? I've never found anything for Thai which was half way effective.


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thai2english.com is one web-based site. you copy and paste thai text into

the larger window and it breaks it down word-by-word. as you pass your

cursor over each individual word/phrase it gives you popular meanings.

if you know the general context of the situation you can gather the main

ideas of the article. this piece in particular very difficult because while

being excessively wordy, it's also vague at the same time.

you almost always need 2-3 different news sources to correlate most of the

actual facts. i've already seen another article which quoted amounts up to

30 million being siphoned off. couldn't have been done without complicity.

translation is always a funny business. if you ever go see thai cinema, you

almost have to laugh at how much artistic license the subtitler's take from

the spoken word. try and play with it and see what you think.

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